And there in lies the true cure. Here is my story, my cure (and it can be yours too):
I wanted to share with you my experience. You've heard it all before, some variation of the following story. Some weird bumps showed up, thought they were (pimples, ingrown hair, folliculitis, herpes, etc), and they spread rapidly much to our alarm. Maybe you worsened it like me and popped and drained it before knowing what was going on.
Then tell me if this sounds familiar. You go to the doctor and they freeze it, curettage it, laser it, chemically burn it, what have you, and then tell you that it will go away on it's own and resolve in time. Easy for them to say. Meanwhile, your inner psychological life is in turmoil. Physicians as a whole decidedly do NOT understand the deep psychological trauma that comes along with this "harmless" disease.
Believe me I know how bad you are suffering. For the first time in my life, I contemplated suicide over this bastard of a disease. My bathroom was an apothecary and wasteland of cotton balls, band-aids, gauze pads, tape, apple cider vinegar, aldara, tweezers, needles, hydrogen peroxide, acycolvir, valcylovir, emuaid, conzero1, tea tree oil and on and on and on. None of it worked.
I'm sorry to say it, but until medical research catches up, pills, creams, physical removal, etc. , are NOT going to handle this for you.
The only thing that can TRULY beat MCV is your immune system.
Until I contracted MCV, I thought I ate pretty healthy, I was in decent shape, worked out, didn't eat to much fatty foods.
BUT I WAS EATING VERY LITTLE TO NO FRUITS, VEGETABLES, NUTS, AND SEEDS. These things contain the core essential nutrients that our immune system has been proven to need in countless medical journals, to function at an elite level.
If you want to beat MCV You need to radically change your diet in order to turbo boost and radically change your immune response. I'm not talking about minor changes, an extra apple, or salad (covered in dressing) here and there. Little changes to your diet will only affect small to no change in your overall immune system response. Only radical changes will affect radical results. Get it?
I went from eating a decidedly american diet of refined carbs and meat to 100% fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds based on the teachings of Dr. Fuhrman's books 'Eat to Live' and 'Super immunity', although the information here is widely available in many other nutritional journals. His was just the one I found first. I AM NOT STUMPING FOR YOU TO BUY ANYTHING, but he has put a lot of the information together in a human readable way that we all can understand. I'll even tell you the core idea of his 'Super Immunity', I feel that he would approve of me sharing this knowledge to help you all heal from this nasty nasty virus.
Say it with me, G-BOMBS. It's the acronym that will (most likely) rescue us from this B. S.
G - Greens (leafy ones, kale, collards, mustard greens, etc)
B - Beans (Kidney, lentils, etc. )
O - Onions (the more variation of onion varieties the better)
M - Mushrooms (the more variation of mushroom varieties the better)
B - Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
S - Seeds/Nuts (Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, etc)
You need to eat all of this stuff in combination so your body is getting all the nutrients from all these items around the same time. Don't overdue the nuts/seeds, they are caloricaly dense and a little goes a long way, but get enough. The rest are hard to really overeat as they are not calorically dense at all, and you can only eat so much Kale before you are full. Fruits and veggies take up a lot of room in your gut. Also sodium is not helpful to your immune system, so try and get the lowest sodium version of all items possible.
Here is a quick starter recipe you can experiment with to get you going:
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1/2 red onion, chopped
handful of green onions, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
10 various mushrooms, chopped
1/2 zucchini, chopped
1/2 yellow squash, chopped
handful of peas (optional)
12 ounce can of chopped tomatoes
12 ounce can of kidney beans
6 large kale leaves, chopped
3 cups of vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon of sage
1/2 teaspoon of red pepper
1/2 teaspoon of dried basil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
In a large soup pot, heat the oil over medium and saute the red onion, green onions and carrots until they are soft. Add the mushrooms, zucchini, squash and peas and cook until the mushrooms have released their juices, this will be obvious because all of a sudden there will be a lot of moisture/water in the pot that you didn't add. Next, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, and vegetable broth and cook until heated through. Add the kale leaves and spices and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!
Follow this up with a dessert of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, walnuts and pumpkin seeds and you have completed the GBOMBS. This shouldn't be all you are eating though, keep eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible.
Five days later of my new RADICAL 'nutritarian' diet, the MCV stopped spreading for the first time in 6 weeks. I just stared at myself in the mirror, truly in shock. Could it really have been this simple all along? Not only that, but I was LOSING WEIGHT and FEELING FREAKING FANTASTIC. Then the lesions slowly started scabbing over and/or just disappearing. I kid you not my fellow MCVers. Your immune system is so incredible, but it is severely underfunded with the resources it needs to stage it's all out nuclear war on MCV. FUND IT TODAY.
I wish you much love and success, I truly do. You are not alone, there are a lot of us out there suffering. WE CAN GET BETTER!!!!!
FYI I'm not a doctor (like they were any help anyways), I am only sharing what worked for me, I cannot guarantee this will work, but it did for me, in spades. Please make sure you are not allergic to anything in my soup and dessert recipe here.