Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Closedeyes (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/11/2009

I have Chronic Hepatitis B. I bought the herb in tea form called Chanca Piedra. It reduced my viral load down to 10,000,000 to 325,00 in 2 months. Had I not had such a ridiculously high viral load, I would have been cleared of this by now. I'm hoping the tests I took today will indicate I am at least down to the 10,000's.

I drank 18oz 3 times a day. The tea was made extremely dark. This site askes that you not mention brand names or websites but I got the tea for $25 from a San Diego Based company called ___. I hope it helps others. I dont know if it can help for Hep C. One bag lasts for 2 weeks. You 're looking at $50 an month. I have to stress that the tea must be made extra dark. I have a glass tea pot I put in the Microwave and then I put in the tea, let it sit over 2 tea candles for 2 to 3 hours. I think I am going to start making some to put in the fridge and just keep making several gallons full. I want to get rid of this!!!!!!

FYI It has been studied for its toxic effects against the HIV virus too!

Posted by Ann (Palmdale, Calif USA) on 03/12/2009

Vitamins to take for hep c? i've just recently found your web site. have been looking up holistic medicine for my husband who has hep c. he's thinking of starting the interferon treatments and is going to start them soon. was wondering what you would recommend as far as vitamins goes. the doctor said that he was gonna put him on treatment for 3 months to see how he does. was told he only has about a 30% chance of it working. i'm worried that in the process of this treatment, that he will have other side effects such as thyroid problems and it effecting other organs. your feedback would be much appreciated.

thank you,


General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/17/2009 391 posts

Most bleeding is well dealt with using vitamin K 100-200 mcg. If a vitamin K is not available which is commonly not sold separtely, a vitamin K maybe contained in many anti-hemorrhoidal medicines which larger dose of vitamin K, which works fine. Even if an anti hemorrhoidal medicine is not found, eating plenty of fermented soy, in particular from Natto (a Japanese delicacy rich in vitamin K2) might be able ti be found in local supermarkets in the soy section, usually in the refrigerator. It would be interesting what happens when Codex Alimentarius effects worldwide making supplements no longer available after December 31, 2009. Canada has just passed a bill on this, so I need to come up with another remedy using fermented soy Natto, taken in much larger quantitities or over the counter anti hemorrhoidal to by pass the use of vitamin K. U.S. is also a 172 member countries so likely to pass this act too. See some links:


As to the hepatitis C, there are two antivirals that I have tested that seems to work well. One is a 5% solution copper chloride, added to the acylclovir which increases its potency by 20 times. A copper chloride is prepared using most distilled water with 5% by weight of copper chloride. Then it is placed in a dropper bottle and is dropped on the acyclovir pill and allow it to react for a couple of minutes before taken.

A simpler method, that can be taken or combined with acylcovir is the bloodroot tincture 40% taken at 5 drops to 10 drops in a glass of water taken three or four times a day. For one reason or another the bloodroot tincture may somehow digested the hepatitis C.

I do have reports of a complete cure of hepatitis virus by flushing out the viruses completely from the body, although it caused a huge skin breakouts (but will stop completely the recurrence), using a Thai herbal medicine such as "Ya Keow" which is a camphor and borneol based herbs, along with some others. So camphor might be used usually a pinch which is 1/16 of a teaspoon as well as borneol may help somewhat in flushing them out, but very likely less effective then Ya Keow, but this is available only in Thailand so I have to make some modifications.

The remedy is also taken at the same time with copper-acylcovir (must prepare yourself since it's not available commercially), and drops of 25% sodium chlorite ( a commercial one is called MMS), is mixed using drops such as 5 drops plus 10 or 15 drops of vinegar dissolved in 1/2 glass of water taken three times a day for example.

Hepatitis C is relatively resistant to most medication with the exception of a few remedies one was a Chinese herbal medicne (Zhang Zhou Pien Tze Huang), but is prohibitively expensive but seems to work quite well for those who can afford it.

