Natural Remedies for MS

Wahl's Protocol
Posted by Mary (NY, NY) on 06/08/2021

Dr. Terry Wahls wrote the book The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles. She offers some very interesting information on how cells work in her book. Dr. Wahls had MS so severe she was confined to a wheel chair. She was a vegetarian. She switched to a paleo based diet and slowly reclaimed her health. She advocates eating food for vitamins and minerals. She recommends foods like chicken liver, bone broth for collagen, coconut oil and vegetables broken into 3 groups – greens, sulfur like onions and broccoli and rainbow vegetables like red bell peppers and anti-oxidant fruits like strawberries and blueberries. She also limits her sugar intake to 1 teaspoon per day. I found her book very interesting. She has videos on youtube you can view explaining her principles and amazing recovery:

Minding Your Mitochondria with Dr. Terry Wahls

Dr. Terry Wahls presentation

Bone broth recipe: Cover a whole chicken in water in a pot with 1 Tbl iodized salt. Bring to a boil on the stove, then simmer covered one hour. Pull off meat. Return bones to the broth. Add 1 Tbl vinegar. Simmer 6 hours.
