Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

Cannabis Oil
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 07/16/2014

Hi I found this article on the natural news site and links to the evidence that Cannabis oil cures Lyme disease . Love Andrea C xxxxx

Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops
Posted by Ln (Nc) on 01/13/2015

I am currently taking a homeopathic nosode for Lymes, EBV and mycoplasma and am feeling a lot better.

Posted by Bill (Albion, Ca) on 06/18/2014

I've used ledum and it works well to stop itching and aching but I don't trust it to kill Borrelia. I work in the woods and sometimes get bitten several times a month. I deny being a MACHO DUDE, I just refuse to put up w/ those bites. I've found the quickest & cheapest permanent treatment is after you pull out the tick: cook the spot w/ the tip of an incense stick. it hurts but destroys the proteins and bacteria that cause a reaction, and you get a scar anyway. (maybe put some zinc & vit.E on it) The burn has to be 2nd deg, black in the middle, white about 1/4 inch in dia, and then red. The red doesn't mean much, but white is important because it means the treatment goes about that deep too (1/8 inch). If you just jab it and yell ouch, it'll be red w/ a black center but won't reach the depth of the bite. If you get bitten on your back where you can't reach it, use a mirror and ink pen to circle the spot, then have a friend, or enemy (they do a good job) use the incense. a big nail heated on the stove works but they sometimes cool before it's cooked enough.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Leann (Lafayette, Georgia ) on 08/22/2021

Oh my goodness you just described me to a t! I had a EMG done and it showed I had neuropathy but not diabetic. I have every symptom you have if not more. I've been dealing with this since 2014. I've taken doxycycline a few times for different things and I've been tested twice. The first test was negative the 2nd test was about 6 months later still negative but I had 3 more positives pop up than last time and they said I had to have so many positive before I was officially diagnosed with Lyme. But he went ahead and treated me to be on safe side. I really don't know what to think anymore.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jasonm (Chicago, Il ) on 07/26/2012

Yes! That is Lyme disease. Please don't waste any time going to traditional doctors. They have no clue.

This is what I would do if I were you... Start taking 10grams of food-based vitamin C (NOT asorbic acid) while you wait for a "official" diagnosis or blood test. The best brand is made from 100% organic oranges and is easily digestable. I can't name brands here but look it up online it is easily absorbed and you can take a large amount without issues. This is not the case with standar vitamin C. Also increase your sea salt or himalayian salt intake. Salt kills bacteria and other pathogens. Eat lots of organic US grown garlic and onions. Also avoid all sugar (even those in fruit). This will help your body fight the infection while you find a doctor to work with. Do not wait, do this immediately!

If you need confirmation of Lyme (now that I look back I wouldn't need it... I would just go based on symptoms. Waiting for test results takes away time/money on getting treated) you need to find a good LLND (Lyme-literate Naturpathic Doctor) or a good LLMD (Lyme-literate MD). Again I would do things to build your immune system while you look for these folks. There are very few people educated in Lyme and it takes some knowledge to beat this disease. It takes a lot of time just finding a doc to work with... So KEEP building your immune system. Also google "Beat Lyme" online and see some good success stories!!!

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Diana (Toronto) on 10/28/2018

Please can you suggest which electrification device works best? Ultimate zapper? I am desperate. I tried hydrogen peroxide food grade for 5 weeks and couldn't take another day ( although my symptoms were tolerable except for the twitches). I quit and started Himalayan salt and C and it was ok for a few days, but now the pains are taking over and something is growing in my eye, but no body twitches. In only a few days, I have gone downhill fast ...and I only contracted this in August this year. I am on a long wait list to see a lyme specialist for the igenex test and antibiotics. Until then, serrapeptase, but it doesn't cover the pain at all. The salt is covering some pain but not for long and I am worried it made this thing grow in the white of my eye. I am alone and afraid and have no support of any kind. I had toxic mold exposure that left me hyper sensitive to mould....maybe compromised immune system is why this is attacking me so hard. It makes Morgellons look like a walk in the park.....TED from this site saved my life with simple borax for that. How can Lyme be so much worse. I cant take it anymore.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/15/2018

I felt your pain until I saw this doctor whom I had heard about for years from many friends. Another friend of mine helped him create antigen vials to use to desensitize people of lyme disease, didn't cost me much but I had to go once week for awhile.

