I had my wife start taking about a year ago and now she is pain free of the arthritis she was experiencing. She too is now a firm believer of Boron. She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON. 300 pills for $10 bucks. No wonder the pharmaceutical industry poo poos the solution. THEY CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OF OF A MINERAL.
Curcumin, Elevating Legs, Yoga Stretch
For a week, I slept at night with a warming pack which was bliss.
Lots of rest and lying down at first, putting legs at a 90? angle f.i. lying on the floor, thighs up and calves on the seat of a chair, bed or sofa. It apparently helps rehydrate de disc. Minimum 10 minutes a day.
I also started about two weeks later, to very gently sit in the yoga "child pose", which is like a foetal position (you can also do it on your back, pulling in your legs over your stomach) and very consciously breath about 10 times into your lower back by litteraly "bringing" the oxygen there - expand your lower back rather then your lungs or stomach with air (it oxygenates the cells and helps the area heal).
I was also wearing a back-brace in the beginning, but beware not to keep wearing it too often afterwords as it weakens the belly and back muscles, which is the opposite of what you want.
I am now almost completely recovered, but have started an intense training program to muscle and tone my belly and lower back muscles.
Apparently, there might also be a link between lower back pain/injury and a problem in the gut (leaky gut, candida, etc).
Decompression Therapy
Non surgical spinal decompression made my back issue worse! I started with 2 bulging discs in L4-5 & L5-S1. Now they think I'm also dealing with Pelvic Instability, which has been awful! I'm in a lot of pain most of the time, more so with sitting. I can't find anyone who deals with that diagnosis. I've tried PT, 4 different Chiropractors, prolo therapy, accupuncture, non surgical spinal decompression & message. I've been on Turmeric & an injury rehab vitamin pack for about 4 months. I'm just trying not to lose hope. Back pain sucks!
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U MANDI,,,,,,,, going down your same trail with no relief from all you say. Going back to Atlanta for Ozone shots next week. Will report on that when I know the results.
Just bought a Nubax Trio for decompression at home. They are selling so fast I am on a waiting list. Guess lots of folks have back problems. At least us old folks do.
Wish you well. =====ORH=====
DMSO + Peppermint Oil
Also tried DMSO and magnesium oil with the same effects.
People often remark that they have to dilute their 99.99% DMSO but I have found I don't need to. It stings for a few minutes but goes away. I am also applying the DMSO with Magnesium Oil on the upper part of my body (neck, chest and face) without dilution. NO ISSUES!
This is the first time I have been experimenting with DMSO for a number of days. Even trying it internally here and there. I definitely noticed a garlic smell the first day, but that stopped after I started to add peppermint oil after reading a post on Earth Clinic about how peppermint oil can stop the clam/garlic odor from DMSO.
There are a lot of scare tactics on the internet about DMSO, but I'm finding it to be incredibly helpful in alleviating severe pain fast.
D, ORH here, and I'm sure you are aware that the garlic smell is the excuse used by the FDA to not allow DMSO to be double blind tested. Back in my day, DMSO was made from the black liquor of a pulp mill. Now it is made from natural gas. I use it now to take emu oil into my ailing knee. Dr. Jacobs did all the initial research for CZ back in the 50's and 60's. His advice is to use 50% above the waist and 75% below the waist. Guess I need to re-read his book to know why.
General Feedback
Hyaluronic Acid
I then decided to precisely followed Ted's formula. I purchased the vegetarian powder of HA. After 2 1/2 weeks the pain began to back off. After 6 weeks I am totally pain free and am back to full exercising without any issues. The Sea Salt did not impact my blood pressure. I am amazed at the impact of the HA and my recovery. I truly wondered if I would ever be free of this pain.
Thank you Lord God for the Healing and this wonderful Earth Clinic.
God Bless.
(Ontario, Canada)
Ted's recipe is in fourth post.
Best to you
Hi Heather,
If you don't get the answer you are looking for, there is this that you can consider:
Hyaluronic Acid
The topic is spread around multiple topics.
Hyaluronic Acid
Double dose for 6 – 12 weeks to make up for collagen deficiency, then maintain at recommended dose daily.
Take away from food – especially protein. If taken with protein the body doesn't recognise it as collagen (? hour before food and 2 hours after).
Do not take type I and 3 collagen at the same time as type 2 collagen – they have different amino acid profiles and if taken together the proteins bind and form a complete protein which means the body doesn't recognise it as collagen anymore.
Not taking with food has been discussed but not how to take it with the other type of collagen. Also I did run across double dosing but not that much. I have been double dosing with Type 2 and small molecule HA. I've seen one brand put type 1, 2 and 3 together so perplexing. For now, I have decided to separate taking the Type 2 and Type 1/Type 3 at different times of day on empty stomach. Any other views on this matter?
