Natural Remedies

HIV and Immune Health: Natural Support and Medical Care

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Anonymous (Wi, USA) on 04/25/2012

The treatment is chlorine dioxide. Some individuals have claimed that this treatment works faster and may be more effective than other approaches for addressing certain health conditions. It was originally discovered by Jim Humble as a potential support for managing malaria symptoms. It has also been tried by others for various health concerns.

Take this treatment information seriously, but always consult a qualified healthcare provider before considering any such approach.

Here is a link to two eBooks written by the person who discovered this protocol. Specific details about its application are included in the second book, Chapter 13: MMS Intravenously. Here is how to get the two books: or get them from the poster of this article—email the poster of this article.

The above two books provide detailed information about the protocol. I will not repeat all of the details here, but there are some important considerations I want to emphasize.

First, it is possible to make chlorine dioxide at home by mixing Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), which contains 28% sodium chlorite, with citric acid, lemon juice, or lime juice.

Second, do NOT use any type of vinegar when making chlorine dioxide. Using vinegar is outdated. There are exactly three things you can use to mix with Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) to make chlorine dioxide:

  1. Citric acid powder, if purchased from an MMS vendor (recommended item),
  2. Freshly squeezed lemon juice (you must squeeze real lemons yourself and refrigerate it),
  3. Freshly squeezed lime juice (you must squeeze real limes yourself and refrigerate it).

If you use lemon or lime juice, since this involves direct application, you may need to filter out particles. If you use citric acid powder, mix it with distilled water.

Also, after mixing the sodium chlorite (MMS) and citric acid or juice, wait three minutes. It takes three minutes for the chemical reaction to complete and for chlorine dioxide to form.

It is critical to understand that the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide may be reduced by Vitamin C or other antioxidants. The term "antioxidant" also includes immune-supporting nutrients. Be cautious about combining these substances with this protocol.

Additionally, it's important to build up to the required amounts gradually to avoid uncomfortable die-off reactions.

Replied by Boris
(Bangkok, Thailand)

I used MMS with my daughter when she had symptoms of what was referred to as the Swine Flu in Thailand, and she seemed to improve significantly within a day. However, in one of his booklets, Jim Humble asserts that MMS may address the Hep C virus and mentions a case where one person reported improvement after taking 17 drops. He does not provide evidence to support this claim, and in my personal experience, it did not have any impact on my Hep C status. It certainly did not resolve the condition, and for him to state otherwise feels misleading and irresponsible.

I reached out to him via email to ask about this, and unfortunately, the response I received was dismissive and unprofessional. He deflected my question with comments such as, "How dare I question him when the FBI was allegedly trying to harm him," and suggested that I "give my daughter an aspirin" the next time she was unwell. His response evaded my question entirely.

As a result, I now approach any claims he makes about HIV or other conditions with skepticism. I do not know if he has since adjusted his claims regarding Hep C, but I believe he should revise them if they are unsupported.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Boris: It is best to approach medical discussions objectively, focusing on facts, knowledge, and wisdom. If Jim H has documented cases of individuals reporting improvements in Hep C symptoms with MMS, then that information can be considered as anecdotal data rather than definitive evidence. Human illnesses can vary widely, leaving room for individual differences due to the complex and subjective nature of health conditions.

My own experience with MMS has been variable. I recently discovered that the presence of aldehydes in my gut was causing a negative reaction to MMS. Once I started taking Molybdenum (MolyB) and Niacinamide prior to MMS, it made a noticeable difference in its effects and also reduced negative side effects. This suggests that factors like coexisting health conditions or other underlying issues could influence individual outcomes.

Through Jim H and the Genesis 2 Church, more information about the potential applications of Chlorine Dioxide as an antimicrobial agent continues to emerge. In light of increasing reports of "drug-resistant" or "antibiotic-resistant" pathogens, Chlorine Dioxide is being explored as an option, as there is currently no evidence suggesting that pathogens develop resistance to ClO2.

