Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

Sea Salt, Oregano Oil
Posted by Viv (Calgary, Alberta) on 11/03/2012

I would like to offer my story with lyme and what worked for me. I was bitten by a tick when I went camping in BC Canada; rarely go camping, in fact possibly 5 x in my lifetime and I am 47. I noticed the rash upon my return home to Calgary; however at the time was not sick at all so didnt really think too much about it. Ticks in Canada? Rare, right? Well not so rare. I was uneducated in this department; like so many other Canadians. I began feeling sick 10 days after returning from my camping trip, again at this time the connection with the rash was not even considered. Began with bad sinus-like headaches, my left leg felt tingly and numb, as well as the left side of my face. Overall felt like flu or sinus infection, but that didnt really explain the leg and face tingly numb feeling. Over time, 4 months, symptoms escalted; severe sinus pain, painful ears and trickling sensation in ears, numbness in left side, severe left shoulder pain, neck pain (later stages), feeling that I was going to pass out, anxiety, panic attacks, having to think carefully about speech prior to actually speaking, weak all the time, cognition compromised, vertigo and the list goes on and on..... One of the most scary symptoms was the body tremors; other than visible shaking of hands these body tremors were invisible to my family. While my symptoms were restricted to the left side, for the most part, the right side was affected too, but on occasion only. When this happened all symptoms on left side disappeared. Visits to the emergency and multiple doctors diagnosed everything from sinusitis to MS and of course stress! Never lyme disease; however, at that time the rash was never brought up, until just last week. I took the test and am waiting for the results. I know I have lyme and decided to start alternatve treatments despite pending test results.

This is my daily regime;

Himalayian sea salt and Ester-C - 11 grams of each spread out over the day; am, lunch and pm. I weigh 110lbs. I drink lots of water throughout the day to keep the sea salt moving through body.

Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano - 15 drops am and pm in an 8 oz glass of water.

Grape Seed Extract - 1 tablet each day

Day 4 of the treatment; for me, truly amazing. The feeling in my left side; tingling and numbness easing considerably, headaches not so severe, in fact very mild and sometimes none at all. Cognition much much better, speaking more freely, strength returning. The die-off is intense today..... Lots of visits to the washroom, but all good. Slight headache, left side, but far from what I experienced each day, still some shoulder pain, but legs and arm are good.

The sea salt and oil of oregano I believe are my saviours. It is early days for me, but today I feel the best I have felt in 4 months. I share my story with my fellow sufferers who like me have been so traumatized by this disease.

Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas) on 10/12/2012

Below is a link to a biofilm and nano bacteria remedies. Anyone suffering from a serious illness or chronic disease would benefit from this information. It is the most concised information I have come across and well referenced. The article is very long but well worth the study. It will take the guess work out of figuring it out yourself. This site does sell product which you don't have to buy. It would be ashame not to post this site as it could help so many.

Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 08/31/2012

To Lisa from Maple Grove MN Regarding your question about Iodoral vs Lugol's - I know that Lugol's has a mix of both elemental iodine (5%) and potassium iodide (10 %) that (I would assume) is a good mix for the human body. I checked the website for Iodoral and noticed that it has a similar mix. Evidently the thyroid prefers the iodide and other body sites, like the breasts and ovaries, prefer the iodine. Go to 'The Iodine Project' on your computer and there is a wealth of very good information based on the work of Dr. Abraham.

I feel for you being in the throes of Lyme. But you WILL conquer it with a few simple but proven therapies. The life cycle of the organism is so long that it can take a while to get back to normal if it's been in your body for a while. I read somewhere (I think it was Bryan Rosner's book 'The Top Ten Treatments for Lyme') that if you take an antibiotic for, say, strep throat for ten days, you have hit the life cycle of that bacteria almost 500 times and that with Lyme, it would take something like 5 years to hit the life cycle that many times.

I also rotated the salt with TAO free Cat's Claw called Samento). In the early years, I had tried the regular Cat's Claw at the health food store with little success. I decided to spring for the $30 dollars once with a company called Nutramedix. Wow. What a die off reaction!! I stuck with Salt because it is so inexpensive and Lyme almost bankrupt me. But I wish I had learned about what really worked early on. Anyway - Samento could be one more thing to keep in mind if you want to rotate your treatments.

You say you were diagnosed a month ago. How long do you think you have had it? I was hit pretty hard. And the intense pain and exhaustion just seemed to go on and on and on. I should be embarassed to admit this publicly, but there was a point where I was seriously suicidal. I thought I would never get rid of it and it would just torture me for the rest of my life. Some, if not most, websites I read were basically saying you will never get rid of it. I totally disagree. I intend to be vigilant for many years to come, if not the rest of my life. But I think you need to understand what you are dealing with and be tenacious and as optimistic as possible. Patience is key. Every Herx you endure means you are killing off the little b####s by the thousands if not hundreds of thousands. The fact that it is a biofilm is key, as well as the fact that it is intracellular and cyst.

You may also want to check out a product called Wobenzym. You can get it the least expensive at but it is an investment. It is a protein digesting enzyme that digests the biofilm and cyst, which will increase the effectiveness of any treatment plan you choose.

