Molluscum Contagiosum
Natural Remedies

Molluscum Contagiosum Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Lucy (Usa) on 09/13/2016

Hi Dandelion,

When my two girls were about the same age they had a case of molluscum contagiosum. I was able to get rid of it fairly quickly using Grapefruit Seed Extract. I diluted it as directed on the label and sprayed the affected site several times throughout each day and it went away. I remember it did burn when applied.

Try not to worry too much. This condition will eventually run its course.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Crunchy (Minneapolis, Mn) on 05/26/2014

My son had flesh colored bumps around his knees for a few weeks before I realized they weren't healing and were starting to appear on his side. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) applied directly on the bumps twice daily for a few days and they were gone in about a week. My neighbor's daughter had them for about 6 months before I happened to notice and recommended the GSE to her. Her daughter had dramatic improvement within a couple of days and it's been a few weeks and she only has one or two small bumps left and they are on the way out. No pain or stinging and really works fast. I'd recommend treating the areas for an extra week or two to make sure they are completely cleared.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Cured (Chicago, Il) on 01/04/2014

Molluscum Contagiosum: I tried the ACV, It seemed to be helping, but was a very tedious procedure and my skin got very irritated and I hated walking around smelling like rotten apples. Despite my actions to rid the bumps, new ones kept cropping up. I was getting very frustrated and going through alot of bandaids, Q tips etc. So I decided I had to find something to fight it from the inside out, hopefully to prevent new ones from developing. I started taking 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract (GSE)in 5 oz of juice 3 times a day. Saw some improvement but not enough so I kept researching GSE, I just had a good feeling about it and since I had already bought a bottle. In my research I found that it is very effective when applied to the lesion. So I began to smear GSE all over the affected area even on the good skin in the area. The skin calmed down from the irritating ACV and the bumps just seemed to fade away without any new developments within a matter of days. I applied it for a couple more days just to stop any of those creepy buggers that decided to pop up. I'm glad I tried applying the GSE. Despite its bitter taste, the GSE is very soothing to the skin and does not burn, very simple quick procedure compared to the ACV bit. It's definitely worth a try if your efforts are not being rewarded.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tracy (Asheville, Nc) on 05/07/2012

Just an update... I have been giving my daughter the grapefruit seed extract (2 drops in a 6 oz. Glass OJ) once daily for 4 weeks now. All of the molluscum are gone from her neck with only very faint scars. She has just 2-3 very tiny bumbs on her chest left. I plan to keep this up for another 2-3 weeks to make sure they are all gone and then wean her off of it.

FYI... The molluscum bumps will look worse before the fall off. They turn red, a little white "core" comes out of the center and then they scab over and then fall off. I made a point of never touching them and just letting them fall off on their own. This technique really seemed to work and was much easier for me then trying to swab her with ACV (she hated that). So grateful to have learned of GSE... It has resolved 2 seperate skin issues in the last year for our family.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tracy (Asheville, Nc) on 04/16/2012

My 2 1/2 year old daughter began to develop small bumps on her neck about 6 months ago. I thought they were skin tags.... But it seems instead that they are MC. We did not go to the doctor for this but learned of this condition from a friend. I have tried the ACV swabbed on her neck but she just fights me. I have instead turned to Grapefruit Seed Extract as it helped me with perioral dermatitis a year ago. I have been giving her 2 drops of GSE in a 6 oz. Glass of OJ once daily. Within 48 hours, her MC spots began to dry up. She has done this for 9 days now and the MC spots are just tiny scars. I believe they will be gone within the next week. I wanted to share this because I had not yet read about using GSE for MC.... But it works and it's simple. Good luck to you.
