Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Lichen Sclerosus Remedies

| Modified on Jul 17, 2024

Natural treatment of Lichen Sclerosus involves a combination of dietary changes, home remedies and essential oils. Treatments like Apple Cider Vinegar can help heal the condition, while dietary changes like avoiding artificial sweeteners can help prevent future occurrences of LS.

What is Lichen Sclerosus

While a somewhat uncommon disorder, lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that affects individuals, particularly women, worldwide. The condition is typically characterized by patchy, white skin that appears thinner than normal. Lichen sclerosus can affect any part of the body, but it most often involves the genital and anal areas.

While several common symptoms have been identified in recent years, lichen sclerosus may present indirect or even unapparent symptoms. As such, it is often difficult to diagnose and is even often misdiagnosed. When symptoms do occur, the most common symptoms include severe itching, discomfort particularly when the condition is located in the genital or anal region, smooth white spots on the skin, blotchy or wrinkled patches, easy bruising and tearing, bleeding, blistering, ulcerations and pain during intercourse. It is important for an individual to seek treatment if she feels she may have symptoms similar to that of the condition or if she has previously been diagnosed with the condition.

Lichen sclerosis is often a pervasive condition that progresses and can lead to further complications if not treated. Persistent or recurrent lichen sclerosis in a particular location may increase an individual’s risk of skin cancer. The condition is also extremely painful for women. It often causes intense itching and scarring and can even narrow the opening of the vagina. The condition may involve such severe blistering that even the slightest pressure is unbearable. Treatment is crucial for preventing these issues.

Home Remedies For Lichen Sclerosus

Effectively treating Lichen Sclerosus often requires a combination of treatments. At any rate, treatment is possible and using home remedies often offers relief and healing. Natural options including apple cider vinegar, calendula oil and castor oil relieve soreness, redness and discomfort. Lavender oil, evening primrose oil and essiac tea also treat the condition.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, diluted with water, can help relieve inflammation and itching when applied topically.

Neem Oil

Neem Oil, a plant which comes from the Indian subcontinent and is made by pressing fruits and seeds into an oil, helps to heal the condition and prevent further progression of LS. Neem Oil can be mixed with Green Tea extract and applied topically.

Dietary Changes

Dietary changes are very important in healing this condition. Changing the diet to eliminate artificial sweeteners and avoid wheat and gluten is very beneficial.

Lichen Sclerosus is a pervasive condition that can progress and lead to further complications. Holistic treatments that focus on relieving inflammation and itching can play an important role in the healing process and can help prevent further progression of the disease.

Aloe Vera

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Cherry Blossom (Tel Aviv) on 05/26/2018

I have had LS for about 2 years. Applying apple cider vinegar locally provided a little relief, but not much. Lately, I tried two remedies that I found helpful, but aloe vera proved to be both a more effective and much easier to use.

I started doing sitz baths in water + bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). I basically put a laundry basket in my bathtub, added a few tablespoons of baking soda and just enough water to cover the affected part, and sat in it once a day for about 5 minutes. I must have looked like an idiot, but there was no one there to see it. :) It did relieve much of the itching.

Later I tried fresh aloe vera. It also relieved the itching, but felt milder and was less time consuming. Now I am using a gel I purchased from iherb that is 100% aloe vera. It's much easier to use since I don't have to cut up the fresh aloe each time. It also seems to be more effective - maybe because I'm putting it on more regularly.

So far it's not a cure, but does make the condition much, much more manageable.

Replied by Cherry Blossom
(Tel Aviv)

Hi. I wanted to add an update. The LS is a thing of the past. The aloe vera did the trick.


Glad you found a cure, Cherry. Did you have hair loss from LS and did/does it grow back please?

Replied by Lily
(Vero Beach, FL)

Hi! I know this is a super old thread but I'm wondering if you could tell me the name of the aloe Vera gel you use? It's so hard to find a good pure one! Thank you so much!!