Whitmire Chiropractic Center
9716 NE 76th St,
Vancouver, WA 98662
(360) 256-6970

Oil Pulling
Posted by Colene (Golden, Co./usa) on 08/25/2011

~ to mathew from millbrook - thanks so much for being you - it is precisely because of folks like you with all your so much wisdom that this site works so well - colene from golden - thankyou and god bless ~

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jasonmchicago (Chicago, Il) on 01/09/2012

I totally agree with the psychological aspect of it. Once you forgive (and get the right diagnosis) that's when healing happens.

There's a wonderful doctor who wrote about pain many years ago... He said something like healing happens in the sacred space of optimisim, persistence, and calmness... Not negativity, complacency, anger, and fear!

I just got diagnosed after 1.5 years of crazy problems from anxiety to jaw pain... Muscle problems to joint stiffness. One of the first things I worked on during this journey was to fix my way of thinking and not be an "injustice-collector" someone who always sees the "injustice" in things. Yes things are not that great... But what's the use of screaming, yelling, being angry about the "injustice. " I had to learn this otherwise I couldn't make it. The physical conditions were out of control and I needed to have a good spirit to make it through. I just got diagnosed with this. It's definitely chronic and am putting a plan to get better. I'm going to try Vitamin C IVs, Ozone, Infra-red Saunas, Priobiotic Enemas, Parasite Detox, etc. I'm going to use the following herbs...

Cat's Claw, MSM, high dosage oral Vit C, Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Activated Charcoal, etc.

For 1.5 years I had NO IDEA what was going on with my body. I literally thought I was going crazy. I'm relived to have a diagnosis because now I can tackle it and fight the real issue. I took many supplements/herbs throughout this time and controlled inflammation but didn't have enough immune boosting supplements. That's what has made the difference.

Also knowing when to use things like Vit C, Activated Charcoal, Cilantro, etc. to remove the toxins from the die off.

My 1 month antibiotic treatment is almost done and I think I'm going to use only natural ways to build my immune system, detox, and kill this thing off.

Thanks for reading. Best, JasonMChicago

Dietary Changes
Posted by Susan (Macomb, Mi) on 02/22/2014

LucyJane88 Our family is very familiar with Lymes. Treating w/antibiotics did help but MORE SO was a complete NO GRAINS diet, including rice, corn (grains), oats, & all dairy (casein) protein, sugars and no aspertaine or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). May you & your child feel better soon.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Llltdia (Melbourne, Florida, Usa) on 06/24/2010

lyme disease

I have been using 1 ACV, 1 tsp. organic honey and one drop of Lugol's iodine in water that has fluoride and chlorine filtered from it. Filter pitcher is on amazon. I take it with breakfast and lunch and dinner I take the ACV and honey without the iodine. Seems to be the best thing I have ever tried. I may increase the iodine to two drops because it is really giving me a tiny bit of energy in just a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Coloredoctave (Portland, Oregon, Usa) on 10/07/2010

I learned about my LD just four months ago and realize I have had it my entire life. I had already been taking Iodoral and ACV with honey at 25mg per day. Recently, I upped it to 100mg a day, dividing the doses between Iodoral and Lugol's, because of my gum disease. My gums have quieted down and I am feeling good. I am shocked that iodine isn't first on the list for treating lyme.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (Frostburg, Md) on 09/29/2015

Lilah, may I recommend you begin taking coconut oil, a tablespoon a day and maybe progress your way up to two. Also get a B-complex vitamin to give you some energy. Take one in the morning and one along with your evening meal.

Begin a walking routine -- this is very important. Try to go a half-mile and stop and rest if you need. Eventually work your way up to a mile in the morning and one in the evening. If you cannot go out for a walk then walk around your house. Things will improve with exercise.

Sea Salt
Posted by Daniel (Osan Ab, Korea) on 12/16/2009


I hope that this message reaches you somehow...because I would really like to talk to you about this. I am considering trying the Salt/Vitamin C protocol so I wanted to talk to you about your experience. I have had Lyme for 2 years and I need to get better. Please get back with me.


