Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by John (Brisbane, Qld Australias) on 06/28/2012

High good people, I was searching on the net for a natural remidy for Hep C, found a blog on vitamins for hep c so thought this might help so went down bought some. I got zinc sulfphate, L-Lysine 500 mg and vitamin C I also have emphysema both diseases have improved out of sight. I take them three times a day. I hope this helps someone. good luck

Posted by B (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 06/04/2011

My husband contracted Hep C in London, England several years ago. I have taken my knowledge of immune system enhancers and natural healthcare, and through consultation with alternative care practitioners to take him from a relatively low viral count to almost nothing, while suffering no side effects. We expect the hep C to be completely gone and will keep you informed. He has been taking a steady dose of 4 Olive Leaf, 6 Curcumin, 2 Lactoferrin, 1 IP6, 2 Bell Lifestyle Stem Cell Activators, 2, 000 Omega 3, 1 N-Actyl-Cysteine, Superfood Greens, multi B vitamins, 2,000 Vitamin C, Kidney detox tea (Bell Lifestyle) - daily. Also, no microwave foods, no coffee, limited dairy, no processed foods, organic foods as much as possible. All the best.
