Natural Remedies for Liver Disease and Liver Damage

| Modified on Jun 11, 2024
Essential Oils
Posted by Beamer (Brissy, Australia) on 05/06/2016

Editor's Choice Essential Oils cleaned out blocked liver:

I am grateful for this site and am hoping this will help someone. Applying an essential oil blend externally 3 times cleared my liver. (I DO NOT SELL THEM). After that I could actually take supplements without them making my face numb. Now I take huge doses of Niacin for my anxiety and life is becoming wonderful again.

A while back I was in really bad shape - for a year I couldn't take more than a quarter of the adult dose of a quality multivitamin (took a while to find one I could tolerate at all) or my face would go numb. Auto-immune diagnosis and major issues.

One day I tried an essential oil blend designed to help digestion - ingredients were Ginger, Peppermint, Tarragon, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, and Anise essential oils. (called Digestzen). I rubbed 2 or 3 drops over my liver area 3 times in one day. The next day I had pain in ALL joints in my body - this took a week to clear. I also saw something that looked like chopped straw in my poop.

After a few months I got brave enough to try again - this time I applied only once 2 drops over my liver. I got a little pain in my liver this time.

A week later I tried again 2 drops applied over my liver and it was all good.

I read later that the straw stuff is called chaff and is crystallised stuff that literally blocks the tiny ducts up and was leaving the liver. My liver was literally blocked up. (So nothing was working very well)

Since then I have also started using Chinese bitters. I am now able to take supplements in orthomolecular doses without fear of tremors all night or numb face, etc.

Life if fabulous. Keep asking the universe/god for help and it will come - love to all and I hope this helps someone.

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Art (California ) on 10/30/2017 2226 posts

In reply to Jerry R. (Sugar Land, Texas),

Yes, checking facts is important! Melatonin is on my list of very useful supplements for multiple health issues. Here are several abstracts and studies on melatonin suggesting it is gastroprotective among many other health benefits. Something that might be expected from a hormone that is naturally produced by the human body:


Posted by Amy (Moscow, Id, Usa) on 08/27/2011

I used some of the information in two of Dr Sandra Cabot's books to help clean my liver. 6 years ago, my liver enzymes were 3 times higher than normal and an ultrasound showed a fatty liver and 2 large gallstones. I added carrot, celery, and parsley juice to my breakfast along with a large glass of fresh lime juice/water for a month. I cut out red meat and dairy for about 4 months and took vitamin E, milk thistle, and taurine daily for about 6 months. 9 months after starting it, my liver enzymes were in the middle of the normal range and I haven't done anything to cleanse my liver since then. 6 years later, my liver enzymes are 10% of what they were when I started the supplements and juicing and I haven't had a gallbladder attack either. I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Jaime (Boston, MA) on 12/20/2014

I wanted to comment and add some helpful tips regarding detoxing and the liver.

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Liver Disease, as we know is a congenital disease. I'm in my late 30's and have been in the Fitness and Wellness Industry as a profession since my early teen years. I ate well for all of my life and in my late 20's switched all my foods to Organic. I've worked out as an Aerobics teacher and personal trainer. So when I was diagnosed with PLD it was a bit of a shock. I started experiencing burning in my right upper abdomen and extreme bloating by any foods that I ate was extreme. I looked like I was 6 months pregnant every time I ate. I always ate gluten free, higher organic meat proteins in moderation with low sugar including organic vegetables and fruits. I also work as a full time Sports Massage Therapist and have heavy demands on my body. When I went to the ER the conventional medical doctors were not helpful at all. They basically wanted to give me pain meds and send me on my way. I took it on my own as a Wellness person to investigate and change up my heathy lifestyle and design my diet to what fit my new disease.

First, I took out all animal protein. Consuming the heavy meats while having liver cysts would slow the liver down while it was trying to detox. A lot of fitness people try and consume 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per body weight. For some people this would be fine, but for others that have PLD or any liver dysfunctions it would be toxic. Once the meat is broken down, there can be an over abundance of ammonia in the bloodstream, which can be very toxic.

Next, I took out any organic dairy, which included cheeses for me. Dairy is one of the hardest substances for the liver to process.

Next, I cut out wine and coffee. Wine I only consumed twice a month and coffee I had organic every morning. I got it out of my system.

