MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MS

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Isabel G (San Antonio, Tx) on 04/14/2009

I suffered from season allergies, anyone who has them knows hos miserable it can make you feel...I actually started with ____, which is the same thing as colostrum but more technical and scientific, I ended up changing to colostrum because of the price...anyhow when cedar comes along all i need is my colostrum pill and the symptoms are almost none...while before i was taking oral medicine, eye allergy drops and still feel terrible and what to say about all the side effects from them . I really swear by this product.

Posted by G. Michael (Reading, PA) on 12/05/2007

For Multiple Sclerosis I am writing a book on natural cures called "Christians, Health God's way"' The Lord directed me to a small booklet about bovine colostrum about a half year ago. In the book there were several testimonies about people suffering with M.S. Within about one month the one was completely cured and the other stated that 90% of her symptoms were gone. Also, I have a friend who told me about a friend of hers who had M.S. I told my friend to suggest that her friend take colostrum for her M.S. and also to stop using aspartame. About a month later her friend went from a wheelchair to back to a normal life. Praise The Lord. The reason why colostrum works with M.S. is that autoimmune diseases are started through what is called intestinal permeability. Colostrum heals this, thereby giving the body the opportunity to heal itself. Of course, its important to stop eating unhealthy foods in addition to doing the colostrum. Make sure when you purchase the solostrum that you purchase colostrum that is from no more than the first two milkings, because after these milkings the quality of the colostrum is too diluted to be very effective. The reason why you shouldn't use aspartame is because one of the side effects is that it "mimics"
