Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus: Effective Treatments

| Modified on Jan 14, 2025
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Castor Oil.

Lichen Sclerosus (LS) is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the genital and anal areas, causing significant discomfort. While conventional treatments often include topical steroids, many individuals seek natural remedies to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. This article explores effective natural treatments for LS, focusing on dietary changes, essential oils, and home remedies.

Understanding Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen Sclerosus is characterized by white, patchy skin that appears thinner than normal. Common symptoms include severe itching, discomfort, smooth white spots, blotchy or wrinkled patches, easy bruising, tearing, and pain during intercourse. Timely treatment is essential to prevent complications such as an increased risk of skin cancer and significant scarring.

Natural Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus: Insights from Earth Clinic Readers

Lichen Sclerosus (LS) is a chronic skin condition characterized by white patches, itching, and pain, primarily affecting the genital and anal areas. Finding effective remedies can be challenging, but Earth Clinic readers have shared various natural treatments that have provided relief. Here are some of the most recommended remedies:

Natural Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus: Insights from Earth Clinic Readers

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Many Earth Clinic readers swear by the use of apple cider vinegar for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Diluting ACV with water and applying it to the affected areas can help reduce itching and inflammation. Some users also recommend taking ACV internally, diluted in water, to promote overall skin health.

2. Borax

Borax, a natural mineral, has been highlighted for its antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. A solution of borax and water can be applied topically to soothe the symptoms of LS. It's crucial to use this remedy cautiously and follow guidelines to avoid skin irritation.

3. Castor Oil

Known for its moisturizing and healing properties, castor oil is another popular remedy. Applying castor oil to the affected areas can help reduce dryness and promote healing. Some Earth Clinic users combine castor oil with essential oils like lavender or tea tree for added benefits.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is celebrated for its soothing and healing properties. Fresh aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the skin to alleviate itching and promote healing. Regular application can help maintain skin moisture and reduce flare-ups.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is widely recommended for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Applying coconut oil to the affected areas can provide relief from itching and discomfort. It also helps in keeping the skin moisturized and preventing further irritation.

6. Vitamin D and E Supplements

Several Earth Clinic readers have noted improvements in their LS symptoms by taking vitamin D and E supplements. These vitamins play a crucial role in skin health and immune function, helping to reduce inflammation and promote healing from within.

7. Probiotics

Balancing gut health is often linked to overall skin health. Probiotic supplements or foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt and kefir, can support the immune system and potentially reduce the symptoms of LS.

8. Dietary Changes

Many users have reported that dietary changes can significantly impact their LS symptoms. Reducing sugar and processed foods while increasing the intake of anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens, fatty fish, and nuts, can help manage the condition.


While Lichen Sclerosus can be a challenging condition to manage, Earth Clinic readers have found relief through various natural remedies. It’s important to remember that individual responses to treatments can vary. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new remedy is advisable to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Please continue reading below for herb and supplement reviews from our readers who have tried many remedies and supplements over the years for LS.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Change Fabrics

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Posted by San (UK) on 01/24/2024

I have this condition and have had from some years now. I was prescribed Dermovite cream which is a steroid and although it works to reduce the inflammation I don't take kindly to anything prescribed by GP's, so rarely use it and found other ways to bring some comfort. I use Emuaid Cream, which has proved to be a great success. However, I think it may be certain fabrics that cause this problem because I always buy stretch fabric jeans and there is one particular pair that has more elastane in than others. I find that when I sit in them for a prolonged time, the itching begins. It could also be washing powders or softeners used in your machines. For now I'm going through the fabric experiment!

Replied by Sandra

I absolutely agree regarding certain stretch fabrics. The more elastane in jeans, the worse things are as I suffer from this condition too!

Chemical Link to LS

Posted by Anna (Toogoolawah, Queensland Australia) on 12/05/2010

Asian ladies report that LS is caused through the non washing of new under garments before wearing. I worked in China for 10 years and developed LS whilst there and went to see a doctor (Western man) he had no idea of what it was or how to treat it. I went to a pharmacy and the old gent told me the cause was due to new clothes unwashed first as they were contaminated with all sorts of chemicals. Same applies to chain store(cheap imported clothing) clothing.