Replied by Boris
(Bangkok, Thailand)

Thanks for the feedback, Tim - what you say may be the case. Jim H could only refer me to one client who had seen a notable improvement but certaining not an eradication of the virus. As for documentated cases of Hep C being completed killed by MMS as he'd claimed he had none. Nada. That was my point. Nothing personal about it. I just have no time for false claims or the people who make them. I've had better results with ACV Baking powder. Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle plus regular juice and water fasts /detoxes over the years.

Replied by Boris

Correction to previous comment. I meant to write Baking Soda NOT Baking Powder.

Replied by Bill

When used properly, MMS has been reported to help the body address a variety of health challenges. Its primary function is said to involve aiding in the removal of pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances, which may support the body's natural healing processes. The human immune system is designed to manage health issues, including abnormal cell growth, on a daily basis. The protocols for MMS have improved significantly over the years, becoming more refined and user-friendly. Regarding the behavior of the individual you mentioned, it's worth considering that he may have been having a particularly challenging day. Given the scrutiny and criticism he has faced over the years, it's understandable that he might not always be in the best mood.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Siphiwe (Bloemfontein, South Africa) on 04/15/2011

Thanks Ted for this website, my relative has gained 13 kg from the past 12 months since started using your suggestions: to those with loved one battling with HIV-Aids; my sister who was detected with this infection in the year 1999 is going strong every day- without promoting any product-HPO (inhalation method), essential oils, amino acids, multivitamins and herbal therapies are the Big Five. Blessings to Earth clinic and Ted

Olive Leaf Extract & Black Seed

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Posted by Malaysia07 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 02/29/2016

HIV Regime (Olive Leaf Extract & Black Seed)

1. Morning - I drink a glass of warm water then I take a full tea spoon of Habbatusauda a.k.a Black seeds From Iran (blend the seeds). I chew it inside my mouth and let it under my tongue about 20-15 second before I swallow it ( Reason prophet Muhammad peace be upon him specifically mentioned chew the seeds to gain the benefits ). Later I take a full spoon of Honey from Yamen ( claimed to be the best honey in the world). I dont really know how to do the 40:60 that have been purposed by Dr. Abdulfatah Adekunle Onifade . After a few minute, I consumed a capsule of Olive leaf extract 18% oleuropein. For my breakfast I make my self a cup of warm goat milk with chia seed.

2. Afternoon - I Drink at least 2 Litre of plain water at this time . Sometimes I make my self a honey lemon tea then I have my lunch. 15 minutes later I will spray Habbatusauda oil ( busy hour, difficult to bring black seed to the office) from Egypt. I will spray it 15 times to make an equal of a big spoon of Habbatusauda oil.

3. Evening -Before sleep Im going to consume the Habbatusauda again ( chew it)with honey and with extra virgin coconut oil). And get enough sleep .

P/s : I drink plan water at least 3.5 litre a day. Sometimes I take 2-3 drops of Oregano oil ( I bought this because I thought I have a syphilis, false alarm, happened to be a rashes)

There you go, my daily routine for this past 2 months. Before I'm having this routine, I have a constant cough, easily catch cold, my hand doesn't look like a hand, more like a tree brunch ( I don't really go to the dr to get diagnose), my anus easily get some sort of rashes. After I do this regime, all my symptoms are gone. 2-3 weeks after. I was a bit pessimistic about it but after looking at the result, it was worth it. I have been diagnose for HIV + end of august . I refuse to take the conventional medication. My CD4 reading was 220, and I'm not sure about my Viral load counts. I am going to see the doctor again this Thursday.

Please share your thoughts on this. Anyone can share their stories and experience?

Replied by John Hendrix

Hi! I'm doing almost the same regimen as yours.. I'm just wondering how it turned out?

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you!

