MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MS

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Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Fred (South Africa) on 05/17/2013

My wife was diagnosed with MS seven years ago. The Neurologist started treatment with Rebiff and ocasionally she had to go to hospital to receive a cortisone drip. She had constant headaces, fever and spasms after the injection. She was only allowed to use Panado as a pain killer. (Sometimes up to 8 every day) As time progressed and relapses ocurred the spasms headaces and body pains worsened to such an extent that she could barely walk. Speech and bladder controll was also severely affected. She was introduced to LDN little more than a year ago. We started with a daily dose of 2mg after 9 pm, and she is now on 4. 5mg per day. She has no more headaches, never had a spasm again and can walk short distances without any aid. Her speech and bladder controll also improved. Although the MS caused a lot of damage the LDN improved her quality of life to a great extent. Pity we did not know about LDN sooner
