Jock Itch Remedies

Posted by Kathi (New Brunswick, Nj) on 02/21/2016

Yea for borax! I get occasional jock itch, for me it is associated with exercise/sweating and then not changing soon enough. After reading all of the Earth Clinic suggestions I tried this one and it works wonderfully to control the problem: apply straight borax powder to the affected area. I now keep a small spice jar with borax in my bathroom and use when needed.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mindyjane7 (Ashland, Oregon) on 02/20/2016

Hmmm ... I have jock itch but I eat really well. Garlic in my diet daily - sometimes a raw clove in my morning smoothy of kale, papaya, blueberries, coconut water, fresh ginger, turmeric powder, cinnamon powder, and hemp seeds. I've stopped alcohol, sweets, wheat products. Eating lots of fresh and cooked veggies, fish, legumes (I know: a no-no in a candida cleansing diet), and some meat and chicken (once a week).

The gyno prescribed Clotrimazole cream. I used it for 3 days to no avail, so then I switched to trying out ACV, Coconut oil, Coconut oil mixed with Tea Tree Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol (love the burn! So much better than itching), a Colloidal Silver gel. They weren't working so I went back to the Clotrimazole cream. I've been using for a week. It's down to the last drop, and seemed to lessen the rash and itch. But yesterday, I used coconut oil, as I was running out of the Clot. Cream. Got worse.

Dang! As I said, my diet is mostly perfect. I still think I must have a systemic candida problem. Should I go on a raw foods cleanse? Stay away from legumes (lentils, black beans, garbanzo beans, etc.).

Oh, right! I also started the Anti-Candida Protocol. Got to the borax one and couldn't take it for more than a day. Yuck. Tasted like it was gonna make me sick.

I feel lost and frustrated. I really appreciate seeing everyone else's experiences here. I may try the Quadriderm Cream if I can get it.

Any advice? Thank you ahead of time.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona) on 01/17/2016


Hello, I'm reporting this just in case it can help anybody. 3 years ago I developed what is called Jock itch or tinea cruris a day after having unprotected sex.

My initial reaction was of panic, I tried to wash it over and over again with hydrogen peroxide and just about everything I had at home. Nothing worked. I went to emergency and without any test they gave me an antibiotic pomade. Months later it came back. I went to another doctor that took a look with a lens saying that it was a fungi infection. He prescribed lamisil pomade and pills.For months.It got rid of the problem but I could feel it was still there, my private area kept smelling with that yeasty cheesy smell that made me feel depressed.

When the summer came it came back very strong. I researched again and I found out that it improved when I stopped using soap.I guess it was killing the good bacteria too. I also found out that yeast likes hot dark moist paces, so I would only wash my skin with warm water, and then cold water right before leaving the shower and dry it carefully first with a towel, later with toilet paper.

The jock itch was under control but I still had that smell I hate.

AGAIN I went to the internet.i was already drinking homemade milk kefir. I saw improvement by applying kefir grains to my jock itch.

I also want to add that up til that moment I didn't know what candida was and that it was related to my jock itch.

For years I've been battling rosacea in my face, and I started to see an improvement when I mixed milk kefir with turmeric and black I started to see the connection between my digestive system, my rosacea, probiotics and the jock itch.

I always have loved sweets. Last year I stopped eating anything with sugar but I kept my fruit smoothies honey and molasses.

After some research I found out about caprylic acid and that coconut oil has tons of it.I also learned about the candida diet, how candida feeds of sugar and alcohol, and learned about natural spices that help with candida like ginger turmeric and cinnamon.

So I decided to stop feeding my candida after Christmas. My symptoms where itchy skin in bed, jock itch, rosacea and sweaty underarms, redness in my eyes..I was tired and lack of energy.

So I ordered coconut oil, but I went for the cheap coconut oil not extra virgin. It was deodorized coconut oil, but not bleached. I have read that refined coconut oil keeps the fatty acids lauric acid caprylic acid benefits cause coconut oil can resist high temperatures.The antioxidant and some antibacterial antimicrobial antioxidant properties are lost, but I'm not rich so I bought that kind. I stopped eating fruits and any glucose, I stopped drinking milk kefir cause of the lactose in milk feeding my candida, so I learned how to do coconut kefir from canned coconut milk, using milk kefir grains.You can look up for tutorials in youtube.

So what was my regimen?

First day I took 3 or 4 tablespoons of coconut oil, I felt very depressed, and nausea for 2 or 3 days. It wasn't that uncomfortable but I suggest you to do it on Friday or holidays. I was having basically one meal a day. I didn't pay attention to that meal, it could have carbs, but I didn't have any carbs on breakfast or dinner. I would wake up and eat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. I would eat spinachs with tuna around 12am or a smoothie of spinach lemon and ginger. I would eat another 2 tablespoons of coconut oil after my daily meal. And I would have a glass of coconut kefir with turmeric cinnamon and black pepper at night and more coconut oil in the evening and right before bed up to 6 or 8 tablespoons a day. I usually don't drink much water so I didn't drink a lot.There was some point when I felt I needed to drink water to detox. By the 4 or 5th day I would have some light diarrea but nothing big to mention.

I did some cheating to my diet, I started Friday and next Wednesday I went to a club drank a gin tonic and ate a slice of pizza. I also drank a shot of liquor some days. I tried to apply the refined coconut oil to the jock itch and it made things worst, for the moist I guess. So I stopped applying it. I kept with my original regimen of washing without soap with warm water, rinsing with cold water and carefully dry it. And my plan of one meal a day(its been years I don't eat bread) so the carbs were potato or rice or none at all. Coconut kefir morning and night and coconut oil tablespoons or teaspoon upon waking up after meal right before bed and whenever a felt like it.

So after ten days, now I take a shower and for the first time in years I don't have that yeasty cheesy smell that made me depressed, my rosacea is more under control and I feel my underarms are not as sweaty even if I don't get a shower daily, and not smell at all. The depression vanished after the first days and led to a feeling of well being that I didn't feel since my young days. It reminded me of a colon cleanse I did last year that gave me that feeling and reduced my rosacea.

If you can afford it go for virgin coconut oil, I'm going to buy it when I finish the refined coconut oil. I just want to share this cause I felt very miserable and I didn't felt comfortable in intimate situations, I felt dirty 24/7.

Remember, avoid diary, avoid fruits or any kind of sugar. eat coconut oil spread around the day, and learn how to do coconut milk kefir, so you introduce healthy bacteria to your gut.

I forgot to mention around day 4 I drank a glass of water with a teaspoon of bentonite clay cause I read it helps get rid of the candida die off.

People advise to start slow with coconut oil and increase your way up as days go by, from 1 tablespoons but I was so angry with these candida that I grabbed the bottle the first day and ate 4 tablespoons to hit hard from the beginning.Then I slowed it down and I took it spread over the day.

Good luck to everybody. God bless coconut oil the Tree of Life

Posted by Leftyjockey (Canada) on 12/02/2015

I used a basic unscented deodorant, and when it got super dry and itch, I sprayed a vinegar / water 50/50 solution to alleviate the itchiness. After a few months of suffering from this insane jock itch, I'm seeing a difference!

My groin area got very scaly, so I rubbed the skin with anti fungal ointment to scrape off (definitely not by scratching! ) the dead skin. My guess is that it's a direct result from fungus dying off.

I also sprinkled baking soda on my mattress and left it for hours, and after putting on new sheets, the crawling feeling around the groin totally disappeared.

*** I have tried countless over the counter creams, coconut oil, aloe Vera, and nothing really worked.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Phillip (Virginia) on 09/30/2015

I also use the alcohol method in the form of hand sanitizer and it works. I apply in the shower and let it soak in for 3-5 minutes and then I rinse it off. Leaving it in was a little much for my skin. I also had to put in some homemade vaseline/beeswax combination on the folds of my skin between by legs and my business to facilitate healing. Worked like a charm.Thanks to all for the writeups.

