Molluscum Contagiosum
Natural Remedies

Molluscum Contagiosum Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Clove Oil
Posted by Jane (Maryland) on 03/25/2018

Molluscum Contagiosum:

The pure clove oil on a cotton swab has worked great for me! My skin has been fine, since I only press it to the pox center. I do put a circle bandaid on ones that are likely to be touched by other skin to avoid spreading. I don't always see the white center turn brown, but it does seem to become inactive and disappear -very slowly. Haven't had any get large since using the clove oil.

Having a difficult time avoid self spreading, as they are on my chest to face area, which gets touched as I do simple daily things like pushing my hair awake or adjusting a shirt. Washing hands constantly and using paper towels to dry. Feel like this could go on forever. Afraid to hug loved ones.

Any tips for the scars for the big ones that I had before finding the post on clove oil. They are like craters! Luckily only a few, before I realized they weren't pimples

Thank you so much!

Clove Oil
Posted by Nicole (Ma) on 11/14/2013

Clove oil seems to be working for my 7 year old son! It's been only 5 days some have gone away quicker than others! They seem to be coming to a head and easily pulled off! Does burn a bit but not as bad as having them burned off!

Clove Oil
Posted by Steph (London, Uk) on 03/14/2013

This has really worked for me so far.

I woke up with spots all over my side and collar area a few days ago and went straight to see the doctor. She told me it was MC, that it will go away on its own and to not share towels with others.

I immediately came home and started dabbing them with ACV before even looking it up. After some more research, I tried clove oil. It's been less than 2 days, and the spots are already dried up and look like they may be on their way out. They are very small, so they don't really have a head, although it looks like they have a tiny tiny black head, which is towards the end I think.

I don't know if I have a mild case, which explains why they are small, but either way I recommend treating spots ASAP after diagnosis or, prefereably, discovery.

I would not recommend picking or scraping.

Clove oil all the way!

Clove Oil
Posted by Godblessedme (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 08/31/2012

CLOVE OIL! CLOVE OIL! CLOVE OIL! I caught molluscum from a sauna at the gym, I had a hard time getting rid of most of them. I tried ACV and that just irritated my skin and made things worse. I ordered the strongest Tea Tree oil on the market from Melaleuca, that worked a little better but it took quite a while. After 8 months I thought they had all gone away but apparently I had one little spot that stuck around for another 4-5 months, I didnt realize what it was and scratched it. Well needless to say, it spread to about 7 bumps. I was devistated, then I found this thread and someone had mentioned clove oil. I got 100% pure clove oil, applied it to the spots and within hours the spots were smaller and almost gone. I applied the oil 4 times and over night, they had all disapeared! I was amazed and so relieved! Try clove oil! Just be careful because it seriously burns if you get in the wrong areas by accident. I have a hypothyroidism which causes my immune system to be weaker than normal, so I thought I would never be cured of this. With much praying and much effort of not irritating the spots, and dialy upkeep of oils and cleansing I am happily free of the ailment!!! Good luck to everyone, I hope my advice helped someone. Prayers and Clove oil!

Clove Oil
Posted by Clove Oil Works (Orlando, Florida) on 07/24/2012

Clove oil..... Clove oil..... Clove oil..... It works fast.... Clove oil worked in a couple days and doesn't hurt or damage the skin. Did the ACV and it worked okay, but just hurt my 2 yr old too much. Tried zymaderm, didn't work. Tried clove oil applied directly too spots (my bottle was over 8 yrs old so I applied direct, but probably dilute with carrior oil if new(some say their oil is strong enough undiluted to blister. So be careful, don't get it too strong). It should only be a mild tingle if anything when applied. First the spot gets a little raised and inflamed around it. Then the horrible little spots get a dark spot in the center within a couple days of 2 applications per day and fall out. Killed them dead. Finally something that works, if I had only known at the beginning, he would have only had 15 spots to treat not 50. Clove oil, who knew.

Clove Oil
Posted by Clove Oil Worked Best (Orlando, Fl) on 07/22/2012

Clove oil worked in a couple days for Molluscam Contagiosum and doesn't hurt or damage the skin. Did the ACV and it worked okay, but just hurt my 2 yr old too much. Tried zymaderm, didn't work. Tried clove oil applied directly too spots (my bottle was over 8 yrs old so I applied direct, but probably dilute with carrior oil if new(some say their oil is strong enough undiluted to blister. So be careful, don't get it too strong). It should only be a mild tingle if anything when applied. First the spot gets a little raised and inflamed around it. Then the horrible little spots get a dark spot in the center within a couple days of 2 applications per day and fall out. Killed them dead. Finally something that works, if I had only known at the beginning, he would have only had 15 spots to treat not 50. Clove oil, who knew.
