MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MS

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Posted by Joy (Sydney, Australia) on 07/17/2008

Try acupuncture, the traditional type, for the control of MS. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with rapid progressive, turns out I was actually allergic to the medication. The first initial onset wiped me out!!! Mobility, sight, speech, dribbling, bowels, bladder, the lot! Luckily I found out that acupuncture can work for some with MS. I have come from paralyzed to completely to mobile, (with a slight limp now), I'm raising my 6 year old alone, finishing a Science degree, and have never had another flare-up since. My neurologist sent me last year for another MRI because he can't work out why I am progressively getting better not worse considering my initial attack. He was wondering if I had been misdiagnosed. HA! Acupuncture works for me plus the Swank diet. no problems. Don't believe all the pharmacutical brainwashing rhetoric that you are fed, there are lots of different ways through this one! Peace