Don't ever lose sight of the fact you will will will conquer this disease.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Martina (Burnaby, Canada) on 08/22/2012

The OO stands for Oil of Oregano. The GSE w/ OO was an all in one product I purchased that most health food stores carry in their detoxing department. I wasn't able to walk before I took it and was practically normal after 3 days at the max dose. The honey I meant to say was from tea tree plants... Manuka honey. I've also tried really cheap ayurvedic amla powder from an East Indian food store that seemed to boost my immune system. Iodine gave me my energy back. But now the biggest help I'm getting is through energy medicine. I think I might be Lyme free! Only the Bartonella to kick now

Sea Salt
Posted by Lisa (Maple Grove, Mn, Us) on 08/22/2012

To Susan in Portsmouth, NH, I was diagnosed a month ago with Lyme Disease and have been doing the Salt/Vitamin C for about 2 weeks. I have also been doing the iodine protocol for a year and a half using Iodoral. Do you think Iodoral would work as well as Lugol's? I find it easier and more convenient to take, but would switch to Lugol's if it would work better. Thanks for your uplifting post. Some days this Lyme can really get me down.

Avoid Arginine, Take Lysine, Moxa
Posted by Avalon (Boston, Ma Usa) on 08/12/2012

I was plagued with shingles for years until I found out that I really had Lyme Disease with herpes 6 as one of the coinfections. Finally doing well with a few small outbreaks here and there if I eat foods with too much arginine and don't take enough lysine to compensate. Two grams of lysine 3x per day is as effective as Rx to supress the virus. Also, I notice a difference in my tendons, they make a clicking sound as if they are too tight, just before an outbreak. If I up the dose Lysine at the first click, no rash develops. Moxa is very effective in halting the outbreak of rash and stopping the itch/pain instantly; heat the area with a moxa stick to a "zing" sensation 3 times for instant relief. Search: "Canadian Lyme Assoc Symptoms" and "arginine foods". All my fave foods were loaded with arginine. Good luck!

Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 08/11/2012

Jeff... Sorry I did not immediately respond to you. I have been feeling so much better and am getting back to a very normal, busy and wonderfully pain free life.

Yes, Salt/C was THE thing that turned the tide, and I continued to improve each time I used it, which was probably for about a year and a half. I was religiously consistent with it for about a year, but felt the results immediately. In my research, I read that the bacteria NEVER develop a tolerance to it, and that the salt can break through the biofilm and cysts. I would say from experience with both salt and antibiotics that it is true. But the beauty of the Salt/C protocol is you have total control as to the doses and length of treatment pulses, which can vary depending on what the Lyme is doing and how much Herx you are willing to tolerate. Ramp it up slowly. My Lyme would get worse in the Spring and Fall. Sometimes I would push the protocol to the max at those times, sometimes not. With antibiotics, I generally had to suffer through the entire four to six week dose to get any results.

I also had great luck with Lugol's iodine, which I would use in between or with the Salt/C protocol near the end of that year and a half. Check out a website called the Iodine Project. My dentist told me about it. (I went to this guy who is in Skowhegan ME for safe mercury removal - also check out a website called Smoking Teeth. ) I got my hands on a reprinted book from the thirties or forties about Iodine written by a doctor. He had compelling thoughts, if you really understand Lyme and read between the lines, that iodine prevents mucopolysaccharide formation, which is the biofilm, basically. And of course, it kills everything - fungus, protozoan, bacteria etc. I only use the salt once in a while now, just to be sure, and I keep iodine as a regular pulsed supplement.

Please keep me posted if you try the salt/C and if you have luck with it. I used the Himalayan Salt but Portsmouth Health Food Store has 'Real Salt' in bulk for really short money. It is also unprocessed.

Good Luck in your quest for answers.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/11/2012

Sid. Interesting feedback you had there. Can you contact me. I suspect I have Lyme and want to start testing for it. Would like to chat with u to learn more about your experiences with testing for it. Thanks, Bill


The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Xavier (Owensboro, Kentucky) on 08/03/2012

Hi brian, Did you not read any of the comments on this thread that you posted on I. E. the comments about how natural cures DO work??? I guess you didn't bother, else you wouldn't have wrote such unsubstantiated rubbish.

So who are you - a doctor or a pharmceutical producer/supplier? Please don't prey on vulnerable people in the future!

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Paul (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 07/30/2012

I essentially did the same thing only with lemons. But first, over 3 days, I did the vitamin C, salt and water cure for Lyme. I was roughly 150 pounds so I injested throughout the day, 8 grams (that's right, grams. ) of vitamin C, 8 grams of salt, and 8-10 glasses of water. Over the course of 3 days I 'diarehead' it out. My symptoms fell away like butter. I essemtially stick to a gluten free, whole foods diet, with very limited grains and potatoes, always careful to keep my body as alkaline as possible, eating apples or slices of apples throughout the day. A year later, I did the lemon cure with apples and mastic gum for my decades old stomach condition. My stomach has never been better. I essentially stick to a blood type diet (O positive in my case) which is essentially paleo. Although I prefer to think of it as more neo-lithic. Fruits, veggies, meat and fish with limited grains. In fact, for my grains, I am still eating the odd Kamut bread but am hoping to go more raw food and sprouted grains. I try to limit my eggs to once or twice a week and goat's milk 2-3 times max per week, with goats yogurt for smoothies. But whole foods and keeping alkaline and eating an anti-inflamatory diet is the key for me. Since I am not completly raw foods I enjoy curry and the wonders of turmeric, etc. My 'indian dosha' is pitta-vatta. The links between different healing systems are like connecting the dots. Neverthless, it was the vitamin C, Salt and water cure over 3-4 days that saved me from my Lyme disease which had reached the point of encaphlitis. Now, I just have a very lingering tinnitus, which generally regular apple consumption and the occassional lemon peel help from time to time. Best of luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/27/2012 2063 posts

Good Lyme advice. As for Immunity Building, if I might add, the Thymus Gland is also very important. The Thymus gland is like the brain of the immune system as it is involved in both production and regulation of immune or white blood cells. Thymus function decreases significantly w/ age so any method to augment it is definitely recommended especially those suffering chronic infections.

