Vitamin C
Vitamin C
Body Brushing, Ice
This is the only treatment (s) that I have found to be effective and long lasting remedies.
1. Use ice packs to calm the itch, I have slept through many nights with a bag of frozen peas on my arm.
2. The cure is body brushing. Use a natural bristle (as stiff as you can find) and start brushing your dry skin in an upward, toward the heart action. Start on the soles of you feet and work up the body, one section at a time. Really brush upward hard, make the skin red. On the itchy areas brush until you relive the itch. Don't forget to brush under the armpits.
Repeat this treatment as often as you wish. but daily, before bathing, is a must. You will find in the begining that you will do it more often.
In about a week's time the itch will be gone or mostly gone. But continue these treatments to maintain itch free skin.
I have tried everything, creams, pills, nothing works like ice to temporally stop the itch, and dry body brushing to eliminate the problem.
I believe that the itching is caused by toxic waste overload, the body brushing will send these toxins back through the blood to be eliminated in the liver. (my opinion)
This will work for you. Now go get brushing.
Peace and love, Carolyn
Grandmother Guffy Remedy
Homeopathic Sulphur, Herbs
Before I understood the benefits of alternative medicine, I went to an Allopathic (Conventional) Dermatologist, who told me I had Eczema. I questioned that, because I had none of the classical symptoms of Eczema. But, he insisted it was possible to have Eczema with none of the symptoms. I still question his diagnosis. He prescribed hydrocortisone cream, which did help until I stopped using it.
As a conventionally trained RN I knew the dangers of long term cortisone use, so stopped using the cream and the itching came back with a vengeance. Not wanting to use the cortisone cream, I continued to suffer, while occasionally using ice packs when the itching became unbearable.
Then, about three years ago, I was talking to a Chiropractor and mentioned my itching problem. She said she had always heard that itching on the arms were related to liver issues - more specifically a sluggish liver, most likely due to all of the chemicals in our environment. When our bodies are exposed to all those chemicals, they eventually end up in our blood, and get filtered out through our liver, which eventually gets clogged, and then doesn't function properly.
I think it is important to note that I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). I believe I have had symptoms for the past 18 years, but only learned about MCS in 2007, from an acquaintance. At the time she told me about her MCS I thought, how awful for her!
Then one day, I went into a clothing store and got really sick with very familiar symptoms: profuse sweating, heart palpitations, light headedness, headache and weakness. I finally left the store without buying anything. Then, as I sat in my car, waiting for the symptoms to pass enough, so I could drive home, I remembered a story I had once read. It was a magazine article that talked about how some women couldn't go into fabric stores, because the finishes on the fabrics, which make them look nice, were chemicals that these women couldn't tolerate.
As I sat in my car, I had an "AH-HA! " moment! The finishes on fabrics in fabric stores were the same chemicals they put on ready to wear clothing in stores! After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I HAVE MCS!
After much research, I gradually removed all chemicals from my environment - including personal care products (hair products, bath gel, lotions, makeup, toothpaste, PERFUME! And scents of all types), air fresheners (one of the most toxic chemicals! ), cleaning products (dish soap, laundry products, window cleaner, oven cleaner, floor cleaner, etc.), gardening products, home improvement products and the most difficult one FOOD! The list is too long to give here, but an online search should help you begin to eliminate chemicals from your life. One of the biggest hurdles, with MCS, is getting family and friends to understand the importance of eliminating chemicals for both you and themselves.
After learning that the liver was the culprit, of my itching, I started doing research about the liver not functioning, due to chemical overload, and found that, indeed, this could cause the profound itching of my forearms all these years! The result of my research, was that there are herbs that help the liver to function more efficiently.
Among the most effective and well known herbs, that improve liver function are: Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Parsley, Black Radish Root, and Burdock Root. There are also some supplements that aid in liver function: NAC (N-Acetyl-L Cysteine), ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid), and TMG (trimethylglycine). I checked my favorite online supplement company, and found that they had a combination product called Liver Essentials. If you do a web search for - Liver Essentials SWC017 - you should be able to find this product. I found that by taking twice the recommended dose, twice daily, my arms gradually began to itch less. As with almost all alternative remedies, it takes time to see a result. It has been a while, but I think after about 30-60 days, I was seeing a big improvement.
For the most part, taking Liver Essentials has made a huge improvement in my itchy arms. But, I found that there were times, that it was almost impossible to eliminate chemicals, from my life, and the itching would return.
