Posted by Marilyn (Miami, FL) on 08/29/2008
I, too, have Hep-C and my doctor recommended Mild Thistle 200 mg at least 2x per day. I am not a consistent user, but do notice a difference in my energy level when I take it. Good luck to all with this insidious disease.
Milk Thistle
Posted by Davey D (Victoria, BC Canada) on 07/30/2008
Hi Ted! I noticed that while reading one of your posts that you did not have an opinion about Milk Thistle because you did not have much info about it. I just wanted to inform you that this product taken twice a day at 4,750mlg has made me feel a whole lot better. Yes I have the dreaded h-c [hepatitis c] and don't like to mention it because people will avoid you. Before going on Milk Thistle after doing a 42 week pegatron therapy I was felling fluish all the time. Since I have been on the Milk Thistle the fluish feeling has all but gone and I feel much more normal.Two thumbs up for Milk Thistle. You will see it recommended on the hep c website. Thank you.
Davey D.
Davey D.