Aloe Vera
Posted by Renee (Michigan, US) on 03/14/2015

Editor's Choice You can relieve the itch of Lichen Sclerosis in the genital area by applying 99% or 100% pure aloe vera gel. I also use a spray of witch hazel about 8 oz, with three drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of vitamin E oil, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and a capful of castor oil. I spray that on...let it dry a little or lightly pat it dry if I'm in a rush...and then just apply about 1/8 teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Works very well for me. Heals me, keeps me healed and the aloe vera gel keeps the itch away.

Aloe Vera, Dietary Changes

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rene (Bulgaria) on 05/12/2018

Hello ladies! I am 34 years old and have been diagnosed with lichen sclerosus after visiting 3 dermatologists, 5 ginecologists and 7 patologies to read my biopsy (having 2 disputed diagnoses).. I have white patches on my vulva and sclerosus on my clit. I also have white patches on the inner side ot my cheeks, but they are not yet confirmed. Have any of you been diagnosed with lichen on both in the mouth and the vulva?

I have started applying 99% aloe vera creem twice a day on my genital area, I went on a no gluten and no sugar diet and I also take homeopathy. With these 3 I hardly have itching (stress is definately a trigger), one of the white patches is done, but my clit is still in pain, while having sex.

Have any of you treated the atrophy successfully and with what? I plan to take castor oil and start vitamin B, D and A.

Thank you for all the good advices given on this portal. In my country the treatment is with steroid creams or surgery :( I am really sorry to read so many women are suffering from this disease and I hope you all fine your best treatment!

Anti-Candida Diet

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Geri (Kentucky) on 09/18/2013

This is in regard to Lichen Sclerosis:

I see where some say that a candida diet or taking Essia Tea will be of help, but I don't believe it for one minute. I have had no sugar for 6 months with very little bread and have been on a strict anti candida diet for 3 months (no nothing) along with drinking that tea and I just got LS.

Replied by Linda
(Seattle, WA)

I have been on a paleo diet for over 5 years and my Lichen Sclerosus started about 1 1/2 years ago! Not sure if diet is a preventive, but I think mine would be worse if I didn't eat healthy.

Replied by Su

Second year of menopause, two months ago started on estrogen cream and just got Diagnosed with LS! Time to self examine. Quit smoking, start probiotics, cut out sugar, and get rest. The topical application of diluted Apple cider, followed with a baking soda mixed into coconut oil is wonderful.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Tina (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 12/02/2012

I was originally dianosed with Lichen Sclerosis in the late 80s (my early 20's) with extreme redness, swelling and white stripes on my labia minora. Treatment with cortisone via skin specialist was painful and did nothing. A naturopath put me on a Candida diet which we extended to wheat free whilst also using homemade golden seal pessaries nightly. In 9 months I had lost about 10kg (healthy weight for me) and all symptoms. My skin in that area has been thinner since and prone to minor splits, usually during times of stress and my periods. I'm not sure if it's related but I have also developed 4-5 largish subserosal amd pendunculated subserosal fibroids (up to 11cm) in the last 5 years.

Recently I have had a flare up of intense itching in the crease areas of the groin, also due to stress and can easily remove skin if I scratch even firmly. I will get it checked but am looking at the original solution to deal with it. I'm also looking at Red clover tea and will report what happens.

Replied by Aloha
(Maui, HI)

Tulip Treatment at Coyle Institute, Pensacola, Florida.


Can you tell me how you are doing after the TULIP procedure?

I am having a hard time locating folks that have had the procedure +1 years ago.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Aloha Franny

I am 71 years old. Had treatment 2020. It's not a cure. Because I am old, I will go back for a touch up treatment November 4 ,2022. There is no cure, only treatments to live a semi-normal life. It has helped me tremendously.


