Molluscum Contagiosum
Natural Remedies

Molluscum Contagiosum Remedies

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Posted by Kris (Houston, Tx) on 05/09/2012

When my son was 3 years old, he had 6 of these MC bumps show up on his stomach. I took him to the doctor who diagnosed it as molluscum and said it will just run it's course and should be gone within 3 - 6 months. Well, 6 months later they had multiplied to over 200 all over his stomach, legs, arms, face... Everywhere. The only options the doctor gave me were to burn them off or apply a cream. I opted to do neither, and went home and started searching for natural remedies. I tried the apple cider vinegar for a short while, but he had eczema in addition to the mc and the Apple Cider Vinegar just made it more painful.

My aunt, who works at a health food store, recommended elderberry. I bought [an immunity booster] which is made from elderberry and gave him 1 tablet a day for 2 months. Within 2 weeks, you could see those disgusting little bumps start drying out. Within a month, they had all disappeared, but I continued giving him an additional months dose just to make sure the virus was eradicated. It's been 3 years now and he hasn't had anymore show up.