To boost the Thymus do these little exercises on a daily basis and significantly boost your immune power. First, use some type negative pole magnet (the side that sticks to metal) over the Thymus, which is directly between the lower neck and heart area; a common refrigerator magnet will do just fine; do this for approx 15 minutes. Second, do the "Thymus Tapp" by making a fist and gently bump the T area a few times and wait a little then bump again several times daily. Thirdly, supplement Raw Thymus Glandular as recommended on label.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jasonm (Chicago, Il ) on 07/26/2012

Yes! That is Lyme disease. Please don't waste any time going to traditional doctors. They have no clue.

This is what I would do if I were you... Start taking 10grams of food-based vitamin C (NOT asorbic acid) while you wait for a "official" diagnosis or blood test. The best brand is made from 100% organic oranges and is easily digestable. I can't name brands here but look it up online it is easily absorbed and you can take a large amount without issues. This is not the case with standar vitamin C. Also increase your sea salt or himalayian salt intake. Salt kills bacteria and other pathogens. Eat lots of organic US grown garlic and onions. Also avoid all sugar (even those in fruit). This will help your body fight the infection while you find a doctor to work with. Do not wait, do this immediately!

If you need confirmation of Lyme (now that I look back I wouldn't need it... I would just go based on symptoms. Waiting for test results takes away time/money on getting treated) you need to find a good LLND (Lyme-literate Naturpathic Doctor) or a good LLMD (Lyme-literate MD). Again I would do things to build your immune system while you look for these folks. There are very few people educated in Lyme and it takes some knowledge to beat this disease. It takes a lot of time just finding a doc to work with... So KEEP building your immune system. Also google "Beat Lyme" online and see some good success stories!!!

General Feedback
Posted by Elena (Staten Island, Ny) on 07/23/2012

I am really grateful to the things I have read here about lyme disease. I am grateful for people's sharing their practical experience about their anilmals health. It really calmed me down and informed me. Thank you so much for this site.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Lil (Haifa, Israel) on 07/18/2012

Hi, how does one do oil pulling? can you give very specific instructions?

I am having very severe pain in my neck and shoulders, esp right side. The pain is constant and feel almost electric. I have muscle pain as well, but tis not just muscle pain. Under my skin it feels all broken up, gravelly. I have similar pain elsewhere and wherever it is most broken up is where it hurts most.

I am very exhuasted, sleep poorly and have bad digestion-smelly poop, reflux, burping cramping bloating, my balance is off, I have a tremor in my hand and neropathy in mylegs esp my left leg and foot- it often swells, I do not have diabetes.

any ideas about what it might be? does it sound like lymes?


General Feedback
Posted by Sid (La Honda, Ca) on 06/30/2012

I have Lyme disease and am being treated by a Lyme doc. Please understand that you can waste precious time using unproven remedies to kill this spirochete, the Lyme bacteria. Science shows that this very slippery critter is VERY hard to get under control. It not only likes to hide out in joints, but also loves the heart, brain, and the nervous system. I was fearful of taking antibiotics, so started with a very capable naturopathic physician. Tests are important to not only verify what you have, but to check to see what other coinfections have piggybacked on to your weakened immune system. Each coinfection also has a particular way of being treated - and some of these are quite tough in their own right. You are likely to have more than just the Lyme Borrelia. I started with a ND, and later, after doing a bit of reading, chose a good Western Lyme doc, the most direct route to getting well. They are worth it - the longer you have this disease, the more challenging (and expensive) it is to come back from. I chose to go from herbal Lyme killers(cat's claw and Japanese knotweed), to antibiotics and am doing fine after 2 months. I have my brain and much of my energy back now! I think it is crucial to use probiotics alongside the antibiotics several times daily. I wish that best for everyone!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gill (Marblehead, Ma, Usa) on 06/26/2012

Hi, I wonder if I have lymes.. Around my shoulder and neck, it hurts like crazy, also on the sides of my stomach, it feels gravelly under the skin and also almost hard and crunchy, the pain feel kind of electric, I am also very exhusted, cant sleep well, digest problems and neurological problems-neuropathy in legs and feet, not from diabetes, tremor in my hands and I feel off balance, its not visible, but feel like I could almost fall. I also have mood swings.

Does that sound like lymes or something else? Thanks.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sharon (Hazleton, Pa) on 05/31/2012

Goji berries are increasingly popular because of their high antioxidant content. However, this fruit is part of the nightshade family of plants. Other berries, such as ashwagandha, an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine, Cape gooseberries, but not normal gooseberries, ground cherries and garden huckleberries, but not blueberries, are also considered nightshades.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Nona (Denver, Co) on 05/17/2012

What do you mean no vit d and zinc for lyme?

