Pancreatitis Remedies

| Modified on Jul 07, 2024
Posted by Cru (Ontario, Canada) on 11/26/2022


Do MCT's (medium-chain triglycerides) help with an inflamed pancreas (created by gallstones)?

Do you know if Boron helps to heal the pancreas? I do know that boron does help inflammation.

Thanks for your help

Posted by Art (California) on 04/07/2022 2226 posts


As I mentioned, there are currently only animal studies for the use of melatonin for Pancreatitis, so human dosing has not yet been established. This is also why I say that you have to include your doctor's guidance in using melatonin for Pancreatitis because Pancreatitis can kill you and your doctor will know or can find out if supplemental melatonin will be compatible with all of your current medications.

If you want to try increasing your melatonin levels naturally and safely, you can just expose yourself to earlier morning sun and later afternoon sun. In one study this more than doubled morning melatonin levels., 29.89 (P=0.003).

I also suggest that when you get this sun exposure, you don't wear shoes, socks or sandals and let your feet be exposed to the earth such as dirt or grass. Try for 30 minutes of earlier morning sun exposure with bare feet.

If you find benefit with this practice, then you should have that discussion with your doctor about supplementing melatonin and possibly other supplements such as Probiotics w/ prebiotics in them (Synbiotics). Notice the dosage used in this study:

Magnesium may also be useful for multiple reasons and is also worth discussing with your doctor:


Posted by Vivek (UTTAR PRADESH) on 04/07/2022

Hello Art,
Thanks for the very informative article 👏.
I was looking for the recommendation of doses and frequency.
Please help me with this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carole J. (Arizona) on 01/27/2022

My sister rubs her cat with ACV for fleas and then he licks it off giving him his dose.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Beloved (California ) on 01/16/2022

I did not get a diagnosis of pancreatitis but I had a 9 out of 10 pain after eating. I went to Earth Clinic and read about drinking papaya juice(fresh, I used my Breville juicer and I bought aloe juice in a glass bottle and an aloe plant ). I also think my gallbladder was inflamed. I ate vegetables and made green smoothies in my vitamix. It's been two weeks since it all started and I feel so much better. I am still eating mostly veggies with a little bit of fruit. Less fat and sugar for now makes me feel better. Also, I bought some digestive enzymes and I think that helped. Be careful and watch everything that goes in your mouth, no alcohol, meats, cheese, and medications.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Sheri M (USA) on 12/21/2021

Drink Green smoothie by Victoria Butenko. Cut back on fats, oils, and refined sugar. Blend 75% greens such as kale or collard greens with fruit and 20oz water in vitamin or high speed blender. Drink the pitcher for breakfast and lunch, you will feel lighter and in a week or so your symptoms will have improved dramatically. Stay away from alcohol and there is a list of drugs such as antibiotics that can cause acute pancreatitis, so research the list, you might have a reaction to one of these meds doing a quick google search for Drug Induced Acute Pancreatitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jonathan. (RYDE, Isle of Wight) on 08/15/2021

I have chronic pancreatitis caused by a gallstone lodging in the mouth of my pancreas and causing calcification. Two people have recommended organic and raw apple cider vinegar and having used this first thing in the morning. For the last month, I have found a remarkable change and no more pain. I was on morphine! The Braggs one has the mother in it and you must get this one. Good luck

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Julian (Germany) on 06/26/2021

Was it actually possible for you to completely cure your pancreatitis with the tea? And how long did it take exactly? I have now also had my first Chanca tea. Thanks for the hint!

Posted by Gardengirl (SC) on 05/07/2020

Can you give more information about this product please?

Posted by Heidi (Atlanta ) on 02/22/2020

I had severe pancreatitis 20 years ago and I still have to be careful what I eat and drink: Stay away from sweets, fruit, juices, alcoholic drinks and everything that has high sugar content. Papaya helps a little, but a product containing plant-derived enzymes bromelain and papain, and other enzyme helps the best. It has been made for joint pain, but it really helps with pancreatitis.

The normal dosage is 3 tablets twice a day on an empty stomach. When I have it really bad, I take 3× 5 pills. It saved my life. With this supplement, I can eat a normal diet.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by DS (India) on 07/30/2019

Chanca Piedra is a life saver!

I woke up one day not being able to tolerate sweets. My blood sugar was going haywire. Nausea. Pain on left side radiating to back. Palpitations. Indigestion. Loose stools. Feverish etc. Research told me this was pancreatitis. Possibly caused by gallstone blockage. (It happens when there quick weight loss/gain.) I tried everything-ACV, Apple juice, baking soda, enzymes, aloe/papaya juice, lime juice...nothing worked. So got bhumiamlaki (chanca piedra). One cup of tea and could feel the gall stone blockage melting away!! The symptoms are fading now, even though apparently recovery can take up to 6 weeks.

