MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MS

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Posted by Cheryl (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 11/02/2012

I have MS, and have been following Swanks MS Diet for the past 2 years - I have no symptoms of MS (other than brain fog - but that could just be me! ). His diet is all about reducing saturated fat intake. Dr Roy Swank did over 50 years of research on MS. There was a 20 year study completed on this with MS patients which shows remarkable results. And all it takes is changing the food you eat. Please have a look at the following 2 websites - and Dr George Jelinek's site - . These 2 websites have great forums which show that the diet can slow/reverse symptoms of this disease. Both these doctors also have books that are my bibles. Take care and please look into Swanks MS Diet.