A zinc does have some antiviral effect on Hepatitis C, but not enough to completely kill them. It is quite true that inteferon does have anti viral effect on Hepatitis C, but it requires a lot of dose and then they don't go completely away in some cases. Perhaps that's why they discontinued, besides being somewhat expensive to administer.

The best remedy I can come up with that lead to a cure for at least a few case is the Acyclovir mixed with copper chloride solution in my opinion works better the Ribavirina (English is Ribavirin) and this kills them effectively.

Therefore a combination of copper acyclovir, in combination with another remedy, sodium chlorite 25% drops with citric acid or vinegar, as mentioned used in combination for a couple of weeks should noticed improvement within about a week. A large dose iodine, such as iodophor, has limited ability in killing of hepatitis C from my own experience in dealing with them. Taking the addition of magnesium chloride 500 mg a day, malic acid (with baking soda) at 1/2 teaspoon each three times a day, are the supporting remedies.

Unfortunately in Thailand, I don't have many people with Hepatitis C I would like to see and all of them are cured from either the Chinese herbal medicine or the Copper Acyclovir/Sodium chlorite, before I get to perfect the remedy. Therefore, this may not be a perfect remedy for many people since the numbers used at least here in Bangkok are too few. I guess doctors in most hospitals have more then enough, while on my side I don't have enough people to really see whether its consistent or not.

In any event, a viral Hepatitis C does get weakened with 5-10 drops of 3% H2O2, taken ever 2 hours and helps raise energy level. Methylene blue 0.1% concentration 3 drops x 4 is also possible to raise some energy level in weakness. Baking soda or alkalization is required to weaken them and is taken at 1/2 teaspoon x 3 times a day to further give some energy boost. A three tablespoonful of lecithin will help reduce liver of congestion, especially from the fats the liver has to deal with as lecithin is a fat emulsifier.

As to the duondenal inflammation, or possibly some sort of leaky gut, the lack of healing maybe most helped with some aloe vera, and magnesium supplements. Milk thistle may help liver a little, but that has never helped me that much, One clue to reduce intestinal pains and very well so is the milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide 8%) but without the aluminum hydroxide added. The milk of magnesia is an alkaline laxative that kills staphylooccus and other flesh eating bacteria that exists along the intestinal tract. The dose is often less then those on the bottle as per instructions - usually at 1/2 of the dose, at twice the frequency, but dissolved in a glass of water. I used fairly often milk of magnesia as a "contact antibiotic" both on the external skin area, for the use against the MRSA, or an internal staph or flesh eating bacteria, taken frequently, or in other case, the use against the toxic shock syndrome (TSS). The results of using of milk of magnesia (plus mabye some additional magnesium supplements, such as magensium chloride 500 mg) is fairly constistent against these bacteria that causes intestinal lining damage. Therefore most of the pain should be reduce within the day, at least for the intestines.

I have also found lysine to work fairly well if used in combination with hydrogen peroxide. for the hepatitis issue. However, in this case 20-30 drops of 3% H2O2 is added in a liter of drinking water that is drank regularly. The lysine is taken at 3000 mg x 3 or x 4 and has a very powerful antiviral for the hepatitis C in a few cases.


General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 02/17/2009

I think he is saying he has hepatitis C that he got from a blood transfusion in 1986, biceose (possibly means because and if it does then the next part of his letter probably means) I have chronic? (choric) acute? (acutizac) on blood (melena is the medical lingo here for dark blood in the stool or bowel movement).

If I am guessing correctly, he has a chronic duodenal (area of stomach) ulcer that bleeds causing his need for blood transfusions.

Following "after treatment on" seems to be two different things they treated him with and the amounts of each. Viremia RNA stoded (studies) is probably bloodwork done after the treatment and the levels of the virus found in the RNA in the bloodwork.