Olive Leaf Extract and Spirulina

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Posted by Otterley (West Palm Beach, Fl, Usa) on 09/05/2011


I use to take the daily max amount recommended (which I think is below 8 grams) of Spirulina to help reduce my HIV viral load. The only side effect I "thought" I had was bleeding gums. (I remember reading an article that too much vitamin A causes bleeding gums.. ) So I stopped taking it for that reason AND because it wasn't lowering my viral load enough along with my Olive Leaf. I mean both together brought my viral from 200,000 to lowest of 29,000. Now with just Olive Leaf it sticks around 49,000.. So ~ Spirulina did definitely help lower it some.. I might start back up with the Spirulina.. Maybe I just had a bit of gum disease? (even though I've always flossed every night before bed).. Although the bleeding DID let up when I stopped the Spirulina.... I don't know.. Anyway.. That's my story with it ;-)

Olive Leaf Extract, Vitamin C

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Posted by Ricky (Sunshine Coast, Australia) on 08/07/2008

Hi All,
Im a 36yr old male. I have hiv which i am controlling happily with wholistic medicine only NO DRUGS ! for 9 years now. Overall im really healthy and have no major problems. I suffer from really bad staph infection and boils which i also keep under control using olive leaf extract in capsule form(not liquid) and vitamin c in large doses. I recently noticed 2 warts around my anus which became really painfull and started to bleed every time i went to the toilet. I have been using detol antiseptic lotion in the shower and noticed that it helped to bring them down alot. They have started to come back so I am really keen to try the ACV treatment. Will keep you posted to how it works but after reading everyone elses comments have great faith it will work. Thanks all for your feedback, its so good to hear that another NATURAL remedy is working so much better than the pharmacutical rubbish they over charge us for. Happy health and life to all of you.

Replied by Shani
(South Africa)

Vit. C you should watch out may actually be urging on the boils. For the warts and boils and just generally, use colloidal silver gel and colloidal silver up about it....viruses cannot survive in the same body with it. I have HIV for 15 yrs. now.

Replied by Art
2392 posts


Are you saying that you have been treating your HIV with just colloidal silver for the past 15 years?

Do you ever get tested to see how the CS affects your viral count and other related parameters?

If so, what type of colloidal silver are you using? On line there are typically ionic and colloidal suspension types and most of the ionic versions contain some colloidal while the colloidal versions usually contain some ionic. I notice that many people refer to ionic silver as colloidal silver and that is why I ask. The majority of home brewers seem to make mostly ionic with a few who actually reduce it to make a colloidal suspension and even fewer who cap it in order to further protect against agglomeration.

Is the colloidal silver you are using capped with anything? What is the parts per million and particle size?

What type of dose do you use and how often?

Thank you.



Posted by Marie (San Diego, Ca) on 02/29/2012

First, the good news: I have used Proalgazyme for over five months and have had some very promising results. I am HIV positive and have seen my T-cell count improve by over 50% - my doctor was curious as to what I was taking and I told him and he was quite surprised. I have monitored my CD4 count for some time and so I am confident the upswing was due to the Proalgazyme, not to mention the fact I am feeling better. Now the bad news: You can't get the product anymore. I am frustrated as this was something that really worked and am wondering if the case if that it worked so well the manufacturer was told to "take it off the market". I have no idea, but the more you look inot it the more it seems this stuff really works. Proalgazyme (also know as Kardiazyme or Liquid MD) is based on what seems to be a pretty basic idea and product. It is a type of "algae water" that has some published research indicating it can be used to treat a number of ailments. Here is one study:

A number of health blogs have people stating they have successfully used it for HIV to Herpes, and have also used it for cardiovascualr health including maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. I discovered this product when looking for alternatives to pharmaceutical HIV medications. I was a bit skeptical at first, but now and disappointed to say the least that I can no longer get the product. Here's the link for the information on the patent:

Hopefully this will help others find out more about theis product and get it back on the market.

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, Ny)

I noticed a news report on this a while back with some testimonials. It showed the lab with simple acquarium like tanks. It looks like an easy home remedy if only one can uncover the method and species of algae. They were charging a ridiculous amount for it as well and I believe multi level marketing which I don't feel should be supported.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Isn't it interesting that the widely promoted and side-effect prone statins are constantly pushed on people, even with a questionable success rate of between 1-2%(one or two heart attacks will be prevented out of 100 people with high cholesterol taking the statins), while other more promising natural products with zero side effects are taken off the market? I have seen the heart association collecting to prevent heart disease for over 50 years, and if I had a heart attack tomorrow, I would essentially be offered the same path (angioplasty or bypass surgery with statins) that were offered to my parents thirty years ago. I think something is rotten in Denmark and I wonder how much longer we should be expected to accept this?