Is the TULIP treatment like the MonaLisa Touch procedure? I have had the 3 treatments and still have the white skin but not the bouts of wicked itching. It is manageable now to wear clothes. I also soak in baking soda and epsom salts with lavender oil added to the bath. I am curious if the TULIP treatment would help.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by R.l. (Fresno, Ca., U.s.a.) on 07/14/2011

I have vaginal Lichen symptoms and have had chronic vaginal candidas for many years. I am wondering if vaginal yeast infection is THE precursor to vaginal Lichen Sclerosus? Has anyone had the Lichen problem without a pre-existing candidas problem? Just trying to locate the possible origin of my condition. Thanks.

Replied by Kim
(Effingham, Usa)

I have LS , never did have a yeast infection or bladder infection. Mine started after I had my hysterectomy. Then dx with hypothyroid. I have found a relief in my own concoction - through many trials... and think I might have gotten rid of it.

Replied by Karen
(Naples, Fl)

Im all ears... What's your concoction? I would love to know.

Thanks, ~Karen

Replied by Kim
(Effingham, Usa)


I have had some success with all the self experiements I have tried.

The ACV completely stopped all symptoms for me, but I couldn't take the ACV as it thinned my bones and bothered my joints. I found a interesting article at Pubmed indicating that acetic acid (ACV) stops MS symptoms, in relation to inhibiting a gene tranference. The following was a conclusion about LS being related to an oxidized state and recommending anti-oxidants - thus my remedy below.

The enzymatic antioxidant defence in LS was found to be significantly disturbed. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to demonstrate oxidative damage to lipids, DNA and proteins in LS, revealing a novel pathophysiological mechanism which may contribute to sclerosis, autoimmunity and carcinogenesis. Therapeutic strategies using antioxidants might be a useful new approach in the treatment of LS and could also help to prevent secondary malignancies.

For the Itch, I buy PURE Aloe Vera, mix with Lysine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cystene, Primerose oil (a few drops), Grapeseed extract and it usually keeps that BAD fire at bay without any flare ups and without the itch. I have had it for 11 years and only have (1) 1/4 inch scar. I do have some atrophy, but that came from attempting to use OTC steriod creme (absolute no-no). The scar over my pubic bone completely resolve using the ACV and above remedy. I thought I was totally resolved when I was taking the Vinegar daily, I had nothing, no symptoms and skin was regaining pink color. I stopped taking vinegar because it was demineralizing my bones - started noticing joint and back issues.

I regained minimal symptoms when stopped so continue to use above mixture with good results to stop the progression. I am going to start adding Hyaluronic acid and Niacinamide to the mixture. I am going to start taking niacinamide (small dose as it can be toxic if to much) I am hoping for a straight out healing!!! I am certain it is related to thyroid issues - that started when they put me on Premarin after hysterectomy - causing my thryroid to fail completely. I will post with results.

TED - HELP!!!!

I want to know if Ted would answer a question. I have been taking Armour Thyroid for 11 years, did an Ultra sound found out the thyroid tissue has regenerated. Is there anyway... somehow I can get off of the medication? Have your ever heard of this?


Replied by Kim
(Effingham, Usa)

Hello again, I wasn't to clear on the MS and LS connection... According to research taking Vinegar stopped MS symptoms (auto-immune symptoms), when I took Vinegar for LS my symptoms stopped. LS is an auto-immune condition. Acetic acid (vinegar stops the reaction). Has anyone else tried oral vinegar for LS? It worked for me, but again I can't do it because it demineralizes my bones.

Replied by Pincky
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Try chitosan capsules by tiens. It made those horrible white patches on my vulva disappear completely. I mean completely!

Replied by Marie
(Minnesota, US)

Hmmmm... Interesting, I've had Lichen Sclerosus for about 8 years. Over the past year I've had chronic yeast infections. Any suggestions would be great!! Thanks

Replied by Andrea
(Eagle Lake, On, Canada)

I had chronic vaginal yeast infections all my young adult life. I was taking Canestan at least once every 3 months for years. Now I'm 66 and I was diagnosed with vulvar Lichen Sclerosus 13 years ago.

A connection? Seems logical.

The LS symptoms are under control with diet (no dairy, wheat, sugar, flour) and drinking lots of pure water, plus doses of lactobacillus and digestive enzymes, all of which were originally prescribed for IBS, so they keep my gut (and therefore my whole system) healthy and alkaline.