Not sure what is meant in the second paragraph except that treatment was discontinued after 3 months. I suspect that Romanian Statenau translates to something like Medicare or Medicaid here and the government decided it was a waste of money to continue. Sounds cold hearted, but that is what it looks like. The next l sentence paragraph obviously means that the major diagnosis when he checked into the hospital and was discharged was Hepatitis C.

The final paragraph is giving the secondary discharge diagnoses: chronic venous insufficiency, ayheroclerosa (atherosclerosis or hardening & clogging of the arteries?), asthepopathy??? of inferior memebers (Believe this translates to some problem in the legs & feet).

The next part I believe translates to he has had the left lobe of the thyroid removed (?reason?) leaving him hypothyroid, the next part is just repeating the chronic duodenal ulcer.

If I had those problems I would be thinking dandelion and milk thistle to help the liver. I think his best bet on the duodenal ulcer is to eliminate all bleached flour from his diet (go to whole grain products here), another thing I have found will also send my stomach into revolt is any acid food or juice from a metal can. I think he might need to read everything on EC about cayenne stopping bleeding, and if it stops bleeding elsewhere, it should also stop it in the stomach, and it sounds like he needs to stop it quickly.

He didn't mention his age, but whatever it is, he needs to eliminate all carbonated beverages, all junk foods (I consider anything made with bleached flour or white sugar junk food), because whether we like it or not, we are what we eat and drink!

EC: Thank you so much, Joyce! We never would have figured that out... wow!

General Feedback
Posted by TOTAN (BUCHAREST, ROMANIA) on 02/16/2009






EC: We've emailed Joyce and asked if she can figure out any of the conditions Totan is referring to...

Posted by Sandy (Dallas, TX USA) on 02/05/2009

I am thinking about trying Oleander as posted, but wanted to find out if anyone has used and what side effects to expect. I want to urge anyone to post any remedies used for Hep C and what success they had to lower their viral load. I am looking for any successful alternative treatments.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jessica (Long Island, NY) on 01/19/2009

Ted will you clearly state your regimin for riding the body of HCV please. Do you think it is necessary to take the HCV, baking soda, zinc, mag. and C? Apple Cider Vinager? Can you explain why it works, how about genital herpes, Thanks so much! Jessica

Colloidal Silver, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jessica (Long Island, NY) on 01/19/2009

Curtis, how is the HP working for you, how long will you take it before you have your blood checked again. Thank you, Jessica

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jessica (Long Island, NY) on 01/17/2009

Becca and Ted, How long do you take the 35% or 3% HP before having your blood work checked to see if the Hep C is gone? Then do you stop taking it or continue for a few months? Thank you so much, I am hopeful because of you two! God Bless! Jessica

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Chris (Steamboat Springs, Colorado) on 01/03/2009

Colloidal Silver is not Carcinogenic. This person can't even spell it properly. Also do your research if you plan to try a colloidal silver. There are true colloids, Ionic colloids (which turn into silver chloride (a worthless salt) as soon as they hit stomach acid) and silver proteins which are most likely to cause argyria. True colloids taken at the proper dosage will not cause argyria. Be sure to get as much information from neutral websites that are not selling a specific product.

Posted by Star (London, UK) on 01/01/2009

Hepatitis C (ailment): Oleander, available as Sutherlandia OPC works wonders in conjunction with a sugar free, low gluten diet. As directed for the weight and over 2 months. Regards

EC: Website referred to above: http://www.sutherlandiaopc.com/

WARNING! "Oleander is one of the most poisonous plants in the world and contains numerous toxic compounds, many of which can be deadly to people, especially young children."

"Despite a lack of any proven benefits[11], a range of Oleander-based treatments are being promoted on the Internet and in some alternative medicine circles, drawing a warning letter from the FDA in the US.[12]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleander

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Deb (Chicago, IL, USA) on 12/29/2008

Is there a remedy using HP for Hep C? and where do you actually think this came from? I'm using cold pressed virgin coconut oil right now for some other things. Originally I bought it for my daughter's major hair loss due to alopacia ariata, which she has had since a child. They say it is an autoimmune condition where the hair follicles reject themselves.