Posted by A_glade (New York, Ny) on 05/08/2012

Please stop spreading disinformation. Nystatin is an antifungal compound from bacteria, not a "yeast". I do not know where you get your information, but if you don't even know the basics (which you could find out in 2 seconds by reading Wikipedia), you are definitely not qualified to give out medical advice and I fear the disservice you are doing to others. I am frightened by this growing trend of medically illiterate people spreading myths and lies. You're as bad as the snake oil salesmen who are profiting from inventing things like "systemic yeast."

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tim (Orlnado, Florida) on 03/29/2012

I was thinking of trying advanced cell training. Have you tried it yet and if so what do you think? tks Tim

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Michael M (Jupiter, Florida, USA) on 02/28/2012

Hi Peggy, I have Lyme and live in Jupiter. I have used H2O2 with some immediate success for neurological issues of Lyme and seemingly helping with some of the co-infection. However, I am not sure it helps with parasites, such as Babesia (biting and throbbing symptoms for me). Some say they Babesia likes oxygen, therefore it could possibly make Babesia worse with H2O2 or ozone (O3). Although I worry about its oxidative side effects, I have dripped store bought 3% peroxide down my spine and rubbed it on my back, arms, legs and joints when I was scared I could lose my nerves and body parts to Lyme. Peroxide did help.

I also took 35% food grade peroxide, diluted it 10/1 with distilled water, and take 5-8 drops of that in 8oz of distilled water over the course of a day, and that too seems to help with brain fog. I am worried about taking it often, so I use it only a few times a week, as needed.

Essential oils, such as Lemon Grass may have been just as good lately (just started them 10 days ago). My oil specialist is Eileen "Connie" Linne, [email protected]. She is knowledgeable about alternatives and beauty (has an ozone machine) and also uses and sells various health products like super strong essential oils (not in stores, that I have seen) and Jusuru, both of which I am preferring for the time being.

I can tell you all I've done and what works and doesn't if interested. I have a RIFE machine which I think everyone with Lyme or any chronic condition needs because it works fast for acute symptoms, if not yet a cure. You just have to stay at every few days. But you can have big die offs from it and you can certainly get frequency stress which can wire you out for a day or two if you do the treatment for many hours at a time as I do once or time a week.

I am currently planning on trying "Advanced Cell Training" (see YouTube or Google), which many people with Lyme have apparently been cured by. It's cheap in comparison to many other protocols and totally natural.

There is a Acupuncturist, Ward Hale, A. P. In Down Town, Palm Beach Gardens (in back of Whole foods) who has some great testing equipment called ZYTO and advanced many diode laser treatment device that are also very strong. I do those treatments once or twice a week. They are amazing if you have very strong localized symptoms in specific organs or areas, and it stops those roaming issues almost immediately. Ward's prices are very reasonable, and he and his wife or partners, Lourdes, are both warm and knowledgeable. Their number is 561-337-9439, website is Tell them Michael sent you. If you wish to talk to me, ask them to contact me.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Born Wright (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/13/2012

Oil Pulling is a very powerful treatment. I have found the very best oil for oil pulling is coconut oil. Swish it around your mouth, pull it between your teeth. It is right to start with a few minutes a day and then increase the time you pull. Make sure that you spit out the oil once your have finished pulling as it contains bacteria, viruses and bugs. God Bless all of you who are suffering.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Claudiaann (Boston, Ma) on 02/08/2012

Hi, on the instructions for using the GSE, are you mixing it with olive oil or Oil of Oregano? what does OO stand for? I'd like to try this, at present I'm on big doses of herbals (resveratrol, cat's claw, and andrographis), and would like to try this as an alternative. I'm already taking Iodoral for my thyroid. thanks

Oil Pulling
Posted by Susan (Brookline, Ma Usa) on 01/27/2012

Hi, Can you explain how to do oil pulling and would it work if you are very sensitive to fats? Also how much sea salt do you take. Thanks.

Oregano Oil
Posted by S (Carbondale, Il, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Oregano oil for lyme disease: better but not cured - I am taking it orally once every few days and can feel in my knees when it has been too long. Dissolves knee pain within hours. Also use it topically on the bite site, which becomes re-infected about once a month. Burns like hell. Expensive, too.

General Feedback
Posted by Amy (Gretna, Va) on 01/13/2012

I have neurological lyme disease and nearly died of it. Rife helped me (along with a lot of supplementing) back to life again. I read Bryan Rosner's book Lyme Disease and Rife Machines and I personally used a coil machine made my Alex Levy coilmachines dot com and I stand to benefit nothing from either of these but to offer what I have learned and what has helped me. Thanks! :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Arrow Durfee (Mackay, Idaho) on 01/11/2012

Subject: Lyme Disease - please post on your Lyme disease page.

I am the editor of the blog

I put up this article about the treatment of Lyme as given to me through my neighbor and then through an interview with Dr. Henry West who treated him.

I invite you to visit this page and read up on this chronic lyme protocol that is proving to be highly effective. HealthSalon makes not only no profit but no money from its endeavors to educate the public.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jasonmchicago (Chicago, Il) on 01/09/2012

I totally agree with the psychological aspect of it. Once you forgive (and get the right diagnosis) that's when healing happens.

There's a wonderful doctor who wrote about pain many years ago... He said something like healing happens in the sacred space of optimisim, persistence, and calmness... Not negativity, complacency, anger, and fear!