I use Neem 100% pure oil after I have soaked in a small bath (baby bath if you can fit lower end in it) in Magnesium Chloride flakes once a week for about 20-30 minutes. 2 table spoons to half a bucket or 5 litres of warm water. Relax and read a book or something. Wont cure it but it brings relief and you wont be using dangerous/harmful drugs.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

It was either last year or early this year there was a report on a TV show (Landline I think) about the amount of formaldehyde that is in imported clothes that are made overseas. 700 times (and no the 700 is not a misprint) the normal level of formaldehyde was found when they tested them. It is used to help prevent creases and prevent insect and rodent damage whilst in storage. So who knows what other chemicals are used as well. I know of many people (myself included) who cannot even touch new clothes or any new material. It used to take 2 or 3 washes before I could use anything new. I used to have my mum or a friend do the 1st wash for me and then we could have it in our laundry. It now takes 7 - 8 washes before I can touch them. This includes soakings in bi-carb soda before washing. The last pkt of knickers have been washed so many times and left out in the rain but I still cannot get them clear. So it looks like the pennies will need to be saved to buy organic underwear.

Replied by Wendy

I have had LS for 7 years. I always wash my clothing, etc before wearing them.

Chlorine-Free Toilet Paper

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Posted by Diana (California) on 11/08/2019

Buy NON-CHLORINE TOILET PAPER. and LS will slowly disappear. Hurray! I buy mine at Whole Foods. W.F. makes their own but I buy Seventh Generation. The recycled chlorine free is pricey at a dollar a roll but worth it. Yes, recycled toilet paper sounds dreadful but apparently we can save forests of trees with it and THAT'S worth it. Your new year will truly be a happy one.

Replied by Dee

Get your non-chlorine TP at Trader Joe's, a wee bit cheaper

Replied by Aloha Granny
(Wailuku, Hawaii)

Instead of any toilet paper, use toilet seat bidet— Brondell Swash SE600 Bidet Toilet Seat is a good one. There are many types out there. Using a toilet seat bidet is the only Way to go. You will always be totally clean. Will pay for itself and save a lot of trees.


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Posted by Melissa (TN) on 05/03/2021

On LS:

I have mine under control using a protocol found on a white paper from a doc in CA. It is:

20 min. hot bath every night for 6 weeks, immediately after, rub pea-size amount of clobetasol in for 90 sec. No less. Then 20 min Hot bath every other night for 6 weeks, immediately after rub cream in for 90 sec. Then 2x a week for life.

This has worked for me but I want it gone. On the relations part, idk cause I'm too worried to try.

I'm going to try some things I found today on here but wanted to post this for the lady who is having a hard time & can't get it under control.

The doc had a video showing how getting the thicker type skin down there hot via a 20min bath softens the layers then rubbing the cream in for 90 sec helps the cream Penetrate multiple layers. I have no itch. It's amazing & I'm very happy but I would really like to find a way to not have to use the cream at all.

Good Luck Ladies & I hope this helps someone.


Replied by Julie
(England Essex)

Hi Melissa, has the hot baths and cream application still working for you? I am also finding it difficult to get the itching and soreness under control I was diagnosed in June after a punch biopsy and recently had really dry skin on either side of my clitoris that has shrunk back as of yet no white plaques on vulva. Thank you.

Posted by Marlene (Nc) on 09/25/2020

I have had LS for years and only had it diagnosed 2 years ago. My dermatologist put me on Clobetasol Propionate and it works wonders.