Posted by Carlos (Barcelona) on 07/14/2015


I read that kefir would get rid of Jock itch. I was given lamisil topical and oral by my doctor last summer and it went away but this summer it returned.

I have tried some remedies from here like ACV with didnt work for me, teatre oil seemed to work but made it worst.The best thing I used was vaseline, but still the next day I could feel th yeasty cheesy smell that Ive grown to hate.

So Ive been keeping it under control with vaseline.

I started drinking homemade kefir and I saw other health benefits but no benefit on my jock itch. I applied the kefir milk to my jock itch too, and I got relieve but the smell was back the next day.

2 days ago I saw my kefir grains were growing too much so I thought, why not use th kefir grains straight on my jock itch?

So I took a shower and washd the area with first hot water, then cold water for long time sinc I heard its good to apply cold.I dont use any soap sinc it has always agravate my problem.Then I dried the area with a towell I grabbed about 1 or 2 tbsps of kefir grains and I rubbed it on all the area for about 5 min .

Try to filter the grains befor so they dont have much milk, remember milk is food for all fungus yeast and it turns to glucose so milk is not the best thing to apply.

Be careful cause it can be very messy, grains will fall to the floor your feet etc.

It was just amazing, at the same tim I was rubbing the grains over my skin, the red patches were turning brown, it was killing the fungus in front my eyes and it felt so refreshing.

I didnt rinse. Latr while laying in bed I felt some stinging I thought oh no this is not working but I think it was the fungus dying.

Long story short, 2 days later I feel no disconfort AT ALL. Theres no redness only dark pigmentation that will go overtime, no swelling.And the best indicator.Its been 2 days I dont take a shower Ive sweat a lot and its summer but I dont have that cheesy yasty smell anymore.You may think Im nasty but I just wanted to fully test the kefir grains effect with only one use.

Im in disbilief caus lamisil took the pain away and rash but the cheesy smell was always there and thats how I knew it would com back eventually.

The reason behind this working is:

one kefir grains are tooo acidic, much more than the milk that you drink from the grains yt it doesnt irritate the skin like alcohol vinegar lemon etc

two.Kefir brains also contain billions of benefitial bateria yeast and fungus that when applied to your skin compete with the candida responsible for jock itch to survive, killing it in the process.

So this is my recipe, wash throuly with warm and then cold water.Dry the area with a towell and or hair drier.Rub the kefir grains for as long as you can in every area, let it air dry for a few minutes and gt dressed as usual.

Reducing sugar bread intake and drinking raw kefir is aditional help.Also dont use soap in that area sinc soaps remove your skin natural protection.

Please try this, I know how dificult it is to deal with this condition specially psycologically.

Google about kefir, learn how simple it is to make it at home.Find someone near to give you grains or buy them online cheap. You wont be disapointed.I us Milk kefir grains, I ve never had water kefir grains.

Ill keep reporting

Posted by Jl (Malaysia) on 07/09/2015

How long did it take for the itch to go away after a diet change and taking garlic?

Posted by Jl (Malaysia) on 06/29/2015

I've been suffering from jock itch for nearly a year. Have tried all kinds of medication. Oral - fluconazole, itraconazole. Cream - miconazole, daktarin, lamisil.. Went away twice but it recurred months later (also probably due to the fact that the doctors didn't tell me to continue the treatment even after the symptoms were gone). Last cream I tried was lamisil. Even with one week application twice a day, itch was still there. I was at my wit's end when I read up about listerine and how it can combat jock itch. Figured I'd give it a try. Poured some onto a cotton ball and applied to the affected area. Stung a lot at first, but I left it on for a few mins and rinsed off with water. Wiped dry and applied baby powder. This is the most relief I've ever had in a long time! I've been almost itch free for two days. Going to continue this for maybe a week and see how it goes.. Probably the high concentration of ethanol (about 20%) in listerine dries the moisture and kills the fungus. It's also antiseptic in nature. Read about many trying isopropyl alcohol which helped too.. but it's toxic if absorbed into the body. Would definitely recommend Listerine!

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/24/2015 2063 posts

M: Welcome back. All the great dietary suggestions you have made here must have been helpful to some folks, although I think such a radical departure from the standard diet is too much for one step. Slowly incorporating the nutrition dense foods you suggest may prove a more viable option.

Anyway, I wonder why you advise abstaining from MMS as a topical antibiotic? If you have any negative reports from this use please post them as the particular info is better than opinion.

Speaking of info, Hulda Clark strongly advises against Isopropyl Alcohol as it is a toxic solvent that is not easily detoxified by the body and provides a home for parasites to establish themselves. People with liver disease or impaired detox would be high risk for this possibility. So, the safest alcohol would be something like "Everclear" grain alcohol or Vodka from liquor store. Adding some liquid extract of Eucalyptus to alcohol makes for a superior antiseptic.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Mike (Denver) on 06/23/2015

Please don't use MMS. Google it. Rubbing alcohol works great though.

Diluted Bleach
Posted by Manny (Uk) on 05/22/2015

I used Bleach with water to cure my jock itch I had for 9 or so months.The bleach with water cured it in I think 3 days, but maybe it was a week. Whatever the case it was bloody fast.

I have a shot glass in my bathroom, I squirted a little bit of bleach into there, and then filled the rest up with water and stirred with a cotton bud.

Then I just poured the solution into my hands, and applied and spread it across my crotch area where the jock itch was.

You should smell like a swimming pool down there, so it might be best to do it before bed.

Now I first tried to use bleach directly, and that burnt bad and I had to wash that stuff off quickly. But by just diluting the bleach with a little bit of water I was surprised how the burn of bleach had gone so quickly. Then if I got any itching/irritation, it was not anywhere near as bad as my previous jock itch so it was fine.

The reason I'm saying this is you, is you do not need a lot of water, only very little. I started using half a shot glass of water rather than a full one, because it was just too much water to apply. Remember bleach doesn't thicken the water. So it's like applying water to your crotch, which can be very messy if you have too much (just try a full shot glass without any bleach in it). So don't make it with too much water. And I didn't use any towels to get rid of excess (in the crotch area), I just pulled up my underwear. If the solution had pulled down my leg or went on the floor, I used a towel.

Just so people know specifically which brand I used here in the UK. It was one I already had in my house called Mr Muscle Toilet Power Thick Bleach Gel.

People should know I tried a lot of other things. For example tea tree soap, 10% sulphur soap, and 12% hydrogen peyroxide.

Sulphur soap by Christina May actually helped a lot but never killed the jock itch, it basically dried the crotch area so much that it stopped it, but would cause cracks in my skin, including one crack in my foreskin.

Tea Tree Oil soap did nothing.

And 12% hydrogen peroxide, though it burnt like hell and very painful, did kill the jock itch, but only for a day, and it would return the next day. And this is 12%! So I manned up and use the strong stuff, and it didn't kill my jock itch.

Seriously guys and gals, use diluted bleach with water. You won't get the pain or burning like hydrogen peroxide will give you (especially when you have cuts), and might experience a slight irritation and itching. But after a week you'll banish this cursed thing forever.

You might want to wear gloves when you do it, as you might accidentally touch your eyes later on like I did, and even though I washed my hands with soap, the bleach had absorbed into my skin and there was still residue. So I accidentally rubbed my eyes and some bleach residue was there, and it started to irritate my eyes. Luckily just washing my eyes with water got rid of it.