Sea Salt
Posted by Hatelyme (Newport News, Virginia) on 04/27/2011

I notice all my symptoms of lyme worsen when I increase my salt and c... Am I getting worse or herxing?

Sea Salt
Posted by Denise (ohio) on 05/23/2023


I was wondering how you are doing with the Lyme etc. I just found your post from several years ago. Trying to save my daughter from this hell.

Also trying to find the salt C protocol.. Off to look more.

Sea Salt
Posted by Lisa (Maple Grove, Mn, Us) on 08/22/2012

To Susan in Portsmouth, NH, I was diagnosed a month ago with Lyme Disease and have been doing the Salt/Vitamin C for about 2 weeks. I have also been doing the iodine protocol for a year and a half using Iodoral. Do you think Iodoral would work as well as Lugol's? I find it easier and more convenient to take, but would switch to Lugol's if it would work better. Thanks for your uplifting post. Some days this Lyme can really get me down.

Sea Salt
Posted by Andrea C (Wales, UK) on 08/27/2014

Hi regarding your question 'what is herx?' It's another name for 'The Healing Crisis' which you can Google. Here is also inflammation on Herx in Lyme disease.

Love Andrea C xxx

Sea Salt
Posted by Emma (Sussex) on 09/21/2016

My herbalist said to mix 1 gram of vit. C, Himalayan salt and oregano oil, 3 times a day.

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Maggie (Suffield, Ct) on 07/15/2010

I am sticking to a Raw Foods diet for lyme disease. Most parasites cannot live in an alkaline body. Raw food creates this alkalinity. No processed foods. No white flour or sugar. I have read others who have done watermelon fasts similar to the oranges and lemons. I believe there is something to this.

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by thamas (east coast nsw, australia) on 11/20/2007

re: cure for tick bite for dogs and humans -- My dog had a severe reaction to a nasty tick. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was swollen and she couldn't breathe. She was going to die. Instead of a $700 vet bill I gave her about 7 drops of diluted ledum (a homeopathic) every 10 - 15 mins and within 1/2 hr she was completely normal. there was no side effects or after trouble. Hey presto problem solved. If anyone in my househould starts to feel sick from tick bite or even if I find a tick on anyone it is always cured completely with ledum.

EC: More interesting info on Ledum found at this website:

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Dorie (Chesterfield, Va) on 09/14/2009

I had lymes disease and took the doxycycline, but the tingling in my legs and feet came back even before finishing the prescription. I also developed a bladder infection which I usually cure with lots of pure cranberry juice. I noticed that my tingling stopped after drinking the cranberry juice so I drank it about 4 times a day and the tingling went away. I also noticed that the tingling came back after shaving my legs so I started to disinfect the razor. This helped. I also used anti-biotic cream on my legs and feet. You can feel the hairs on your legs stand up after drinking lots of cranberry juice. I figured the germs were trying to get away from the acid in my system so I would kill them with the anti-biotic cream when they migrated to my pores. I also tried to eat a low carbohydrat diet which also tends to change your ph to the acidic side and I heard that germs feed on sugar. Thank goodness this worked since my doctor would not give me any more doxycycline.

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Jane (Chesterfield, Va) on 02/08/2011

I am also from Chesterfield, Va. I was infected with Lyme in July 2010. I have had the same issue with the doctors, they won't even consider Lyme disease, "Lyme doesn't exist in VA" is just one of the lines the docs had for me, even though I had the EM rash, removed the tick myself & have had many symptoms. 31 days total of anti-biotics & the Lyme was still active. I also am treating myself with nutrition, exercise & herbs. Doing okay, but still having bad fatigue, numbess & tingling until a few days ago. I am taking Oil of Oregano now, it is a powerful anti-biotic, anti-parasiti, ant-microbial & much more. My energy has increased tremendously in 4 days! I am taking only 2 drops in juice twice a day & I feel like this could work, I would recomend making certain that nothing else your taking will create a bad reaction, but I think Oil of Oregano is a good option...... best of luck to all who are living with this disease.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Frannie (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/28/2007

re: Lymes -- I heard that to heal this awful disease if you will, you take 3 double capsules of real salt and One double of citric acid pure. You increase this and from what I was told the shift in the cell is what destroys the lymes...I know I havent done a good job at explaining this but my friend who I think is a chiorpractor has lymes and this is what she is doing to correct it.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Jeanne (Trenton, New Jersey) on 06/12/2008


