Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

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Colloidal Silver, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Curtis (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 10/21/2008

Thank you so very much Ted and Earth Clinic! My experience with hepatitis c remedies is colloidal silver brings the viral count down dramatically, especially when also taking 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide, about in half within a month or two. I don't think Colloidal silver is an actual cure by itself because i took alot for a year and still have the virus.

Presently using 3% hydrogen peroxide in a nasal spray pump bottle- spray it down my throat, I pump it 5x 3-4 x a day and ACV a teaspoon 2x a day. Also use purtitans pride brand liv- a- new with milk thistle. Have had hep c for 25 years with a high viral count of 24 million but liver is not damaged, feel fine. did interferon for a year, it did not work.

Thanks, Curtis