Lastly I used Emu Oil after the jock itch was gone to heal the skin quickly. Emu Oil heals skin very fast. There's some doctor who's on youtube, uses emu oil and drugs to help heal skin and transport anti biotics, and really bad skin lesions, like ones open so you can see the bone, that they've had for years. Emu oil heals them in weeks! And it works on the my crotch area where cracks and lesions from this whole jock itch and sulphur soap era happened.

Lastly lastly. How do I know my jock itch is cured? Because when I use to have anything sugary it would start to itch really badly. The other day I has milk, porridge, and a lot of brown sugar, and I mean a lot (5 tablespoons or more). I was trying to cause an insulin spike with my protein after I had just been to the gym. And no itching occured! An absolute miracle! You might not agree with me eating that much sugar for insulin spike, but at least that told me, this thing is properly gone.

I might try and maintain my jock itch free status by applying diluted water and bleach once a week so it never returns.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/15/2015

So, for topical application of salt I would recommend a 1:16 ratio. If you're making just a small amount I would recommend 1 teaspoon sea salt to 5 Tablespoons of distilled water.

Just so you know, the ocean is 3-4% salt, Salt Lake has varied from 5% - 27% salt and the Dead Sea is 29% salt.

So, 16% saltwater is about half-way between the ocean and the Dead Sea, as far as saltiness goes.

If you wish it to be more the consistency of the Dead Sea, then, mix 1 Tablespoon of sea salt to 3 - 4 Tablespoons of water.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/15/2015

Saltwater. I've mentioned saltwater as a cure for sore throats... but I haven't mentioned its use, yet, with these kinds of problems. Very concentrated salt kills everything; look at the Dead Sea, Salt Lake, etc. Nothing whatsoever lives in them.

So, if you put a poultice of salt with water on something, it will kill whatever is there - without burning one bit.

"Bathing with salt water is one of the simplest ways to solve the Jock itch problem. To cure the condition with salt water, fill the bathtub with warm water and generously add salt to it. You can use iodized salt, bath salt or Epsom salt. Soak in this solution for twenty to thirty minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days, twice each day for better results. Salt contains properties that will help the infection heal quickly as well as control fungus growth."


So, how much is 'A Large Amount of Salt', then?

You can use a sitz bath tub. That way you don't have to lie in salt for a long time. Remember that salt sucks water out of your body by a process called miosis so drink lots of water as you soak.

"... add salt generously to the tub while it is filling up

  • Soak yourself for twenty to thirty minutes. You should do this two times a day such as when you get up and before you go to bed."

"Generously" generally implies the use of as much as 1-2 cups of regular or Epsom salt to the bathwater.

You can also mix up a quart of water to 1/4 cup of sea salt and dab it on with a cotton swab, letting it sit for 5 - 10 minutes. If it is up your butt crack, just stuff the soaked cotton ball up there and do what you normally do for 10 minutes. Repeat three times-per-day.

Moral of the story is, it should be 'very salty' (at least as salty as the ocean). If you live near the ocean, take daily dunks in the ocean three-times-per-day.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/08/2015

Gold Bond Powder and Baby Powder.

For those who don't know, or realize... talc causes lung problems (very similar to black lung disease - also called silicosis, it is termed 'Talc pneumoconiosis') when you breathe it in. "Talc pneumoconiosis also can lead to lung fibrosis."

As for the risk of cancer from the use of talcum powders.

"It is not clear if consumer products containing talcum powder increase cancer risk. Studies of personal use of talcum powder have had mixed results, although there is some suggestion of a possible increase in ovarian cancer risk. There is very little evidence at this time that any other forms of cancer are linked with consumer use of talcum powder."

In the past it was the amount of asbestos found in talc that was warned-of; and any studies of talc workers is probably related to that. Talc used in commercial products has had the asbestos removed.

However, overall... I would never recommend the constant, daily or continued use of Gold Bond or Baby Powder because of the concerns it raises (particularly the breathing-in of talc. It is hard not to breathe in talc, it being powdered all over the room in a fine mist whenever it is used).

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/04/2015

I have mentioned that, after killing extensively on the skin, it should be repopulated with probiotics just like your colon is. It should also be acid, not alkaline.

The way I do that is...

1. I use ACV with Mother for a few days after any bleach soak, then dry with a hair drier.

2. To repopulate, I mix about 1 Tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil in a little empty cold cream jar (buy an aloe-vera cream at the dollar store, then throw out the contents) with Nature's Way Primadophilus - Optima. Then I just dab the end of my finger in it and wipe it over my balls and butt crack.

Do this every day. You'll find that any remaining itchiness will go away. Oftentimes the reason one is feeling itchy after a bleach soak is the extreme dryness that occurs after alcohol or bleach has been used. The coconut oil acts as both an anti-candida/anti-fungal AND carries the probiotics to the area.

Do probiotics that are supposed to live in the colon live there afterwards? Seems like some do, or at least the time period that they do live seems to help the situation. I think way too little is still known about probiotics to really know. I think they like to think that these bacteria don't ever live outside the colon - when many of them just might.

It definitely seems to help, that I will have to say. Is it scientifically sound? I don't have a clue how many live, and how long they live outside the colon, or even if they survive the coconut oil; maybe it is the powder base that they pack the stuff in encourages the right sort of bacteria to regrow on your skin.

Anyways, I would suggest it as a final treatment after you have done all the killing and possible alkaline treatments which imbalance both the pH and healthy bacteria levels in your pores and on your skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ivy (Louisiana, US) on 03/03/2015

For apple cider vinegar, the easiest way to apply it for jock itch is go find yourself a clean spray bottle. I used one that use to contain facial toner so it's a very fine mist. Clean it out really well if it's not a new bottle. Then fill with your vinegar, some people recommend diluting it with water, but I find it takes longer to dry and it's less effective although it may sting more on really bad spots. I spray the affected area a few times a day and I take an extra min to let it dry and then powder down with talc. Be warned most baby powder these days is made from corn starch which can make your infection much worse as it becomes food for the fungus. I like the spray bottle because I can keep it in my purse with a travel size bottle of talc powder for when I have issues at work. Once you get past the sting of the vinegar, it becomes very soothing as it kills off the infection simply by being too acidic for it to survive, making it safe and effective.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/03/2015

But, I really wouldn't screw around with the bacteria balance in the vagina directly. If you do, it can be a difficult thing to get it balanced again. Generally, if a woman is having problems 'down there'... it is an indicator that Candida is a problem in your colon and should be dealt with there, instead.

It usually means that one has to cut out white flour - which means no spaghetti, no white bread, etc. Next, one takes a good enteric-coated multi-dophillus with 16 different strains that is refrigerated at a Health Food store through the mouth. Stop drinking alcohol. Stop steroid use, if possible. Start taking things which inhibit candida (coconut oil, 1 T twice - 3 times per-day, increase garlic consumption). Read about Candida and eliminating it from your diet.

If you determine that your vagina is already having severe problems, one thing many people do is take one whole garlic clove, put it into a mesh bag and put it up there overnight. Since acidophilus has been getting along with garlic forever, it won't die - but Candida will. Garlic can burn, however. That's why you put it in a mesh bag. You can use a green tea bag, take the tea out. Some take a needle and pierce it once or twice, then do it.

The other one that people tend to do is Boric Acid put into gelcaps and inserted one-per-day for 14 days. However, there are those who warn about it being a poison. Women have been using it for that purpose for a very long time, however, and it never has caused anybody a problem that I know of.

Topically? It is very easy to dry out the labia, and essential oils tend to suck every bit of moisture from skin. That is way too harsh. Witch Hazel works by tannin, yet it is gentle and effective for the surface of the labia.

Olive oil, on the surface or inserted, also has anti-candida properties, as does Coconut oil (the Caprylic Adid content); plus, it lubricates.