Lyme Disease Remedies: Do not use Citric Acid. I have no proof at hand, but have read that it can cause osteoarthritis. Arthritis pain disappears in many people when they eliminate Citrus. I've used the salt and Citric Acid and am now dealing with arthritis since doing so.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Bri (Nj) on 01/03/2016


Good one. I used the salt c protocol but it was hard to stick with. I also took antibiotics, I did not erradicate it though but got somewhat improved. I had eaten pumpkin seeds and had an herxinheimer reaction very constipated from the die off, as I found out can cause of crohn's and GI problems.

I believe spirochets are to blame for this, I'm on a laxative to eliminate the toxic die off which causes major brain fog and can cause breathing difficulty as it did last night, I also coconut oil and echiacea and golden seal but I'm continuing to get more better though it is not shown much in my blood now.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Amy (Graham, NC) on 04/02/2023

Hello. I am hoping to find out how long to use Ted's Lyme disease remedy. Thank you for any help! The remedy he posted is below:

I constantly update my remedies whenever I receive some donor help to get the supplies to do the tests. Recently I was able to obtain bloodroot and hence the updated lyme disease is as follows:

1. Bloodroot tincture (40% bloodroot 60% ethanol alcohol) is taken at least at starting dose of 3 drops x 4 or x 6 dissolved n a glass of water. If bloodroot is taken, vitamin B complex (B50) is needed as is vitamin C sodium ascorbate 1000 mg. to help healing of tissues as bloodroot kills the invading organism.

2. Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water, on empty stomach taken twice a day.

3. Borax is used, not boric acid at 1/8 teaspoon in 1 liter of water is milder then boric acid which maybe too strong. For men's dose maybe 1/4 teaspoon dissolved n 1 liter of drinking water. Most rashes are reduced from baking soda with gradual improvement with the borax. A boric acid is a stronger boron, and I prefer borax as it is more alkaline then boric acid and has less boron content.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carol (Auburn AL) on 07/17/2021


Can you please tell me where you found the copper that's so effective? Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marianne (Ontario) on 06/03/2023 12 posts

Hi Bret - I have recently been bitten by a tick. The site is now red and a bit swollen - itches a bit, too. No Bulls Eye yet, but might still appear later.

I like to try ionized copper but have a hard time finding a supplier.

Can you help, please??

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Alex (Fl) on 07/17/2022

It's very important to understand that he was not using lugol's. He was using nascent iodine. The dosage is very different. Even though huge pharmaceutical doses of iodine can be used safely, the lugol's iodine in those amounts could be problematic .

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/01/2017

Hello Art;

I read the newsletter on "silver" you linked written by Darvish (The Townsend Letter).

Maybe you know the chemistry and can help me understand because it was unclear from the newsletter. I'm very interested in all things Ag (silver).

Almost all silver makers produce an ionic silver meaning one electron is removed from the Ag, leaving the Ag in a positive state, or Ag+. Some advocates say that the ion (Ag +) is not true colloidal silver and so have a method for adding the electron back onto the particle to make it Ag without a it originally was (47 electrons and protons).

Now in the Newsletter you cite, the writer advocates, a silver called "nano-silver"....and this, the writer says is better than Ag or Ag+ because it is 100 nano meters small and has a "wider surface area in water" than the others forms of Ag or Ag+ (Atomic radius meaning radius from center of atom to outer core of electron.) So that means that Ag, assuming a radius of .5, is much smaller than the 100 nm size in the Ag she is advising. I think I'm correct in that assumption because the writer never says what the nano size is for a simple atom of Ag (called by some to be "true" colloidal silver).

Do I have it right? Is Darvish's definition of "nano silver" that it is a larger than normal size of an Ag atom? Is "nano silver" an ion? (Is it positively charged or is it neutral Ag?)