Now I'm focused in healing - gymnema and neem help, aloe/papaya also helps along with Amla juice(Vit C) and activated charcoal poultices. Hopefully my pancreas will be brand new soon. But I will never be without my chanca piedra again. Hope this post helps others.

Posted by Art (California) on 03/16/2019 2226 posts

Editor's Choice Pancreatitis and Some Possible Help

Pancreatitis can be a devastating disease, but there are some natural options that may help in controlling pancreatitis.

One of those natural options is melatonin which is one of my favorite supplements! Melatonin is typically thought of as a non- prescription sleep aid, but it is so much more than just a sleep aid! I would like to get into those other potential health benefits, but will stick to pancreatitis for this post to keep it simple and to the point.

Melatonin has a very good safety profile, but even so, some people do not tolerate melatonin well even though it is produced in multiple areas of the human body everyday. Fortunately the majority of people do tolerate melatonin.

In this first study from 2014, it is found that in pancreatitis patients there is a tendency toward reduced melatonin type 2 receptors suggesting that this lack of MTR2 receptors may play a role in pancreatitis especially the acute form :

In this next full study it is shown that melatonin, ghrelin, and leptin may help in controlling the inflammatory process associated with acute pancreatitis and all three are naturally produced in the body :

This next full study (2016) illustrates how a melatonin metabolite, N(1)-acetyl-N(1)-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), can attenuate acute pancreatitis in a rodent model, both in vitro and in vivo:

In this next study it is shown that melatonin is protective in a rat model of acute pancreatitis that was induced with arginine and the melatonin was said to exhibit strong therapeutic effects in the course of acute pancreatitis in this rat model of AP. :

This next study is another study of acute pancreatitis in a rat model and it is shown that melatonin induces anti-inflammatory effects via endoplasmic reticulum stress in acute pancreatitis to play a protective role.

This next full and newer study (2017) goes into multiple details about how melatonin goes about its business when it comes to pancreatitis:

This next and newer 2018 study delves further into how and what melatonin may be doing in pancreatitis to help alleviate symptoms and calm the excess inflammation associated with this condition :

This next study (2018) attempts to further elucidate the method of action of melatonin in pancreatitis and implies that these findings suggest that melatonin protects AR42J cells and Sprague-Dawley rats against AP-associated injury, probably through downregulation of IRE1α-mediated JNK/NF-κB pathways.

This next study from December 2018 continues in the search for the mechanism of action in how melatonin is working in these rodent models to modify the course of the disease:

This last study is new this month and goes a step further to try and determine how melatonin attenuates pancreatitis induced liver damage! Well I did say that melatonin was one of my favorite supplements!

So what is lacking here are the actual human studies, but there are hundreds of human studies which have more than established melatonin as having a very good safety profile at multiple dosing ranges while being highly protective of the liver which is a very important factor when it comes to pancreatitis! Based on the above it is worth discussing the use of melatonin with your doctor as a potential means of helping to deal with pancreatitis effectively.

There are several natural supplements that have shown benefit in dealing with pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer such as Inositol and inositol hexakisphosphate. If you are willing to look, you will find other supplements and herbs which are likely to be quite beneficial in dealing with pancreatitis, but melatonin is a good starting point and may be as far as you have to go! Here is a typical study suggesting as much :

Obviously because of the serious and sometimes deadly nature of pancreatitis, your doctor's permission and supervision are an absolute must if you consider melatonin or anything else and the very good safety profile of melatonin will go a long way in that conversation with your doctor!


Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Arnold (Usa) on 06/03/2020

How you drink, separate Or together papaya and aloe juice?

Posted by Art (California ) on 06/28/2018 2226 posts

Editor's Choice The following study discusses the use of synbiotics in pancreatitis and suggests that synbiotics (= prebiotic + probiotics). In this case, they used the common probiotics Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum in a large dose (12 grams/day). As a prebiotic, they used Fructooligosaccharides (FOS).


Here is a link to the abstract:

Here is the abstract:

Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2017 Apr;18:9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.01.005. Epub 2017 Feb 21.

Effects of using symbiotics in the clinical nutritional evolution of patients with chronic pancreatitis: Study prospective, randomized, controlled, double blind.

Dos Santos PQ1, Guedes JC2, de Jesus RP3, Santos RRD3, Fiaconne RL4.


Patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) present malabsorption and changes in nutritional status. In this prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blinded, intervention study, developed at the Clinic of Pancreas, we aimed to assess whether the use of symbiotics changes the nutritional status, the biochemical data and the intestinal rate of these patients. The intervention consisted of administering 12 g/day of symbiotics composed of Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and fructooligosaccharides to the intervention group and 12 g/day of medium absorption complex carbohydrate to the control group. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of College of Technology and Science - FTC under the number process 0528-2008; reg. 498 e was registered under We evaluated 60 patients and the intervention lasted for 3 months, with monthly monitoring. A statistically significant reduction was observed in the results by day in relation to the initial frequency (x = 2.3) and the use of symbiotics in the second (x = 1.47) and third (x = 1.37) months (p = 0.001). In the control group, there was no significant change in this frequency (p = 0.157). The results showed an increase in the levels of hemoglobin (p < 0.001), hematocrit (p = 0.001), red blood cells (p < 0.001), total lymphocyte count (p < 0.002), serum magnesium (p < 0.001), albumin (0.001) and total serum cholesterol reduction (p < 0.001) with the use of symbiotics. The changes were not observed in the nutritional status of both groups.


The use of symbiotics improved the clinical and laboratory profiles of the evaluated patients with CP, favoring the best clinical outcome, and may be a therapeutic option because of the low cost and therapeutic effectiveness in this population.

Copyright © 2017 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joy (Connecticut) on 10/15/2017

How much ACV do you take a day? And when you're having an attack, do you consume more?

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Veronica (Charlotte ) on 09/01/2017

I have just been diagnosed with this. Please what is the recipe for smoothie? Where do I get the aloe Vera?

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Art (California ) on 06/01/2017 2226 posts

Please read about the pancreatic protective effects of melatonin.

Melatonin has a very good safety profile and is naturally produced by the body suggesting lower potential for allergic reaction. Here in the states, it is readilly available and inexpensive. Melatonin acts as a potent antioxidant that scavenges multiple forms of radicals in the body, but also improves the bodies own highly potent antioxidant system while potentially helping to reduce an excessive inflamatory response. Melatonin is also protective of the major organs. Here are a few studies suggesting the benefit of melatonin for pancreatitis that you can print and discuss with your doctor. :

Lastly and importantly, melatonin also has studies to show that it can be gut protective:


Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Rachel (Uk) on 06/01/2017


My son has chronic pancreatitis, he is 19 and it took over 11 years to get an accurate diagnosis. We were unable to find any real info on UK sites for children with pancreatitis and yes it is very frightening to be told your child has this especially when you read up on this disease. We have found a low fat diet is essential, when a flare up happens my son now avoids any food to allow the pancreas to rest. On occasions he has been hospitalised in order for him to be hydrated and he has had a lot of surgery. You have to educate yourself, your GP is unlikely to know much about the condition. There is far more info and support in the US for children with this condition so check out their sites and info. I am so sorry you are have two children with this but do the research and don't be scared to question the advice of the hospital or consultants. Also find out the most experienced consultant you can, under the NHS you have a right to choose and book ie you can request to be seen by any dr anywhere in the UK so find the best and don't just accept the local hospital unless they really are a specialist unit.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Barb (Ga) on 05/15/2017

There are organizations devoted to the pancreas. Search your state for help. I remember seeing info on children with pancreatitis but no clue where it was. Keep up hope. Do your homework.

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Sheila (Texas) on 05/11/2017

What did you use to increase your father's oxygen?

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Donna B (Chesapeake, Va) on 03/23/2017

I have been admitted to the hospital twice in 6 months for acute pancreatitis and the only thing that made the pain go away was dilaudid. Well, I'm currently suffering from my third pancreatic attack and I refuse to be admitted to the hospital again because I know that's what'll happen. I'm a single mom with 2 school children and it just isn't gonna work. From what I was told by the doctors, in order for your pancreas to heal you have to basically not eat or drink anything because the pancreas needs to rest. This is why when you eat or drink, the symptoms get worse. The fact that I'm not all doped up on drugs in the hospital, I'm freakin' starving and having hunger pains. I'm gonna try this today with the papaya and aloe vera. I really do hope this works because I cannot go another day like this. I have a tooth extraction tomorrow too and I'd really hate to go through mouth and tummy pain at the same time. Thanks for this and I will definitely be trying it.

Dietary Changes, Inositol
Posted by Jenna (South Dakota) on 02/16/2017

I have new data to counteract my hypothesis for what causes Pancreatitis, according to the article I included in my initial choice - which was Long Tailed Fatty Acids - perhaps good to remove my gold medal : )

After I sent you the email, I sent the article to my friend, a former geneticist at the CDC. I would like to share with you and the readers his response to me. After which I will give feedback on what now I believe can be the cause of Pancreatitis - in children, people who don't smoke or drink or consume large amounts of meat.

Here is the response to the article from my friend, former CDC geneticist:

"Good try if only you know a little about biochemistry.

It's not the length if the fatty acid side chain. The research shows that it's fatty acid ESTERS.