(Fl, Usa)
It is cured. The herniated disc was cured but the remaining pains turned out to be rheumatoid arthritis which I did find way to bring it under control.
I have experience that collagen could really be beneficial because it really helped a lot with my ruptured Achilles tendon.
But if you take it just as a supplement I don't thing it's going to syntheses in necessary amount in body.
I don't think there is replacement for plant based mainly raw food. It's proved to be best choice for healing.
Milk of magnesium liquid very well may help you. Google it with arthritis and/or bursitis. It is amazing.
Hyaluronic Acid
(From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa)
Maggie G; The salt is added to the hyaluron water solution to act as a preservative when making a pint or quart volume. If you can not take the salt, them make a smaller volume, and consume it in 24 to 48 hours, at the correct dose;... Then mix up another small batch. In this way, the hyaluron will not have time to spoil, and you don't need a preservative in it.
Hyaluron is a protein type substance, and spoils easily. Keep it refrigerated and cold. Make smaller batches that will be used up fairly fast.
I add a crushed 1,000mg vit C tablet to my mix (no salt) and keep it in the fridge - lasts more than 2 weeks.
Licorice Root
I had a very bad herniation - went very close to getting surgery on two occasions. The first was after initial onset as the symptoms were so bad my doctors initially recommended immediate surgery however I chose to wait a week or two to see if it improved.
I saw some initial improvement which meant I decided to try the natural healing route. After 8 weeks of intensive physio, Chiro, Massage and also epidural injection I pretty much hadn't progressed much past were I was at week 2. My pain was now manageable when I was resting but I had seen minimal improvements. I was still slumped like a 90 year old man. Unable to stand or walk for more then a minute or two. At this point I had decided surgery might be the only option.
I had been extra careful with diet to try and maximize my healing and added a few supplements in. Without really expecting any results from these. However when I added Licorice root it was literally like some shot me with a healing gun. Literally the first day I had them .... I just felt different. I had a huge return of energy. Back pain felt better. Within a couple of weeks I had made massive strides to the point my therapists and doctors were scratching their heads as to how it suddenly just magically got better.
I told them I started taking licorice root and they literally laughed at me.
Back pain is caused by mechanical issues with posture - but from what I have read the adrenal glands have a huge effect on the core and back muscles that stabilize the spine. An issue with adrenals seemed to result in mechanical issues with posture and the everyday functioning of these keys muscles. For me these issues seemed to be immediately rectified by simply taking this supplement.
I wouldn't guarantee it will work for everyone. Its possible your mechanical issue is not just related to adrenals but for me that seemed to be the source of the issue. It was like a magic potion.
Thanks for this info but how much licorice root did you take and how did you take it -- capsules, tea? Please give more info, thanks.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
I've bought a cold laser machine for about 200 euros with 0 results. Be careful, even class 3B laser machines do not penetrate deep into the body and do nothing internally.
Professionals use class 4 lasers, which can reach even 30W of power consumption for some nanoseconds in order not to burn tissue but penetrate deeply. They cost about 2.000-10.000 euros. My machine has a continuous output, but of only 610mW.
There are cheaper LED (not laser) devices sold on Amazon which are very powerful (about 3W) and have many good critics. They cost about 150-200 euros.
(Thessaloniki - Greece)
They key for the solution is to give a deadly amount of lasers light energy like 25 Watts but for extremely short time in order not to heat cells to death. Irradia Midcare 904 does that. So with infrared frequency and very high power of light, the laser can reach deep tissues. I have not found that kind of laser in Amazon. There is a very honest engineer from Turkey that makes his own LLLTs and sells them on eBay in reasonable price. I bought one for about 960 euros. I can tell if it works because my herniated disc was healed after months of taking borax.
(Bitola, Macedonia)
(Thessaloniki - Greece)
The doctor is dead a few years now.
His daughter is also a doctor and continues his work at the same place
My brother went to her and is very satisfied.
Noni Juice
I first took noni for a herniated disc. It took 3 months of being on a loading dose of 4 oz per day split am and pm, but eventually it resolved after having endured 9 months of physio, traction etc which was ineffective. Within 2 weeks of starting I had more energy than I had for years and since 1997 have not had to take naps mid day to keep going. I had suffered with psorasis since the age of 16 but have not had any since 1997 either. I will take noni daily until the day I die.
I started my mother on noni in her late 80's on it at only 2 oz per day and her high blood pressure dropped within a week from 165/90 (with medication) to 87/49. She reduced (halved) the medication and it came up to 120/80 but later the doctor halved her medication again and it remained near normal (as long as she could remember to take it). It also did drop her blood sugars some but not enough to stop her medication.