Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

Sea Salt
Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/22/2009

Sea Salt CURED my Lyme Disease in DAYS!

I had suffered for six months with Lyme Disease before I was diagnosed. It was absolutely horrible. I was going completly insane. I was at the point where I just wanted to die. After the blood work showed I was Lyme positive, I went on doxycycline for one month. That did nothing but make me sick to my stomach, and led me to developing a bad case of candidiasis (which was cured by raw garlic and restriction of sugar, another story for another time). Through this site, I found out about the miracle of sea salt. I bought unrefined sea salt from a local health food store, and when I got home, took a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of it with a glass of water. Within a few hours of ingesting the sea salt, I felt better than I had felt in months - it was incredible! The next few days, I took a teaspoon three times a day every day, and I'd say that within three or four DAYS, my now seven month episode of crippling Lyme Disease was GONE. GONE!!! For a few weeks after, I continued to take a teaspoon once a day, just to make sure that it wouldn't come back.

EVERYONE should be made aware that pure, unrefined Sea Salt, CAN cure Lyme Disease very quickly. Many people are infected with Lyme and don't even know it.

There are a few things you should know about using high doses of sea salt....

-Make sure you drink PLENTY of water.
-It WILL cause diarrhea, so I highly suggest using probiotics to replace the flora that are lost.
-Make sure you get enough potassium to balance out the salt (potatoes, orange juice, bananas..)
-Make sure it is unrefined, raw sea salt (healthy for you, as opposed to refined sodium chloride)
-Stay away from MSG! Ted said that when he took sea salt with MSG, his blood pressure went skyrocketing. I had the same result when I took a spoonful of salt before eating a prepared dinner (lots of MSG).

I'm very positive that this is possibly the best treatment for Lyme.

To sum up everything, taking about 15 grams (about 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons) of sea salt throughout the day, for several days, cured my Lyme. It should also be noted that a SINGLE dose of salt (about 5 grams) did more for me than an entire month of doxycycline.

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Dorie (Chesterfield, Va) on 09/14/2009

I had lymes disease and took the doxycycline, but the tingling in my legs and feet came back even before finishing the prescription. I also developed a bladder infection which I usually cure with lots of pure cranberry juice. I noticed that my tingling stopped after drinking the cranberry juice so I drank it about 4 times a day and the tingling went away. I also noticed that the tingling came back after shaving my legs so I started to disinfect the razor. This helped. I also used anti-biotic cream on my legs and feet. You can feel the hairs on your legs stand up after drinking lots of cranberry juice. I figured the germs were trying to get away from the acid in my system so I would kill them with the anti-biotic cream when they migrated to my pores. I also tried to eat a low carbohydrat diet which also tends to change your ph to the acidic side and I heard that germs feed on sugar. Thank goodness this worked since my doctor would not give me any more doxycycline.

Posted by Greg (Hackettstown, NJ) on 07/19/2009

HI....... I wanted to start taking Borax to help eradicate my Lyme symptoms but of course I am concerned about it's safety. I have a box of 20 Mule Team on hand and am fully prepared to give it a go using Ted's measurings. But first I found an MRSD on Borax that said once ingested Borax becomes Boric Acid in the body. Clearly this would be a problem. The MRSD goes on to state that the effects would cause a myriad of problems including the testicular pain that another poster described at an earlier date and time. Ted....your response to him (Dave I believe his name was) was that he didn't take the Borax correctly but after re-reading his post it looked as if he did follow the recipe. As I said I am more than willing to give the Borax a shot at the Lyme but I don't want my being desperate to cause me to do something that will worsen my health. Ted, can you please clarify your response to Dave and/or answer the question about the MRSD claim of Borax becoming Boric Acis upon ingestion? Also can you please clarify your response to Dave regarding his experience. Thank you so much.


Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Snoopy (Tulsa, OK) on 07/09/2009

How many times a day did you take the Vit.C/B/wheatgrass/milk thistle? Is it a special brand of Vit.C that has the Vit.B spectrum or is it a separate capsule?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Peggy (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 05/07/2009

My sister has been bitten by a tick and has Lymes Disease. Has anyone had success with H2O2 and Lymes Disease?