How does the body make an ester out of fatty acids? Ethanol! (alcohol)

Ethanol, while it's true that many people that drink alcohol do not get pancreatictis, this is probably because they have more robust mechanisms. Mostly in the liver, that are designed to interfere with this reaction in the body.

if your hypothesis were correct, everyone on a ketogenic, atkins, rosedale, or paleo diet would have pancreatitis"/

So, after receiving this feedback from my friend, I thought, why would children, non smokers, non-drinkers get pancreatitis? And why did my symptoms go away with eliminating long tailed fatty acids?

Let me answer the last question first: Because I had eliminated all fats, giving my pancreas a break. But here is where it get's interesting, please bear with me.

I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2005. I was bit in1992, so I had was was clinically called, Latent Lyme Disease. It was serious for me - lots of symptoms in my CNS - Central Nervous Symptom, and no true cure in traditional medical field for Latent Lyme Disease - intravenous antibiotics, just make the Lyme spirochetes, and their cofactors go deeper into "hiding", and may come out later in life when the immune system isn't as strong.

After hanging on for about a year with Lyme Disease, I found a "clinic", only taking patients by word of mouth, that someone had reported to me that this Clinice had cleared her Lyme Disease. My first visit to them, they told me that I had so many hookworms in my pancreatic duct, that I was about to get Diabetes. They cleared the hookworms, and subsequently cleared the Lyme and it's cofactors. Hookworms? I have pictures of me at 3 years old on the dirt with my dog.. hookworms live in the soil.

So going back to parasite infection in the pancreatic duct and what Hulda Clark's protocol of mainly clearing Liver Flukes. According to her, Liver Flukes are on all raw veggies and harmless enough - until one is exposed to Isopropyl Alcohol. This agent causes the liver flukes to digest the lining around them, to then, reproduce in the digestive tract as real agents of concern. in other words. liver flukes are harmless, until exposed to rubbing alcohol, which cause the activation of the larva to come alive and then become harmful liver flukes.

So what I am taking now, instead of Humaworm, Hulda Clarkes zapping and or wormwood conception, is potent oreganal drops, from the wild mountains of Greece, google it on Amazon, to kill parasites.

If you decide to order it, please read carefully the reviews. It is so potent that is can burn holes in you skin. I carefully put 4 or 5 drops in a gelatin capsule and down it with a huge glass of water, and sometimes with aloe vera juice, inner filet only. This oregano oil will kill any parasite in the body, but has to be used regularly. Perhaps Humaworm will be just as good, but haven't used it, so don't know.

Keep in mind that when you kill any unwanted organisms in the body too fast, you might have a Herxheimer reaction, as such go slow..... If with children, I personally would use the Humaworm, and lots of water.......Oregano Oil is for the big timers.

Hope this is helpful!

Dietary Changes, Inositol
Posted by Jenna (South Dakota) on 02/12/2017

I was hospitalized for pancreatitis about a month ago. The last three days, the feeling of oncoming pancreatitis started coming back, as well as accompanying anxiety thinking I was going to have to be hospitalized again., I did everything suggested on this pancreatitis forum - Ted's remedies, no alcohol, papaya and aloe vera - nothing worked! Last night, I took 4 grams of pharmaceutical inositol powder, 3 grams and woke up calm - no anxiety or depression and had slept deeply. Also, no symptoms of pancreatitis when I woke up. I started researching inositol and found that not only is it used for anxiety and depression, it is used for insulin resistance and diabetes, and the pancreas secrets insulin, so taking the inositol stopped my low blood sugar attacks on the spot! Woke up and took 3 more grams. Inositol is huge for liver detoxification as well as helping all the neurotransmitters work properly so that the serotonin, dopamine and gaba receptors are getting what they need to function properly.

But the lack of inositol wasn't the problem for the pancreatic symptoms rising. It was my primary diet of Long Chained Fatty Acids. I was eating lots of grass fed beef, eggs, tons of GLA (found in primrose, borage and current oil) . Long Chained are found in meat, egg yolks, avocados, olive oil, GLA and fish and fish oil - you can research this further. Coconut Oil and Palm oil are medium chained fatty acids and are the oils of choice.This article (link below) explains why Long Chained Fatty Acids, as well as alcohol, and the ensuing calcium release causes pancreatitis. It's more on the scientific life but if you can bear through that, you will see what actually causes pancreatitis - Long Chained Fatty Acids, Calcium.....

And on Inositol:

The above link on inositol targets mostly how it is used for insulin resistance, but you can goole it for anxiety or depression and liver detoxification. For me using inositol eliminated complete my low blood sugar bouts, which causes huge stress hormones to be released.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Cdfeea (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/24/2017


The drink helps my pancreas but causes very bad colon spasms. I am using real aloe filet. No green leaf and fresh papaya. I really need to take this but don't know how to stop the colon spasms which are extremely painful.