Next, I installed a water filtration system in my house. A lot of water in certain cities now has Chromaline in the bathing water which is absorbed in the bloodstream. It's basically toxic ammonia that cities use to cleanse water of bacteria and is cheaper for them to use than anything else. A lot of people have gotten very sick with different types of digestive disorders affecting the liver and causing tumors.

Next, I added tons of plant proteins, tons of veggies, brown rice, quinoa, herbs and ACV. I used metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, milk thistle, tumeric, b 12, niacin, zinc, d, c, e, and a good probiotic.

Since my change, I have no liver pain and all my bloat decreased. My energy level increased and I feel even healthier than before. Anyone can adopt this lifestyle. Any type of liver disease, I would address enzymes in the body and killing parasites. Also, the water you're drinking and bathing in. Finally, the liver absorbs all your emotional stress. Taking time away from noise, negativity and addressing past fears and anger is a priority as well. Staying away from prescription drugs and getting fresh foods with plenty of sleep can help wonders. I hope this helps. It's been 5 months for me and I will go back next year to check and see if I've shrunk my liver cysts. So far I can tell on my own I'm 75 percent better. If you're a women, keeping hormones balanced and avoiding high estrogen dominant foods and staying away from birth control is important. Try consuming at least 2 liters of filtered water a day to remove toxins and add lemon. May God bless all of you and may he heal your pain and disease.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Peter (Seattle, Wa., Usa) on 10/11/2011

Editor's Choice Alpha Lipoic Acid, along with selenium and milk thistle are a very helpful treatment for liver problems includidng cirrhosis. Burt Berkson, M. D, Ph. D., of Las Cruces, New Mexico has been treating patient with it for decades and has written a book and several monographs on the subject. I was very ill from cirrhosis, had severe ascites, could not walk witihout a cane--and only then a few yards-- and told I had to have a liver transplant or I would be dead in a month or two.

I began taking these subtances orally (600 mg. ALA with breakfast, 300 with dinner, along with selenium and milk thistle) annd immediately began to improve. I then went to Dr. Berkson's clinic and took a course of I.V. Alpha Lipoic Acid from him. It's been two years later and I am still well and able to walk miles, excercise, work and lead a normal life. You can find Dr. Berkson's monographs on line. It saved my life.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Puneeth (Hyderabad, Ap/india) on 09/23/2012

Hi Every One, My Father is suffering from Liver cirrhosis and water accumulation started an year back. Since an year the water was suctioned for 7 times and Doctors now tell Liver transplant is the only way out. I cant take him to DR Berkson as I am from India. Can you help me with the dosages of ALA, selenium and milk thistle as well as any way out any any exists. I am emotionally down and need you help ASAP.

The Garlic Tea Cure
Posted by Brenda (Georgia) on 08/21/2006

The recipe:

3 cloves of garlic cut up in pill sizes
3 tbls. apple cider vinigar and
reg. tea at night.

1 cup a day. Catch the garlic on spoon and swallow like pills, then drink before bed EVERY NIGHT.

This remedy honestly cured my liver, and polyps, acid reflux, gave me energy , made my nails and hair grow. I have taken medicine all my life for seizures, had surgery and the drs can't believe the difference. This drink detoxes your blood, cleans out your system. I have been drinking this for 6 years people and have yet to have a cold, sickness. It is a natural blood thinner, the garlic. It's an old Indian antibiotic. It was a blessing for me and my husband who has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and prostate problems. It is a cure, I am living proof. my liver is fine for 5 yrs now, polyps are gone, and no other ailments, please try it. Pills are no good for your organs. The tea will heal them brenda t

ALA, NAC, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Dee (United States) on 12/19/2021

Editor's Choice 20+ years ago I was diagnosed and treated for Hep C. At end of treatment tests still showed infection, and that it would most likely come back years later. After starting a regimen of ALA, NAC, Milk Thistle and Selenium I no longer show any infection - and the "professionals" said testing would always show an infection, even if my viral load level was below 10 (it was over 1 millions when I started treatment).

I still take these supplements today and have recently added Sam-E. Don't know if it would work for everyone, but it sure worked for me!

Hulda Clark Liver Flush
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 01/13/2017

Editor's Choice HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,, as all know I's kinda wild and strange. Anyways, me and my Tractor Driver are starting our annual liver and gall bladder flush this week and want to invite you to come along with us. The procedure is from Dr. Hulda Clark's book as the following URL explains.