Posted by Madeleine (Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada) on 10/10/2014


I have had LS for 10 years and was prescribed Clobatesol. It did help in the beginning with the white patches and the itch but still got flare-ups that are excrutiating. I have never been able to stop using it for any lenght of time and would have flare-ups that lasted for weeks. This creme has done absolutely nothing for my LS for the past 4 months, I don't know if the area is now immune to it. I'm willing to change my diet but do not have a clue where to start. Are there certain foods that I should stay away from? I don't eat processed food or junk food, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, I eat poultry and some fish. I thank you for any advice you can give me.

Replied by Janice

I have had LS for 4 years. The clobetasol worked for the itch but I still and very sensitive there and cannot have relations with my husband I'm afraid the skin is too thin and It may tear. This is a problem! I recently got a book the autoimmune solution by Dr. Amy Meyers and yes a change in diet which she goes over in detail. I started 16 days ago and have been caffeine, sugar, wheat, dairy, and gluten free ever since and I am losing weight, and strengthening my gut. I have hypothyroid and want OFF of the medicine which in 30 days she can have you well on your way The recipes are easy clean and so nourishing that I am NEVER hungry I recommend the auto immune paleo cookbook. Made several recipes and I LOVE it

Replied by Art
2395 posts

Hi Marlene,

The clobetasol is one of the strongest topical steroids and the body seems to build resistance to it and it can not be used in multiple areas of the body such as the face, genital areas and the armpits as it can cause other issues such as thinning of the skin and discolorations of the skin. It can also cause high blood pressure if used over large areas of the body as well as blurred vision and high cholesterol. Hair loss is another side effect as is stretch marks. Itching is also a common one These side effects may or may not be reversible once the clobetasol is stopped.

I say this, not to scare you, but from experience.


Coconut Oil

Posted by Victoria (Wichita, Kansas) on 12/06/2010

Has anyone tried Coconut Oil for this condition (LS) ?

Replied by Deziner

Soy and Canola oils both cause severe itching swelling and inflammation. Grains of any kind also cause reactions. Eliminate wheat, oats, corn, rice, mullet, quinoa, barley, and all oils made from them. I'm convinced it's an allergy for me.

Coconut Oil, Homeopathy

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Posted by Linda (Auburn, Ca) on 05/01/2015

I was diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosis on April 16, 2015 after my OB GYN did a vulvar biopsy. I had been suffering for 20 months with symptoms but the current flare up has been the worst ever. My doctor prescribed the steroid, clobetasol, but I must be allergic to one of the preservatives because my symptoms became even more intense. I have stopped the steroids and I'm searching for some type of relief. What has been very soothing is using organic coconut oil before (used as a barrier) and after going to the bathroom. Two days ago I picked up a homeopathic remedy for shingles at the health food store that has greatly reduced the itching and pain. It did sting when I applied it so I have been diluting it with castor oil.

My question: Has anyone tried UV Light Therapy as a treatment for LS?? I had a horrific eczema outbreak on my legs and after using the UV Light Therapy, it completely sent away and has never returned.

Replied by Rusty
(Lansing, Mi)

Hi Linda, May I ask where you had your UV therapy done? Was it at a dermatologists office? Thanks.

Replied by Rusty
(Lansing, Mi)

Hi Linda, May I ask where you had your UV therapy done? Was it at a dermatologists office? Thanks.

Replied by Pan

I read about a 60 year old woman, here on EarthClinic, who has been healed by UVB light treatment (eximer laser). Her symptoms have been completely reversed. I wish she could tell us who gave her the treatment. And how comes this is not world news?

I will ask (again) for some Dutch doctors here and will let you know. In the meantime I sit in the sun, in lotus... now and then.

Replied by Ref

I also have found coconut oil to be very helpful and it does not have the odor or expense associated with the creams for LS sold on Amazon. Also, I am afraid of using too much clobetasol proprionate and allowing it to thin the skin. Coconut oil lets me to spread the steroid on thinner and use it less frequently.

Cold Water, Evening Primrose Oil

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Posted by Ann (Kennesaw, Ga) on 05/18/2013

Have had LS for last six years. Severe pain and itching. Some days could hardly walk. I starting using cold water in a sitz bath every day what a relief. Every time I urinated poured cold water from tap overVJ. Also take evening primrose oil two or three a day. At night open a gel cap of the oil put on VJ. I am 90% better. I have tried everything. Cold Water is working for me.

