It's likely to be an hourly Lysine dose and humic acid as an aerosol to breathe in. The humic acid is prepared as an aerosol, a weak solution to breathe in. It kills all kinds of viruses by trapping them. Use just enough as humic acid may accumulate if used excessively if there is long term use exceeding months of use. Still, it's a lifesaver.
I will update the hemorrhagic virus, but there isn't that sort of case in Thailand.
However, there are certain ones that did resemble bleeding which humic acid, lysine and magnesium chloride, 500 mg empty stomach did effectively stopped that. Perhaps it was or was not, but it had the symptoms but was not officially confirmed.
It should be noted that large doses of magnesium are antiviral. Vitamin C also.
If they are taken hourly, this should effectively stop them after 6 doses, but has to be given every 50 minutes not exceeding one hour for each dose, otherwise you just have to start counting again from 1.