She also recommends that you drink apple juice daily for a week prior to the actual flush procedure. We will be drinking a glass of apple juice before every meal preceding our start on Friday night. The procedure is done Friday night and all is completed Saturday mid-morning. There is very little cost, a few lemons, a little epsom salt and a little olive oil. You can follow Dr. Clark's protocol but I will be posting all week and walk you through what takes place on Friday night and Saturday morning.

You will be amazed as to what your flashlight shows you in the toilet on Saturday morning. We have done this flush for about the last 10 years so we no longer get stones, we just get what is called chaff. If this is your first Rodeo then you will likely get stones of every color in the rainbow. You liver will thank you for getting rid of lots of toxins as you should feel much better.

I'm serious about this. This is your chance to clean out your liver with the whole world available to help you. I will post daily on things that may ease any reservations. In Dr Clark's book, she says she gets credit for this flush, but it has been done for thousands of years.


Carbonated Water, Lemon Juice, Sea Salt
Posted by Taylor (Tollhouse, Ca) on 08/30/2009

Stage 4 cirrhosis of the Liver: Carbonated Water, Lemon Juice, Sea Salt​

Internal Body Cleanser, disenfectant & Rejuvenator
Water (Carbonated Spring, mineral) it has to be carbonated.
Pure Lemon Juice ( from lemons, a lemon squeeze, bottled 100% lemon juice)
Sea Salt

If you are not a fan of the salty food this may take some getting use to.This elixir is a rejuvenator for a sick,dying liver. Not for the healthy.

Mix sea salt into water in large glass, until it is salty to the taste but still drinkable add lemon juice until you taste salty lemon. Drink it slowly. First time you drink it, it will give you severe diarhea. Drink it slowly & have 2 to 3 glasses a day.

Warning: I took lots of slack from the family. The medical professionals won't like the idea either. I knew. I just knew after much research on cirrohsis, that a very sick liver will begin to recover slowly at first & then your blood tests will begin to come back with much better numbers in the various catagories they check for. This is not a quick fix but is meant to be done over a long period of time. You will see an improvement after about 8 weeks. In between drinking this eleixer make sure you drink plenty of water. Eat lots of vegetsbles, fruit & the leaner meats.Stay away from breads, tortillas & eat sweets in strict moderation especially at first.

You need to take care of yourself & make your health a priority.Something that has probably been missing from your life. I have to take monthly blood tests now 4 years after I was diagnosed with stage 4 cirrohisis. Say goodbeye to any alcohol addicition, if that's why you got this terrible disease.Your liver is sick, slow & lazy. This elixer will wake it up again.Your blood tests should begin to improve in their results within a few short months.. I went from being on the transplant list, to being moved to hepatology & now a family practitioner for monthly visits & blood tests. I have now had quite a few blood tests come back near normal except for slight anemia.I continue with lasix & spirolactone, also laculose although as time passes in less doses. I once thought myself fortunate to survive 2 years after my terminal diagnosis but now going on 5 yeras, I'm no longer consider myself terminal in any sense of the word. I do not have an expiration date any longer!

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Wecair2 (Moose Jaw, Sk.) on 03/27/2013

Thank you! I have been sick without a diagnosis for several years. Recently I was finally diagnosed with an oversized liver from non alcholic fatty liver. The Dr. was no help , so I checked Earth Clinic and tried this treatment about Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle. It has been about 2 weeks and I can not believe how much better I feel! No more pain in the liver, I feel stronger and generally on my way to good health. Next month is my DR. appointment and I am anxious to hear her feedback. THANKS AGAIN!

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Roy (Thailand) on 03/26/2014

Its worth while googling RSO Rick Simpson Oil and cancer. If you are in India then finding the ingredients to make some oil or at least some cannabis butter. many 'terminal patients' who'd been sent home to die by their doctors have had the cancer completely clear up By putting drop of oil under their tongue a few times a day. Amazing results!

I have HCV and my liver has been thru a lot over the years but I've also been fasting and juicing regularly for 3 decades. Which maybe why I'm still alive when many of my old friends aren't. Sadly where I live it's very illegal to use cannabis oil.

I recommend taking some turmeric everyday and selenium, milk thistle, and ALA if u can get some (I mix a drink everyday of turmeric cinnamon cayenne black pepper and flaxseed oil in water or freshly juiced veg which goes down very nicely and can feel it doing good inside) best of luck to you both.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Vida-vanessa (Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa) on 11/23/2011

I know some one who has been healed from Kidney / liver problem by consuming virgin coconut oil and by applying some of the oil on his skin.