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Marjan (South Carolina) on 01/18/2017

We have similar prognosis in family. Does anyone has more information about this, Did you have any success with this method?

Thank you

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 12/22/2016 2063 posts

S: Since nutrient absorption requires a healthy gut, do finish the cleanse first. Depending on the severity of infection, you may need to rotate the herbal pancreas and herbal intestine formulas. You can rotate these on a daily basis. When things appear normal again, supplement a good Probiotic to maintain healthy bacteria which translates in good health all round.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Sher (Vancouver) on 12/21/2016

Hi Tim, many thanks for you detailed follow-up!!! I use a Santevia water filter and am not filtering my air at home. After I wrote you I stumbled upon Dr. Christopher's herbal legacy website. I read the info and started the body purification program yesterday morning and bought the herbs for the lower bowel formula and made the pills last night. Can I just add the pancreas formula and the multivitamin/mineral plus extra Chromium to this regime or do I need to wait until finish the 3 day? Again many thanks!!!

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 12/20/2016 2063 posts

First, do you filter your water, air? It appears you need to support your Thyroid by supplementing Coconut Oil and Iodine. Skipping one meal fast is usually a good thing, and more live foods/juicing is easier on digestion. Alkalizing is often tricky as it varies with the severity of the individual condition. You can purchase test strips to measure the PH of Saliva. Infection in general will cause acidosis but die-off will cause much acidosis so you will need to alkalize fallowing the herbal para cleanse which needs done 2x day. Also take one spoon Milled Flax Seed to keep Colon clean. Your Kidney cleanse list looks good and you report no stones so postpone that and concentrate on the Pancreas. Try to find Dr Christopher's P-14 herbal Pancreas formula. Solaray has a different type product but effective called Pancreas Caps that contains Raw Pancreas Substance unlike the P-14. Raw Liver and Raw Pancreas tablets will help much. Continue with ACV and Lemon. Take a good Multivitamin?mineral plus extra Chromium to help metabolism in general and specifically burning carbs & sugars. If you don't see any improvement soon you may need to do Zapping to kill infections. Calcium 2-AEP will help incorporate minerals into cells to improve salivation/dehydration. Hope this helps and hope to hear back as to your progress.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Sher (Vancouver) on 12/18/2016

Hi Tim, I just had a blood test done and it found high amounts of amylase and lipase from pancreas and salivary glands and low white blood cell count. About a month ago I did a carrot juice fast for 9 days and then slowly introduced broth, and roasted vegetables, etc. back into my diet and am not sure it that is the cause of my troubles or something else. I also use to drool at night and noticed that I have been having a dry mouth and sometimes dry eyes during the day. I am unclear as to what to do to correct this.

Should I fast to give my pancreas a chance to heal or eat a low cholesterol diet to start? Do I take the 1/2 tsp baking soda in 8 oz water 2-3x/day 30 min after a meal, along with the alkalizing remedy (black walnut, clove, wormwood with oregano, chaparral, and myrrh, with zinc and niacin supplements to detox alcohol, and the 1/2 cup of both aloe and papaya juice 2x/day (does it have to be fresh food juiced or can I buy the juices?), and take 1/4 tsp borax in a liter of water for a week? Will I need to cleanse the liver and kidney after that's done or along side that? I started with taking 1/2 lemon juiced, 1 tbsp ACV, 1 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp tumeric powder, pinch cinnamon, pinch chilli pepper powder, pinch rosemary powder in a glass of warm water after waking up, and the 1 oz of lemon juice and olive oil 2x/day on an empty stomach (but it hasn't produced any stones) and have been adding 1/3 tsp burdock root powder, 1/3 tsp turkey rhubarb root, 1/3 astragulus root powder, 1 tsp honey, along with the heated liquid from 1 tsp ground milk thistle that was boiled and simmered for 20 min in a warm glass of water before going to bed.

I truly value your expertise and appreciate any help you can offer.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Edvee (Los Angeles) on 12/15/2016

Aloe Vera and Papaya smoothie for Pancreatitis worked for me, but it must be fresh and also you must stay off meat and alcohol. Juice and eat very light. This means no heavy meals, no fatty foods and most of all no meats or alcohol. Strictly vegan and no dairy. If you consume dairy, it must be fat free. I.e. fat free yogurt. The papaya and aloe must be blended and drank 3 times a day for a week. Drink it an hour before your meal. Do not buy aloe or papaya drinks. This has to be fresh from the grocery store in order to work.

I was not getting better and by the third day on this regimen I started feeling a change. I also used grape seed extract, turmeric plus ibuprofen to bring the inflammation down. I am planning on following the low fat diet and no alcohol for the rest of my life. Please understand you must too, in order to get well. It is an adjustment but if you value your life, you have to make some positive changes. Good luck to all!