I just got diagnosed after 1.5 years of crazy problems from anxiety to jaw pain... Muscle problems to joint stiffness. One of the first things I worked on during this journey was to fix my way of thinking and not be an "injustice-collector" someone who always sees the "injustice" in things. Yes things are not that great... But what's the use of screaming, yelling, being angry about the "injustice. " I had to learn this otherwise I couldn't make it. The physical conditions were out of control and I needed to have a good spirit to make it through. I just got diagnosed with this. It's definitely chronic and am putting a plan to get better. I'm going to try Vitamin C IVs, Ozone, Infra-red Saunas, Priobiotic Enemas, Parasite Detox, etc. I'm going to use the following herbs...

Cat's Claw, MSM, high dosage oral Vit C, Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Activated Charcoal, etc.

For 1.5 years I had NO IDEA what was going on with my body. I literally thought I was going crazy. I'm relived to have a diagnosis because now I can tackle it and fight the real issue. I took many supplements/herbs throughout this time and controlled inflammation but didn't have enough immune boosting supplements. That's what has made the difference.

Also knowing when to use things like Vit C, Activated Charcoal, Cilantro, etc. to remove the toxins from the die off.

My 1 month antibiotic treatment is almost done and I think I'm going to use only natural ways to build my immune system, detox, and kill this thing off.

Thanks for reading. Best, JasonMChicago

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Brian (Drasco, Ar) on 01/08/2012

If you even think that you have lyme disease, make sure you see a doctor. This disease is not treatable with any natural or herbal remedy. You need serious antibiotics and a lot of them. Even if you do go see a doctor, they are not always up to date with this disease. YOU have to do a lot of research for yourself and MAKE the doctor listen to you. If that doctor won't listen, find a new one. I developed lyme in 2009. The symptoms started showing up months after I had been bitten. When it got to the point when I knew something was seriously wrong I went to the Dr. The first appointment she ran blood work and showed that my white blood cell count was a little elevated and I had a fever. She said it was just a light grade infection and would go away on it's own. I went 2 weeks and of course no improvement. I went back to the Dr. I complained of no energy, aching body, mental fatigue. She had the audacity to refer me to a mental health specialist. I went home angry. There was no way in heck this was a mental health issue. I got on google and started looking for my symptoms and came across lyme disease. I also remember getting bitten by a tick earlier in the year. I did not have the bullseye rash. By this time I was in pretty rough shape. I stayed in bed most of the time and I could hardly come up with the proper words to even form a sentence. I made another appointment with the doctor. I insisted that she test me for lyme disease. Reluctantly, after informing me that lyme does not exist in the Memphis, TN area she drew the blood and sent the sample off to the lab. She also, wisely prescribed Doxycycline. 2 weeks later lab results confirmed lyme disease. By then I had done TONS of research. When I went back in for the follow up she still had no clue on the proper treatment. I had reems of paper with me with information on treatments and other peoples experiences. Luckily she took that into consideration and WE laid out a good course of treatment. I also made an appointment with an infectios disease specialist and honestly I had the same results with that Dr. "I've never really seen anyone with lyme" type of thing.

When taking antibiotics you're going to have a reaction to it. You're going to feel like you are 2 breaths from death. They call it herxing. It's a reaction of the dying bacteria giving off a toxic substance that you won't tolerate well. Truthfully, It just sucks!! You'll have to power through the 2-3 weeks of hell to get better. It's been 2 years since this has happened to me and honestly I'm still not 100%. The biggest complaint that I have is anxiety. I NEVER had anxiety problems before this. Now it's a constant problem. I believe this disease can do damage to areas of your brain or at least change the way some things work. I do feel a lot better though and am thankful for the antibiotics.

So, if you're just finding out that you have Lyme disease or you think you have lyme disease, Make sure you do your research and make sure you are firm with your doctors. This disease is not a joke. I wish you the best of luck and remember, this thing will change your life. Just try to stay in control and remember that things will get better.


Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Megan (Cheney, Wa.) on 01/06/2012

It has been my unfortunate experience that Vitamin D and Zinc enable the lyme. It needs zinc in order to multiply and D to hide from the immune system.

Sea Salt
Posted by Teresa (Tahlequah, Oklahoma) on 12/21/2011

Hi, has anyone ever tried this sea salt remedy for lyme disease? It definitely sounds too good to be true, but of course, I'm always open to anything that will heal this horrible lyme illness. Wouldn't this remedy be hard on the kidneys? I have medullary sponge kidneys (I chronically form kidney stones & follow a low sodium/low oxalate diet), so I'm concerned about consuming so much salt.

What is the difference between "raw" unrefined sea salt, & regular or Kosher sea salt you buy at most grocery stores?

Please advise if anyone has any links or articles where I can read more about this remedy.




Sea Salt
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/16/2011

20 yrs undiagnosed, can you believe it? Women with extreme pain & unexplained symptoms need antidepressants.

General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/15/2011

Bill, thank you for the info you have given me so far. I'm sure excess ca is causing a lot of my extreme pain. But what if there is something I don't know? I've only given you the info I know so far. eg. I have lyme disease - told to me by an energetic healer - I have my reservations about them - other tests are mostly unreliable. BECAUSE I have followed your suggestions, mg citrate, enzymes, chanca piedra, vco, chlorella many of the other remedies you and Ted kindly offer.