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Steve (Nevada) on 11/09/2013

I went through something similar with nausea and some chest pain as well. Liver flushes and coffee enemas are the fastest cure for fatty liver and nausea. It may take doing a few of them to get the best results.

Posted by Flower's Mom (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 12/17/2018

Hello, I have been recovering from a severe infection of candida and fungus and am currently healing from the damage it did to my body. My routine consists of first detoxing, then cleansing, and finally nurturing and fortifying the organs, one system at a time so as to not overwhelm my body while in this fragile state. I came across this recipe and decided to add it to my ritual since it sounded so good and easy. I used 1 cup shredded carrots, 1 cup finely chopped celery, 1 T. EVOO and fresh lemon juice. I also added 1 T. ACV, some fresh chopped parsley and cilantro and some Himalayan sea salt.

I must say it is truly delicious, has been very helpful, and I look forward to this detoxing "salad" every time I decide to make it. Just wanted to share this information. I hope it is helpful. And thank you, Earth Clinic, for your valuable contributions. God bless, and long may you live!

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Peter From Seattle (Seattle, Wa.. Usa) on 06/26/2012

Editor's Choice Gokkan, I don't think there is any need for a "slow" introduction to Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). Dr. Berkson recommends 600 mg. In A.M. and 300 in P.M. Taking it and other vitamins with your largest meals of the day (Dr. Berkson gives these amount I.V. in his clinic in New Mexico, USA). It probably doesn't matter if the doses are split in 3-300mg. doses. May even be more absorbable that way. There is no particular harm in continuing the ALA after her liver problems are under control. ALA acts as an enzyme, as well as a liver protectant, and facilitates many positive chemical reactions in our bodies.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Lisa (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 09/26/2022

LOVE milk thistle! As a wine drinker of old, and someone who has always been able to eat and drink whatever and bounce back like a teen, I am staring to get "complaints" from my liver. So switching my diet to liver friendly foods and abstaining from wine AND adding milk thistle has really calmed my liver down. I know there are some Medical professionals who says not enough information has been found to support its safety; it has worked for me for years :)

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Mirella (Netherlands) on 12/17/2021

I had liver damage partly probably due eating the bad fats I guess and partly due to auto immune reaction and I noticed it due to pain in liver area and cat pee smelling urine. I have followed one month of 200 mgs selenium, milk thistle, vitamin E, Choline and added after 2 weeks ALA and pain is gone and urine smells normal.

It was especially the ALA that made the difference, only milk thistle and selenium were not enough. After I added the ALA, it took only two weeks to release most of the problems.

I continue this protocol for a couple of weeks to make the liver strong again and eat healthy.

Hulda Clark Liver Flush
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 01/13/2017

Dear Robert Henry,

Just last night I was in bed thinking about how much better I feel than a year ago. A year ago no foods agreed with me and I had heartburn and chest pain that often woke me in the night.

It took me four flushes over the course of a couple of months to get the largest stones out. The proof is in the pudding. I haven't had the chronic heartburn or chest pain since. Even a year later I marvel that it actually worked. No surgery. No organs removed. Yay!

Reading stories here at EC finally gave me the courage to do it. It was that or surgery.

Happy cleansing!

~Mama to Many~

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Corky (Michigan) on 12/08/2013


I was also diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and found the thing that helped me the most is organic, non-GMO soy lecithin granules. I took 2 teaspoons in the morning for two days and the liver discomfort was gone. I also added milk thistle, ALA and Selenium after a while along with ACV. I have only minor occasional discomfort now, usually when I eat too many bad foods.

Hulda Clark Liver Flush
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 01/13/2017

MAMA,,,,,,,, got a few stories to tell you. What folks don't know is that in these stones are full of toxins big time as we have learned from a lady in our little country church experienced this past year.

She had a kidney stone and went to a Cleveland, Tn hospital to get it crushed and passed. They crushed it alright and it was full of E-coli, went through out her body and gave her sepsis. That's a $3 consultant word for blood poison. She was unconscious for 8 days and on life support. They took her off life support and she became conscious 3 days later. She was totally black. So far the doctors have cut off her left arm at the elbow, cut off her left leg at the knee and have cut off the toes on her right foot.