Replied by Frankie
(Brooklyn Ny)

You're right, cold water always work.

Replied by Thebiscuit
(Woodstock, Ga)

Ann- I just read your post from years earlier. I am next door in Woodstock and similarly situated re the LS. How are you?

Replied by Elsa

By VJ do you mean vulva?

Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Cari (Ca) on 03/26/2016

I use colloidal silver gel for lichen sclerosis. Helps immediately.

Replied by Elisa

For lichen sclerosis: I'm happy to see someone else on here trying colloidal silver gel. I have been using this also and it has helped a lot.


Collodial Silver works wonders for me and my Lichen Sclerosis, I don't wanna miss it anymore!

Replied by Rebecca

I have been using this also.

I also do the borax and baking soda soaks, which have given amazing results!

Replied by For ever better

does it cure it?


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Posted by Anna (Queens, Ny) on 09/25/2016

I cured the LS with a comfrey cream imported from Croatia. I suffered so much the whole last year that I did not want to live. My Croatian friend gave me the comfrey root based Croatian cream. It healed me. I don't have the itch and the inflammation anymore. I use it once or twice a day consistently.

Replied by Compastella
(Middle East)


Please I need to know exactly what the cream is and where to get it urgently. The pain is immense.


How about cbd cream?

Replied by Laurie
(Lady Lake, Fl)

How can I get some of the comfrey cream from Croatia? I am desperate😟


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Posted by Ellie (Kansas City, Mo) on 08/17/2015

Recently diagnosed. Location in anal area, on chest, stomach, and legs. Oh holy night the Chronic anal itching during day is terrible!!! The SEVERE, wake me up, loss of sleep, night itch... makes me want to scream into my pillow and cry. Wait I have done that!!!! Punctured a COQ10 softgel and placed directly on anal affected area at 7:00 a.m. (Warning!!!! ' it Burned like hell but I felt instant itch relief. Burning sensation lasted 10 minutes) Just for testing purposes, I placed it again at 5:00 (still burned but way less this time) It is now 9:19, not one time did I have to sneak off into the bathroom at work to scratch and I have been laying in bed for over an hour without a hint of an itch. Crossing fingers (haven't had a solid night's sleep in 14 months & I hope this allows me to sleep through the night)!


Posted by Steve (Coastal Southern Oregon ) on 07/24/2023

Anyone Ever Try This?

My primary care doctor wrote me a prescription for 100 mg of Cyclosporine to try and clear up my LS. It's fairly expensive so I haven't gotten it yet. Thought I see if anyone has tried or heard of this treatment.

Replied by Art
2395 posts


Given the known side effects of cyclosporine :

It might be worth viewing ECs page on LS here and decide what you think would be most appropriate for you:


Dietary Changes

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Posted by Susan (Tacoma, wa) on 08/08/2024

Lichen Sclerosis

Hi there! I had a very severe case. Unfortunately, doctors are not helpful by not informing us that changing our diet is extremely effective. What we have to avoid are foods that have a medium to high content of oxalate. Unfortunately, I didn't know, and I was having spinach and soy milk often. After changing my diet, I rarely have itching.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Susie (Mi) on 12/24/2022

I have suffered from LS for many many years and like all of you tried so many different things somehow, some didn't but what I have found is a definitely boils down to diet when I went to my doctor she said my oxalates were high and she wondered why so she tested my candida it was high and high candida will make high oxalates so needless to say I do a low candida low oxalate diet and I do biocidin!

Within 4 weeks my LS had cleared up by 95%! I was ecstatic it definitely has to do with diet because I know as I fall off my diet and eat the wrong things again that are high and yeast and high in oxalates it comes right back my doctor said I should do it for about 6 months the protocol and I possibly could get rid of it completely for good. Hope this helps you.

Replied by Bliss

Did it work for you?
