Swine Flu
Natural Remedies

H1N1 Flu Treatment

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Homeopathic Remedy, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candee (Brownstown, Mi, USA) on 12/03/2009

Daughter over H1N1 in 24 hours

My daughter came down with H1N1 yesterday. I gave her oscillococcinum about 4pm. I also gave her about 20 minutes later apple cider vinegar (1 tsp mixed with apple cider and water). Not much change at this point.

She woke up at 5am and then at 5:30am I gave her another dose of oscillococcinum and by 8am her fever broke. About 6am I gave her apple cider vinegar and then some more about 7am. I have been giving the oscillo first and then apple cider vinegar about 30 minutes later each time. She is 4 btw. Then around noon her fever cam back some 99.9, not early as high as earlier. I did end up making a dr appt since the fever was coming back, but it was mostly a waste since by the time 2:30pm of her appt she was not longer with those blood shot glassy eyes and wanting to sleep all the time. Her fever was still fairly low 99.6. Now at 5:30pm she is running around acting like her old self. I have been telling everyone to use this combo for the flu!