Replied by Allegra
(Norwalk, Ct)

I have had Ls for 2.5 years. I found Christine Kent from Whole Woman and she as suggested honey, the size of a pea, down there with red clover tea. There are also capsules, low oxalate diet, alkalinizing our system and a low anti-inflammatory diet. Do not have candida anymore.

Not giving up hope. Allegra

Replied by Tanya

I had the same issue and think that frequent candida is the precursor to Lichen Sclerosus.

Replied by Melissa

How did you use the ACV? Please share measurements for your mixture. Thank you!

Replied by Wendy
(Salem, Oregon)

How is apple cider vinegar demineralizing your bones? I thought it made the calcium in foods more absorbable? Please explain.

Replied by Brigitte

I think chronic candida has something to do with this LS. I have read on another forum that the Albican cadida not well treated would be the cause.. I am trying at the moment a certain essential oil cure to see if I can cure my LS from the inside instead of just treating symptoms....Brigitte... stay strong ladies.

Replied by Carrie
(Livonia, Mi)

That's interesting, I have developed the condition since having an ovary removed. I wonder if correlated with the surgery?

Replied by Ms. Dee

Please tell us what this concoction is that you mentioned? I refuse to use mainstream medications to treat this!

Apple Cider Vinegar

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mary (Valencia, Ca Usa) on 12/15/2009

I have had Lichen Sclerosus (LS) for 2 1/2 yrs with almost no itching but lots of inflammation and soreness. The steroid ointments just seemed to make it worse. I tried apple cider vinagar on a little cotton with water and this seems to help the inflammation. I can't wear underwear/long pants as it seems to irritate the area. Does anyone else have the same type of LS? I am tired of going around in my nightgown. Thanks

Replied by 3unicoyds
(L.a., Ca Usa)

In 8/2010 I was diagnosed with L.S. After a routine pap. I am 45, on a high dose estrogen birth control pill. So lack of estrogen, confuses me. 1/2 my clitoris is closed up and I had NO SYMPTOMS! Needless to say I am shocked. I have been battling body pain for 2 years maybe fibromyalgia, symptoms are similiar and on several medications. I did recently test for HPV, but they say no connection. I am using steroid, but no change. Yahoo has an excellent support group for this too. But has anyone found anything to reverse the skin closing? I do not want to have surgery, but seriously my clit. Please there are few things in life I am not willing to give up and that is one of them. HELP. Thanks

Replied by Diane
(Perkasie, Pa)

Re: Improving Lichen Sclerosus With Diet: I have improved all of my inflammatory conditions through better eating. Everything you put in your body can either cause inflammation or heal it. I am a Wellness coach and have helped others to reverse these conditions through better eating. Start with reading about Mark Hyman or Dr. Andrew Weil, all about how processed foods cause inflammation. Hope this helps


Ook mijn ayurvedische arts zegt geen fabrieksmatig verwerkt voedsel gebruiken.

Dutch Translation: Also my Ayurvedic doctor says don't use factory processed food.

Replied by Robin
(Burlington, Vermont)

I have LS for years now. No one has ever told me about diet, just a cream from the doctor, it hurts so bad I can't wear pants, what is good for this? I use a fan at night. Please help

(Rawlly, Nc)
87 posts

Read all the remedies in this LS listing and make your own list of what to try from them. Everyone's body is different so there is not telling what will work for you.