If it is really jock itch (tinea fungus), then again, getting a fungal infection anywhere on your body generally means your body has been imbalanced by too much antibiotic use over time. Get Candida under control and that will help the tinea.

Washing the surface area with Pau-d'Arco Tea, is another gentle one. Let it steep in the hot water for a half-hour. Make sure the water has cooled to wrist temperature before you put it on. Tannins kill fungus.

So, what I would recommend for men, I wouldn't recommend for women as much because of fears of imbalancing the vagina flora. It is best to treat it from inside your colon rather than inside the vagina, if possible; and deal with it topically in gentle ways which don't dry out the skin.

Taking a good, refrigerated and enteric-coated Multi-dophilus that has 16 different strains by mouth is what I would suggest, coupled with an Anti-fungal diet. The vagina is closely associated with the colon. There's just a thin mucal membrane separating the two, you might say. Generally treating the colon treats the vagina.

Oh, and the reason I suggested Luvina is... even though it is designed to lubricate the vagina, it seems to set up the proper pH and adds a 'pre-biotic' which is sort of like a pro-biotic, which sometimes helps with the problem. Setting up a proper environment is essential.

As always, all that I say - take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. I am not a doctor, nor can anything I say be termed doctor's advice. When dealing with your vagina it is always best to ask your gynecologist.

But it seems like I am more careful in that respect than you are. So my suggestions would probably be more gentle than what you've already been doing. Do put any acidophilus up your vagina, only do one capsule. Any gel cap will dissolve.

And, when I said, "1/4 - 1/2 cup of bleach to 1/3 tub of water." I meant a bathtub, not some small tub of water. I add water until the water starts running out the overflow drain.

Most bathtubs have an overflow drain which works to keep tubs from flowing-over. When you get into the tub. I fill the tub until it's about 1 1/2" below this overflow hole; once you get in, the water should completely cover you, if possible.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/02/2015

Well, if you put anything with a high degree of menthol, wintergreen, or wintergreen on your balls... it's about the same as if someone just kicked you there.

It starts off low, then it GROWS BIGGER, then it GROWS TO BE UNBEARABLE... you then run for a shower and try washing it off; which doesn't work much. You then just sit there for about 10 minutes in excrutiating pain that's beyond what you can take.

Besides, why go through that if there are ways that work that have no pain associated with it at all. And, you don't want to set-up an inflammatory condition if you don't have to. Inflammation is at the root of every disease.

I would always recommend bleach first. Strange enough, as long as you dilute it - it hurts not one bit and doesn't cause either pain or irritation.

1/4 - 1/2 cup of bleach to 1/3 tub of water. Soak for ten minutes, three times-per-week.

This method, done for 1 week, generally is all that is needed for 4 months.

In my experience (and I've tried just about everything on the planet over the past 25 years), essential oils are caustic. All of them.

And, yes, I think sometimes it is necessary to do a chemical peel to get down to the healthy underlying skin; however, only ONCE. And, the thing I think works best is iodine, regular 2% from the supermarket, applied 5 times-per-day.

Labia is a completely different thing from balls.

With Labia, you don't want to disturb the flora inside. For labia I wouldn't recommend using any topical thing as it might go inside and kill the healthy bacteria.

In that case I would recommend going to Amazon and trying Luvena Prebiotic Vaginal Moisturizer and Lubricant. I would also suggest purchasing Lactobacillus Acidophilus that inserts up inside. Next, I would recommend taking Florastor for two weeks. This balances out the yeast, and sets up a proper environment.

Finally, apply Witch Hazel on the outside. This is cooling, and is an astringent that will help on the surface without disturbing the flora.

If one still has a problem, get some blank capsules and some powdered Boric Acid (NOT BORAX DETERGENT). Fill them all the way full and insert. This will set up a proper pH. Some are afraid of Boric Acid because it is used to kill cockroaches, but it is no more poisonous than Baking Soda is.

In fact, the best place to purchase it is as a 100% powder for Cockroaches. Research it.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Greg (Dallas, TX) on 02/27/2015

I want to thank everyone on this thread, because I had given up on over the counter remedies ( I. E. Lotramin) that did not work. When I read the comments here and tried rubbing alcohol on my jock itch, it disappeared almost immediately. I still am applying the alcohol as a safe guard, but my skin looks perfect now and I have no more itching and red bumps. Thanks again!

Posted by Alabam (Alabama, US) on 02/27/2015

I'm curious as to why not to use mint items in pubic area. I use vicks vaporub for my hemi's and labial itch every day, usually twice/day. At first it burned but let me tell you, the burn is nothing compared to that itch! . Now I can tell it's there, but no burn unless I miss a time and scratch the itch to break the skin. I carry my vicks with me everywhere now.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa) on 02/27/2015

Sorry for so many E-Mails... but I want to make sure that people never hurt themselves with any suggestions I might recommend.

Realize that any suggestions I might make which concern essential oils (such as the White Flower Balm) should all be administered very carefully. Of all things I've tried, over the years, essential oils are the most caustic of all things I've used (besides maybe 10:1 bleach as a disinfectant).

If you ever overdo, you'll know it because you'll get a burn that is much like when you get sunburned.

However, that also has its purposes. Because, oftentimes, the reason that fungus won't go away is because it takes deep root under the lower skin layers. So, if you burn off the outer layers, that means only new fresh skin is underneath.

It means two things, it means that if you aren't careful, the fungus has access to lower skin areas because you just exposed the lower skin areas and it means that, just possibly, the lower skin areas which used to have the fungus spores in them are now gone.

What I do when that happens is, I take baths in 1/2 cup of bleach to 6" deep - 8" deep of water.

Once it starts to heal and the underneath skin is shiny and new, before taking a bleach bath I sometimes, first, administer a solution diluted 1 Tablespoon of bleach to 10 - 14 Tablespoons of distilled water put on the skin and let stand for 10 minutes before going into the bleach bath.

I then scrub the dead skin off using the bleach bath. This drives the bleach deep inside any layer that is peeling-off and which might still be on the surface of the newly-hatched skin. Rinse well.

This treatment is probably the best thing that can be done for any rash which is based on some sort of organism such as tinea (athlete's feet, jock itch), fungus such as ringworm, or yeast infections such as red rashes that spread on your thighs, butt cheeks, etc.

Repeat the bleach baths at least 3 times-per-week. Any problem which doesn't go away by other means, try this method and it will almost always go away.

Things which can be used to intentionally make the skin peel: multiple coatings of iodine (ten-per-day, essential oils mixed at least 50/50 with olive oil as they are too acidic otherwise such as oregano, thyme, eucalyptus or tea tree. I would recommend only using a drop of those oils to either coconut or olive oil - never use them at such strong strengths.

Even White Flower Analgesic Balm might cause skin irritation, so watch very carefully, particularly if you are using it near any mucal membranes.

NEVER put any oil that contains any mint or menthol on your pubic area, period such as Peppermint, Spearmint or Wintergreen - all of which have medicinal value. One drop put in a couple teaspoons of coconut oil would be the amount I would generally recommend.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa) on 02/22/2015

If anybody uses turmeric, realize that turmeric STAINS BADLY. If you put it on your butt, then sit on a chair without putting a towel down first - you will ruin your chair. If you sleep in your bed and don't put a sheet on that you don't like, you will ruin your sheet! You will get to see just how much you toss and turn. Works great for bedsores, open sores and candida that won't go away. Doesn't work well for your wardrobe, chairs or bed linen.

I would just like to add details of why I probably have problems with fungi and yeasts... When I was a child, our doctor would prescribe penicillin for everything imaginable.

When I was 28, I went on a ten month cross-country bicycle trip. Every night I slept in the same tight, confining, sleeping bag. When I was 34, I went on a 6 month cross-country bicycle trip, crossed the Continental Divide 6 times and it rained for 3 out of those 6 months. We would have to sleep in damp bags, half the time.

