Any how today we put Dead sea Mud on that spot for 15 minutes, I think it will work because after we clean the mud we see some blood, we put some Betadine and cover it again by a medical plaster ...
Dead sea Mud, Its is a great treatment for the spots of MC, we paint these these spots twice a day, wthin 1 week all become dry, small, then disappered, I recomend it strongly, it has no side effect, it is not toxic or cancerous material like clove oil, no irritation like Apple cider vineger, no dryness effect, it will leave your skin sfot and clean.
Dead Sea Mud
Since I live in Jordan where dead sea locate in , I know Many people come from all over world to the dead sea to enjoy there and to treat many skin diseases such as psoriasis , even when I was in Jordan - now im living in other country - I used to go with my family and friends to swim in the dead see , and paint our bodies with this mud , By the way this mud is very rich of minerals especially sulfur and it has astrange texture because it lays under the most salted sea in the deepest point in the world , where you cant find and creature live in because of heigh concentration of the salt and minerlas - except some kind of Bacteria where discovered recently - , by the way and many cosmatic companies used this mud in their product ....
so I decided to use Dead Sea mud , and I started to paint my Daughter arms and leg with her cheek ( because it start to appear on that area ) with that mud , when me and my wife finished from painting our daughter , she was look like a Mumy :) .... we left the mud for 15 minutes on her body till it become dried , then we wash her by water and we used Dettol shower gel , after shwer we noticed that the spots become large , inflamed and red , we were woried , I asked my daughter honey do you feel any pain or itching , she said no. after a few hours the spots come back to its normal size and shape , we repeated the treatment for 5 consecutive days , all the spot become dried and their size become smaller , so we decided to stop painting , now most of the spot gone and the remaing is very small , really I was happy for that result , I want to share this experience with all people whom suffering from MC , By the way from my experince Dead see mud will leave your skin clean , soft , without any irritation or dryness , its not toxic like Clove oil non irritanat like Apple cide vineger , Sorry if my english languge was not fluent ....