Posted by Acrane (Stonewall, Ms, Usa) on 03/21/2012

While doing research for a book I am writing, I came across a research paper written by two doctors who had been working in Africa treating aids patients and researching the effectiveness of different treatments. During there research and travels around Africa that found that some areas of Africa had little or no HIV/Aids. They started doing a little research to find out what was keeping these people from getting aids or Hiv. They finally discovered that the only real difference between these communities was that the village with the lower HIV/Aids cases had a larger amount of selenium in their soil.

They started giving the aids patients selenium supplements and found that the production of the aids virus was stopped while they were on this supplement. When taken off the selenium the aids/hiv came back immediately. Although this paper was presented in Britian, only a small blurb was mentioned in the American Medical Associations publications, it said that selenium had been found to be helpful, in conjunction with other treatments of aids. One of the Doctors was Professor W. J. Serfontein who lives in Africa. Doctor Harold Foster who lives in Canada has done trials and his information is easily found on the web. So, If you are HIV or have Aids go buy you a cheap bottle of Selenium and start taking it.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

... And if those overpopulations are deficient in Selenium, it's almost a certainty that they are also deficient in many other minerals as well as vitamins. Which throws the entire HIV/AIDS treatment protocols in the direction of PREVENTION, not "treatment". Throw some clean drinking water and living conditions in there also and what do you get??? Low HIV/AIDS rates. Of course I may be stating the obvious, but personal, social, economic, and political factors also jump into the arena and blur the truth of this fundamentally complex illness into the gray, subjective, and speculative where it all ends up in a whatever. It's anybody's call and the battle between the separate schools of thought and theory wage on in their endless dualisms. No consensus, finality, no authority, no treatment.

Replied by Grzbear
(Phoenix, Az)

One can find specific chronic diseases and illnesses prevalent in areas that have too much, or too little of specific nutrients causing deficiencies, excesses and imbalances. We can also add to that, any number of specific environmental pollutants, that cause metabolic disruptions, such as those contributing to obesity in the U.S. and other rising industrial nations. Science has known this for a very long time... medicine ignores it.

Replied by Maembe

Where to get these selenium supplement in Tanzania?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Maembe, if you can find Brazil Nuts (Coco de Brazil) in your country, 1 or 2 a day will give you all the selenium you might need.

Posted by Alice (Stonewall, MS) on 02/28/2009

Selenium Stops Aids Virus from Replicating

Prof Harold Foster of the University of Victoria in Canada as well as research by scientist in Africa, etc. has proven a direct connection between depleted selenium, three amino acids, and Aids. LINK:

Foster is currently treating dozens of HIV/AIDS patients in Africa using a protocol of the four nutrients - selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan. He says that the treatment of HIV/AIDS with nutrition is similar to "curing" type-1 diabetes with insulin. When high doses of all four nutrients are administered to patients, deficiencies dissolve, as do the symptoms associated with AIDS. Patients have been able to return to work within one month of receiving nutritional treatments. Treating primary nutritional deficiencies with selenium and essential amino acids costs approximately $10-$15.

Science Daily Nov. 29, 2008 article states the same, citing a blockage of the viruses ability to replicate.

It was stated if you are HIV Positive, the addition of these supplements to your diet could prevent you from developing Aids.

There are many research articles. This information has been published in an AMA Medical Journal.

You can find out more by doing a search on Selenium +Aids.

Stem Cell Therapy

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Posted by Richard (West Hollywood, California) on 08/23/2012

Hi all! Regarding Stem Cells. I did in Feb 2010.

I have medication related neuropathy for over ten years. So I found a clinic in Pheonix Az. from Dr. Peace.The basic cost was 5k, plus 2,000 more for injections in my feet and nasal (for my tinnitus). Sadly the minor relief in my feet was short lived. No releif on the Tinnitus.