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/11/2016 2063 posts

Alex: It appears there may be more organs involved than the Pancreas. A stagnate & infected gallbladder can cause pancreatitis so you may need to do a Gallbladder Cleanse. The Liver will need some support also. Take a "Milk Thistle Combination" herbal product and also eat or juice Beets regularly.

Back to the P and paras. I strongly advise a Basic Hulda Clark Zapper to be used as whole body and specifically in the problem area. The Zapper will increase the power of the herbs. Also consider adding the other herbs I mentioned in previous post to strengthen the original Black Walnut combo.

This should prove beneficial but if you still suspect infestation & infection you should try the best herbal combo called "Humaworm" which is awarded many successful testimonials.

Let us know of your progress.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Alex (Montreal) on 11/10/2016

Hey TimH,

I hope I can get a reply from you :). I also have pancreatitis and have had good results with black walnut. I see you use the hulda clark protocol with wormwood/cloves/black walnut. My problem is that as soon as I stop taking the black walnut my enzymes start getting trapped in my pancreas again and start to swell. So I was wondering if you experienced the same? And also how long do you take this stuff for because technically black walnut and wormwood are for sort term only.

Thanks in advance.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa (Marshall, Texas) on 07/21/2016 6 posts

My mom used papaya juice from grocery store. Does not matter what kind you use or choice to juice if using real fruit.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa Smith (Marshall, Texas) on 07/21/2016

Any brand of aloe juice and papaya juice. You could also juice your own papaya. 1/3 cup of each several times a day till pain subsides. Praying it will bless you as it has my family.

String Bean Juice
Posted by Fate (Missouri) on 07/09/2016

How do you make the juice? You did not tell how..

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Mzak (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/16/2016

Hi- we had a very similar prognosis in our family. Could you please provide details on your protocol? Thank you

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa (Marshall, Texas) on 01/27/2016 6 posts

In answer to all the questions:

My sister took it until she was cured. Several days in hospital. She took it several times with in that year as needed for occasional pain but never has had an pancreatic issues again. My family purchased papaya nectar or juice and also vera juice. I am sure a health food store or grocery store has both available. I assume organic is better. Doesn't matter which papaya family, any kind of papaya is acceptable. Doesn't matter whether it is green or yellow papaya. Just the combination. 1/3 of a cup of each .. several times a day till pain and symptoms subside.

Take until pain subsides and take only as needed for prevention.

I don't know about the powder, our experience has been to combining the 2 juices, manufactured prepared and bottle separately. We mixed them equal parts of 13 each to create the drink that cured my sister. I pray it has helped you too.

I am so grateful that this remedy / cure continues to heal people.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Kate (Uk) on 01/23/2016

HI - both my children (age 9 and 12) have had repeated attacks of pancreatitis. The 9 year old has pancreatic divisum but not the 12 year old and they are both positive for spink1 mutation. They are on low fat diets, take creon and exercise very regularly. We are waiting to be referred for surgical intervention. Does anybody know if there are any forums available to parents with children with pancreatitis? It's a very isolating place to be and would be weirdly comforting to talk to somebody else who is going through this. My husband and I keep this much to ourselves, we don't want to frighten the kids although frankly it terrifies us both. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ella (Australia) on 01/15/2016

Hi Linda, firstly thank you so much for your post! 2 years ago I was a dedicated vegan for about 9 months and similar to yourself ingested a huge amount of fruits and sugars to stay satisfied. During this period I started to feel quiet unwell so stopped and tried to wean myself back on to animal products but as I realise now the damage was already done. I've now been in immense pain for over 12 months had many tests done (endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound) with no resulting answers. I've had a hunch that it may have to do with my pancreas for a while but all said that you only get from drinking a lot of alcohol when I've hardly ever drank much at all. Though as soon as I read your post I knew that it was from my fruit eating and excess sugar consumption. Thank you very much.

Also quick question may I ask you why you use flaxseed oil over olive? Is it less irritating?

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 01/02/2016

Dear Julie,

My Dad was once hospitalized for pancreatitis -- he was in so much pain. I am sorry to hear you are dealing with this.

In his book, Charcoal Remedies, John Dinsley reports charcoal poultices to be helpful for pancreatitis. We have always found it helpful for pain. You might try large charcoal poultices over the pancreas area over night and see if it helps you.

How to Make a Charcoal Poultice

I hope you feel better soon!

~Mama to Many~

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Julie (Ma) on 01/02/2016

What brands did you use? I suffer almost daily from acute pancreatitis the pain is almost unbearable at times.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Elena (Northridge) on 10/21/2015

This is for Lisa Smith, I saw your post on Papaya and Aloe vera. What kind of Papaya I ran into Brazilian papaya, Mexican Papaya, Hawaiian papaya, which papaya do you recommend?