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Craig (Felton, CA) on 12/18/2008

I did a modified version of this diet to help cure my lyme disease. 5 doctors misdiagnosed my condition and I suffered for 6 months. My medical student friend suggested I take a course of doxicycline. It took a month of daily treatment, but I was left with more energy and could now get out of bed in the morning. However It did not eliminate the flu-like symptoms I had everyday. I found the salt and Vitamin C cure for LD on the web, but didn't want to ingest all that salt. So I took 1000mg vitamin C with full VitB spectrum, 2 oz of dried wheatgrass powder, 350mg of milk thistle, and ate high salt foods instead of ingesting the salt and vitC together. It took almost two years to fully rid myself of LD, but if I knew of my approach before the illness I think I could have limited it to six months. Hope this helps. And people, keep your head up. Depression feeds lyme disease. You can get better!

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Don (Southwest, Michigan, USA) on 10/01/2008

I want to thank everyone on this site for contributing and sharing your experiences. After about 10 years and two seperate misdiagnosed episodes of Lymes Disease, I have now been symptom free for almost 5 months. After many different antibiotics and antifungacides I finally said to hell with them all and here is what I did:

I spent about seven days eating nothing but whole mandarin oranges and whole lemons. The whole thing, including the skin, seeds, pulp and juice. I would cut them into little pieces and wash them down with very hot plain water. I also took about 5 grams of Vitamin C.

Don't ask me why, but something just told me to do it. After about 8 days I woke up and I knew that the lyme disease was over. I then went on a modified no sugar - no flour diet. I did eat some whole fruit and lots of organic soy nuts for carbs. I lost 45 lbs and no more blood pressure medicine.

I now eat just about anything I want but not much, if any factory/processed foods.

We are all individuals and this worked for me. If I had not found this site and then listened to my bodies voice, I might still be suffering.

Thank you, best wishes and peaceful life to all,

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Susan (Rockville, MD) on 08/08/2008

Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions.

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Susan (Rockville, MD) on 08/08/2008

Regarding the previous post about the 1 gram of salt to 1 gram of Vitamin c, DO NOT use regular salt. Only natural unprocessed salt such as Real Salt or Himalayan salt can be used. Also, make sure you go slow, starting with 1 gram at a time and working your way up. Check out the lymephotos website for more information or the yahoo group dedicated to this protocol: lymestrategies

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Jeanne (Trenton, New Jersey) on 06/12/2008


Lyme Disease Remedies: Do not use Citric Acid. I have no proof at hand, but have read that it can cause osteoarthritis. Arthritis pain disappears in many people when they eliminate Citrus. I've used the salt and Citric Acid and am now dealing with arthritis since doing so.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Frannie (USA) on 02/28/2007

I found the website and you can read it. I think this is the one explaining what it was she was trying to tell me.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Frannie (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/28/2007

re: Lymes -- I heard that to heal this awful disease if you will, you take 3 double capsules of real salt and One double of citric acid pure. You increase this and from what I was told the shift in the cell is what destroys the lymes...I know I havent done a good job at explaining this but my friend who I think is a chiorpractor has lymes and this is what she is doing to correct it.

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Klaus-Christian (Osaka, Japan) on 05/03/2007

1g Salt and 1g Vitamin C mixed in water and taken every hour helped to cure my lyme syndrome in short time. Got the idea from Didn't get any high blood pressure or any other negative effects from the salt.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Joan (Laurel, Maryland) on 10/11/2007

Hi, I am in the process of retiring on disability. Last year, my health dramatically declined. My doctor thinks it may be Lyme disease even though I've tested negative. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and body aches for almost a year now. I started oil pulling about three weeks ago. I'm now only experiencing one or two days per week of extreme fatigue and body aches. For the first time in a year, I feel well enough to tackle the clutter that has built up in my house, I've been organizing and cleaning regularly. I still tire easily, but I am feeling well enough to tackle some pretty big jobs one at a time! Thanks so much for this info. It is really making a difference!

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by thamas (east coast nsw, australia) on 11/20/2007

re: cure for tick bite for dogs and humans -- My dog had a severe reaction to a nasty tick. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was swollen and she couldn't breathe. She was going to die. Instead of a $700 vet bill I gave her about 7 drops of diluted ledum (a homeopathic) every 10 - 15 mins and within 1/2 hr she was completely normal. there was no side effects or after trouble. Hey presto problem solved. If anyone in my househould starts to feel sick from tick bite or even if I find a tick on anyone it is always cured completely with ledum.

EC: More interesting info on Ledum found at this website:

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