She only survived because we were praying for her night and day . You cannot believe her attitude. She is just grateful to be alive. She has been back to church twice and it thrills us just to see her. If folks don't think there is a God, then I weep for them.

I told this story to my dentist and he related that his son's mother in law is still in the hospital after a simple gall bladder incision went array. The doctors had to operate on her a third time and she went into sepsis and is still in IR.

It is now apparent that toxins are in your fat, and stones and any other place they can hide. They hide in your kidney stones, they hide in you liver and gall stones. Our medical folks are just smart enough to get us to the Holy Land before our time. Crush stones full of toxins and send that garbage through out your body. Are you SHEETING ME? They spent 28 years of schooling and did not know this? You kidding me, right?

Reminds me of going to the Institute of Paper Industry in Wisconsin back in the '70's and learned that the professors were 20 years behind the industry. They brought us up on summer seminars to learn from us. They did not know sheet. I don't think our medical doctors do either. They only know what the mini skirted Pharma Reps tell them.

Excuse my rant. Just more reasons that folks need to flush their liver and get rid of the stones full of toxins.


Alkalizing the Blood
Posted by Jonathan (Spain) on 12/02/2015

Baking soda is not advised just before meals as it is highly alkaline and therefore interferes with stomach acids required for good digestion.

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Dave (Wichita, Ks) on 07/03/2016

Green juices are the only way to help the liver to start healing itself. Then, milk thistle and raw garlic after stress is taken off liver and healing has begun.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/26/2013

Dear Reggie from India, Here is the website of a company that claims to be a " Worldwide Distributor " of BHT and other health supplements:

If for any reason that company does not sell to India try a google search to find one that does.

Also, do you know the cause of your wife`s cirrhosis ? What have the doctors told you the cause of your wife`s cirrhosis is ? I am surprised that these doctors are talking about a liver transplant for someone with stage 2 liver cirrhosis. Though obviously any cirrhosis is not good, stage 2 is not as bad as stage 4. Stage 4 is where S. From Sacramento was when he or she pulled through, got well with this BHT treatment. So don`t get so discouraged. I think there is a very good chance your wife can recover and am hoping this BHT can help her a lot. She should also be taking some vitamin B12 in a dose of 1mg per day. Vitamin B12 is sold in micrograms [ mcg ] dosages. One mg is the same as 1,000mcg. So do not confuse that. She wants to be taking 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] of vitamin B12 per day. Some vitamin C will also help. I think 500mg of vitamin C is a safe and effective dose to take. Also, a low fat diet is recommended for people with liver disease. Eating a healthy diet with some moderate use of vitamins can go a long ways in helping people with liver disease. If she has hepatitis vitamin E supplements should NOT be taken. Does your wife have hepatitis ? Has she been tested for hepatitis B and C or not ? It is important to know what caused this cirrhosis of her liver to occur. The BHT can also help a lot with hepatitis B and C. Give the BHT a try along with the vitamins I discussed. 250mg of BHT with water on an empty stomach has worked for many people. If she tolerates that dosage well it may help to go to the two doses of BHT per day. But only if she tolerates the one dose per day with no problems. There is THE NEW BHT CURES GROUP if you wish to join. I am a moderator there and there are other people there focusing on helping people with liver disease. Here is that website:

Stay in touch and keep this forum updated on your wife`s condition. I very much hope this BHT treatment works as well for your wife as it has for many other people. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/03/2008 391 posts

Dear Neil:

The article does not directly deal with the real cause of the issue. Gallstones are formed not from chlorogenic acid deficiency, but it is formed from eating very oily foods that exceeds the liver's capacity to emulsify the fatty food. When this happens fat collesce to form tiny balls of fat which form gallstones, along with excessive calcium. But it is also true that excessive fats lead to liver cirrhosis, or a fatty liver. The issue is that Western dietary habits eat too much fatty food and the body simply accumulates fat. While it is true that chlorogenic acid did reduce gallstone, the sad story is it shouldn't happen in the first place if excessive fatty foods weren't eaten at all. Time and time again I mentioned the use of granulated lecithin taken along with food to emulsify the fat, avoid the use of vegetable oils in cooking, fatty foods, and sugar. Chlorogenic acid real action is it prevents the body from increasing blood glucose quickly enough, or something like sugar spikes, when this happens the liver has to overwork and store them or tuck them and converted into fats before it damages the body system. So the issue hence becomes controlling blood sugar, and chromium, which I found can reduce weight, and it doesn't have to be chromium picolinate. I found out a much cheaper chromium chloride works quite effectively in reducing weight, blood sugar to more normal levels and even cured hirsute both men and women, within weeks. Coffee really have a problem of gout and increased uric acid.