Because the organs are all breaking down & I am truly suffering. This is my last chance.

Posted by Sm1lelady (Boyertown, Pa) on 12/05/2011

There is a post at ehealth my meema stating that using Borax as a shower soap and leaving it on 5 minutes helps with Lyme Disease. So you do not have to ingest it. Note that Borax is safe for humans in low doses but used in pesticides because it is very toxic to arthropods. It is also mentioned as a cure for arthritis--which I sometimes see mentioned as a symptom of lyme (joint pain).

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Calliegal235 (Owings Mills, Md, U.s.a.) on 12/01/2011

This info looks helpful. You may want to do your own search for Samento, and see what else you find online.

Posted by Aneta (Murrieta, Ca) on 12/01/2011

Interesting information on Nystatin. I was googling Nystatin and ran across this post. I stopped antibiotic treatment recently because they were killing me and have started herbal treatments along with antifungals. My LLMD suggested we kill the fungal before we attact the Lyme. I started nystating today after 7 days of just herbal and I feel awful. The nystatin is killing something and I feel achy, twitching, headache and lethargic. Is it killing the lyme or is this just a die off of fungal giving me this reaction? I was on nystatin with all the antibiotics and feeling terrible. After reading this post I wonder if it was the nystatin killing Lyme all along.

Sea Salt
Posted by Jeff (Portsmouth, Nh) on 11/24/2011


Are you continuing to improve on this sea salt treatment? I'm 13.5 years sick with Lyme, 1.5 years post diagnosis. I've tried a couple rounds of antibiotics and only got much worse. This sea salt seems to good to be true. Can you provide me with more information?

PS Looks like we are neighbors.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Martina (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 11/14/2011

I took GSE w/ OO for 30 days at the max dose (15 drops in water or juice twice a day) and was walking normally again after 3 days. Unfortunately, I should have done it longer since it came back 5 years later.

Lyme is a 3 stage disease. They can lie dormant for a long time and then resurrect in mutant form.

If I had the chance to do it all again, I'd would have added 1/2 tsp celtic sea salt per day to get the cysts out of their hiding in the cells, added honey for its anti-microbial enzymes to break them down, and then make sure that I'm boosting my immune system with healthy foods and detoxing at the same time. They depelete minerals so I'd up my doses of vitamins. I'd do zinc every day. Hot baths (they hate temperatures above body temperature).

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Costin (Bucharest, Romania) on 10/25/2011

You've got to be kidding me! You say that you are cured eating 8 days oranges when thousands of people suffer out there, trying everything, eating everything. R U sure you had Lyme anyway?

Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 09/21/2011

Hello I also felt immediately worse after my first dose of salt/C. I had to stop after a few days because the Herx got so intense. Interestingly, after the Herx cleared I felt much better, better than before I tried the salt/C. Each time I did it, the same thing happened, and I felt better each time the Herx cleared. This was the therapy that finally got me out of the Lyme nightmare. I started doing this after two and a half years of misery and trying everthing under the sun, including lots of antibiotics. I think it is a given that when you are killing off the bacteria, you are releasing loads of neurotoxins from the die-off all at once. The trick is to chelate the toxins as you kill them off. I used cilantro with chlorella, which helped tremendously. Also activated charcoal and zeolite. Keep the faith. Do it in small doses in short bursts. Good luck.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Colene (Golden, Co./usa) on 08/25/2011

~ to mathew from millbrook - thanks so much for being you - it is precisely because of folks like you with all your so much wisdom that this site works so well - colene from golden - thankyou and god bless ~

Oil Pulling
Posted by Chloe (East Greenwich, Ri) on 07/17/2011

To Matthew from Milbrook, NY...

What an awesome person you are! Thank you for sharing your advice of *forgiveness* for healing... how true it is. Thanks also for the info about lithium orotate.

Here's wishing you continued and abundant health! :-)

Sea Salt
Posted by Hatelyme (Newport News, Virginia) on 04/27/2011

I notice all my symptoms of lyme worsen when I increase my salt and c... Am I getting worse or herxing?

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Angelina (Boston, Ma) on 03/27/2011

Hi! I have same problem go to lyme org. They will refer you with a list of Dr. Literacy in lyme finally I found a Dr. one hr. away from where I live and I know he knows what he is doing .

Posted by Believe (Houston, Texas) on 03/15/2011

I would like to let you know of a treatment I went on for a systemic yeast infection. I used essential oils in a double 00 capsule: 10 drops of thieves oil, 4 drops of frankincense, 4 drops of oregano oil. WOW what a difference a few days makes. I have been dealing with this for 6 yes and I think I am finally turning the corner. I had a major detox reaction that kicked my "---" for three days, but I am getting stronger every day. I am also mixing these oils with jojoba carrier oil and I am rubbing my skin down daily. Also using thieves and rubbing directly on spine 2 times per day. I feel like I am among the living once again!!!! Obviously, diet is critical, NO SUGAR!! Oh yea Probiotics, Probiotics!! I think the safety profile for the oils is safer than Nystatin, anyway perhaps this is another option for you. I hope this helps anyone like it did me!! As with any treatment check for allergies and make sure you are strong enough to handle the detox, if you are too weak it can seriously harm you, so adjust your internal dose accordingly (I did every 4 hrs, but again this really knocked me down with the detox reaction).

