Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

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Posted by Joe (Oregon) on 08/17/2019

Editor's Choice

When I was young about 17 or 18 I was partying hard and had a lot of fun, a little too much if you ask me.

Anyway fast forward to today. I ended up getting hep c virus from doing drugs. I had the virus for about 22 years. I am clean and sober now days but If I had half a brain when was younger well you know. As soon as I found out that I had hep c I gave up drinking, alcohol speeds up the replication of the virus.

I started taking bht 250 mg. Anyway I take it twice a day morning and at night 250 mg for a total of 500 mg.

Started bht in 2017. I started to feel better inside and out. I was able to get up off my couch and do things and was not sleeping my life away. My doctor wanted to check my hcv blood levels.

I just got the results back. quantitative test is 343,000 qualitative was Undetected Doctors usually consider a viral load over 800,000 IU/ml as high. A low viral load would be less than 800,000 IU/ml. If a quantitative test indicates undetectable viral particle levels, but the qualitative test detects HCV, it means that a person has extremely low levels of HCV in the bloodstream.

The numbers are looking very good and I will keep up with my bht treatment. I am not taking anything else but D3 and Calcium and zinc.

I take zinc to boost my immune system. Also I read online that drinking coffee will help your liver function better and it stops the hep c virus from replicating. Also when I feel a cold coming on I take some vitamin c. Almost forgot the most important thing to take, drink lot's of water.

I just wanted to say hang in there everyone.

Posted by Rosa Simone (Brazil) on 04/19/2016

I wanted to thank OSCAR and RE INPHRASE FOR ALL HCV diagnosed ones. I GOT CURED with BHT. I took it for one year. Was reported on 2012... It is 2016 now, and I just did my last exam as as check up. It reports as non detectable until nowadays and I have stopped taking BHT. I wish I could shout for the whole world.

Posted by Laarni (Kuwait) on 03/10/2016

Hi everyone! I just wanna share how bht work on my hcv( hepatitis c virus) I am a Filipina and working here in Kuwait I was diagnosed with hcv last August 25 2015 when I went through the medical exam that support my working visa in Kuwait. I feel down and didn't believe how I got this virus.. I've done my medical exam twice with the same results that I had hcv. From then I start searching online how and what treatment should I do, until I read this bht all about.. But unfortunately I can't find bht in the Philippines so I order online last September 13 2015 and it's from Illinois...I just received it September 30 2015 and start taking it in the morning without taking food, like what I had read..October 28 2015 I decided to do hcv test and the result is negative. Then again I went manila to report in the agency and November 3, 2015 I had the complete medical exam again and the result is just the same. Its non reactive..God is great! And thanks to Oscar! November 11 2015 I left Philippines...and working here in Kuwait..

Posted by Jay (London, England) on 01/15/2016


Sorry for the immense delay in replying. I have had a hectic time in my personal life. I will keep this brief for the moment then post something more detailed if people are interested.

I was diagnosed as HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) about 6 months ago. Since then I have been taking BHT religously. I also adhere to a very strict diet and exercise regimen. I take other supplements too. Today my gastroenterologist informed me that I my HCV test was negative. In other words the viral load is undetectable. He did not pass on any other information than that. Oscar was correct all along. BHT works.


Posted by Shelby (San Francisco, California) on 07/28/2015

Dear Oscar,

I am a petite 115-120 pound woman. I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C type 1a in 2006; my viral load was 1,001,530; AST:53; ALT:99. (I believe I contracted it in 1998.)

On 12/12/2012 my viral load was 5,450,000; AST:45; ALT:99.

On 12/04/2013 my viral load was 8,980,000; AST:45; ALT: 95.

In January 2014 I started taking two BHT 180 mg with ascorbyl palmitate 80mg capsules (BHT Plus) on an empty stomach for a total of 360 mg BHT twice daily (720 mg/day).

On January 9,2015 my viral load was 1,990,000; AST:58; ALT:103.

I am concerned about the form of BHT I take because it contains ascorbyl palmitate which is apparently a fat soluble form of Vitamin C. I'm worried that the antioxidant effects of the ascorbyl palmitate might hamper some of the antiviral effects of the BHT. I take that form because it is the only form of BHT that my health food store and my on-line vitamin company carry.

I ordered a different brand on the internet (from Vitamin Research Products) containing BHT 350 mg, but when I opened the bottle, the strange smell of the capsules scared me. The smell was a strong, unpleasant chemical smell. I don't know if BHT normally has a smell, but the BHT with ascorbyl palmitate has virtually no smell so I stuck with that after smelling the terrible odor of the other brand.

Thank you, Oscar, for the information about BHT. I was so hopeless for so long. Finding your posts in late 2013 brought hope back into my life. By the way, the horrendous Herpes outbreaks I used to suffer have miraculously disappeared since being on the BHT. However, as I said, I still wonder about the efficacy of the product containing ascorbyl palmitate for the Hep C, and I am not sure I am taking the right dose. I am willing to try a different form of the BHT without the ascorbyl palmitate on your recommendation. And, does BHT normally have a strong smell?

Thank you,


Posted by Penny (Chico, California, USA) on 08/26/2014

I took BHT for three weeks in January and then again for the entire months of April and May. I am trying to cure Hep C. In June 2013 my viral load was 1,570,000 and in June 2014 my viral load is 1,000,074. My numbers had been increasing each year since 2006, so this is a great improvement. I didn't take anything but BHT.

