I was never able to find the trigger. I am 62 and I believe that my body must have built up toxins over time. It's possible that the water, along with the ACV is flushing them out. I've read that your skin is like a second liver. If I find my skin getting itchy, I just drink another glass of water. I've also found that wiping myself down with a wet washcloth also takes the itch away. I hope that this is not a forever solution, but if it is, I can live with that. It's WATER! It's just amazing to sleep through the night without scratching my skin off and to wake up without hives all over my body and face. All this water has also been great for my complexion and digestion. I hope this helps someone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dietary Changes
I am a super "healthy"and fit person with unending skin issues. I have standard contact eczema, pomphlyx/dysdriotic eczema and hives and now also PMLE (sun poisoning after being on antibiotics for an infection.
I've found over the years that I need to have a predominantly organic diet with no preservatives or chemicals to control skin issues. I of course had cortisone (limited length of release), antihistamines (work great- but will eventually cause dementia:( I don't like taking pharmaceuticals unless necessary.
I was taking ACV for a virulent UTI. It worked great for ousting the UTI, BUT, I got hives all over for a month. It turns out I am HISTAMINE INTOLERANT and need to follow a histamine restricted diet. No vinegars, cultured foods like yoghurt, Kim chi, Kombucha, aged cheese, alcohol -especially red wine etc. It's a daunting list of restrictions but I am so thankful I finally know why despite being "healthy" that I am so sick, chronically inflamed, brain fog, Sore joints, allergies, etc.
Being histamine intolerant, most things that I considered super foods and natural healing protocols Made me much more sick.
E.g. These contributed to my hives (and eczema) cacao, sauerkraut, probiotics with certain strains of lactobacillus (which really sucks because all of us with severe skin issues need to heal our guts! ); bone broth (because it is out to long); pulses; turmeric! ; cinnamon; nutmeg etc etc. All of these I thought were beneficial, but they were contributing to my illness.
Leftover food is not good for histamine intolerant people.
DAO enzymes are essential to heal histamine intolerance.
please look up HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE. I was so surprised not to find it on Earth Clinic because this is my go to site where I have discovered many miraculous cures. (Thanks Earth Clinic! )
I found many great sites on this topic. Dr. Jockers and Self Hacked websites come to mind. Mercola only had one article on it.
I'm still in the midst of healing, but I am so thankful to finally know what is wrong with me. Everything I researched fit me to a T, and now I know I can heal completely. Its truly empowering knowing that. But be prepared, it's a very restricted diet.
BTW. I found when my itchiness was out of control, the only thin to relieve the itch was to run my hands, or take a shower in almost scalding water. Immense relief when I was almost crying from the itch. I researched it, and found that many others experienced relief like me. I've been doing it for a long time and put Vaseline or Aquaophor on afterwards along with white cotton gloves on my hands (bought on Amazon).
Good luck to all of you!
It has no flavour but tastes like clay, but I feel it is very healing on my intestinal tract. It is 10:40pm and normally I am heading for the kitchen to get an antihistamine, but not tonight.
I just discovered it at the health food store. This is day 4 and I can't believe how I feel. My excema has greatly improved as well. It has really helped my skin problems. It cleans your blood and strengthens your organs. It removes toxic waste and harmful bacteria from your system.
Castor Oil
Water either very hot or very cold will numb the hives down. If I had it on the bottoms of my feet I could tame it by resting them on ice packs for 20-30 mins, or a red hot bath with a bit of olive oil and blended rolled oats to make my own colloidal oatmeal, 45 mins bath time. Recommended though, quite tiring, I had 8 baths a night sometimes.
I had hives for 8.5 months straight the first time, couldn't drive to town too risky, if I had an outbreak it would be unbearable, Benadryl was never efficient enough and toxic on the skin, helped mildly, so I bought some ph testing paper and started testing several times a day. My ph was yellow, down to 5.5. That's a dangerous level.
I felt really worn out, so I started taking baking soda, 1/2 tsp in a glass if after, frozen mugs recommended here, it goes down very soothingly and does kill it. Baking soda is 14 pH so alkalizes pretty quickly.
Sugar needs to be cut out and preservatives, I tried all sorts, this time I'm doing black seed oil. It stopped immediately when taking 3 a day. Garlic is also a natural antihistamine, for sore skin.
I recommend castor oil or aloe gel fresh from the plant, I agree in all the castor oil benefits that Della has said below and I use it every day of my life, in eyes, to dissolve warts, even on pets, Palma Christi is a miracle, Gods miracle.
For skin cancer prevention, just rub some neat on the skin, I use it on my face every day. It's great on and around eyes and in for dry eyes, I cured an eye infection in a horse with this. It has the ability to pull lipomas and tumors when used as a wrap with flannel cloth and warmed oil, internally can be dangerous and one castor bean alone can kill a person.