Homeopathy, Bioptron Light
Posted by Jason (Auckland, New Zealand) on 12/18/2008

Interesting about the Hydrogen peroxide. I was with a friend who's HCV positive in a cafe recently, and he was looking pretty under the weather, and was quite negative. Then he too a few capsules, some antioxidents and H202, and within seconds his whole demeanour and mood changed. He perked up and looked brighter, and he said he felt heaps better.

I have HCV myself, and I have tried many things over the years. Out of all the modalities I have tried probably the most powerful has been homeopathy. I have seen a few different classical homeopaths, and not everything they have given has worked. But when they get it right (and it is only a matter of time really) then enormous improvements to my health have occured. Most of my symptoms have been chronic fatigue, muzzy head, poor digestion, flatulence, and sometimes aching in the liver region. I haven't been able to work for years. A few years ago I was really bad, and if I did a few hours hard work, I would have to lie on the sofa for a few days after! I had constant low grade headaches, and was depressed. Then I got hold of this bioptron light machine, and I shone that on my liver region for 8 minutes every second day, as well as the face and thyroid region. Nothing happened for about 3 weeks, and then all of a sudden I noticed I was feeling a lot better. I have been much steadier since then, and cont. to use the bioptron light machine. It hasn't cured me, but it has made a huge difference.

At the time I couldn't afford to go to the homeopath so I didn't try homeopathy.

More recently I have been doing a lot of yoga and I believe that has helped a lot too.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Sandy (Carrollton, TX) on 12/14/2008

I have Hepatitis C and I think that I got it in 1981 from a blood transfusion when my daughter was born. I only discovered that I was infected in 2002 when my hands and knee were swollen and I was in so much pain. The doctor told me that I had RA and put me on all of the conventional treatments. During this process, he tested for Hep C and told me that I had this disease. I did not want to take the conventional treatment, so I found out about Colloidal Silver and have used it nearly every day. The RA reduced from 115 to 3 which is within the normal range. I had done alot of research and changed my life style, including diet, eliminating as much toxins from shampoos, toothpaste, deoderant, etc. I do oil pulling, body brushing and take a bath with either hydrogen peroxide, espom salts and baking soda. I did find an holistic doctor and he gave my IV's of vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, and one other that I don't recall at this time. My viral load is lower that it has been prior to these treatments (909,000) and my blood work has normal ranges for the liver panel and other areas. I believe the silver has keep my viral load down (highest was 2 million). I feel great and have no side effects of the Hep C. I was told my an infectious disease doctor that I probably did not have RA, but it was an effect of the Hep C. I have a very positive attitude and I think that I will one day be virus free. I believe that God has played a huge part in my health. I wanted to mention that a doctor told me that I was in the early stages of cirrhosis and had about 5 years to live. I was so confused and angry, but I knew that I was not going to give up. This is a great site and I check every day for new postings. If you have this disease, don't give up, but take care of yourself.

EC: RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted by Richard (Adelaide, Australia) on 11/06/2008

I had Hepatitis C for 20 + years and dandelion coffee definitely soothed my liver when the lower right lobe was inflamed.

Dandelion coffee, using roasted organic dandelion root, relieves liver. Simply boil roasted dandelion root - taste is acquired -I now find pleasant.

I used this in combination with fresh organic carrot, beetroot and celery juice.

It is a real discipline to juice 2 times a day and clean juicer! I did it almost every day , twice a day for 2.5 yrs until I became less disciplined!(less fanatical).

This and a zero alcohol policy greatly assisted my liver.

These things did not cure Hep C but I believe they greatly relieved symptoms and fortified my liver in prep for treatment.

(Hep C cleared via ribovarin/inteferon comb) - It was all worth it :)

Extreme Liver Support, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Priscilla (Dana Point, CA. USA) on 10/29/2008

What do you mean by "EXTREME LIVER SUPPORT"? Do you remember the exact measurements that you used?