I continue to camp out even though I am now 62 years old. I go swimming in little pools of algae-filled water out in the desert to dry off. Therefore, I have to have an arsenal. I bring a small jar of ACV with me when I camp. Bring the White Flower Analgesic Balm because it weighs nothing.

Bring a small ziplock of honey just in case I cut myself. Bring cayenne pepper in case I cut myself really deep or have a heart attack or stroke while I'm out there. Also works as an emergency after-swim powder if I have nothing else.

Bring a small bottle of iodine with me for drinking water and skin application. I bring all of that just for any regular hike.

I am probably allergic to aspergillus, just because I've breathed it in through closed sleeping bags. I get all dizzy when I breath their spores, that's how I know.

Moral of the story... if you sweat, and you're out in nature, and you sleep in sleeping bags that get wet, you're probably going to have the problem. "Swamp Rot" some call it.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/22/2015

As for both of those being a particular product... both are completely unique products that I don't think anybody else makes.

The first is strange because it is pure volcanic ash from an area where the volcanic ash has a very high sulfur content. The Zinc Oxide forms a perfect waterproof bond.

The other is also a completely unique blend of Wintergreen (40%), Menthol (13%), Camphor (8%). It is a liniment-type analgesic, designed to cut pain. However, all three are the active ingredients in Gold Bond Powder... that's why I like it. Seems to act as a perfect barrier that doesn't dry the area out too much; yet doesn't encourage moisture.

Also mixes well with coconut oil if you're adding turmeric to it as a binder (a great way of sealing an open bed sore, or sore, and acting as a wadding that kills everything).

Just a disclaimer as to why I'm giving particular product names. There just is no such thing made by anybody else, that I saw, that have those exact attributes.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/22/2015

Sorry... Since both of those things aren't easy to find, and because there seem to be a large number of items which come up with you type 'Sulfa Derm'; the particular ones I got are this version which is a combination of only Zinc Oxide and Sulfur (ash):

It costs a whomping $29.95; but it is perfect for cutting out all moisture, and encouraging a completely candida-free and bacteria-free seal. You use the teeniest little bit. I don't even cover the end of my finger with it.

The White Flower Analgesic Balm can be found up-to $18... but I found the teeny bottle on Amazon for as little as $9 with free shipping.

It comes in this little glass bottle that you have to hold upside-down for a very long time (20 seconds). I touch it to my finger before a full drop exits, so it's probably about half-a-drop I use.

It lasts forever as long as you don't make the mistake of putting it your pack. The cover leaks and half the bottle can seep out without you knowing if you do that. Keep the bottle upright at all times.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/22/2015

Some final comments that might help.

This can work for almost any skin ailment, anywhere on your body. It might work particularly well with bed sores (not sure if the alcohol in a huge open bed sore would be a great idea, but...)

After a rugged regimen has been done, and it might be cracked or even an open sore (I'm talking about the spot just above my butt)... Lets say you did something really severe and really blasted the area with 10 coats of iodine per-day to completely obliterate a deep-set candida area, bed sore, skin eruption, or even skin cancer... which has left it feeling raw with peeling skin and a burned feel, or even cracked skin.

This is how to do a final fix:

I wash with 91% Isopropyl and a Q-Tip, let dry. This could hurt a bit if it is an open sore; but just deal with it for a few days until it has healed.

Next, I use a liquid which can be excellent at killing things, even though it is touted as an 'analgesic' (to deaden pain).

Use one teeny drop of "White Flower Analgesic Balm" and spread it in. I certainly would not use that on my balls as it contains such things as Camphor, Menthol and Wintergreen. Liniments such as this, put on the balls, will cause you to go through the roof. That would be equivalent to putting Heat in someone's jock strap. But, for the butt crack, works great.

I then use a tiny fingertip of Coconut Oil and spread it around, then take about 1/8 teaspoon of Turmeric powder and work it in to the oil until it is dry.

Then I go to bed with it that way.

After about a week, it should be healed. To finish with the healing, I clean with 91% alcohol and a Q-tip again, then one drop of the White Flower Analgesic Balm.

Finally, to seal it off from all moisture, I use a tiny dab of Sulfa Derm Skin Formula. This is made from volcanic ash and is high in sulphur.

And I just keep doing that for another week.

The skin should be extremely smooth now, and itch free.

To maintain it, just use one drop of White Flower and one dab of Sulfa Derm.

That's it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/02/2015

Well, there are so many crackpots in the world. Sad enough, the biggest crackpots are conventional doctors.

Years ago doctors seemed to be following a scientific regimen. They weren't, but at least they seemed they were.

Over time, chemical companies took over - putting profit as the main driving force. We allowed 'side effects' to be part of the process. The 'side effects' got worse, and worse.

The concept of doctors, now-a-days, is give some horrible drug that has 16 known side effects (usually including psychotic behavior, thoughts of suicide or death) and don't think that's an insane thing to do?

Scientific studies show that when you combine drugs, side effects multiply, not add. So, take two drugs that have 16 side effects, each, you get 256 side effects.

Most old people now take 10 drugs, and they're oftentimes forced to take the drugs (because it makes it easier for the orderlies to 'handle' them). "Did we force-feed you your evil chemicals today?" is the question they SHOULD ask the person.

The thing they don't tell you is, oftentimes half of those also encourage Candida growth. Steroids, the Pill, others. And, 'Wide Spectrum' antibiotics basically means 'So strong it is next to getting chemotherapy as far as how it kills your intestinal flora'.

Couple that up with the fact that doctors tend to be SOOOOOO arrogant. Can't imagine why; because they are SOOOOOO wrong most of the time.

Sad that most things in the world can be handled by using simple things. Skin rashes, ringworm, athlete's feet, yeast, even bacteria growth... all should be handled with such things as bleach (look up 'Dakin's Solution'), Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother, 5% Hydrogen Peroxide.

Sore throats? Salt water gargle.

Pneumonia or bad phlegm? Water, lots of water and mustard plasters (learn how to do them. Better than anything.)

You recommended colloidal silver. It has to be remembered that silver is a heavy metal. Heavy metals kill bacteria and keep killing bacteria (the reason it 'works'. However, colloidal silver tends to stay in the body (look up 'silver people'). And once there? Very hard to remove it. Much better to use other things besides an antibacterial heavy metal to kill things (both inside and out).

Garlic, just chew on the clove. Eat one-per-day.

Gerd: 2 Tablespoons ACV with Mother (NEVER USE FILTERED clear Vinegar. Should be brown and cloudy. Shake before use) to 1/4 teaspoon baking soda to 1 second of squirting honey.

Turpentine, just a little of it in your lungs, causes what is called 'Chemical Pneumonia' (which it is very hard to get over). One should never gulp turpentine because of this.

I always say, if it is food - that is what you should take.

Exceptions to that? Hydrogen Peroxide (don't drink it, as some suggest, as it is the mother of all free radicals. That is it's purpose, you might say. Glutathione Peroxidase is going to have a heyday and run out of power trying to remove it from your body). But, on the outside? Good stuff, because all it is is pure oxygen. Oxygen is a deadly poison (even to us, that is why the body shuts down oxygen the more we gasp it in.) The thing it kills best, of course, is anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that needs no oxygen to survive). If it smells like a sewer, it is anaerobic bacteria. Gangrene is an anaerobic bacteria.

Moral of the story... conventional doctors are getting worse, and worse. Never take their chemical poisons unless you absolutely have to. And realize that they're almost always wrong.

I am 62 years old and last weekend I hiked ABOVE Massacre Falls in the Superstition Mountains. I've been cross-country by bicycle twice, have both a kayak on top of my SUV and a bike rack on the back. One should NEVER stop moving. I hike 5 miles a day. Yesterday I hiked up to some huge rocks on the East side of the Superstitions.