After a while, I went looking for other solutions to my itching. I think it may have been on EarthClinic, that I saw someone mention that Peppermint Essential Oil (EO) helped their itching. I don't remember if they said how to use it, but I have experience using EOs and know that it is not wise to use EOs "neat" or full strength. So I got some of a "natural/Unscented, paraben free lotion, that I had in the house and put some Peppermint EO in it, until it had a pretty strong scent - maybe 15 drops in 2 ounces Of lotion. I found that if I put a small amount of this peppermint cream on my arms before I start scratching, and rub it in fully, it does help manage the itch. If I start scratching first, it takes a lot more effort to get the itch under control. Sometimes it takes 2-3 applications to get it under control.
I recently had to have repeated foot surgery over several months, and the anesthesia and antibiotic drugs given, brought the itching back with a vengeance! Nothing helped, short of sitting with ice packs on my arms all day.
Then, one day, I was looking at Homeopathic Remedies, in the health food store, and found Boiron SULPHUR - for "Skin Rash Worsened by Heat and Water". I was at my wit's end with the itching on my arms (which by now had moved to my upper arms as well), so I decided to try it. Imagine my surprise, when five minutes after taking it, the itching was gone! With Homeopathic Remedies, it is generally necessary to take frequent dosing in the beginning and then gradually decrease frequency. So, I started taking it once per hour for the first day, then as needed, for itching the next day, and now I take it 2-3 times daily, as I still have occasional itching. If the itching stops all together, I decrease the frequency and will eventually stop taking the Homeopathic Sulphur. It is not necessary to take Homeopathic Remedies to prevent a condition. So, once the symptoms are gone, it should not be taken anymore.
Gluten-Free Diet
I then saw a naturopath who looked in my eyes and said he could help me. He still hasn't told me exactly what it is and said not to eat any gluten till next visit and has put me on a liver powder (1st visit) and month later two more medications. Not being a doctor person, I have not eaten gluten now for 4 weeks, and within a week, my itching - which was unbearable - has virtually disappeared.
Last night I was googling about this rash as I was eating chocolate - quite a bit as I am limited to foods now - and woke up through the night with an itch (bearable compared to what I had been having) and decided to google if chocolate has gluten and I found it has also - but you can get some without. One thing led to another and I came upon a site which said Dermatitus Herpetiformis and described my itch down to a tee. (Wikipedia) except my itch was on my neck.
Please please please readers, give up gluten (wheat flour cakes pastries etc etc.) look at labels, try and go gluten-free and I hope my information can help you. It is a lifelong diet, but also can help you lose weight. Some of the photos are much worse than I, but persevere and eat well and I am sure you benefit in the long run. Would love to hear if it helps anyone with the above skin rashes.
Cayenne Pepper
07/15/2009: Victoria from San Diego, CA: "I've had what I think is brachial radial pruritus for about 6 years. I first noticed while living in Thailand during my pregnancy. It is extremely itchy, especially at night and has some relationship with heat and/or humidity and may be related to problems with the cervical disk..."
I have similar itching like you, the only thing that work temporarily is get cayenne pepper powder, the strongest you can get, over 100 H.U "HOT UNITS". You can find this on the internet... with a little water, make a paste, and apply locally. Sometimes you have to repeat the next day or hours but it eliminates the itching. I find relief for a year now.
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil
Check for Soap Allergies
Check for Soap Allergies
Apple Cider Vinegar
Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
(Mpls., Mn) on 01/30/2014
Ted's Mange remedy [borax/hydrogen peroxide solution] is as follows:
- Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
- 1 -16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
I get both of these from the grocery store.
Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.
Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.
Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.
If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!
Now, the above remedy is Ted's remedy for mange, but its a good start for troubled skin. Most dogs feel immediate relief right out of the tub, but if that doesn't seem to be working [try 3 baths every other day to start] and things do not look better you can make a topical skin solution for the troubled spots.
Ted's Anti fungal/staph skin solution - you will need:
- Milk of Magnesia [magnesium hydroxide]
- Epsom salts [magnesium sulfate]
- Borax [sodium tetraborate]
- 1% hydrogen peroxide solution
Mix 1 tbsp of MOM with 1 tbsp epsom salt and 1 tbsp borax into 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Apply and do not rinse. This solution should knock out any staph infection or yeast infection going on in the skin. I have many dogs and when allergy season hits I mix this up in gallon jugs and follow the mange procedure, letting the solution 'work' on the dog for 10 minutes or so in the tub, and then no toweling off, just crating and allowing to air dry.