If you know, I'd appreciate you filling me in.

Hulda Clark Zapper
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 02/22/2023

Hi Denise

I bought my zapper on e-bay..

It works very well.


Posted by Betty L. (Lead Hill, Ar) on 11/06/2016

Heat then? Infrared sauna should be great! Have one! One of the low emf ones that you have your head out of the cabinet. My husband has had Lyme for years now. Chronic. Very painful, lots of symptoms, but he did say he felt better when he was doing saunas regularly. Need to remind him of this and get him started again.

Acupuncture, Supplements, Dietary Changes
Posted by Diana (Toronto ) on 09/13/2018

hi Fred,

i am in Toronto. Can you recommend a doctor? I got bit several weeks ago, has the fever and now horrendous pains have started. I didn't want to take antibiotics so I've been taking hydrogen peroxide food grade and stevia... some relief but not sure it will be enough or for how long. I keep reading that antibiotics are necessary but I'm afraid of getting the right kind and right dose. Had a bad cipro reaction years ago. I'm alone and scared to go to walk in clinic.

Acupuncture, Supplements, Dietary Changes
Posted by Wendy (Columbus) on 09/22/2018

I haven't tried D-Mannose, but I'll talk with my functional medicine doc about it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Acupuncture, Supplements, Dietary Changes
Posted by Joanna (Gta) on 09/21/2018

Hi Diana. Please join LYME OH OH on Facebook. There is much info regarding Drs etc. on there.


Bloodroot, L-Glutamine
Posted by Timh (KY) on 11/15/2014 2063 posts

Rita: Thanks for the detailed post and congrats on your quest for remaining healthy despite the chronic infection.

I wonder if you have ever tried Zapping and Colloidal Silver??

I have lately been using Berberine/Oregon Graperoot for chronic infection w/ insufficient results, so yesterday I took some and fallowed a few minutes later w/ Zapper and got very good results. Zapping somehow (something to do w/ cell voltage) increases the effectiveness of natural and pharmaceutical medicines.

Have you tried Uvi Ursi?? I get very good results w/ U.U. in the bacterial category. Lately I take 2 or 3 caps every 2 or 3 days. Looks like I need to try the Bloodroot as you have had such success.

Raw Bovine Thymus Glandular helps build immune production. I also take DHEA 50mg daily w/ occasional Pituitary Glandular or Solaray's Mens Multiglandular.

Bloodroot, L-Glutamine
Posted by Milena (Brewster, Ny, Usa) on 12/06/2014

Wow. Thanks. I'll try the blood root & l glutamine right away. Thanks.

Bloodroot, L-Glutamine
Posted by Mara (Canada) on 01/19/2016

I want to try the bloodroot but the bottle says external use only. This scares me. Does it need to be taken on a empty stomach?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rebel ( Somewhere, Usa) on 09/26/2014

Hi Anne. I would check into MSM ( Methylsulphonylmethane ) Powder. This sometimes helps with joint pain. You may want to read up on here ( EC ) about the use of Borax ( 20 mule team ) in laundry aisle, as well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/26/2014

Rib inflammation would likely be what they call costochondritis. 70% of people with fms have that. It is usually most painful when you wake up in the morning. Biocell will improve it along with joints and spinal problems. You have a major infection in your body. I would look into the borax and minocin (not generic minocycline).

I think anyone with a chronic disease should go to and read the section on how to heal rheumatoid arthritis. It illustrates why one can't just focus in on one infection.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bj (Pa) on 06/02/2018

Research Banderol. Heard that this is good for Lyme disease. I believe it is used alone and then use Cats Claw. Maybe use both together not sure.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/04/2018

I've been following Dr D Klinghardt's info re Lyme disease which he prefers to call insect-borne illness. His protocol is quite complex, maybe even more than the herbalist Buhner; however, recently read on his site that taking Cistus Incanus tea with leaf Stevia can relieve symptoms. Start with 2 cups a day increasing to 6.

Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops
Posted by Rhonda R (Roseburg, Oregon) on 05/26/2014

I have recently been using "Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops" for Lyme ~ and it seems to be working , there isn't a lot of info out there yet. Anyone else using or heard about this as a treatment to cure Lyme ?

Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops
Posted by Portia (Santa Fe) on 11/16/2022

I was so happy to read about Professional Formulas Lyme Nosode Drops (they have Tick Drops too). Their Mold Nosode Drops drops helped me immensely a few years ago. And their products are very affordable.

Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops
Posted by D (USA) on 11/27/2023

Not true. Antibiotics will not always "cure" it anyway. Good for you if big pharma did you a solid...

Posted by Greta (Kentucky) on 04/22/2014

I am wondering why you don't have ledum x30 listed in your remedies. I found it here in my my initial search for help in Lyme's Disease. Further research shows a lot of promise but you don't list it. Do you have other research that shows a problem with it?

EC: We have no more info on it.  If any of our readers have experience with it, good or bad, please let us know.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 03/27/2014

Dear Dave,

Thanks a bunch. I really appreciate the information!

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mt (Ottawa, On) on 03/28/2014

According to Stephan Buhner, tea of Astragalus root is a preventative for Lyme disease.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Gwsevt (Vermont, US) on 12/07/2014

Wow, thanks for all of this thorough info. Do you have a recommendation for a brand of CS to try before investing in making my own? I would like to see how it work for me first. Also it sounds like quite a large dose you are taking and suggesting, I have heard that there is a danger line in taking/using CS and crossing that can cause an overdose or bad side effects.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Serach (Jerusalem) on 08/29/2014

Dear Dave,

Could you tell me exactly where to buy what I need to make a generator to make cs, and what parts I need and exactly how to make it.

How much does it cost to buy generator. It is way too expensive to buy from store.

thanks Serach

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Yochana (Andalusa Spain) on 03/08/2014

Hi, I have been diagnosed by a chiropractor as having lymes disease and I am taking a variety of supplements to help me.

Finally I am doing something positive to heal. For so long I could not take any consistent steps to make myself better. I just felt too overwhelmed and stuck.

So to anyone out there feeling the same way please dont give up. Even if you are afraid to get better keep seeking help. take small steps. Ask god/goddess Jesus allah buddah, hashem shekhina, the great spirit etc, love the loving spirits spirits of your ancestors devas angels or spirit of nature to help you. If you are an atheist call on the web of life or on love to help you.

We need you.

I was interested in the collodial silver and wanted to know what is a good brand and if it is safe to take. Dave said I was on thin ice and I was not sure what he meant.

Someone else mentioned candida, and according to the person I am working with I do not presently have candida.

I don't eat sugar at all and have not done so for over 2 years, thank god and overeaters anonymous that has mainly taken away the terrible cravings.

I still have gastric distress

I used to eat 20 candybars/junk pastry a day!!!!!

I don't know if I should cut down on or stop eating grains. I eat rice and buckwheat and quinoa and fruit. I also eat a lot of chicken and turkey.

I am allergic to soy and seitan so I cannot do tofu tempe etc. beans make me extremely ill tho I can tolerate hummous, maybe cause it is mashed up.

I eat a lot to maintain my weight which often runs low.

I get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of info on here so if you can make it simple that would be great.

Does anyone in Boston area have a rife machine?

I am still having great trouble sleeping and the pain in my neck area is very bad. I dont want to take drugs for the pain if you have other ideas I am very open. Thanks

If anyone can consolidate what works that would help as I get easily overwhemed. Thanks, Yochana

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Fred (Canada) on 07/24/2018

When you have brain fog you are infected with Borrelia, Bartonella or both. Start using fresh raw garlic 3 cloves a day and 10 drops of organic oregano oil, dilluted in glass of water 3 times a day. you can add Amoxicillin 2g/day for 7 days or Ciprofloxacin 3x250mg for 5 days. Bartonella is very sensitive to Cipro and Borrelia to Amoxil. The stongest abx for Borrelia is Ceftriaxone IV and oral Gemifloxacin. it is very important to have MBC of abx high enough to be able to kill 100% of the bacterial load, otherwise you cannot be cured 100%.

