Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Hives - Holistic Symptom Relief

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Dietary Changes

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Posted by N. Williams (Doral, Florida) on 08/21/2009

Hi All

I live in the Caribbean and 5 years ago I suffered with the worst case of Hives. It affected even my eyes and made the white appear soft and jelly-like!! I missed a lot of work, could not sleep in the nights and visited three doctors and one herbal doctor. The last Dr. was an allergy doctor who could not test me because of all the anti-histamine tablets in my body. Eventually I stopped taking the meds, because my body had just enough of it and started to take a blood cleanser, which worked. Granted that my hives were starting to go. It recently came back and because I am more knowledgeable about it now, than I was then, I read where a raw vegetable and fruits diet will help to clear it up fast. So I tried it, and my hives did not come on as bad as the first time. In fact, it is very tolerable. I continue to take anti-histamines...only in the night. I take the cleanser in the morning. And I only started drink ACV last night, so I have not seen any true results from it yet, but I feel confident it will work. I don't eat any fruits or veges that have a lot of acid. And I only drink water ( not alkaline ). I attribute mines mostly to stress because I have been under a great deal of stress when I had both episodes. Making the scarifice in your diet, and keeping your stress down, helps tremendously. You will loose weight but, if you want it to go, and to be able to sleep, try have nothing to loose. I also read where taking Vitamin C is very good. I am also using it in 1000 mg strength. Hope I have offered some help here.

Digestive Enzymes

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Posted by Luellamac (Middle Tn) on 02/09/2014

I am satisfied that the digestive enzymes have been the foundation of recovering from hives. My stomach has been rumbling for weeks and has accompanied the onset of hives. The rumbling has stopped and the hives are clearing up. Additionally I rub my body with castor oil once a day with special attention to the hive areas. I take l-lysine three times a day…500 mg and one benadryl. I have tried everything recommended short of prednisone and have very nearly lost my mind itching for weeks. This is the first cessation.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Laurie Anne (Ridge Manor, Fl, Usa) on 01/11/2011

The best treatment for chronic hives is digestive enzymes. If you do a little research on the Internet related to amylase deficiency you may be pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to cure this acutely miserable malady. I suffered for several years and have tried many alternative treatments, but Taking digestive enzymes with every meal and snack has completely eliminated the symptoms.... I use a generic brand from an herb company that has ox bile as an ingredient and has a blend of amylase, lipase and protease among others. This has been a very liberating discovery and has provided more health benefits than just the skin issues... Check it out!


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Posted by Michael (USA) on 12/04/2006

This is an old one (from my grandmother) .If you suffer from hives, make dough with next ingrediants: flour, water and salt. Take about two full tbs of flour (you can increase amount, if you need more dough, or have several hives), about quarter of teaspoon of salt and enough water to make not to soft and not to hard dough (thickness, should little softer then vermicelli dough and not sticky at all). Lay over the dough on the hive and cover with linen. Keep it like that until dough crust, then change if there is a need (usually there is no need... hive burst after first apply). While dough is on hive, you will feel warmth and mild, pricking need to worry, that is a sign that hive is starting to "ripen".

Another cure for hives is Plantain (plantago major). Just apply its fresh leafes on your hive and cover it with linen. Change this every hour, until your hive burst.

Dry Brushing

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Posted by Sarah (Leicester, Uk) on 01/03/2013

Hi, I've suffered with cronic urticaria for 6 months... I've been allergy tested for everything to no avail and am taking constant high doses of certirizine. When very severe I have taken steroids which clear it up for about 2 weeks. After another week of swelling from top to toe (literally! ) I found this website the night before another trip to the Dr for more steroids... Wow... I dry brushed my entire body, had a tepid shower and smothered myself with bio oil (the only thing I had made from mineral oil) before going to bed. My rash is always worse in the morning so I didn't know what to expect but I woke up so the tiniest rash and jumped for joy! As recommended I have also invested in some oil of oregano (capsules for ingesting) and charcoal to try and alkalise my body, reducing toxins and acidity. I thing the suggestion is to apply the oil at night, dry brush in the morning then shower. I hope this helps someone. This is a horrible condition with no medical answers so finger crossed and good luck to you all.

Dry Brushing
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 12/15/2010

Activated charcoal did not work for my hives, but dry brushing, oil of palm and alkalizing did: I had a horrific case of hives, all over my body for about 3 months. It was triggered by taking acidophilus pills, which I believed would get rid of yeast that was causing my toenail fungus. I took the pills twice a day for about 3 weeks. I almost died. The pills did kill a lot of the yeast, which generated so much toxins I broke up all over. I had hives so bad that it looked as if someone had whipped me. I was itching so severely I could not sleep at all. I could not go out. I got a horrible case of athlete's foot, I had a vaginal yeast infection, my ears itch to the point of burning. I was desperate and clueless as of what was going on. I tried activated charcoal and hardly made a ripple. Then reading this site I realized that I had toxins coming out of my skin because I was so overwhelmed with the that my lymphatic system could not get rid of them quick enough.