Now, other remedies may factor in as well. To paraphrase Ted's advice on an earlier post:
Sometimes we are dealing with internal/systemic yeast or an internal fungal infection - and sometimes despite the best nutrition out there we will experience an individual that for some reason is deficient in a mineral such as boron. If the dog is low in magnesium quite often allergies will arise. If you are dealing with yeast try adding 1/16 teaspoon of epsom salt in 1 liter of drinking water for 2-3 days - max; this is not intended for long term use, just to nip a break out in the bud. When you stop the epsom salt in the water you can then start adding 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of water; do this for 5-7 days. This is a 'break out' or crisis dose. After a week you can cut it back to a maintenance dose of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water. If you suspect a fungal component you can add 1/16 teaspoon borax along with the baking soda in 1 liter of water. In acute and extreme cases 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water is indicated. Many humans take 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water daily as a detox and antifungal/antiyeast, so long term use is not an issue, however all these remedies are something you should 'play by ear' and should be adjusted as you see fit. The water additives address mineral deficiency issues and these should be addressed first.
Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Problem: GSD has been scratching and chewing and now is licking at feet. Condition improved dramatically with elimination of chicken (already gluten free and on raw diet) and addition of sea meal, enzymes, omega 3s and pre/probiotics. Been over 1 month on above. Never stopped scratching completely. Coat and skin not dry and looks great. Previously treated for mites even though no evidence. She is 2.5 years old.
Tonight I sprayed myself with Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%, and after I spray with a combo of 50% Club Soda, 25% Vodka and 25% White Vinegar (also makes a good air freshener and cleaner for mirrors, just put in any essential oils you like), but after this because I was itching non-stop constantly the last 17 hours I squeezed a Clementine on my forearms, elbows and hands, haven't itched since, and it's very cooling and soothing.
Multiple Remedies
I know Trish from Trish's Salt and Scrubs made this concoction with essential oils that stopped and ended her psorasis, I know she probably has something for severely itchy skin. I'am out of Theives Essential Oil, and when I get pneumonia in the summers that and other oils are the best to put on the back of my neck and down my spine.
For me, this started 3 months ago right after each of the 2 Quantum Biofeedback Sessions, which I got to rid of eye pain, and I never got any money back and would never have that done again, unless it's from someone very hightly intuitive instead of trained to follow procedure. I ended up using tap water and Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar to rid of the eye infection in 3 days. But you can try this and see it if works but likewise, everyone's different, I'am about to check earthclinc and Chinese and Indian methods for itch. I would add Hydrogen Peroxide and Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar with Club Soda but apparently your not supposed to mix HP and Vinegar.
It's possible it could be a reaction to the Kirkland Costco 100% Recycled Foam Dog Bed (threw that out weeks ago, our beagle has an orthopeadic bed now)....or it could of been possibly the fact we put out dog onto a parasite cleanse at 7 years and everything outside is complete snow-ice at freezing levels.....??, but the clementine trick really did help after the spray with Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) and then Club Soda > 50%, Vodka >25%, White Vinegar 25%, it also makes a great air freshener and cleans mirrors too, just add any essential oil to it that you like.
I've heard from one doctor that taking Aloe Vera Internally could help too.
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Multiple Remedies
P.S. I know what a pathogen is, I just can't imagine what kind of pathogen may have caused all this itching and scratching. I guess it doesn't matter what kind of pathogen, but it has me curious and a little nervous. Any thoughts on this?
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
What a distressing situation!
The first two things that come to my mind are turmeric and garlic. They are both inexpensive and very effective for many things. I hope that they will help you.
Turmeric is great for healing skin problems and for itching related to bites. We have used this sucessfully. Take 1 teaspoon twice a day in milk or water. (Better in milk with some fat in it as the fat helps it to work better. So does some black pepper.) You can usually get bulk turmeric at an Indian grocery store or health food store.
Garlic in an anti-parasitic herb (and anti lots of other stuff, too.) Ideally, get a few bulbs of garlic. Four times a day, chop up one of the cloves (one section of the bulb) and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then spread it on some toast with some honey or butter. You will not smell the best while you do this.
Give the garlic and turmeric at least a week try before deciding if they are helping.
I would also add Raw Unpastuerized Apple Cider Vinegar to what you are doing. It will improve the PH of your body, which should be helpful. Try 1 Tablespoon in 8 ounces of water once or twice a day. (You can dilute it more if desired and just sip all day.)
1 cup of Epsom Salt in a very warm bath at night might be helpful for your sleep. You can add some tea tree essential oil if you have it on hand.
If I come across anything else that might help, I will pass it along.
Please keep us posted. I will be praying for your relief.
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Remedies
I have tried pyrethrin shampoos, one dog was treated with oral ivermectrin, I have used frontline plus on them. I got a prescription for permethrin creme for myself and I showered using the pyrethrins dog shampoo on myself. Nothing worked.