There are a few Facebook pages regarding LS. A few are very traditional in their applications but they are good to read so you can see the issues people get from steroids etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Faith (Whaletown) on 06/14/2017

Lichen Sclerosus

ACV on a damp cotton swab, dab onto vagina labial and pat dry then apply a mix of baking soda with coconut oil, relieved the itch and burning sensation. Cheap and effective. I stopped the estrogen cream as I suspect this occurred shortly after I started. I don't want to start the steroid cream, as it causes more problems. Also quit smoking 6 days now along with gluten and caffeine and cut back 90%of my sugar intake. Eating more greens, astragalus, oregano and mint and no processed food. Will check in after my next gyno appointment in Aug.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lavender Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mom (New York) on 11/10/2013

Hi, I have had Lichen Sclerosus (LS) most of my life, it was finally diagnosed 2 years ago and I had surgery 1 year ago. It helped alot. I have tried apple cidar vinegar, it helps a lot, I also will drink it! This is a life savor. I have recenlty found that applying lavender essential oils made thy itching stop immediately! Try a spot to make sure it doesn't burn. It did not burn me, but was slightly warm. It did not cause any other yeast infections or BV at all, which I was worried about. I am one of those weird people who get both at the same time. Try it! It helped a lot!!!

Replied by Michelle

What kind of lavender oil did you use? And where do you apply it at?

Aloha Granny
(Maui, Hawaii)

Buy organic lavender oil on Amazon or EBay.

Baking Soda

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Naomi (Delta, Canada) on 01/07/2015

I have had Lichen Sclerosus for about 10 years now. I have just recently started using baking soda for it. I put about 1 tbsp bakin soda in a small glass 1/3 cup of water, take a seat on the toilet and pour it directly over the vaginal area. Let it dry, and I'm good to go! It has been very helpful!!!! :))

Replied by Alice

Can you tell me if baking soda is the same as our bicarbonate of soda please?

EC: Yes!

Replied by Irit

Does it stop the spreading of the affected area?

Replied by Frances
(Carbalah, Qld.)

Yes, in Austalia, probably same in Scotland, Baking soda is the same as bicarbonate of soda. I use bicarb. of soda in a spray bottle of distilled water after urinating. Easier than using heaps in a bath. It does ease the itch but doesn't stop the condition, which is an autoimmune disease according to naturopath. GP's just recommend the high-strength steroid ointment.


I don't have LS, but am wondering if anyone has used Colloidal Silver spray / Colloidal Silver Gel?

Baking Soda
Posted by Carol (Gardner, Ks.) on 08/05/2012

I have LS. Was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago... I was prescribed the steroid cream and it caused atrophy really bad.. Clitoris disappeared.. I no longer use it. I have severe itching and pain when I urinate and it gets on labia. I read on here about the baking soda.. I tried it last evening but I added baby oil. I am simply amazed at the progress I made with this combination... I actually got some sleep... I also have sjogrens disease which is in the lupus family, I am diabetic, and have fibromyalgia... This combination has helped me more than anything I have tried... Any more input would be much appreciated. thanks so much for the baking soda tip...carol

Replied by Lynn
(Pa, US)

Hi. Did you make a salve of the baking soda and baby oil or soak in it?

Replied by Angie
(Chicago, IL)

I was diagnosised with Lichen Sclerosus August 2014 and prescribed Clobatesol which worked great for initial flare up. I have had two additional flare ups which seem worse each time. I am seeking natural healing options. How do you use the ACV and Baking soda, as a soak or place directly on inflammed area?

Baking Soda
Posted by Jay (Pueblo, Co) on 12/31/2011

I am a 67 year old male. I have had Lichens since about age 50. It started with extreme pain in the anal area. It was so severe I used a linament intended for livestock for relief. It was not diagnosed until 3 years ago, and my GP and Dermatologist seemed baffled about the whole thing. I don't think I can describe how painful this condition has been, but at times it felt like I had a razor blade between my buttocks. I have been thru all the steroid creams etc. With no effect. About a year ago a friend recommended baking soda and it has been a lifesaver for me. I soak at least once a day in baking soda bath, and the pain relief has been miraculous. I can usually function for 8 to 10 hours without pain, however I am still plagued by itching. It is best described as like poison Ivy, the more you scratch the worse it gets. I believe that the itch is caused or aggravated by my coffee consumtion, and I am trying to cut back on that. I apply a cream after bathing (Nupercainal) and that usually gets me thru the day. The itch, which is driving me crazy, is usually at night and effects my sleep patterns. I only saw one reference to baking soda in earlier posts, but I can assure you that it has been extremely helpful to me in the relief of pain. I am hoping that eliminating coffee will relieve the itching and in the mean time , I use the same ointment for temporary relief, or just take another bath in very hot water with the baking soda.