Contraindicated Vitamins
Posted by Ann (Brevard, North Carolina. U.S.) on 02/26/2013

I have chronic lyme disease (25 yrs.) and need to know if vitamin D and zinc are contra-indicated for this. Would like to start taking them but lately have seen in some comments that they are not good for any auto immune disease. Please inform!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Utsava (Vancouver, Washington) on 02/07/2013

I discovered this small black tick the other day underneath my skin and that 'bullseye' rash started, that ring, all indicating the tick has lime disease. I immediately started to take Iboprophen, and when I treated the 'ring' with Oil of Oregano, over might is became half the size! I also treat it with an antibiotic cream, however, the results by using Oregona are much better. I'm also taking stuff for the immune system, such as Olive leaf extract and Royal Gelee. Also internally I'm taking alot of garlic gloves, Propolis, Oil of Oregano (5 drops in a glass) as well as Artemisia (Wormwood); all to kill the bacteria. So far I'm feeling much better and I will continue to take these remedies for the next 4 weeks, and if nessessary add antibiotics as well. I'm doing better already!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Mt (Ottawa, Ontario/ Canada) on 02/07/2013

Healing Lyme by Stephen Harrod Buhner.

Bee Venom
Posted by Cin (Visalia, Ca) on 12/29/2012

I did try the bee Venom for Lyme... I had a bad reaction to it.. The worst ever. Either I was having the worse herx or I was just plain allergic to the venom. I could not move, think, talk, seizures, hallucinations, & breathing. It was the scarist ever. I then had bought the face cream ( did not even remember it had the venom in it) put it on my face the nest day. BAD BAD BAD swollen numb, couldn't breathe, hard time walking, thinking again. So if you are allergic to bee venom, not a good idea. As a child I would swell up 3x the size after getting stung. So maybe I was allergic to the venom. Be safe with it if anyone tries it. Truly, Cindy

Avoid Arginine, Take Lysine, Moxa
Posted by Avalon (Boston, Ma Usa) on 08/12/2012

I was plagued with shingles for years until I found out that I really had Lyme Disease with herpes 6 as one of the coinfections. Finally doing well with a few small outbreaks here and there if I eat foods with too much arginine and don't take enough lysine to compensate. Two grams of lysine 3x per day is as effective as Rx to supress the virus. Also, I notice a difference in my tendons, they make a clicking sound as if they are too tight, just before an outbreak. If I up the dose Lysine at the first click, no rash develops. Moxa is very effective in halting the outbreak of rash and stopping the itch/pain instantly; heat the area with a moxa stick to a "zing" sensation 3 times for instant relief. Search: "Canadian Lyme Assoc Symptoms" and "arginine foods". All my fave foods were loaded with arginine. Good luck!

Avoid Arginine, Take Lysine, Moxa
Posted by Jinglepots (Neepawa) on 10/17/2014

Very interesting about the clicking tendons!! I get this, too. If I use magnesium regularly I do not get the clicking/tightness. It is important to use smaller doses of magnesium 4 or 5 times a day. My jar says 175 mg. per dose. It is magnesium glycinate. It does not cause the runs. My integrative doctor said to take it 5 times a day. Dr. James Schaller also recommends using magnesium...even though it is believed Lyme borellia use it to make the biofilm. We need magnesium for so very many functions. Lyme depletes magnesium. Thanks for the info about the shingles. My sister had a bout with it. I suspect she has the co-infection Bartonella. I don't think she has Lyme. It is the symptoms of Bartonella that she seems to be experiencing. She has been scratched enough by cats to have acquired it.

General Feedback
Posted by Elena (Staten Island, Ny) on 07/23/2012

I am really grateful to the things I have read here about lyme disease. I am grateful for people's sharing their practical experience about their anilmals health. It really calmed me down and informed me. Thank you so much for this site.

Oregano Oil
Posted by S (Carbondale, Il, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Oregano oil for lyme disease: better but not cured - I am taking it orally once every few days and can feel in my knees when it has been too long. Dissolves knee pain within hours. Also use it topically on the bite site, which becomes re-infected about once a month. Burns like hell. Expensive, too.

