I have had venoplasty or what is called the liberation procedure two times now. The veins that drain the brain and spine are stenosed causing blood to back up in the brain and spine which in turn causes the placques or sclerosis. It is and continues to be the best thing I have ever done for my MS. (I still take LDN. ) The interventional radiologist performs angioplasty/venoplasty and baloons the veins that are stenosed. After the first venoplasty my fatigue went away, I had less brain fog and could feel my fingertips for the first time in years. I also started to dream again. My veins stayed open for about 5 months. Around month 6 the fatigue started in again and I knew my veins must have collapsed. I went back in for another MRI and my brain scan actually showed improvement. I did have 5 lesions on my brain and then after venoplasty I had 3. This procedure works. Nine months from the original venoplasty, I had another one. This time they put me on blood thinners and I am hoping I get more time with this procedure. I recommend looking at the web site www.ccsvi.org or ccsvi facebook for education into this new procedure to help with MS.
The Liberation Procedure
I had the procedure done in Feb, 2011 with good results and if my veins close up, I will go back and do again. Most of the people on our facebook page who have had it done, some 4 times with great results along with doctors who have ms. I have went off the shots and now only do LDN. There are alot of places in the US now that do the procedure. I had mine done in FL at SHands, also the Moffit Center in Tampa is doing it. Also try this web site, http://ccsvi-ms.ning.com/ and join that, there is alot of info on there and it show you places in the US close to you for the procedure. It is an easy procedure, in and out the same day with no problems. Don't tell your dr you are having it done, just make the arrangements on your own and they know how to word it so the insureance co's will pay. (most of them) Good luck
The Liberation Procedure
I had this procedure done in February in Albany, NY. Absolutely amazing results - no more spasms, great balance/gait, no more brain fog. Only thing that truly helped me and made me feel normal again.
The Liberation Procedure
I seem to recall a number of people on earthclinic.com seeking help with MS. You might want to put a link to this site on EC.
Seems that Dr. Zamboni (Italy) seeking help for his own wife determined that it is a vascular problem rather than an autoimmune disease. Thank God for the Zamboni's of this planet earth.
Of course they will probably have a little trouble finding someone in USA doing the liberation procedure. I would suggest contacting some place like Mayo Clinic for information.