Top 5 Remedies for Food Poisoning

Colloidal Silver
Posted by KenValoa Kuki (EC's Facebook Page) on 05/25/2020

is my go to if I have food poisoning:

  • Colloidal silver
  • Aluminium free baking soda
  • Activated charcoal

If i want the Colloidal silver to be more effective, I add 3-6 drops of DMSO with it.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Andy (Bad Axe Mi.) on 05/06/2017

Editor's Choice Worst case of Food poisoning I ever had in my 60 some years. I ate some baby spinach mix that was 4 days old and didn't wash it, silly me. The cramps were terrible, I could hardly breathe without pain. I have been making and taking colloidal silver for 20 years, so the first thing I tried was a swig (aprox 1/2 oz) colloidal silver at 15ppm, no help. Then I tried a couple spoons of cider vinegar in water, about 20 mins after I stopped the dry heaves, I would feel better for 2hrs, get a bit of sleep and wake up with nasty cramps. Tried this 3 times but every time the cramps came back worse. In desperation I made a batch of colloidal silver at 50ppm, I only use this rate for eyedrops and wounds, too strong for daily use, you might turn blue. Two swigs and 20mins later the pain was gone, I was feeling good enough to eat some yogurt and it felt good to eat again.

In my life, one of the most valuable things I've learned is the prudent use of colloidal silver. I started using it because I had Impetigo and although CS didn't cure it, the frequency and intensity of the infection was significantly reduced. I was a smoker when I started taking it, I had a lot of upper respiratory infections, skin infections and always caught whatever was going around. I haven't had the flu in years, seldom catch colds, can't remember when a skin cut got infected. If everyone took this the world would be a better place, the medical profession considers colloidal silver to be quackery and of course it won't cure all infections but the benefits outweigh the risks, sometimes I think they're the quacks.(Present company excepted).

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Marie (Miami, Florida) on 03/06/2015

I must have the worst case of salmonella on earth... took apple cider vinegar for over 24 hrs, it did nothing! Then tried eating a minced garlic clove; barfed it up in under 2 minutes, no relief at all.

But then I remembered (duh) the colloidal silver solution I keep for bronchial issues... the instruction-sheet says you can also take it for food poisoning, 1 teaspoon "every hr if necessary." Took 1 t, instantly tried to barf that up too, but you can't really regurgitate nano-particles, you know? In less than an hour I felt some relief!

Have been taking 1 t every hr (while awake) and it's helping dramatically. I can feel that it's finally killing it off, and I'm finally eating some solid food again.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jennywren (Australia) on 09/17/2013

YEAH. A few hours after eating a dodgy takeaway sandwich, I had a fever and couldn't get off the loo. As the vomiting was about to start, my husband poured 130ml of colloidal silver into a big glass of cold water and told me to chug it down. The vomiting never started, and an hour later the fever and visits to the loo were completely gone. Miracle stuff!
