Natural Remedies for MS

Posted by Leslie (Indianapolis, In) on 10/23/2009

It is possible his vaccination contained a preservative called Thimerosol which is mercury-containing. Mercury is highly toxic to the human body. I have had bad reactions after vaccinations. Mercury is also present in "silver" dental amalgam fillings of the teeth and has been implicated as a possible contributor towards MS. It could be a heavy metals issue or that the vaccination was the impetus for an immune response that triggered the MS. FYI.

Posted by Mary (Southaven, MS) on 05/18/2008

This is so strange; I found this site while researching about my dog's bad reaction to vaccination. I watched the video on You-Tube in the above link, thinking it was about animals. It was about human vaccinations. In the information, it mentioned persons getting auto-immune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, after routine vaccinations. My husband got MS 8 years ago when he was 48 -- after taking his very first-ever flu shot, and had received a tetnus booster just a month or so before. Coincidence???.... I can see I have some more research to do. As for my chihuahua, after reading all the stories on here, she will NEVER receive another vaccination of any kind. She is strictly an indoor dog and I no longer see the need for it.

EC: The post Mary is referring to is from our Pet Vaccinations Side Effects page:

05/11/2008: Sherri from Atlanta, GA replies: "You may want to sit down and take a deep breath before you watch this disturbing video on vaccines."

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 05/18/2008

To Mary from South Haven 5/18/08 - Could very well be connected to his first ever flu shot, but you're not likely to ever convince the FDA of this (or his doctor). Knowing that they are now putting monosodium glutamate into vaccines, if they are calling it a preservative, they might also be putting it into the nasal spray ones which would give the MSG a direct route to the brain through the olfactory nerve. MSG is a well-known neurotoxin to the brain. Also the Gulf Storm veterans are still battling to prove that something in the vaccine they were given as a prophylactic caused their Gulf Storm Syndrome and the last I heard the government was trying to say there is no Gulf War Syndrome, that it is all in their heads (fancy word is psychosomatic). One doctor found squalene in GS veterans blood samples that she checked that she said caused. But the argument is still alive! Another known neurotoxin called sodium fluoride in our water supply is also implicated in multiple scherosis. Any toxin that you can eliminate won't hurt and probably will help.