HOWEVER I did get an unexpected benefit. I've had HIV for over 20 years with T cells in the 300 range. My first blood test showed and increase to over 500. The last count in April came in at 820! While I was thrilled to have higher t count, that's not why I paid 7K. My t-count was not why I did it. It did not work for my neuropathy or tinnitus....

FYI: I just started ACV (again-3day) so far not much change.

Best wishes! Richard


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Posted by Clover (Aiken, South Carolina ) on 02/13/2024

Hi truth seekers! I am a 1yr diagnosed HIV survivor, who wants to share some of the herbal treatments I've decided to go with instead of medication.

  • Olive Leaf Tea ( cold soaked over night in water)
  • Licorice root tea ( root soaked overnight)
  • Cats Claw Bark tea
  • PRAL Diet for an alkaline body
  • Milk Thistle Seed Tea (Soaked overnight)
  • Ginseng (Panax & Asian)
  • Burdock root
  • Bloodroot
  • Brazil Nuts (for selenium)
  • Zinc
  • Colloidal silver
  • Oregano Oil extract
  • D3
  • Ashwagandha
  • Astragalus
  • Sage

I believe in the holistic medicine, I have seen it work. I believe I had it for around three years before I was first diagnosed. I have been dedicated to herbal medicine for 7 years, so when I was finally diagnosed last year, my CD4 level was 429 and my viral load was 10,000. I do believe that my herbal upkeep is what keeps my condition at bay. Please let me know if you've benefited from any of these herbs listed above.

Replied by Art
2392 posts

Hi Clover,

Your list is very good!

I have seen the colloidal silver work all by itself to control HIV for two years while the patient was waiting to get insurance again. The downside is that it is expensive if you have to buy it. It seems only practical if you make your own quality product.


Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 01/11/2011

I've discovered some interesting research by Dr Harry Foster Phd (not a Dr of medicine or drugs), who describes himself simply as a 'geographical researcher'. What he has done is to first look at areas or regions in the world where there is a high prevalence of HIV AIDS and compares it to another equivalent demographic region with a low prevalence of AIDS. Then he looks for differences in soil, food, diet and water regarding minerals, vitamins and amino acids in the diet.

Here is a link to an interview by Dr Foster:

In this way he has discovered that diets which contain high amounts of Selenium and amino acids -- glucosamine, cysteine and tryptophan -- helps to prevent/treat HIV AIDS.

All his theories are well backed up by research, as well as on-going research trials in Africa, in a book he has written called "What Really Causes HIV AIDS" which is a free PDF download from here:

Dr Foster also mentions in the book that taking the correct amounts of Selenium, Glucosamine, Tryptophan and Cysteine will also work against defeating similar viruses like Hepatitis B and C, Cocksackie C, HIV-1 and HIV-2.

Dr Foster has also written other books where the research has been handled from the same dietary demographics perspective. These are "What Really Causes Schizophrenia", "What Really Causes Alzheimers" and "What Really Causes Multiple Sclerosis". I'm still reading these, will report back on them later...

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

The interview transcript link for Dr Foster is incorrect. Here is the proper link:

I was rushed and was trying to multi-task at the time... LOL. With apologies.

Replied by Otterley
(West Palm Beach, Fl, Usa)

My Current Regimen

Planetary Formulas Andrographis Full Spectrum: 400mg 3x's a day
Vitamin C: 1000mg (2-stage, timed release) 2x's a day
ROEX Oleuropein: 1 gram in a. M. , 500mg middle of day, 500mg @ night
Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol Ultra Strength Powder: 3 grams 2x's a day
Jarrow Formulas N-A-C sustain: 600mg 2x's a day
Vitamin Shoppe Liquid Vitamin D3: 5000IU 1x a day
Olive Leaf

Since being off med's I've tried many different supplements. And the one supplement that I can say has truly worked is Olive Leaf. I've changed my regimen many times, but have never taken out Olive Leaf. I've used OLE (Olive Leaf Extract) along with other natural supplements that claim to have antiviral qualities, and seems I can never get my viral below 29, 000. But keep in mind OLE brought my viral load down from 200, 000 to the lowest of 29, 000. And has kept it around that for 4 years now. So that shows it does work... If you were to read up on the benefits of OLE for HIV, you would see that HIV can not become resistant because of the manner in which it works. And not only can OLE reduce your viral load, it has also been shown to boost the immune system. But with using OLE, you need to make sure you buy a brand yielding 17% to 23% pharmaceutical grade Oleuropein. 17% to 23% is the highest I've come across.