Use food to heal yourself. Use simple things to kill bacteria such as garlic, oregano oil, tea tree oil, kaolic deodorized aged garlic, salt water, bleach, 91% alcohol, iodine... the things people have used for years.

I've been to a doctor's about 3 times in my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/02/2015


Realize that the problem is the version of Candida (the real name for what the doctors call 'yeast' on the surface of your skin). There are many different strains of Candida including Albicans, Glabrata, etc. many have a strange ability, and that is to root themselves through mucal membranes. This is why most antifungals can't get rid of them completely.

The longer you've had it, the harder it is to get rid of.

Under your breasts is sensitive area... but under ones balls is probably even more sensitive; so what you do with that, you should be able to do under your breasts.

You apply it full-strength applying with a cotton ball. You then let it stay that way for 5 minutes or so. Finally, don't rinse it off... just use a hair drier to dry it completely.

If you never had it before? Application of ACV three times-per-day with hair drying for a week might do it. As with killing bacteria, keep doing it long after all the symptoms go away.

At the beginning you might have severe reactions for the first few days because it is deeply embedded in the skin in the sweat follicles and such. Eruptions and even skin peeling might occur. It might look (and feel) like a sunburn. New skin will appear underneath it looking very good quality. If it is a sensitive area, this can not be good; but if you want it to really be gone - do it.

If it is just a surface yeast that just occurred; almost nothing will occur. The red will just go away.

It is basically diaper rash complicated by yeast so make sure it stays dry. NEVER use corn starch (which feeds yeast). Unfortunately baby powder has silicates in it, which causes black lung disease; so you also shouldn't use that for long (if at all).

91% alcohol dries; but can sting. I use it, though. Afterwards try using either 100% lanolin or Vaseline to keep out the water and condition the skin.

If the ACV, alone, doesn't work after a couple weeks; you might also buy liquid kaolic, apply it after you've dried with the hair drier. Then dry a second time, then apply the lanolin or Vaseline.

If that doesn't work, try using 1 Tablespoon Clorox bleach to 10 ounces of water. Let stand 5 minutes. Blow with hair drier.

Never start out with the strongest thing. Alternate with different things if it doesn't work. You can get rid of the redness; but still have the itch, for example. This usually means it is below the skin in its hyphal fungal form.

Garlic has a strange capability of passing systemically (throughout your whole body). Some say you can rub garlic on their feet and they can taste it on their tongue. Think of Garlic as a systemic yeast killer. Kill from inside AND outside.

Where to buy Apple Cider Vinegar? Go to and type ACV with mother or ACV unfiltered. You'll be paying $3 more per bottle than you would by just going to the local food store, though. Most food stores now have unfiltered ACV. They oftentimes don't say 'With Mother'... but if says it is unfiltered, it is brown like rust, and it is cloudy instead of clear - it has mother.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greta (AL, US) on 01/21/2015

I agree with you regarding the use of antibiotics and then, years later, getting yeast/fungus problems. I have had diarrhea since kindergarten--as long as I can remember. Prior to K, I had chronic sore throat/cough and had lots of penicillin. Then I had my tonsils out, so even more penicillin. The next fall, I started kindergarten and my lifetime of D. Now, in my 50s, I'm finally getting under control thru dedicated use of acv, coconut oil, probiotics and careful eating. I warn everyone I know about this problem, but they pooh-pooh me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timh (KY) on 01/21/2015 2063 posts

TW: Candida is probably the most covered topic here at E.C., and many people are receiving help after undergoing drudgery of infection like your personal testimony.

Bill Thompson has covered most every angle on this subject in his book Killing So Sweetly.

If I might quickly add some additional remedies to your list which have proven effective.

1. Zapping & Colloidal Silver combo rotation.

2. Turpentine or Kerosene

3. Kefir (said to be many times more powerful than yogurt)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 01/21/2015

Let me say a bit about why I think this is such a problem in the world. The overuse of antibiotics is what caused fungus, and yeast (Candida Albicans) to become so prevalent.

When I was a child, no matter what ailment I had my doctor prescribed Penicillin. When I was 5, I had a boil on my thumb (probably from sucking my thumb after I had a sliver because I remember it starting from a black dot).

After the Penicillin treatments, I had some kind of scaly skin behind my ears. I was given some ointment to put on it and it went away (don't know what the ointment was).

As time went along, I had more and more Penicillin treatments (as did my family). My brother used to have severe constipation (probably caused by all the healthy flora being destroyed in his colon). Our septic tank stopped working properly and Dad had to dig it out and drain the crap down into a hole in the ground (probably our dumping penicillin-filled crap down the toilet killed all the beneficial bacteria in the septic tank and caused IT to get constipated, you might say).

Later, in Jr. High, I started getting severe dandruff. Dandruff is a fungus that lives in your hair follicles.

Dad started getting scally stuff on his eyelids (it never went away, had it up to when he died). My Mother had a strange red rash on her nose that was called 'Rosacaea' (probably was yeast, I would now say).

I had a red rash that spread from where my glasses touched my face until it was all over my eyebrow area and nose.

I finally got rid of that rash when I was 50 by repeatedly applying iodine tincture about 10 times-per-day. The 'Psoriasis, or Rosacea' is now gone. Psoriasis and Rosacea shouldn't go away.

For almost 20 years I've been trying to repopulate by eating yogurt, taking Megadophilus tablets, eating no starch, no bread, no spaghetti, no sugar, no alcohol.

Whenever I eat anything with sugar, I have anger attacks. When I eat starch (particularly pancakes) I used to get very strange symptoms.

When I am exposed to fungus, I sometimes get light-headed and feel like fainting (probably aspergillus).

Recently found out that Citric Acid that is put in foods is made from aspergillus.

So, the yeast / fungus in the groin area is just a small symptom of a widespread problem. I call it 'The 40-year time bomb' because 40 years after people are given antibiotics is when the problem really occurs.

Candida Albicans yeast is the real problem. It finds permanent domicile in your colon. It has two forms, a ball-form where it is yeast... and a 'hyphal form' meaning it turns into a fungus which puts out roots that burrow into and through your colon wall, causing what is termed 'leaky gut syndrome'. After that, food passes through your colon into your body, then your body tries fighting the food as if it were an attacking organism.

How does one get that imbalance back in order? Well, it should have been done 40 years BEFORE by taking Megadophillus to repopulate immediately following the antibiotics. But nobody told me about it, and doctors still don't tell anybody about the problem.

Afterwards? It's very difficult to fight off the widespread attachment of a fungus to the inside of your colon wall that has sent roots through the wall.

And, if you ask doctors, they say that doesn't occur (photos don't show little to nothing. Might show a slight reddish hue to the wall of your colon. Nothing that alerts the doctor that there is any problem).

If you try killing off the stuff by taking things, the Candida dies, releasing alkaline, causing the atmosphere to be even more condusive to growing more Candida. Acidophillus means 'Acid-loving', meaning that it dies in an alkaline environment. More Candida grows, the shock of their death releases 60 toxins which cause a shock to your colon wall causing it to release L-Glutamine, which thins the wall of the colon.

Moral of the story? After taking antibiotics, repopulate with Acidophilus EVERY TIME and immediately.

One you have had this occur for years, don't immediately start killing it with full force - or you might set up an even better-to-have-Candida-thrive atmosphere in the colon.

"How does one regrow a tropical rain forest once it has been chopped down." is the problem.

So, you start by changing your diet from one which encourages yeast growth, to one which doesn't. Drop starches, stop eating spaghetti, stop eating sugar, eat more vegetables and fruit (which are both alkaline, but they don't feed the Candida, at least). Stop drinking alcohol.