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kk (Forest, Va) on 02/18/2011

Just diagnosed with Lyme 6 weeks ago. Trying to find ways to get better. Found a lot of good info here. What is oil pulling? Thanks.

EC: See our section on Oil Pulling under Remedies.

Posted by Llltdia (Melbourne , Florida, Usa) on 02/13/2011

I've had lyme for 32 years and lyme arthritis for almost as long. Everytime I get lucky enough to find a doctor to give me Nystatin I feel fantastic. It gives me energy and my knees stop hurting. I have researched this on the net and found doctors in England and Germany who treat lyme disease with nystatin and sometimes with nystatin and diflucan. I cannot get any doctor to believe me because they are so brain washed into thinking that Nystatin will destroy the liver. It does not go into the bloodstream, and it is a natural yeast yes yeast from the ground. It was discovered by a woman scientist who found it in the ground of a friend's dairy farm. It is natural and grows in the ground. There is a show on TV called Know The Cause and the moderator Doug says he has been taking Nystatin for over 30 years to kill yeast and that yeast is the basis for most medical problems. I have read many times that Nystatin will kill MS and that just made me sick. Just think of the people who suffer with MS. Am I wrong when I think of Richard Pryor who burned almost his entire body and of course was on constant antibiotics and then suddenly developed MS. I have a friend who's husband is a Viet Nam Vet and has had several surgeries because of war injuries and of course he has had his fair shair of antibiotics and then suddenly developed MS. Has anyone noticed that you can purchase tons of antibiotics on the net but try to purchase Nystatin without a prescription without paying an arm and a leg for it. It does not destroy the liver, it is from the ground so why is it being treated like a controlled substance.

Canadian sites advertise it for lyme arthritis which proves to me that I am not imagining anything. I finally found a DO who believes me and is giving Nystatin to me along with Penesillin becouse it is the only antibiotic I am not allergic to. Come to find out Penesillin V is used to treat Lyme arthritis in little kids but they say it must be on IV. I take the pills and it does it for me. I take the pills at night because they knock me out cold (don't know why) and the Nystatin in the day time. I think I'll stop the Pen. And just stick with the Nystatin like I took in the past. It takes me back 32 years and it is heaven. All of the sites that I read in Western Europe and Canada use Nystatin with (and sometimes without) the antibiotics. I really smell a huge rat. So what else is new?

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Jane (Chesterfield, Va) on 02/08/2011

I am also from Chesterfield, Va. I was infected with Lyme in July 2010. I have had the same issue with the doctors, they won't even consider Lyme disease, "Lyme doesn't exist in VA" is just one of the lines the docs had for me, even though I had the EM rash, removed the tick myself & have had many symptoms. 31 days total of anti-biotics & the Lyme was still active. I also am treating myself with nutrition, exercise & herbs. Doing okay, but still having bad fatigue, numbess & tingling until a few days ago. I am taking Oil of Oregano now, it is a powerful anti-biotic, anti-parasiti, ant-microbial & much more. My energy has increased tremendously in 4 days! I am taking only 2 drops in juice twice a day & I feel like this could work, I would recomend making certain that nothing else your taking will create a bad reaction, but I think Oil of Oregano is a good option...... best of luck to all who are living with this disease.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Matthew (Millbrook, Ny) on 01/06/2011

First off, you'll have to forgive me for sounding too excited about the sea salt remedy that I have posted earlier. Yes, it made a great difference, but not until I began oil pulling did I notice roughly 99% of my Lyme symptoms actually "vanish. " I suppose that I didn't notice that I still had symptoms until after oil pulling, when I noticed many of the classic Lyme symptoms greatly subside.

I started oil pulling with extra virgin olive oil about two months ago. I did it for only five minutes, once or twice per day, so as to have the least prominent Herxheimer reaction. I immediately felt what I perceived to be a "mood lift, " and I noticed that I was beginning to think more clearly. My chronic headaches also got less and less noticeable. As I continued the therapy, I regained much strength that I thought I would never have again. There are many other benefits that I could write here, but I'll try to stick with just the Lyme details.

I found a bottle of extra virgin sunflower oil, so what I began doing was using both the sunflower and olive oils at the same time; a small spoonful of each to pull with at once. I noticed "strong" detox symptoms with the sunflower oil added, however nothing serious enough to deter me from continuing. At this point I was pulling up to 20 minutes, twice per day. I noticed my body getting continually stronger and healthier, and Lyme Disease began to seem like a distant memory.

As I write this, I feel as if my body is about 99% of what it was before contracting the disease two years ago. It feels like my brain power has practically increased ten fold, no joke! I am still astounded by the results I am experiencing. I continue Oil Pulling daily, now with only sunflower oil (olive oil stained my teeth a bit), and I also remain on a diet "high" in Himalayan salt. I also take a Lithium Orotate supplement once per day, as it is said to protect the brain from neurotoxins.

I would also like to add that my Lyme came days after sexual contact with someone whom I now suspect showed all of the classic symptoms. Another gentleman who had contact with this person also contracted Lyme after a few of these "experiences. " Laboratory tests have proven that live Lyme spirochetes are present in vaginal/seminal fluids of the infected persons. If a tiny little tick is enough to transmit this disease, then can unprotected sexual activity do it as well?