Posted by Twodragunns (London, Ontario, Canada) on 05/10/2012

Hello to all, I started doing 2x250 mg caplets of BHT Feb 1, 2012 and have absolutely no side effects and all my Hep C symptoms have completely disappeared!! I'm so happy and feeling fabulous and I'm going for my 1st blood work very shortly. I discovered Oscar's posts on the internet and I feel blessed to have been able to find this great site and Oscar in what seems like "just in time". I was diagnosed with Genotype 1A back in 99 and failed conventional therapy in 4 short months, so I had to do something about this and started searching for a miracle and I finally found it in BHT. I'm so sure that my vl will be very low because every symtom that plagued me for years, tiredness, aching joints, brain fog and others are completely gone!! This is a solid indicator that this dreaded condition is improving very much.

When I get my blood work back I'll post the results ..... So it's been almost 3 1/2 months since I started this treatment and I've been taking pure liquid Sylimarin (Milk Thistle) for inflammation, Sodium Bicarbinate, Apple Cider, Vinegar for my bodies ph rise, and drinking 10-12 oz of Grapefruit juice for the Nangarin which I've learned also helps to penetrate the Lipid Envelope of Hep C. Will report back withing 4-6 weeks with results and thanks to all BHT warriors who are kind enough to share their success stories with us all.

Posted by Fatchabrute (Tucson, Az, Usa) on 03/21/2012

I do not know if my last post posted this is a hard site to minipulate. In any event. I just got my numbers from my Doctors nurse whom I will see in two days. One year ago my viral load was 2110000, I took a test a month ago the lab notifies my Doctor I need to go and get a retest because something happened and they did not have enough plazma to re test, so last week I retested. The new numbers I got from my Doctors nurse today are: 837.930 .. I think that means my viral load is almost non detectable but I do not know for sure until I go friday and ask my Doctor what the numbers mean.

My email is connected anyone wishing to verify with me, be my guest.

BHT works, I hear many skeptics ask for proof, well I am that proof feel free to contact me or post your email and I will contact you. So much being stolen, pharmchem hushing this with doctors and healthcare people. Some ask what are you doing to your body taking BHT. Well, I'll ask them what is interferon and these new drugs doing?. BHT no side effects, zero, zip, nada. 2 caps a day with a glass of water.

Posted by Cm (Wilmington, Nc) on 01/21/2012

Dear Oscar, day 49 of BHT twice a day, not always taken on a empty stomach, but have taken 2 350 doses for 49 days. I do feel my energy level is better. Before starting BHT I would mentally crash mid afternoon or 6 at the latest, I mean just be in a fog. Bowel movements seem better as well.

I am 51 and have probably had Hep C since I was 16, I contacted Hep B then from needles and the Dr.'s could never get my liver levels straight at that point. I believe it was called non A non B Hep. back then. I have stage 3 cirrhosis, did my interferon ribaviron treatment at Duke for a year and it came right back, and was told after liver biopsy that I had stage 3 cirrhosis.

I have a year's supply of BHT, scared big brother will find out and some how stop the availability of it. I HAVE HOPE!!! Fatty food, red meat mainly would ruin me for days and I had a nice steak the other night with no liver pain period. I will check back in and thanks to everyone that post on here. I have gotten so much positive information as well as just knowing there are others in the same situation.

Thanks Oscar!!!


Wilmington NC

Posted by Cm (Wilmington, Nc) on 12/04/2011

No side effects for me from the BHT I am glad to report! On day 4 and am excited to possibly be on to something here. I know I did the interferon and ribaviron for a year with horrible side effects and the virus was back within 2 months! Started the treament again and just could not take it again. So here we go folks, I am for real here and have had Hep C for years, probably got it at the same time I got Hep B which was in 1976 from needles! I would love any feedback from others.


Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/09/2011

I took 200mg capsules of BHT in the morning on an empty stomach with water. I did not mix it with anything else. My blood tested negative for hepatitis C in about 3 weeks and my liver funtion tests BACK TO were normal. I keep taking BHT to keep my blood free of that virus and the others it has been shown to be effective against. It is a proven life extender in mice dosed with BHT by as much as 45% on average. It is usually more like 31% in the many tests that have been done. This is for normal, undiseased mice and rats. There was an extensive article published in PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS about that....Oscar

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/17/2010

I dosed myself with 200mg to 300mg per day with water on an empty stomach, in the morning before breakfast. I went from a definite positive using the hep-C RNA test to a definite negative using this same test in about 1 month and have never had any problem with hepatitis-C ever again. I continued to take it and still do as a prophylactic for a host of viral diseases I don`t want to get. What BHT can treat it can prevent. I never had any problem with any side effects. I cannot say enough about this remarkable compound. It works and fast. BHT is an acronym for butylated hydroxytoluene.

If you want to research it the information is out there on the web. The people discovered BHT`s ability to treat viruses with lipid containing coatings: Person, Snipes, Keith, and Cupp. Their original article appeared in the Journal: SCIENCE volume 188 in 1975. There's my answer to treating hepatitis-C. It is worth mentioning that the AID`s virus has a similar structure, lipid containing envelope.... Oscar
