Swine Flu
Natural Remedies

H1N1 Flu Treatment

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Olive Leaf and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Maria (Australia) on 08/22/2014

In 2009, age 66 yrs, I contracted a virus on a short plane flight. It was extremely debilitating and kept changing its symptoms. I was too weak and dizzy to leave the house and so it took me a while to go to my doctor. She said that she could see it attached to the roof of my mouth, but that medicine has nothing yet for a virus. After two months it produced the symptoms of Labrynthitis where if I moved -even my eyeballs-the room would spin and I'd vomit.

When I could not keep water down, I called an ambulance in case of dehydration. One medic checked the back of my hand and said no dehydration then they spoke to me from across the room. When my partner told them that he's been nursing me and hadn't caught it, they replied "not yet". Folks I'm convinced that this was Swine Flu. Finally, a friend in another city hearing about my condition rang and said that she had found a cure for virus and to just do exactly as she directed. It worked, so here it is:

1 teaspoon Olive Leaf Extract and 1 teaspoon Colloidal Silver in half cup of water. Drink it straight down. Do Not Repeat! Then make up a full cup of the same and gargle it (don't swallow) over 24 hours.

Guess what? It killed that thing attached to the roof of my mouth-my doctor verified that it was gone- and I soon felt normal. Word spread and I shared this recipe with a lass in her 20s who had the same symptoms and hers was gone in 24 hrs as well!