Many people here are upset with, and/or angry at the "professional" medical establishment in this country. I am not afraid to claim that many a conspiracy exist, and that you should never underestimate the extent that a person can become corrupted by money and/or power. REMEMBER, we are all only human. We all make mistakes. How many of us have ever lied? Whom of us have conspired against another? Has money ever been a top priority for you, while more important issues were at hand? I personally forgive all of those lost souls who continue their attempt to weaken and keep us down. They likely just don't know any better, and if they do, I have faith that they will fall. HARD.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has pretty much proven that human consciousness directly influences the structure of water. I HIGHLY recommend researching his work. DO NOT let your thoughts destroy you, nor others!

For now, I practice celibacy, continual unconditional respect for all, abstain from all drugs (including caffeine), with the exception of red wine, take lithium orotate, use good amounts of raw salts, and Oil Pull daily. Thank you Earth Clinic, and everyone who has worked to benefit the good of the human race.

I don't expect anyone to believe what I have written here. Question everything that I have claimed! A former Harvard professor, who once lived here in Millbrook, said....... THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Glea (Baton Rouge, La.) on 11/01/2010


Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Rebecca (Portland, Or) on 10/29/2010

Hi Don, Approx. How many lemons and oranges did you eat each day?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Coloredoctave (Portland, Oregon, Usa) on 10/07/2010

I learned about my LD just four months ago and realize I have had it my entire life. I had already been taking Iodoral and ACV with honey at 25mg per day. Recently, I upped it to 100mg a day, dividing the doses between Iodoral and Lugol's, because of my gum disease. My gums have quieted down and I am feeling good. I am shocked that iodine isn't first on the list for treating lyme.

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Ruben (, Argentina) on 09/28/2010

Hi! Thanks Don for sharing. Is there anyone else who tried this?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Carol (Flushing, Michigan) on 09/10/2010

It is estimated that as much as 80% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia have Lyme disease. This is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of a deer tick. Also there are secondary infections that go along with it as well. Finding a doctor that can correctly diagnose you is a problem however. I was chronically ill for 14 years before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I currently drink Goji Juice. Diet and nutrition are very important. Foods such as dairy and wheat can contribute to inflammation. I also found that nightshades like tomatoes, potatoes, red and green peppers affect my joints.

Bee Venom
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 09/10/2010

Hi everyone, I just want to share with you an information about the bee venom and Lyme disease. The Bee venom contains a peptide called Melittin and this peptide has shown to have a very potent antimicrobial activity against Borrelia. spp as well as Candida spp and mycobacteria spp. I don't know if there is a remedy using the bee venom but it seems promising as an alternative for the sufferer with Lyme disease.

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Maggie (Suffield, Ct) on 07/15/2010

I am sticking to a Raw Foods diet for lyme disease. Most parasites cannot live in an alkaline body. Raw food creates this alkalinity. No processed foods. No white flour or sugar. I have read others who have done watermelon fasts similar to the oranges and lemons. I believe there is something to this.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Llltdia (Melbourne, Florida, Usa) on 06/24/2010

lyme disease

I have been using 1 ACV, 1 tsp. organic honey and one drop of Lugol's iodine in water that has fluoride and chlorine filtered from it. Filter pitcher is on amazon. I take it with breakfast and lunch and dinner I take the ACV and honey without the iodine. Seems to be the best thing I have ever tried. I may increase the iodine to two drops because it is really giving me a tiny bit of energy in just a week.

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Lisa (Spokane, Wa) on 05/16/2010

the skins of lemons, lines & oranges have an essential oil that is toxic to heaps of micorganisms & parasites and largely non toxic to mammals. the citric acid stimulates the citric acid cycle to detox. sounds like a great combination. it is also alkalizing as the acids when metabolized have a net result in increased alkalininty.

raw & organic are the two considerations, chemicals from herbacides, pesticides, etc that might be on the skin could be a problem - so use organic only.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Foley, Alabama) on 02/03/2010

Lyme Disease-Ted do you have a remedy for Lyme Disease? I suspect that this maybe what I have. Pain in my shoulder blade-Pain in my hip- Knee- and ankle with some swelling and it's all on my left side. I have taken Organic ACV and it has relieved the pain and I am functional again. I do not want to go through a series of antibiotics that is recommended.

Sea Salt
Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 12/29/2009

Dear Daniel,

What is it you would like to know? From my experience, sea salt cleared up the symptoms very quickly. I felt very relieved in just a few hours, and I felt back to normal after a few days. Please, however, don't take any medical advice from me, I'm only a farmer. That's just how my experience went. I pray you get better soon. I know how debilitating Lyme's Disease can be.

-Best wishes, Matt

Sea Salt
Posted by Daniel (Osan Ab, Korea) on 12/16/2009


I hope that this message reaches you somehow...because I would really like to talk to you about this. I am considering trying the Salt/Vitamin C protocol so I wanted to talk to you about your experience. I have had Lyme for 2 years and I need to get better. Please get back with me.


Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Sandrap (Belle River, Canada) on 12/01/2009

I started the sea salt and c 5 days ago. I have pain in all my bones(these are all new symptoms) not sure if this is a herx reaction or problems with me doing this cleanse...I also only had diarrhea 1x and it was really quick..My hair also feels really greasy...Should I give this more time?? or am i so depleted in salt that my body is utilizing it instead of expelling it. I eat very healthy and alot of organic...I don't exercise that much because of my fatigue levels...I also have had weird dreams since I started this protocol..Any info would be appreciated, Thanks

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