Itchy Skin Cures

Soft Brush

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Posted by Esprit64 (North Yarmouth, Maine) on 03/23/2011

For temporary relief of itching, scratching with your own fingernails doesn't seem to help. I don't know why this works, but scratching with a hair brush having sufficient "bite" seems to calm the itching. How do you choose the right brush? The brush needs to feel harder rather than softer on your skin, but, always comfortable. I found one horse brush that was just stiff enough to do the trick. If you choose a brush too soft, it'll have no effect. Too hard, and you'll wince each time you use it. If you choose the right brush, it will "feel just right."

Table Salt

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Posted by Celene (West Springfield, MA) on 11/18/2006

I tried using a teaspoon of table salt, mixed with a little warm water to form a paste. I applied it to the side of my nose (where the crease is) because i have a very itchy patch of skin there that I can't seem to stop scratching! Putting salt on itchy skin works! It breaks the scratch/itch cycle, but eating garlic everyday will help also!

Tea Tree Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, GA) on 03/04/2007

I have tried Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil. I find that Tea Tree Oil is best if placed first, and then about a few hrs later, the application of ACV should relieve it. Give it about 3 days, and there ought to be no itch. I love ACV!!!!

Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Lotion

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Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2011

I sometimes get really itchy to the point I have trouble sleeping at night. Dr's gave me a prescription that makes me sleepy so I can't take during the day.

I found a tea tree oil & chamomile itch relief lotion from iherb that works great. This is the only lotion that has ever worked. Sometimes I have to put on twice a day and the other downside is that is very strong smelling. But who cares when you're itching so bad.

Tea Tree Oil, Olive Oil, Dried Oregano

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Posted by Deanna (Cincinnati, OH) on 02/25/2007

I have chronic itching. I have tried the "very expensive" prescription that my MD gave me, but my mother told me to try:
1 part tea tree oil,
2 parts olive oil
and dried oregano.

I spray it on and not only does it calm the burning and itching but it moisturizes my skin. I haven't had to use my expensive skin cream or take Benedryl in a long time.

Replied by Libby
(Pleasanton, CA)

how much dried oregano do you use? what type of olive oil? thanks!!!

Replied by Jean

How do you do the dried oregano? I would imagine you'd have to warm the oil - maybe simmer the oregano leaf in it or stand in the sun for a while?

Tea Tree, Olive Oil, Oregano

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Posted by Deanna (Cincinnati, OH) on 02/25/2007

I have chronic itching. I have tried the "very expensive" prescription that my MD gave me, but my mother told me to try:
1 part tea tree oil,
2 parts olive oil
and dried oregano.

I spray it on and not only does it calm the burning and itching but it moisturizes my skin. I haven't had to use my expensive skin cream or take Benedryl in a long time.

Tomato Juice and Coconut Oil

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Posted by Fran (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/12/2007

Use half tomato juice and half coconut oil to stop itching...This is nothing new as the Bible has said nothing new under the sun...This was used back many years ago..way before our time do your home work God Bless you,

UV Lamp

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Posted by Tony (St Paul, AB) on 02/16/2021

I was waking up in the middle of the night with almost my whole body itching like the devil. No amount of scratching helped.

I found peppermint oil gave temporary relief. I was able to go back to sleep for the night.

One night I asked the subconscious for a clue and in the morning I was made to understand that my skin needed more sunlight exposure.

It's been nearly -40C for the last two weeks here so sunbathing was out of the question.

I do, however have a UV lamp I had recently purchased.

I did 2 five minute full body exposures three days apart.

The itching has totally disappeared.

Comfortable in my skin once again.

I'm posting this because I would never have thought of this solution on my own.

Vitamin B-12

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Posted by Fan B (Pasadena) on 07/24/2017

I've had itching that mostly occurs at night and mostly during the summer months, for decades. There is no rash or bumps but if I scratch it enough my skin gets damaged. It's around the area in front of my elbows on the top of my arms and sometimes on the backs or sides of my shoulders. I've read that really doctors have no idea what causes it but it might relate to a pinched nerve. I finally ran across a blurb that said it was a vitamin b-12 deficiency. I bought a pump spray of b-12 that is sublingual and it really does work. I tried everything else but no success until this. Hope it works for someone else because the itching is terrible.

Vitamin C

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Posted by Katt (La) on 01/17/2014

Apple cider vinegar baths work to get rid of the itching but I had it crazy insane itching burning after research, This is how to neutralize toxins and stop itching fast and naturally, I took megadoses of high quality vitamin C it worked right away I mean fast I could sleep. I continued taking high doses and after a three days the itching stopped, I ordered the nanaparticles vitamin C and just kept taking it for one month, The itching was similar to what I had when I took antibiotics and I had fungal overgrowth. I was put on a potent anti fungal and I went on the anti candida diet until it was under control then I went a natural candida elimination formula that the clerk said killed candida along with oxygen drop, Cell food, to ensure all candida overgrowth was killed

Replied by Melanie
(Grand Chenier, La)

I have a similar problem. I have been getting rashes for over 6 months now. It started above my knees and eventually spread to other parts of my body. Now it is full blown and I itch constantly. I have done so many testing for different types of autoimmune disease, a complete blood panel and no answer to why this is happening. I am seeing a dermatologist on Feb 23rd. After reading about Candida I am wondering if I have an over growth.