Start eating yogurt, start eating things which discourage yeast growth (garlic in your food, oregano as a flavoring, coconut oil replaces all other oils, start supplementing your diet with probiotics).

Keep this up for 20 years. After 20 years has gone by... your health will improve. Candida will go away.

Once it is gone, eat tons of fruit. Keep eating it. Lots of raw vegetables. Learn what Candida doesn't like, and eat that.

Then you can start re-introducing 'complex carbohydrates' such as Rye Crackers which have nothing in the ingredients besides rye, for example. (but only after many years of eating a no-starch diet have gone by).

"Whole Grain" is all you should eat, afterwards. Never eat anything with flour in it, ever again. You don't need flour in your life, nor does one need alcohol. Alcohol is like taking an antibiotic, constantly. It is just the other way you are constantly taking an antibiotic and killing-off your intestinal flora. All alcoholics have yeast problems.

Things that help re-establish a proper balance:

Yogurt, only plain yogurt (no sugar).

Garlic, tons of garlic.

Coconut oil (has caprylic acid in it, which kills yeast and fungus). Sea Buckthorn Oil (keep in fridge because it goes rancid almost immediately).

Learn what else helps reduce candida growth in your colon.

So, your jock itch is a symptom. Oftentimes 'Jock Itch' is not Tinea at all, but Candida Albicans 'Yeast' (not only women get yeast infections, particularly if you were given tons of antibiotics). The real cause is antibiotics followed by doctors who are completely ignorant. Moral of the story? ALWAYS repopulate after antibiotics with probiotics. You'll save yourself a world of problems.

Rubbing Alcohol, H2O2, ACV
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 01/21/2015

For jock itch, use 91 Percent Rubbing Alcohol (Walmart and pharmacies have it). Many people have suggested this; and I would like to agree. Alcohol kills just about everything on the planet (including Fungus). The only thing it can't kill is spores from some bacteria.

However, I suggest following-up with the 5% Hydrogen Peroxide solution as well.

You can't buy 5%. You have to make it from 35%, so follow my procedure for that, being careful you don't get chemical burns while making it (2 half-teaspoons of 35% to 15 half-teaspoons distilled water).

Swab it on, liberally, wherever you have problems and let it stay there until it dries. After waiting a few minutes, swab on liberally the 5% Hydrogen Peroxide.

Do this at least 3-4 times-per-day.

Any deep areas that have the infection will become open sores for a time and dead skin will peel off. This is expected. After all the infection has been killed-off, it will become nice pink skin.

Keep doing this for at least a week. Then, you need to populate with acidophilus and natural bacteria again. Purchase Multidophilus from a Health Food store. Add it to coconut oil and apply.

After doing this a few days, purchase unfiltered Apple Cider Vineger with Mother. You know it has 'Mother' because there will be a cloud of stuff at the bottom that is floating around. If it is perfectly clear through the bottle, keep looking. I found some at Frys; but can get at Amazon or a health food store.

"Raw, Unfiltered, UnpasteurizedMade from juices of ORGANIC certified grown applesDynamic Health Apple Cider Vinegar contains "Mother" of vinegar that is formed naturally in unpasteurized vinegar by the acetobacter"

Acetobacter is the key. It is a beneficial bacteria. For the next week, swab on the raw ACV and dry with a very hot hair drier. This will make the skin pH be proper and will resupply the beneficial bacteria.

If you ever have the problem again, follow this regimen. Works anywhere you have fungus.

Posted by Al (Redland, Fl.) on 01/20/2015

I have cared for my 10 acre fruit orchard here, in SOUTH Fl. for 40 years. Our summer heat is insane with 90% humidity a constant...I have lived drenched in dirt and sweat for decades...The ONE thing that KILLS all your problems is....SUNLIGHT!!! Fought it for years and suffered through many Dr.'s creams and potions...all fail...does this condition persist ANYWHERE the sun don't shine???? Find a quiet spot and a position that allows full exposure to all the areas that are always in the dark and start with short exposure (5 min.) add time till you can take about 30 min...Within about 5 sessions you will have knocked it back...mine has stayed gone for 6 years so far...without further exposure. It's free and it WORKS!

Failed Jock Itch Remedies
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa) on 01/19/2015

Just thought I'd say what I have tried, over the years, which DIDN'T work.

Many oils seemed to increase the problem, not decrease it (including Olive Oil and Coconut Oil)

Oregano Oil, thyme oil, Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Oil are all extremely caustic and I would never recommend anybody using any of them on their private parts (even if thinned with Olive Oil). "Burn your skin off" is what they do.

Iodine can work... but you have to apply it multiple times and that causes chemical burns, also.

All OTC products are crap. None work for long. Tinactin worked best; but not long-lasting. Maybe if you never had jock itch before, and you had it for ten minutes, and then you put it on it might work.

Repeated ACV, all-by-itself, didn't get rid of it.

Kyolic Garlic all-by-itself sometimes does pretty well at keeping it away for a time.


High-alcohol content alcohol treatment done 3-4 times-per-day, alternating with 5% Hydrogen Peroxide (2 half-teapoons 35% Food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with 15 half-teapoons distilled water) alternating with 100% ACV with Mother (the cloudy stuff in the bottom of the jar. allowed to dry completely, then powdered with Boric Acid or Borax afterwards. Cover with lanolin after it is all completely dry (I use "NOW Solutions" 100% Pure Lanolin 7 oz. from Amazon).

After the problem has gone away, try mixing a Probiotic with Bifidus Longum and Lactobacillus Acidophillus to coconut oil and apply it. This will kill most of it, but allow some to repopulate. What works in the colon should also work in your butt crack.

Apple Cider Vinegar, H202, Boric Acid
Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Arizona) on 01/19/2015

I have tried just about everything on the planet. It never was red, nor was it visible much (if you spread the ball sack it would look shiny).

Best things which work to completely remove the problem over time:

I found that a combination of things, together, works well. Two that nobody has mentioned that can help: Kyolic Garlic liquid would work well. Apply, then let it dry with a hair drier.

ACV, full-strength, applied three times-per-day which has 3 cloves of garlic cut in half put into the bottle.

35% Hydrogen Peroxide mixed 2 teaspoons of 35% to 15 teaspoons of distilled water. Apply, let it stand a few minutes, blot dry, hair drier, or rub until dry. This makes a solution which is a bit stronger than 3% (about 5%); but doesn't burn you.

WARNING! Always keep 35% in a plastic bag in the fridge. If you were to ever drink it, you would die a horrid death. When you mix it, treat it like it's battery acid. It causes thick white burns that are painful. Mix it over the sink and shake the bottle afterwards, washing off the outside of the bottle and drying it completely.

After it is mixed up, mark it clearly and put the dilution strength on it with a Sharpie Marker. Use it at least three times-per-day.

Alternate with 70% or greater Alcohol. Remember that proof of alcohol is twice the percentage of alcohol in the bottle. So, get 180 proof Jamaican Rum if you can find it.

Dust lightly with Boric Acid. You can find it in the insect killing area because it is used to kill cockroaches. Many are scared of Boric Acid... but they say it isn't much more poisonous than Baking Soda is.

Borax is NOT Baking Soda. It is related to it, but it is not Boric Acid.

Then, after you have thoroughly dried the area... apply 100% lanolin to the area. Lanolin does NOT wash off and stops all oxygen to reaching the fungus. Works better than Vaseline because it just can't be washed off and is thicker than Vaseline.


Methods I'd stay away from? NEVER use 35% Hydrogen Peroxide, straight from the bottle (Unless you love chemical burns on your balls).