Colloidal Silver, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Curtis (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 10/21/2008

Thank you so very much Ted and Earth Clinic! My experience with hepatitis c remedies is colloidal silver brings the viral count down dramatically, especially when also taking 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide, about in half within a month or two. I don't think Colloidal silver is an actual cure by itself because i took alot for a year and still have the virus.

Presently using 3% hydrogen peroxide in a nasal spray pump bottle- spray it down my throat, I pump it 5x 3-4 x a day and ACV a teaspoon 2x a day. Also use purtitans pride brand liv- a- new with milk thistle. Have had hep c for 25 years with a high viral count of 24 million but liver is not damaged, feel fine. did interferon for a year, it did not work.

Thanks, Curtis

Extreme Liver Support, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carlo (Manila, Philippines) on 09/17/2008


EC: These posts are referring to either 3% hydrogen peroxide found in your local pharmacy, or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide found in certain health food stores or online.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/30/2008 495 posts

Hi Marilyn, Google miracle mineral supplement and pull up the one about "demystifying MMS" for a summary of what it can do. Hepatitis A, B, and C are also mentioned as cured by using MMS.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Marilyn (Miami, FL) on 08/29/2008

I, too, have Hep-C and my doctor recommended Mild Thistle 200 mg at least 2x per day. I am not a consistent user, but do notice a difference in my energy level when I take it. Good luck to all with this insidious disease.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Davey D (Victoria, BC Canada) on 07/30/2008

Hi Ted! I noticed that while reading one of your posts that you did not have an opinion about Milk Thistle because you did not have much info about it. I just wanted to inform you that this product taken twice a day at 4,750mlg has made me feel a whole lot better. Yes I have the dreaded h-c [hepatitis c] and don't like to mention it because people will avoid you. Before going on Milk Thistle after doing a 42 week pegatron therapy I was felling fluish all the time. Since I have been on the Milk Thistle the fluish feeling has all but gone and I feel much more normal.Two thumbs up for Milk Thistle. You will see it recommended on the hep c website. Thank you.
Davey D.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ted (Bangkok) on 01/28/2008 391 posts

Hi! Happy to hear of Hep C cured relatively quickly.

Most of the problems I encountered with Hepatitis Viruses using H2O2 has been trying to stop them within a reasonable time not exceeding a month. The dose used here is somewhat similar to you where I used 10 drops of H2O2 3%, while yours is 3 drops of 35% H2O2, which is more or less a close one) in one glass of water, also usually taken three times a day.

One unreported cures of Hepatitis virus involved using olive leaf extract, zinc and alkalization, although H2O2 was not used.

I have further tried to make it die faster by allowing somewhat more frequent dose since H2O2 is used up relatively quick by the body and it appears the ideal dose to be closer to 5 or 6 times a day as a somewhat more reasonable dose, since a viruses reproduces relatively quickly often within an hour or two after the H2O2 is used up, and hence my penchant for frequent dose, but the amount of H2O2 can be lowered because frequency were increased and may actually be more effective just with lower dose and greater frequency. It is the low, but stable blood H2O2, if it held long enough would completely kill H2O2 senstive viruses relatively quickly. In a case of shingles, the twice hourly application of zinc chloride/magnesium chloride stopped shingles that lasted for months within only a day. Hence the secret to kill most viruses is the frequency of dose to maintain a low, but stable blood H2O2. Once the viral count are low enough stopping absolutely from expanding, the white blood cells will take care of the rest of the remaining viruses. This is why zinc are so important as zinc are helpful for white blood cells creation, while baking soda generally increases the blood oxygen, which will be synergistic with the hepatitis.

However, I also use zinc gluconate (strongly antiviral), usually 50 mg, and magnesium citrate, as well as alkalizing by adding the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the H2O2 drops only in the morning, and adding another 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda only on the last dose of the H2O2 drops that is taken late evening. Vitamin C sodium ascorbate is also important and can be taken usually as this is essential to reduce the excess oxidation from the H2O2 to kill the bacteria making the vitamin C sodium ascorbate synergistic, so the dose was about 1000 mg.