Replied by Myway

Melanie, Did you remove sugar, dairy and processed food from your diet for a number of days to see if you had a food allergy - when I eat too many processed foods, I start itching like mad. Doing some dietary homework may be the key!

Vitamin E

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Posted by Suzanne (Abbotsford, BC) on 08/25/2008

When my young son had chicken pox, he was covered with the itchy bumps and it was driving us all crazy. I tried calamine lotion, oatmeal baths, etc. before finally poking a vitamin E capsule and applying that. The itching stopped instantly! Now, whenever we have itching worth mentioning, we reach for the vitamin E. Make sure it is D-Alpha, though, not the synthetic DL-Alpha. The synthetic E is useless. Don't waste your money buying it.

Vitamin E With Naturals

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Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/11/2007 490 posts

Shari, I should have mentioned another solution to your itchy problems - a product that I found locally at Dollar Tree called Vit.E with naturals supplied by Fruit of the Earth - It comes in Aloe Gel, Vit.E with Natural Gel, Vit. E cocobutter, etc. This Vit. E with Naturals get stuff is fantastic-the only thing that I have ever found that will stop the intense itching caused by that confounded plant called poison ivy/oak -not only stops the itching but dries it up -the naturals in it are herbals like calendula, burdock, etc. Anything that stops that horrible itching of poison ivy should help with any itching also. The only place I have found it here is mentioned above but I suspect it can probably be found in health groceries (probably much higher than the $l price in above mentioned store) When I found this [product stopped the itching & also dried the rash up within 3 days I look for more every time I go through their store and have a good supply in my bathroom.

Also for another wart remedy, I have had patients tell me that piercing a Vit.E capsule and squeezing it onto their warts 2-3 times a day made them disappear.

Replied by shari
(from ocean springs, ms)

Ever since Katrina hit we had some military personel stay with us for a a week 3 weeks after Katrina. For recovery efforts. Ever since, my 2 children and I have been to numerous doctors and hospitals trying to find a diagnosis for our problems. We were told its probably scabies and to bathe in rid. After spending so much time and money we don't have trying to cure ourselves I have given up. Some doctors told me that it was in my head. One day I attempted to bust one of the pimple looking things. But it was so hard so I got a sewing pin to bust it where I could drain it. Thats when it turned into a boil. I squeezed it for at least 2 hours with nothing but blood and puss coming out of it.The scarey thing is I do not know what this is. I know that we are contageous because when I surround myself around people in public and friends almost immediately I see them itching. I feel guilty for this because I wish I could prevent it. I don't know what to do. I locked my 2 kids and I up in the house for several months. Praying for a cure to this. I did not want to see my friends and humiliation made me bite my tongue not to tell them. But now the more I go out in our community I see more and more people with these bumps on there face. My friends and family are now infected. We need help!I don't know what to do! I am frightened uncomfortable and a plaqin feeling of hopelessness If this helps anyone try to diagnose this, you mainly itch on the top of your scalp and your face and when you are hot.Please post this to questions on this site!!!!!!!!

Replied by Gwen
(Denver, CO)

Wow I know this is kinda late, but Ted's remedy for mange on dogs got rid of the no-see-em's I struggled for months with. I think it is also recommended for Morgellan's. Check it out. Borax has been a miracle worker in my life & it will also remove fluoride in your water. God bless & good luck......

Replied by Gwen
(Denver, CO)

Wow I know this is kinda late, but Ted's remedy for mange on dogs got rid of the no-see-em's I struggled for months with. I think it is also recommended for Morgellan's. Check it out. Borax has been a miracle worker in my life & it will also remove fluoride in your water. God bless & good luck......

Replied by Chocbear
(Costa Mesa, CA USA)

I think its the same thing I had a few years ago. My Dr. offered me prescription ointment which she said had a lot of chemicals, but also said that I could instead apply Vick's vapor to the body would also cure it. I was hesitant about the vapor rub but applied it right before bed and by the second night I was cured. Something in the vapor rub kills these bugs.

White Vinegar

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Posted by cpix (Houston, TX) on 12/11/2006

For decades, I have had periods of severe itching and I have tried everything to relieve it. Finally, by accident, I applied some white vinegar to an area for another purpose and found that the itching stopped there for at least 24 hours. Now before I take my regular evening shower, I take a white vinegar shower to stop the itching. I leave the vinegar there for several minutes before taking my regular shower with soap. After my regular shower most of the vinegar odor is gone. Anyway, what is a slight odor compared to severe itching?

Witch Hazel

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Posted by Paul (Tucson, AZ) on 01/04/2009

I don't that witch hazel can be a cure but it is great for stopping an itch of the skin. I had a bad rash on my hands years ago and when they would itch I would pour witch hazel on my hands and the itch would stop right now and it did me no harm at all.

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