Then I tried diatomaceous earth, and neem oil inside and out and on me and my dogs. I treated my yard, house, driveway, furniture, curtains, everything with insecticide, did nothing to stop the itching.
I spread cedar shaving and pine shaving everywhere. I've bleached everything possible, even spraying some on myself one day.
I've dipped the dogs in apple cider vinegar, which seemed to relieve the itching for a couple of hours. I soap up and shower every night followed by spraying diluted apple cider vinegar on me keeping it on for a few minutes, then rinsing it off. Then I rub skin so soft all over me, followed with antifungal cream or powder. In the mornings I put on more skin so soft and antifungal medication. Nothing really works this just enables me to sleep a little while (if I take a sleeping pill).
Hydrocortizone creams, antifungal creams, menthol lotions all seem to help temporarily, but nothing gets rid of this.
I soak the clothing that can not be bleached in peppermint oil. I've showered with several differnt kinds of antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial soaps, tea tree shampoos.
I sprayed myself, my dogs, my house twice now with cedarcide 4 days apart. The first spraying seemed to help, so I was pretty assured that this would work, so I tried it again. before I could even finish applying the second round the itching was increasing on me and my dogs, my heart sank.
I am desperate. I am on disability and so money is a real problem getting any treatment along with the embarrassment of hearing my doctor and my vet calling it parsitetosis. I raise Chihuahuas, like all my dogs have parasitetosis also.
So my son suggested your site but I am very confused which treatment will work for me. I have itching, burning constantly. I feel pin prick bites. My skin feels like fiberglass is rubbing against it. No bugs of any sort have been found on me or the dogs. My vet has done a black light inspection of my dogs, a deep skin scraping, and checked the skin flaking under the microscope. I have no visible bite marks. My skin feels constantly irritated, everywhere. I mean absolutely everywhere, no part of my body is itch frre. I feel the itchy burning sensations from my privates to inside my nostrils. Ther only place that is not affected as much is my scalp. I figure that is due to hairspray, which must stop it a little. Oh even my eyes itch, the eyelids and eyeballs.
I no longer have the orginal Chihuahua that started all this. I sent her back thinking she may be a carrier of something...that did no good, the bug is still here. I am the only one who itches. My eldest son stays with me alot and he has no itching.
So I am lost as to what to try next. I have used borax in my laundry, but I didn't use it with peroxide and I am confused as to how much borax and how much peroxide to use and do I use it in how water with detergent and bleach?
Please help I am feeling so hopeless. Thank you so much for listening to me and thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.
Essential Oils
Essential Oils
Essential Oils
I have heard that garlic (internally) will discourage fleas from biting, but if they don't like lavender and tea tree at work I doubt they will want you to smell like garlic. :( Brewer's Yeast, taken internally, I think is suppose to make you less desirable to biting insects.
Hope you get relief soon!
~Mama to Many~
Essential Oils
Check for Liver Issue
General Feedback
I had crazy itching for years, it felt like biting, itching burning and I felt total exhaustion. My MD had no answers I went an ND and I had low thyroid even though my thyroid test looked normal on the tests I had symptoms that all pointed to hypothyroidism ... I needed iodine, Lugols and Solid Hawthorne extract is what I take, I also had low ferritin when both of those issues were addressed I felt fine. But it took years and many doctors to get to this answer!
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
I checked out the Melisa website and its impressive impressive, maybe my body is slowly being poisoned. I feel that my dermatologist will think I'm crazy" but seeing a different one in May.
I have to take charge of my own health and see about getting this test done asap. I already called Melisa and someone should be calling back. It may not be this, if it is it will be terrifying but I will know and can fix it. If its not all hope is gone for me. Thanks everyone, you are all great.
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
There you will find information that may help with your situation with info on a blood test. There are patient stories to read that may be similar to yours and give you hope and guidance.
Not saying this is what you have but here is more information to consider:
Removal of metal implants for treatment of an allergy to metal is rarely performed. While it is nice to know that metal implants rarely cause allergic reactions that require implant removal, it has been reported, and some individuals have found resolution of their symptoms after removal or replacement of their implants. Your doctor can help you determine the cause of your problems and the appropriate treatment to consider. Fortunately, for those patients who truly have metal sensitivity causing their implant problems, removal of the implant will often provide immediate relief of symptoms.
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
I'm seeing the gyn dr today and will discuss hormonal issues which could possibly be a cause for the itching. If I don't get help soon I'm gonna lose it.
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies
Hope this information will help you so you can sleep, rest and recover.
Severely Itchy Skin Remedies