Basically most of hepatitis remedy revolves around mostly getting a more frequent dose of H2O2, zinc, magnesium and vitamin C sodium ascorbate.

In certain instances of a deadly viruses or a viruses which is very disabling virus (noroviruses or ebola viruses) the dose of H2O2 are actually higher a than those of hepatitis due to relative emergencies that is needed, which is about 1 1/2 tablespoon of H2O2 3% in one full glass of water, which amounts to almost 0.5% concentration of H2O2. Usually a single dose would be sufficient to reverse the noroviruses and up to 3 or 4 more might be possible if the viruses are somewhat fatal, such as bird flu viruses, for example. But in those instances a BHT 1000 mg is also used along with vitamin E. In most viruses that are not that bad, the doses are generally lower and more gentle since they are less aggressive than those of noroviruses, ebola viruses or even the bird flu viruses. Generally speaking viruses have a soft spot on hydrogen peroxide, alkalization and zinc when used in combination, most of the problem is focused on dose, frequency and how disabling the viruses can be to the person.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by jim (fairview, misouri) on 01/11/2008

I have heard about colliod silver. read the testimony Susan has given about how she made here own. Could you please look into this for me as I emailed her with no response.. I would like to know how to build my own machine or purchase one to make my own colloid silver. Please help. my levels are very high. and might have to start interferon again. thank you and please write soon.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Carrie (Spokane, Washington) on 04/26/2007

I am just a bit upset over the suggestion that collidal silver is "good to cure" HCV. Yes dead is a cure. Please at this point there are not enough new liver donors. Do not tell poor people to use such stuff.

The best thing anyone can do for HCV is watch and wait your diet ideas are fair but Coffee has now proven to be a protectant for the liver infected with HCV. It has to do with the oils in the bean.

The best thing a person with HCV can do is stop eatting anything that is made with anything other than a whole seed oil that has been cold pressed.

If you must use a oil for cooking do not use the stuff from safeway unless it is special cold pressed. Oh and limit red meats to small amounts and only meat that was not fed anitbiotics or was implanted with a hormone you need to know your rancher if you eat meat. Same with fish do not get "farm rasied" they are using powerful anitbiotics in the ponds.

I could write a book but my big reason for posting here is someone who came here saw those words and thought you are right cause it says Natural. GOD did not make silver water we did... It is NOT o.k. for the sick liver.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Grace (Victoria, BC) on 05/23/2007

I don't know about the use of colloidal silver for Hepatitis, but I don't want to let misinformation about that wonderful product stand without comment. I make my own CS very cheaply and have used it daily for many purposes. It is absolutely best germ fighter that I have ever found. I have ingested it and used it externally for years and I am not dead... nor have I turned blue as other misinformation out there likes to portray.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Susan (Perth, Australia) on 08/05/2007

As a Hep C sufferer I started using colloidal silver when my mother bought me a machine to make it at home. I now drink a cup a day and have done for 2 years now. my energy levels have gone through the roof and I am about to go back to the doctor for another blood test just to make if i still have the disesase ]because I feel so great. Although I am going to try the baking soda remedy because i have had trouble sleeping now for some time.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 03/16/2008

Use of Colloidal Silver may cause Argyria - which means it turns your skin and the whites of your eyes blue, gray or black. Colloidal silver is carcingenous.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Steven (San Antonio, TX) on 03/16/2007

Remedy, HepC On the hepc cures page someone asked about a source of food grade h2o2. Ted says he buys large quantities, I found quart size supplier here: http://www.dfwx.com/h2o2.htm

Also a possible treatment combo using h2o2 coloidal silver mentioned here: http://www.silvermedicine.org/h2o2.html also possibly useful on your boils page. Thanks for all you do!

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