A major component of bile is actually water, bicarbonates, and salt. The baking soda and water with sea salt is also a major remedy I have always post almost as consistently. There is an urban legend about not drinking water while eating. This urban legend caused a major problem, it tends to put stress on to the liver with insufficient water, excessive salt, and lack of bicarbonates leading to gallstones, despite the fact that the liver is an efficient organ in emptying the liquids BEFORE it begins to digest. This is why water goes right through the stomach fast and then you have an urge to urinate within a short time.

The issue of bicarbonates is one of the reason why alkalization remedy was chosen: to support the liver function as well as granulated lecithin to emulsify the fat. That alone isn't sufficient, metabolic acidosis, excessive sugar intake causes problems too. If the body's pH is acid, calcium in the bones dissolve and blood serum calcium is high, clogging up the heart, causing stroke, clogging the liver causing If the food has excessive oils, in particular vegetable oils which biochemically becomes cholesterol, as well as excessive eating of meats leads to cholesterol. People actually don't normally think chicken to be high in cholesterol of they don't eat the skins. This thinking is wrong. Cholesterol is found just as high level in white chicken meat as it is found in any meats. Only eating more green vegetables can people lower the cholesterol. I once had an extreme case of high blood cholesterol and had trouble with reducing this issue so a more radical steps was needed to simply avoided all pork, beef and chicken as an emergency measures eating only vegetables for about a month, the figures within a month was within normal parameters. As to the goodness cholergenic acid, it is a lot simpler to just take chinese herbs high in cholergenic acid (chrysanthemum flower, lonicera flowers (jinyinhua), ucommia bark and gardenia fruit which has 20% cholergenic acid) taken ocassionally without the added risk of gout, acidosis, caffeine addiction, and dehydration associated with drinking coffee. Women get more gallstone then men because they keep going into weight crashing diets which dehydrate the body, increase the blood fats, causing gallstones when the blood becomes too concentrated and bile is too concentrated too.


Posted by Dawn002 (Calgary) on 04/02/2022

I have had Liver pain for the last six years. Ultrasound showed I have fatty liver which is the side effect of Hormone replacement pills I was on for years. I tried milk thistle and couple of other supplements they didn't help.I have started taking 1/4 of tsp of turmeric powder with oil or peanut butter. My triglyceride and liver enzymes showed normal in last two blood tests. After years of suffering, I finally feel relief. However, turmeric made my blood pressure drop so now I take it cautiously. Turmeric is apparently absorbed better by our body if taken with oil and black pepper and it also brings down your sugar level and is blood thinner too. I suggest doing your own research.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by D.L (Portland) on 03/16/2021

I had liver pain. I saw a top specialist but nothing was showing. I did have prior mold exposure. ND recommended coffee enemas so I got a Gerson approved mold-free coffee for enemas, but it was making things worse. It took about a year to figure out what to do

Milk thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Lecithin, and Cayenne pepper in pill form taken with food did the trick

ALA, Milk Thistle
Posted by Walter A. (Australia) on 02/04/2018

My GGT in liver blood tests were 400 u/l. After taking ALA and Milk Thistle, they have dropped to below 90 u/l in 6 months.

Essential Oils
Posted by Beamer (Brissy) on 04/30/2023

Hi Zinny

I have had a very long journey to getting better. I still have autoimmune issues, food and digestion issues. The essential oil was what allowed me to really start getting better. As I wrote, the liver was blocked up. I think I started having liver problems in my mid 20's when I took lots of very strong pain killers. I am 50 now. I now take bitters before I eat. I eat lecithin with meals. I add a lot of olive oil to meals where I can. I still get bad joint pain if I eat fruit. I high dose vitamin C and niacin and take many herbal supplements. I use sauna and vibrating plate and ionising foot bath. I believe heavy metals are an issue for me. I also need to remember to take things like bentonite clay and citrus pectin before bed to carry the liver waste out of my body.

ALA, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/09/2013

The following abstracts may be applicable for your husbands condition and gives an approximation of an expected response time.

Melatonin is liver protective and is naturally produced by the body, but production declines as we age.

Melatonin also helps protect the stomach.

Melatonin has a very good safety profile.


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