General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/15/2011

Bill, thank you for the info you have given me so far. I'm sure excess ca is causing a lot of my extreme pain. But what if there is something I don't know? I've only given you the info I know so far. eg. I have lyme disease - told to me by an energetic healer - I have my reservations about them - other tests are mostly unreliable. BECAUSE I have followed your suggestions, mg citrate, enzymes, chanca piedra, vco, chlorella many of the other remedies you and Ted kindly offer.

Because the organs are all breaking down & I am truly suffering. This is my last chance.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Martina (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 11/14/2011

I took GSE w/ OO for 30 days at the max dose (15 drops in water or juice twice a day) and was walking normally again after 3 days. Unfortunately, I should have done it longer since it came back 5 years later.

Lyme is a 3 stage disease. They can lie dormant for a long time and then resurrect in mutant form.

If I had the chance to do it all again, I'd would have added 1/2 tsp celtic sea salt per day to get the cysts out of their hiding in the cells, added honey for its anti-microbial enzymes to break them down, and then make sure that I'm boosting my immune system with healthy foods and detoxing at the same time. They depelete minerals so I'd up my doses of vitamins. I'd do zinc every day. Hot baths (they hate temperatures above body temperature).

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Claudiaann (Boston, Ma) on 02/08/2012

Hi, on the instructions for using the GSE, are you mixing it with olive oil or Oil of Oregano? what does OO stand for? I'd like to try this, at present I'm on big doses of herbals (resveratrol, cat's claw, and andrographis), and would like to try this as an alternative. I'm already taking Iodoral for my thyroid. thanks

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Martina (Burnaby, Canada) on 08/22/2012

The OO stands for Oil of Oregano. The GSE w/ OO was an all in one product I purchased that most health food stores carry in their detoxing department. I wasn't able to walk before I took it and was practically normal after 3 days at the max dose. The honey I meant to say was from tea tree plants... Manuka honey. I've also tried really cheap ayurvedic amla powder from an East Indian food store that seemed to boost my immune system. Iodine gave me my energy back. But now the biggest help I'm getting is through energy medicine. I think I might be Lyme free! Only the Bartonella to kick now

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Mimi (Grand Forks, Nd) on 04/08/2016

My 32 year old daughter has chronic Lyme and is overwhelmed with where to start with treatment as she has not found a qualified Dr. As with most, there are other co-infections, including severe mono. She was put on 10,000 IU of vitamin D but Megan mention Lyme like this. At the moment the Vit. D is the ONLY thing that helps her to be able to get out of bed. Please help direct me to info of how Vit D and zinc are negative.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Ozzi The Iceman (The Swiss Alps) on 10/02/2016

If you are suggesting that Plum Island is in anyway related to Lyme disease, you should read about the history of Lyme. The Native Americans in Manouck near Lyme Connecticut would refer to Manouck knee around 1880's. Ozzi the Iceman, found in the Italian Swiss Alps 20 years ago, died there 5000 years ago and.. had Borrelia burgdorferi. This invisible affliction has been with humans for millennia.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Delores (Quakertown, Pennsylvania) on 07/28/2018

I use different protocols that I create it myself! Because you have to use different methods because the little buggers know or learn and then create their own immune system. MMS from Jim humbles works, Will not go without it. Also Silver. I also use Hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade, the manuka honey, and Essiac tea, Holy Basil tea, DMSO, I do take my vitamin D3. B12 is also very important also borax. Coconut oil Turmeric and cats claw And grapefruit seed abstract, etc and etc . I also give my body two days a week rest! Everything I do I take my time with it. I don't overdose. I don't take everything once that's why I created protocols.

There's also an oil that you could take to bring them out to also try and kill them, And Rife machine and so on! I have no Immunity against lyme. I actually could go on and on!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Diana (Toronto) on 10/11/2018

Google Dr Jay Davidson and look at what he says about parasites....most of us have them and if you don't get them out, its hard to deal with lyme or anything else because they harbour them. I have new Lyme and have been taking 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for 4 weeks as well as mimosa pudica and a toxin binder called colystyramine. The biggest difference I noticed was as soon as I started drinking himlayan salt water! I am going to start the oil pulling today.

God bless all on the healing journey.

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