NEVER use straight Thyme Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil or Oregano Oil on your private parts, period (unless you LIKE extreme pain, your balls contracting severely from the excruciating pain, with nothing that you do to try and wash it off working and the skin peeling off extremely tender balls for three days as it heals to occur). Even diluted oils of these types is NOT recommended. If you can get rid of the problem with things which don't burn and sting, why use things which burn and sting and give you a third-degree burn on your private parts?

Do these things three times-per-day and alternate treatments. Keep it up for a couple weeks, way past when the itching goes away.

Then, when you go camping, take a small bottle of ACV with you, some powdered boric acid in a tiny ziplock bag (you can get 1" x 1" bags on-line). and take a tiny bit of lanolin with you in another bag.

If you ever go swimming in water holes, this can start up itching quite quickly. After sex, after swimming in any water supply that is not chlorinated, after camping and sleeping in your sleeping bag for hours... Apply the vinegar, let it dry. Put the boric acid on it. Cover with lanolin. Go to sleep. Do it again when you wake up.

Posted by Brian (Canada) on 11/01/2014

Thank you so much about the Whitflield's Oil treatment - I ordered a small amount of this myself just now.

Previously, I did something that cured jock itch for 4 months in one day. First I sprayed apple cider vinegar on the rash. When the vinegar had dried out slightly, I covered the whole area with coconut oil. The result was a burn that lasted one hour. The next day the rash looked like it had been bombed, with the classic signs of a bomb crater. My leg also hurt slightly in the area, but recovered completely in a few days.

However, this method is hard to duplicate because the apple cider vinegar needs to be at a perfect level of dryness so that it is not pushed off the rash by the coconut oil.


Posted by Cormac (Dublin, Ireland) on 09/25/2014

I concur with this. I'm waiting for my own post about this to be approved! I had severe jock rash for the last three weeks. After trying tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and crushed garlic (all of which did nothing), I went to the pharmacy. They gave me an anti-fungal cream (Daktarin) which caused me to flare up and really exacerbated the rash. It's ludicrous to put a moisturizing cream on a fungal infection as moisture is precisely what fungus needs to thrive. Last night however, I went for a swim in the local pool. Now the rash is virtually gone! Chlorine was the answer for me :-)

Swimming Pool
Posted by Cormac (Dublin, Ireland) on 09/25/2014

I've suffered from relapses of jock itch (aka ring worm, athlete's foot - it's the same fungal infection) for many years now. Here are the various remedies I've tried over the years with their results.

Anti-Fungal cream from the pharmacy (Daktarin was one of them). This is dreadful, it only exacerbates the problem. As it's a moisturizer, it causes it to flare up and spread. Fungus needs moisture and darkness to thrive, so this is a joke. Pharmaceutical companies can be like snake oil salesmen. 0 out of 10

Natural remedies like Tea Tree Oil, Crushed Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar. These did nothing for me at all. Although I've given them a couple of marks as they're certainly better than pharmaceutical ointments and creams. 3 out of 10

Cardiospermum Halicacabum. I was skeptical when a pharmacist in Spain gave me this, as it had the dreaded "homeopathic" on the label. It's a non-moisturizing pomade with extracts of the cardiospermum plant. This works! I can't find it in Dublin, but you can get it online. Try it if you can get it. It's odourless, non-toxic and cheap. 8 out of 10

Swimming in a chlorinated pool. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the kryptonite for jock rash. Go for a swim, don't shower afterwards. By the next day you'll see that nasty rash dying before your very eyes. I did this last night (after 3 weeks of horrible rashes on my inner thighs) and it's almost gone now. 10 out of 10

Note - If it's a bit stubborn I will have a bleach bath tomorrow, putting half a cup (125ml) of un-perfumed thin household bleach (less than 5% sodium hypochlorite) in a full warm bath. Don't use any other soaps or shampoos or salts in the bleach bath. There's a handy guide on youtube (for treating kids' eczema) with input from a dematologist - check it out.

Apart from that, and to prevent reinfection, eat lots of garlic, avoid beer (booo!!! ) and carbs during flare ups, change your bedsheets regularly and underwear obviously. Put your socks on before your underwear - socks before jocks!

Don't get yourself down about jock rash, just go for a swim!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Prioris (Florida, US) on 09/19/2014

Anti diabetic medications are suppose to make it more difficult to heal it naturally. I don't have diabetes but there are enough anecdotal reports that diabetes 2 can be healed naturally. I agree about taking control of ones health.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Om (Hope, BC, Canada) on 09/19/2014

To Joyce, Lansdowne, Pa.---- I whole heartedly agree with you. "if the disease does not kill you, the medicine sure will".

I did this a few years ago and did not use the glucometer anymore. Psychologically, I could not take it any more after a few years and bad experience with the doctor who told me nothing about self care but threatened amputation, etc. Since I had done yoga for most of my adult life, I had also studied traditional medicine (meaning herbal medicine and Ayurveda)) in my free time just for my education. So I know what to do. Metformin caused instant depression and fatigue lasting in sleep mode all day and night. That was a short interval made worse with insulin while for the first time in my life I gained weight rapidly and the dolt told me to control my diet when I had perfect weight all my life. He gave me hypertension, swollen ankles and a heavy body. Then I told him I would quit with that kind of medical attention and do my own thing. I am back to normal.

That was a few years ago. Study on EC and Green Med Info revealed that these medications for type 2 will kill the patient eventually. The findings are well explained and researched.

Kudos for taking up the courage and follow on your own. I go according to feeling and am doing well. It is a strange world: some people are not afraid to smoke but they are afraid to discontinue proven poisonous medications. Go figure.

Namaste, Om

Dietary Changes
Posted by Timh (KY) on 09/20/2014 2063 posts

I take 200mcg Chromium 2 or 3 times daily and a combination of Gymnema, Mulberry Leaf, and Cinnamon cap once daily to help burn the sugars. Cinnamon in particular is effective for burning sugar and killing fungus.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 09/19/2014

I was diagnosed with diabetes II in May 2014. My doctor wanted me to start taking Metformin. I told her I prefer to reverse it with diet and exercise. She was quite skeptical and told me that eventually I would have to take it. I went on a low carb diet with mild exercise that was just walking up two flights of stairs in my home twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes. I was not monitoring my blood sugar. I went back to the doctor early this month (September). My blood sugar was down 8 points and I lost 20 pounds. She was quite shocked and pleased. She asked me what I was doing and I told her. She said continue what you are doing, you don't need the Metformin. Sometimes you have to take control of your health and not wholly depend on healthcare professionals.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joe K. (Bensalem, Pa) on 09/19/2014

Whenever I (a Type II diabetic) go off-track and eat some refined flour/sugar, the fungus (or candida family) feasts on the higher blood-sugar + goes wild! Usually in the intestine, where it can result in gas/diareha (I was diagnosed with diverticulitis, "untreatable", but using anti-candida natural cure ended it! ) So, it appears that overdoing the consumption of white flour (which is the same as sugar when it reaches your bloodstream) can feed those fungi + cause outbreak of jock rash too. Eliminating that "overgrowth" of candida in the gut is as simple as getting a product from your health-food store, which contains black walnut hull and other ingredients (which can differ by mfg, including oregano oil). My YEA is for the "Candida Clear" product. So, while I am not endorsing any 'cure' (although I use alcohol by instinct, and apply raw shea butter, a natural anti-fungal), this information is just a sort of 'preventative' beyond the usual locker-room warnings.

P.S. I agree with earlier post about avoiding powder with corn starch, it will feed the fungus!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shuranda (Lancaster, Ca) on 09/07/2014

How do I use the apple cider, because I have used all the creams and foot powder and nothing has worked, I have it up under my breast and my inner thigh and it's real red and itches and burn, can someone please give me some advice on how to use the apple cider vinegar.

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