I started dry brushing before showering, and that helped a lot. A night I would apply oil of palm all over my body for further relief. I started a plan to alkalize my body: stop eating acidifying foods like chocolate, black tea, red meats, etc. And using Ted's alkalizing formula of lemon and baking soda. I added alkalizing foods like cayenne pepper, celery, beets, raw spinach, etc.

The hives and itching went away 100% after about 3 weeks. It has been 4 months and I am free. The itching went first, and then the hives. While I was still healing I helped myself by drying extremely well after showering and by eating mint leaves to minimize the hives. I am now slowly introducing antifungals like garlic, oregano tea, Niacinamide and borax to help me get rid of the excess yeast in my body. The key is to do it slowly, as to not trigger a horrible reaction.

Replied by Maria
(Silver Spring, Maryland, Usa)

This is a correction to my previous post. Instead of oil of palm for hives I meant to say Palm of Christ, which is another name for Castor oil. I also wanted to add that using a zinc shampoo (for dandruff) instead of soap helped me with the itching and hives.


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Posted by Glen (Australia) on 05/09/2016

A Bitter Sweet Cure of my Urticaria:

I've had chronic urticaria for the past six months. One day I just broke out in huge hives and welts on legs, thighs, buttocks and other places including face and lips. Hives mainly came up in the mornings when I'm about to get up. They are very itchy for around half an hour, then for the rest of the day they basically disappear.

I had a fall down my front steps several weeks ago, I hurt my ankle and back, ended up in hospital overnight and during that time I didn't eat for 24 hours. The only thing I had the next day was a cup of weak black tea. From the day I left hospital, I've only had a couple of very small hives one or two days, but now they have completely disappeared. That was seven weeks ago.

I feel having that 24 hour fast has changed the metabolism of my system which has resulted in curing my urticaria.

This could have been a blessing in disguise and could be helpful to others with the same issues.



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Posted by Helen (Long Island, NY) on 02/06/2009 7 posts

I wrote yesterday about having hives which I attribute to taking molasses. Well, after trying many remedies for the hives, I finally have relief from rubbing the hives with garlic! I was so desperate that I remembered garlic was so good for so many things, what did I have to lose. I tried it on a little spot and since it didn't burn, I tried it on another spot and it seemed to take the itch out. I am hoping it is the magic remedy. I have used many of the remedies on Earth Clinic and most of them have worked, so I hope this one does too. I love Earth Clinic; it is the first place I go for first aid.

Garlic and Lime

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Posted by Joyce (Abuja. Nigeria) on 09/24/2015

Garlic and Lime can cure hives:

Grate (or blend) a clove of fresh garlic, (or start with half a clove). Soak it in warm water for 5minutes. Strain the juice into a mug. Add freshly squeezed lime juice (3 or 5). Add 500ml water to the garlic and lime juice and drink last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Good luck.

Please be sure to use fresh garlic (not bottled garlic powder) and fresh lime, (not lemon). It works.

Hives Triggers

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Posted by Kate77 (Hudson Valley, Ny) on 02/19/2015

It's been below zero in the Hudson Valley for over a month with no January thaw. We have forced hot-air heat and DO RUN a humidifier because of the dryness. I take lysine, Vit. D, C, B-complex, acidophilous, Kelp, and drink a green drink each day with psyllium hulls, chlorella and spirulina. Yesterday when I came home it was so cold. I put on my fleece thermal underwear and low and behold, felt very itchy on my back. After several minutes of scratching and no relief, I realized I had hives! I removed the fleece (polyester), had my husband put aloe vera on my back and put on a cotton T-shirt. Immediate relief! But this morning my back is irritated from all of the scratching I did. I usually wear only cotton, so that my body can breathe. Lesson learned.

Replied by Mr. Ree

Kate77, If your clothing was new it contains bromide which can cause horrific hives...I know several people who got bad cases from new mattresses. Sealy being the worst. "Bromide is a flame retardant that they put in carpeting, furniture, mattresses, clothing, computers, iPhones and automobiles-just to name a few." (to quote Stephanie Buist). The punch line is the flame retardant does no better job from stopping a fire than without it...You can "Google" the test results. Another govt. regulation that is causing the public it's health, but making someone a lot of $$$.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

K: In addition to other good replies, in an effort to reduce the inflammatory response, increase Cold Water Fish in the diet or supplement Fish Oil and/or Flax Seed Oil. Brazil Nuts or supplemental Selenium is a very important antioxidant that insures protection of the sensitive Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Also be sure to take a Vit-C that has additional Citrus Bioflavonoids. Turmeric and Pineapple are good anti-inflammatory foods.

Hives Triggers
Posted by Blueplanet (Hong Kong) on 06/25/2012

Baking Soda Caused Hives

I never had any hives in my life until recently. On retrospection, I realized that I became unusually obsessed with baking soda on these dates. I suspect that my hives were linked to my excessive intake of baking soda.

Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, which is needed for proper digestion of proteins. The connection between low stomach acid and chronic recurrent hives was relatively well known and described in medical journals in the early and mid-20th century:

If lack of stomach acid is a real cause of chronic hives, then should we (victims of hives) include foods that increase secretion of stomach acid?

Replied by S.
(Charlotte, Nc)

I agree that lack of stomach acid could somehow contribute to hives. I've only had them twice that I can remember. My triggers have been staying awake for 36 consecutive hours (face), and drinking pau d'arco tea (calves).

I DO have stomach issues that I've previously taken Chinese herbs for. I've been off the herbs for a while now and the stomach issues have returned. Both times I've had hives have been times when I haven't been on the herbs.

My calves were extremely itchy when I woke up this morning. I gave them a good scratch. I initially thought I'd been bitten by bugs while I was sleeping. When I took a good look, I could see that it was hives.

I'm going to try topical coconut oil (organic unrefined) first. If it helps, I'll post here.

Hives Triggers
Posted by Itchyscratchy (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 01/28/2011

Dr Ted
Firstly I'd like to say yours is one of the best natural healing websites on the net. Well done. I broke out in a severe rash of hives over the last weekend and I have never been allergic to anything in my life. The only change I have made recently is that I started taking Acetyl L Carnitine with Alpha Lipoic Acid as a cognitive supplement, which I might add is FANTASTIC in that regard. I started the ACL and ALA three weeks before the onset of the rash, which lasted four days and led to a short course of Prednisone and Phenergan. Could the supplements have been the cause of my new friend - Hives!
Thanking you. ItchyScratchy

Hives Triggers
Posted by DAVE (WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN) on 11/27/2008

High blood sugar caused my hives!


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Posted by Beautiful_soul (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 05/17/2013

Stress Hives Cure: Honey, honey and more honey.

I developed stress hives out of the blue and the first time it happened, one doctor gave me antibiotics. I got hives from head to toes and this incompetent doctor diagnosed me with shingles!!! Needless to say that he did not know what he was talking about and he did not help a bit, actually it made it worst because antibiotics are dangerous.

So I started an intensive research during the last 5 years and found out the reason for stress hives is actually very surprising: when you stress your blood glucose drops and cortisol levels rise in order to raise your blood glucose. The sole role of cortisol in the body is to raise blood glucose. Cortisol, when reaching the mast cells of the skin, creates hives and cortisol can take several weeks to adjust the right level of glucose in the blood.

I found out that honey does raise blood glucose in just minutes and when it does, cortisol is not needed. Remember this, cortisol will only rise when blood glucose is low. So how did I cure my hives and how am I preventing stress hives now? I take two tablespoons of honey each time I stress or cry and I don't have to worry about stress hives anymore.

If you are experiencing stress hives right now, do yourself a favor: take some honey and the hives will fade away in a heartbeat. I have seen it, I am a living testimony and I hope this remedy will bless all people who are suffering with this painful condition.

I will end this post by giving glory to God because it's after praying and asking God to show me the way to heal myself that I found the information. I received freely, therefore I give freely.

Be blessed.



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Posted by Ali (College Park, Md) on 12/03/2011

For months, my husband started having itchy chronic hives (diagnosed urticaria) basically all over, including lip swelling. It mostly appeared at dawn time. A couple of times, it was even accompanied by difficulty breathing and wheezing. We eliminated one thing after the other, with no avail. A blood test showed nothing wrong and our doctor scheduled us for allergy testing. OTC allergy meds helped but only temporarily.

I started doing lots of research on-line as I didn't want my husband to be dependent on meds forever. Finally I came across this website talking about water treatment for hives, and I thought why not.

Within the first 48 hours, his itching got less. We canceled the allergy appointment. Within a week, the hives still came but less. He also stopped drinking coffee totally (apparently it's very dehydrating). It took about two months of drinking water about 8-10 glasses, and now the hives are completely gone, thank God! The water has also helped his eczema itching as well. We also had liquid oil of oregano at home (search youtube for an easy painless way to take it- it's strong). Please DO give this a try, and I'll post this on a couple of sites in hopes it may help someone else.

Replied by Carrie
(Los Angeles)

I've had a form of hives for the last 4 years which started after taking antibiotics. I've been taking Allegra every day for it but still suffer with hives almost every single day. I just started seeing a Chinese Medicine Doctor and am taking a mix of herbs and have had 4 sessions of acupuncture. It's been about 3 weeks of treatment and I definitely see an improvement. The outbreaks are more controlled/less severe. But I also have been drinking about double or triple the water I usually drink because I have to wash down 6 herb pills after every meal. So I'm wondering if that has something to do with the decrease in the severity of the hives. Hoping to see more improvement! (Western medicine pretty much abandoned my case! )

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