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Elena (California) on 10/19/2015

I'm glad I went on this site so I can get better educated what is Acute Pancreatis and why was this happening to me. I was diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis I had my first episodes last week it felt like I was passing stones, but all that was taken out ten years ago. They took all kinds of test the conclusion was that all natural herbs that I was taking is what might of been the cause not 100% because I don't drink or smoke but I do take alot of nature herb teas that what they think was the cause. I always been more or less a healthy person I take my herbalife shakes, protein and tea, it's when I added more natural tea's is when I started getting sick. If any one has a meal plan that I can follow please forward to me please.

Adam, please let me know how you felt after taking Papaya juice and aloe vera.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/14/2015 2063 posts

Pancreatitis can also be caused by at least two species of Fluke parasites as described by Hulda Clark. One may go yrs w/ no symptoms until anything can trigger a crisis. Alcohol would be, as described above, one of the worst triggers. Alkalizing remedies will be needed. A combination of Black Walnut/Clove/Wormwood plus additional Oregano, Chaparral, and Myrrh to kill any parasites. Dr Christopers P-14 herbal formula will very much help the condition (rotate w/ above herbs). I have also used Magnet therapy and Zapping w/ very good results.

Supplementing Zinc & Niacin will help alcohol detox.

Avoid Alcohol
Posted by Billy ( Cook County, Il) on 05/13/2015

Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol.....stay away from alcohol at all is THE leading cause of acute pancreatitis. (I'm goin through an episode of it as I am typing this. Cause: Alcohol) lots of AVOIDABLE and UNNECESSARY pain. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL!

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Sirah ( London) on 05/11/2015

Can you tell me how long to take aloe Vera juice and papaya juice and where to purchase from.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Natalie (Austin, TX) on 04/02/2015

I have a 5 month old that has been placed on creon pills for the past 3 months now due to him having problems with his pancreas... The only thing that's getting me worried is the creon pills aren't helping. Before he started taking the pills, his pancreas level was close to 100. Now since he's been taking these pills his pancreas level has dropped down to 40. That's his pancreas getting worse... I have been looking into trying this remedy with papaya and aloe vera to see if it works.. Can you tell me what type of aloe vera and papaya you use... Thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Nathan (Corvallis, OR) on 11/04/2014

What is a virus respiratory mechanism?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Eric (Saratoga Springs, NY) on 09/24/2014

Colloidal silver helped my pancreatitis and cancer greatly along with taheebo tea, bee propolis and an alkaline diet 90% raw food with wheatgrass, barleygrass, and green juices. Juices and raw foods build your immune system and fights off every disease. But when I want something tasty I use silver colloid. We bought a silver edge silver maker.

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/18/2014

According to the following study, they suggest that melatonin may be helpful for pancreatitis.


Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Erin (New York, US) on 09/17/2014

The standard treatment for pancreatitis is fasting, but your pancreas has to be failing by the time they give you the treatment. Since hospitals don't expect you to be able to tolerate fasting for longer than 12 hours, and the time needed is about 5 days, they tube feed you, etc. If you want to avoid the indignity of that, just fast on water only, ie. absolutely nothing passes your lips other than water. Why doesn't this article mention fasting? Why does it tell you to eat things? That's the opposite of what helps. Selenium and megadose Niacinamide also helps, but make sure there's no rice flour or starch in it, or the pancreas has to work again and more pain is the result. I think the cause is an infection, but good luck proving it, or finding the right medicine for it. Looks like most of the antibiotics just make it worse. Maybe it's a fungus or virus?

String Bean Juice
Posted by Anne (New York) on 05/08/2014

Can you please tell me how you prepared the string bean juice ? Is it from fresh beans in a juicer ?

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Selfy (Minnesota) on 01/22/2014

I just wanted to say Thank you so much for this posting. You really just gave a gift. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessie (Riverdale, Md) on 08/23/2013

Definitely try the ACV. It is good for so many things. I give it to my animals when I think they need it. For a cat, 1/4 t. mixed in food would work. Or add it to his water, if he will drink it that way. My cats love the water left from a can of tuna. I am sure I could add the vinegar to that and they would take it. Jessie

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frans (Montreal, Canada) on 08/22/2013

Hi, My 17 year old cat suffers from Pancreatitis. He's now on a special home diet : cooked bison, cooked green peas, sawflower oil, fish oil and a special supplement powder. Do you think ''apple cider vinegar with the mother could be good / help him? Thank you very much.

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore, ) on 08/09/2013


One doctor misdiagnosed me to be having pancreatitis. I was devastated and anxious. I tried various medicines like grapeseed extract, turmeric etc. Later after a year of more painful tests they said I am having some other problem. I am really sorry for the inconvenience my remedies might have caused you. Ayurvedic doctors can help heal pancreatitis. Please forgive me for the trouble.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa (Texas) on 08/04/2013 6 posts

Papaya nectar and aloe Vera juice.. Any brand.. Does Not have to organic. She just used them together. Mix equal portions multiple times a day until pain gone. 1 or 2 days max. Or until enzymes are back to normal level. Our family is thankful for God's healing miracles of aloe and papaya!