IP6 with Inisitol
I recently found another supplement that has made a significant impact on my T-cell count. Between July 2010 & April 2011 my T-cell count dropped from 850 to 599. I began to panic and started researching. I then came across an ultra strength powder form of Cell Forte's IP-6 & Inositol. I had used IP-6 & Inositol in the past, but in a lower dose pill form. So, on April 21, 2011 I began using Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol Ultra Strength Powder. On June 20, 2011 I went for my lab work and found my T-cells went from 599 to 845. I was ecstatic! ... So I'll be keeping IP-6 with Inositol in my regimen and hope that my numbers from my lab work was not just a fluke.

(Sambiloto/Andrographis Paniculata). I was real surprised after Googling so much these past years I had never ran across it. After researching more on it I became very excited.. One article I had found stated: "Sambiloto was shown in a laboratory testing in California, USA to be effective in preventing HIV virus from reproducing. In 2000 work with human volunteers in Washington USA showed that the bodies natural defense mechanisms were enhanced when Sambiloto was administered, in the absence of the retroviral drugs usually used in HIV patients. The patients showed no increase in HIV virus during the trial, indicating that the virus was unable to multiply. More research is continuing, but we believe, in line with the antiviral benefits that Sambiloto has shown in trials and over hundreds of years in traditional medicine records, that it will prove to be a valuable inclusion in the fight against AIDS. "

Moving on to the N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) supplement. My alternative medicine doctor had put me on it for oxidative stress. "Oxidative stress has emerged in recent years as a suspected component in the pathogenesis of HIV disease. ". Make sure you read up on NAC, it seems to be very important. And has been shown to be immune enhancing as well as suppress HIV replication.

Vitamin C
Well, this one is a given.. I think vitamin C is the 1st thing we think of when wanting to boosting the immune. But if you were to read on what effect vitamin C has on HIV, it's pretty interesting. In high dosages (more than what can be taken orally) it's been shown to kill HIV.. Well, in too high doses you get Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, indigestion, Intestinal cramps, Flushing (redness of the skin), Diarrhea, etc... Fun! Fun! ~ So since we won't be having none of that, I only take it to keep the immune up. At the moment I'm taking C in capsule form. But I would say if your positive, to take Buffered Vitamin C Powder (my opinion). Buffered C allows a much higher dose in an easier manner. I'd rather drink a 6oz cup of vitamin C than swallow 4 capsules... I'll be switching back to buffered powder once I finish my bottle of capsule form.

Vitamin D
My doctor had checked my vitamin D levels 8 months back & found I was a bit low. So I started taking it in liquid drop form. I was told it takes a while to build up in your system. And I guess that's true, because it took up til' now for me to reach a normal level. They're really focusing on vitamin D right now. Every doctor I've gone to ask's if I'm taking a D supplement. And you see commercials pushing it as well. Seems vitamin D does many things. It regulates calcium and phosphorus, is essential to a healthy immune system, a potent anti-inflammatory, helps regulate blood sugar levels, helps lower blood pressure, and benefits, or helps prevent a huge list of diseases...

I pretty much take a multivitamin to make sure I'm getting all of my vitamins and minerals. But I make sure the multivitamin I am taking has at least 200mcg of Selenium and good percentage of Beta Carotene. A few years back I took a Vitamin Deficiency Test and found I was low in Selenium, Beta-Carotene, and B-12. The test then told me the proper daily dosage to take of each supplement to correct the deficiency. It just so happens Selenium & B-12 are two major ones HIV positive people are deficient in. I highly suggest getting a Vitamin Deficiency Test...

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