Replied by Dud
(The Woods Of, Wv, Usa)

Jay, why don't you try a series of 30 minute sitz baths using 1 tablespoon of borax washingn powder in the water, You could even throw in some baking powder if you wanted to. the borax is a powerfull fungicide, bacteria-cide, parasite-ide..... According to all reports on Also safe to use. Even works on dog mange. Maybe throw in some hydrogen peroxide into the sitz bath also.


2nd idea: make yourself some garlic oil out of raw garlic infused in either virgin coconut oil, or cold pressed castor oil. Then use it as a lotion on the skin during the day. also a powerfull fungicide bacteria-cide. go to this website for directions on how to make it:

Garlic Oil Ointment

3rd idea - use castor oil as a anti-biotic salve on the area. It by its self is a anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. For some reason this is never pointed out by anyone. even the people who advocate it's use.

Replied by Cazza
(Sydney, Australia)

I use pawpaw ointment. It stops the itch immediately. It won't cure the LS but it makes the pain and itch go away immediately.

Replied by Lynn
(Pa, US)

The sitz bath is what I was thinking too with the baking soda. I'm trying the castor oil, lavendar and lemon grass for ointment. Husband is out now shopping for ingredients.

I was managing the Lichen Sclerosus fine with Emuaid and then ended up in the hospital with acute asthma exacerbation. I had antibiotics and steroids for 3 weeks. The LS has gone wild. I have blistering, inflammation, skin peeling and I can't bear to have clothing on. Emuaid no longer helps.

I'm so glad you guys are here!

Replied by Jane

Try an antihistamine for the itching. I use non-drowsy and regular. It really works. Be aware that you need to take BEFORE the itching starts. Good to help you sleep.

Replied by Neshk

Lichen planus or Lichen Sclerosus:

Aloe vera 99.9% plus coconut oil (not together) brings great relief

Stress makes me itch, otherwise there's only redness on: two white blister looking circles touching each other, taking vitamin B complex, turmeric, vitamin D, vitamin C and E

Gluten free pasta bread.

Replied by Nienke

Thank you for the response, so good to read this.

I will try the argile verte and castor oil and the baking soda, I will try everything!

Tomorrow I go take acupuncture, see if this is any help.

Baking Soda
Posted by Angela (Tehachapi, Ca) on 10/28/2011

I have LS my condition has been very severe. I read on this site that someone used Baking Soda in there bath. So since all the other remedies seem to be costly and hardly effective I tried it. Let me tell you IT WORKS. I used 1/2 a box of Baking Soda in the tub and soaked for 30 minutes. I know that sounds like alot of Baking Soda but I was afraid less would not be as effective. After my first soak I did not itch for 3 hours. After 2 weeks I visibly look close to normal. I use 1/2 a box every other day. The itch is still there I am working on my own mix of oils and shea butter to stop the itch and restore myself to 100%. I will write more if my mix works I am still waiting on the supplies.

Replied by Lynn
(Dallas, Texas)

Baking soda and castor oil and water. It works!

Baking Soda and Borax Bath

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Aloha Granny (Wailuku Hawaii) on 07/01/2020

Healing Lichen Sclerosis:

1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup 21 mule team borax in my bath water every other day works for me.

Replied by For ever better

"Healing LS" - like in "skin color and texture got back to normal, no atrophy, etc"?

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil Paste

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lisa (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 02/14/2015

I combined coconut oil and baking soda into a paste, immediate relief of burning and itching.

Replied by Lynn
(Dallas, Texas)

It worked!!!!!! Thank you, so very much

Replied by Jackie
(Grand Prairie, TX)

Does anyone know if this mixture would burn, I hear baking soda is strong?