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore) on 06/16/2013

1.5 liters water may be a BIT TOO MUCH for some people. So please try 500 ml at a time. It might help with pain by cooling down the digestive system and diluting the acid. Acid in deodenum causes the pancreas to release bicarbonate. Please try adding bicarbonate to your diet.

String Bean Juice
Posted by Glenda (Matteson, Cook County, Illinois) on 06/09/2013

Pancreas: As stated in the Heinerman's Encylopedia of Healing juices, "There is nothing better, I mean nothing better, than stringbean juice for the liver, spleen, and pancreas." I have used it according to instructions and it's so true! One woman in the hospital was told that they could not bring her blood sugar down and nothing was working, my daughter-in-law took her some juiced stringbeans and bam! The doctors said, "I don't know what happen but you can go home in the morning". No, she didn't tell them about the juice *_*

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore) on 05/29/2013

Indian ayurveda CAN cure chronic pancreatitis :) Many have successfully done this in India. Fllow a pitta paciying diet. Drink 1.5 L cool water twice everyday. Cool shower. Keep everything cool. Drink coconut water. You will see improvment in 3 days. Diet is fruit pulp, vegetable pulp for 2 months. Avoid sour fruits. Many cases can heal pancreatitis this way. Drink 500 ml water around 4 hours after sleeping at night. I am seeing a HUGE difference. God bless you. Please send your blessings to me if this works :)

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore) on 05/15/2013

Please try the fruit diet. You have fruits every meal. No cooked food. Occasional piece of cooked food is ok. Have papaya every meal since it has digestive enzymes. This will reduce inflammation and drink lots of water for detox.

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore) on 04/30/2013

Ok.... I figured this out after my first attack.

2. EAT SMALL AMOUNTS multiple times- large amounts put load on pancreas
3. Take grapefruit seed extract, Good Digestive enzymes, Turmeric
4. Don't take tea or coffee, especially after meals
5. I took tea with milk after heavy lunch and it caused an attack
6. Take activated charcoal capsules if you eat fats
7. Pancreatitis is progressive destruction of pancreas caused by acute pancreatitis attacks. So it important to prevent attacks at all costs.

You can live a long life if you follow this strictly.

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Marie (St Louis, Mo Usa) on 02/15/2013

Could you detail the protocol followed by your father? Thank you.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Sri (Canberra, Australia) on 02/07/2013

Vit E 1 a day, VIt c 500mg two a day, grape seed extract 100 mg two a day, Papaya and aloevera juice, Grape juice(with seeds). If still symptoms persist add selenium and methionine.

No smokin no alcohol.

Food egg whites, vegetables, steamed fish

Sun Gazing, Water
Posted by Sri (Singapore) on 01/12/2013


Guys I want to share a panacea solution. Please try sungazing in the morning within first hour of sunrise. It helped me get rid of pain in my stomach due to pancreatitis. Also reduces hunger. In addition to sungazing. Sun gives us vitamin D and other nutrients and also controls the pineal gland which is linked to pancreas and digestive system. In addition, I also suggest drinking 1.5 L water in morning and also agnihotra (google it). These 3 things helped me to be normal life again. Now I am pain free.

God bless you.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lillie (Brooklyn, New York, Usa) on 12/21/2012

To Rebeccah from New York, New York and all the people: you should buy both papaya and aloe vera leaf fresh from grocery store, only when raw and unprocessed can they cure your pancreas, b/c only then they contain enzymes that your pancreas is lacking. Green unripe papaya contains more enzymes; on the other hand, ripe orange papaya has a lot of vitamin A which is also very healing, so use both, or choose medium ripe. Aloe vera leaf cut at base and place standing in a jar for an hour or so, to let all the juice leak out. You can use the juice to make a cosmetic mask for your face or your hair. Skin the leaf and use the inner gel. Place some papaya, some aloe vera gel and some water in a blender and make a smoothie. It doesn't matter the exact amount, make at least a cup 3 times a day, and take it separately from other food, at least 1 hour away. It's also very beneficial to relax and meditate, or just daydream after you have this drink. Health and happiness to all. Love and peace.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 12/19/2012 2063 posts

Will_ashbless: Do the buffer mix first, then proceed to Papaya and Aloe Vera (which would go well together). Digestive enzymes (and all enzymes for that matter) cannot survive the acid environment. I have found Magnet Therapy very effective and immediate for Pancreatitis (which I get regularly). One 1hr treatment works for me. I have also had good results w/ the herbal P-14 formula.

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