Yes, castor oil also helps arthritis when rubbed in joints and kills skin cancer, warts, moles etc., apply consistently several times a day, tape it on warts at night with paper tape, and praise God for all he created for food, it is good.
In a pinch I take certified cheap 10mg allergy relief tablets, they work within minutes and help for 48 hours flat but wear you out, make you more sleepy and dry you out, drink tons of water, probiotics, stay away from sauces and condiments with soy oil, colors, corn syrup, etc., in, herbal teas also help, nettle tea! Baking soda in the bath works too.
Baby Oil
It does not matter the brand just baby oil made with mineral oil. I am using the store generic brand and I have not had any hives for a whole week! I am so happy I want to shout!
I've had chronic urticaria for the past six months. One day I just broke out in huge hives and welts on legs, thighs, buttocks and other places including face and lips. Hives mainly came up in the mornings when I'm about to get up. They are very itchy for around half an hour, then for the rest of the day they basically disappear.
I had a fall down my front steps several weeks ago, I hurt my ankle and back, ended up in hospital overnight and during that time I didn't eat for 24 hours. The only thing I had the next day was a cup of weak black tea. From the day I left hospital, I've only had a couple of very small hives one or two days, but now they have completely disappeared. That was seven weeks ago.
I feel having that 24 hour fast has changed the metabolism of my system which has resulted in curing my urticaria.
This could have been a blessing in disguise and could be helpful to others with the same issues.
I developed stress hives out of the blue and the first time it happened, one doctor gave me antibiotics. I got hives from head to toes and this incompetent doctor diagnosed me with shingles!!! Needless to say that he did not know what he was talking about and he did not help a bit, actually it made it worst because antibiotics are dangerous.
So I started an intensive research during the last 5 years and found out the reason for stress hives is actually very surprising: when you stress your blood glucose drops and cortisol levels rise in order to raise your blood glucose. The sole role of cortisol in the body is to raise blood glucose. Cortisol, when reaching the mast cells of the skin, creates hives and cortisol can take several weeks to adjust the right level of glucose in the blood.
I found out that honey does raise blood glucose in just minutes and when it does, cortisol is not needed. Remember this, cortisol will only rise when blood glucose is low. So how did I cure my hives and how am I preventing stress hives now? I take two tablespoons of honey each time I stress or cry and I don't have to worry about stress hives anymore.
If you are experiencing stress hives right now, do yourself a favor: take some honey and the hives will fade away in a heartbeat. I have seen it, I am a living testimony and I hope this remedy will bless all people who are suffering with this painful condition.
I will end this post by giving glory to God because it's after praying and asking God to show me the way to heal myself that I found the information. I received freely, therefore I give freely.
Be blessed.
I started doing lots of research on-line as I didn't want my husband to be dependent on meds forever. Finally I came across this website talking about water treatment for hives, and I thought why not. http://www.topix.com/forum/health/hives/T3JE7RJD4S1FFOBUM/p5
Within the first 48 hours, his itching got less. We canceled the allergy appointment. Within a week, the hives still came but less. He also stopped drinking coffee totally (apparently it's very dehydrating). It took about two months of drinking water about 8-10 glasses, and now the hives are completely gone, thank God! The water has also helped his eczema itching as well. We also had liquid oil of oregano at home (search youtube for an easy painless way to take it- it's strong). Please DO give this a try, and I'll post this on a couple of sites in hopes it may help someone else.
Thanks again to the person responsible for this page. All the best to everyone and Blessings!!
Digestive Enzymes
Activated Charcoal
Apple Cider Vinegar
- By the time I unloaded the car and got settled at home, all of the hives on my torso, which I had treated with ACV were gone.
- I then discovered a few hives on my thighs, which of course persisted because I did not treat them with ACV, as I was wearing pants on my drive home.
- I wish I could post before and after pictures. There are no more Hives anywhere but the untreated area on my thighs!
- ACV not only stopped the itching right away, but cleared the hives up within a cpl hours!
I'm tired of using Prednisone' antihistamine 'fexophndn' desloratadine' zyratec ect' but all useless.
That was a creative solution! So glad it helped!
We have used nettle leaf for uticaria hives and for autoimmune diseases.
For acute hives I take 4 capsules of nettle leaf. When I need them for chronic allergies, I take 4 twice a day, or as needed.
About 10 years ago my daughter, who was 8 years old at the time, had multiple health issues, including migraines, asthma and suspected juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I started to give her nettle leaf capsules twice a day as well as home made milk kefir with L. Caseii probiotic (and others, but I think that one was important.) After doing this daily for about a year, her health had improved dramatically. She still has a touch of allergies, but hasn't needed albuterol in years. She has no joint problems and is a runner.
Nettle and Milk kefir would be some simple things to try...
When she was little our house was surrounded by fields that were constantly sprayed with roundup. I have sometimes wondered if her health issues started with toxic air and water back then.
I trust you will continue to find solutions that work for you!
~Mama to Many~