Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Hiccups: Quick Solutions

| Modified on Apr 26, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Cause of Hiccups: Phrenic Nerve Chilling
Posted by Jayna D. (California) on 12/09/2023

Years ago a chiropractor told me that they are caused by the chilling of the phrenic nerve. So, very often I get hiccups after eating something from the fridge or just being in the cold air. I take apple cider capsules daily and they have not prevented them. However, thankfully for me hiccups don't last very long. I'll try the solutions mentioned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Noel (Limerick, Ireland) on 10/08/2023

Suffered a bout of hiccups for over 12 hours. I tried a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar as advised on Earth Clinic and the hiccups stopped almost immediately. So far so good. Thanks for the natural remedy advice.

Drink Water Without Breathing
Posted by Natural in NY (Upstate New York) on 08/29/2022

I can't believe I only recently learned of this. My mother actually told me about it. I had always tried unsuccessfully to just hold my breath. It never worked well. Now, I take a deep breath and sip water to roughly the count of ten. It has worked perfectly two times now. It is my new favorite remedy for hiccups! I hope this helps someone else.

Peanut Butter
Posted by Holly (Ohio) on 10/05/2021

Editor's Choice

In the past I have always been able to cease hiccups with the holding breath method. This evening I tried for at least 20 minutes holding my breath and for some reason it wasn't working. Got on Earth Clinic and tried the peanut butter technique. After one spoonful of peanut butter, not one hiccup! I love this website!

Baking Soda
Posted by Kathleen P. (US) on 05/26/2020

For hiccups: burping, and some baking soda in lukewarm water.

Arms Above Head and Breathe
Posted by Angel S. (US) on 05/26/2020

Just lift your arms up for 1 minute and breathe deeply ... always works.

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Debbie Gray (US) on 05/26/2020

One day I developed hiccups during my high school chemistry class. My chemistry teacher made me get up and drink a cup of water while bending over from the waist. It worked!! Since then, I have altered the technique by getting a mouthful of water, then bending over and swallowing. Sometimes I have to repeat this several times in a row, but the hiccups always go away.

Posted by Robert Viks (US) on 05/26/2020

Yes you do, it's your “voice box”. Might not be as prominent on some people, but it's there. Do the “C” thing and grasp the front of your neck midway between bottom & top & gently move that back & forth- that's your Adam's apple. If you're still not convinced, say “A-a-ahh” in a low pitch while you've got that in your grasp & you can feel the vibration.

Posted by Sassaphras M. (US) on 05/26/2020

I don't have an Adam's apple 🤔

Posted by Art (California) on 05/15/2020 2390 posts

A friend showed me an easy way to get rid of my hiccups. I take my thumb and index figure so they form a " C ". I take the open part of the C and lightly squeeze on each side of my Adam's apple with those two fingertips and that has always worked for me to get rid of the hiccups! It is convenient because I can do it anywhere and don't need anything other than my hand! Art

Peanut Butter
Posted by Arle M. (United States) on 05/15/2020

Thank you, wanted to say that my 28 year old son was up all night with hiccups and told me when I woke up. I said go to Earth Clinic, we tried the peanut butter and it worked instantly! You guys are awesome!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/29/2020 529 posts

Other antacids may also work but back when I had indigestion all the time, I also had hiccups and the Rolaids always worked.

BTW, the indigestion, hiatal hernia and acid reflux was all due to chronic dehydration. Since I started drinking plain water, I haven't had any of that nor hiccups so I suppose hiccups might also be a sign of dehydration, I don't know but, indigestion is definitely a sign of chronic dehydration. If one gets indigestion, one is chronically dehydrated. If you have the hiatal hernia and acid reflux, you're quite dehydrated.

Posted by Melissa (Ohio) on 09/14/2017 9 posts

I just tried this and it worked after the second time...amazing!

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Yvaughn (Arlington, Tx) on 08/28/2016

Yet another "yay" for drinking water upside-down. I filled my mouth with water, bent waaay over, and then swallowed. I didn't hiccup once after the first swallow, but I did it 3 more times, just in case. I now have a slight... awareness (not even enough to say "discomfort") in my chest, beside my sternum, over my right breast, but I think that's only because I used really cold water :-) Thank you, everyone, for this cure!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/08/2015

My thirteen year old daughter gets terrible hiccups. Loud and violent and hard to get rid of. I was the same way when I was young, and so was my mother. They can be downright exhausting! They can also be embarrassing. One time I was at Carlsbad Caverns, on a tour, in a cave, hiccuping. They echoed!

So this morning my daughter got hiccups. She tried many of her usual things to get rid of them and she could not get rid of them. Finally they abated, only to return in the afternoon for another long round of hiccupping.

Before dinner, they came again. She said, "Well, vinegar will probably work." She poured herself a spoonful of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and took it straight and chased it with water. She hasn't hiccuped since!

~Mama to Many~

Holding the Breath Technique
Posted by Teacheroftheyear (Pennsylvania, US) on 11/05/2014

Contracted a seemingly intractable case of hiccups lasting a few minutes until I tried this remedy. Took a few breaths at first, but didn't hold the final one long enough. Tried the method again, two deep breaths and exhales followed by another deep breath; hold while the diaphragm is inflated. Hold breath until you cannot hold any longer.

A+ Remedy for a quick dispensing of the hiccups.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee, US) on 11/02/2014

My 12 year old daughter gets terrible hiccups. I used to get them like that too. (It was especially embarrassing one time when on a tour in a cave. The hiccups echoed!)

Anyway, she has tried many things. Honey often works. Recently we were in the car when she got them. We didn't have water or honey. We did have some groceries, including Tabasco sauce. Seeing how cayenne pepper is good for lots of things, I reasoned that maybe this would help, since it is a hot pepper sauce, though not cayenne. I spoke confidently when I suggested it because there can be a mental aspect to something working! She put a few drops in her mouth and her hiccups stopped.

Tabasco or placebo, I don't know. But she was glad to have them over with.

~Mama to Many~

Almond Butter
Posted by Donna (Houston, Texas) on 04/20/2014

Peanut butter worked like a charm for my guy just now. He has had hiccups off and on for a few days now and was miserable. Yay for peanut butter!
