Take this dose 4 times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed. This eradicates even a stubborn case of Salmonella.
Activated Charcoal
Hi, I have a question. I have food poisoning.
I have the liquid activated charcoal. Asking how many times during the day can it be taken?
Activated Charcoal
Garlic, Oregano Oil
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
- Colloidal silver
- Aluminium free baking soda
- Activated charcoal
If i want the Colloidal silver to be more effective, I add 3-6 drops of DMSO with it.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
I swear by GSE, and now all of my friends & family do, too.
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
I started on Activated Charcoal about 3 days ago. Added ACV and Turmeric yesterday. This is my second day on all and it's still bad. As soon as I get up it starts.
I took 2 T of ACV in the morning straight. (yesterday too)
Then today I've taken (4) caps of Turmeric (500 mg) every hour for the last (3) hours and
(3) caps of Activated Charcoal (280 mg each) every hour for the last (3) hours. These are taken 30 minutes apart. So Turmeric at the top of the hour and Charcoal at the bottom of the hour.
I'm drinking lots of water and the last couple of bowel movements were basically all water.
So, I think it's almost stopped for today, but I need help so it doesn't start up again tomorrow.
PS. I do not have any other symptoms other than the diarrhea.
Activated Charcoal
If all you have is some aging caps or powder, I would assume that "something is better than nothing" and use it, probably adjusting upwards for dosage until I was giving the patient close to 2 grams of th "old stuff" at a time. But also wait about 4 hours between this large dose to avoid getting an impaction... just in case it's more potent than we think. As soon as you can replace the aging bottle and it's contents, the better, obviously. But if it was me or my family suffering and becoming dehydrated and worse - I'd definitely try the aged A.C., vs doing nothing. Worst case it will not work as well or as quickly as fresh product might. But it will help at least until you can get new product. As always, this is not medical advice, just general knowledge about how medications age and loose their potency. IF YOU SEE dehydration, bloody stools, loss of balance, or change in personality, etc., these can be signs of a serious problem and the patient needs to be evaluated by a med team in an OR or Urgent Care setting if possible. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening if not treated. Do not hesitate to take the patient into the ER if you see that the meds are not working and the dumping of liquids continues.
Garlic, Oregano Oil
Garlic, Oregano Oil
As for the rest of this story, good for you. I am glad your daughter, and you, feel better.
Aloe Vera
Oregano Oil
Arsenicum Album 6X
I use Arsenicum Album 6X from the homeopathy section at the healthfood store at the first sign of trouble every hour or so. It not immediate but usually is over with in 8 hours as opposed to 3 days.
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Anyway, I gave her a cap full of vinegar diluted in about 5oz of water. Her moans began to subside within 7 minutes. I came back to read more reviews and went back to her with the activated charcoal capsule. I decided to only give her 1 considering her size and I didn't want to over task her body. Plus, I understood how she could hardly bear to think of putting something in her mouth when her cramps were so severe. So, I told her about this website, as she moaned and groaned in the bathroom. The quicker you take it, the faster you can feel better. Once she got the charcoal in her system she began almost craving the ACV, so I really do think they work well together. Summing up the story, not only did the entire ordeal take her less than 2 hours to feel almost 100%, but she felt well enough to go on her trip. She was eating regular food when I dropped her off (which I wouldn't necessarily suggest), but she felt just that well and confident. This literally happened a few hours ago today, but I'm sure we halted a horrific attack that could have lasted days, and only lasted a couple of hours from start to finish.
I am thankful for every great comment on this site! It literally gave me a sense of calm to respond to her and eradicate this event...nothing short of miraculous. I gave her a few capsules and a bottle of ACV just for good measure.
Colloidal Silver
In my life, one of the most valuable things I've learned is the prudent use of colloidal silver. I started using it because I had Impetigo and although CS didn't cure it, the frequency and intensity of the infection was significantly reduced. I was a smoker when I started taking it, I had a lot of upper respiratory infections, skin infections and always caught whatever was going around. I haven't had the flu in years, seldom catch colds, can't remember when a skin cut got infected. If everyone took this the world would be a better place, the medical profession considers colloidal silver to be quackery and of course it won't cure all infections but the benefits outweigh the risks, sometimes I think they're the quacks.(Present company excepted).
Activated Charcoal
Took 1tsp. Activated Charcoal mixed in water, then 2 T Apple Cider Vinegar with water. Still felt nauseous for ~5 hrs. Took 1 drop peppermint Essential Oil mixed with water a few hrs later. An hour after that, I opened a can of peaches and drank the juice/ate a few a long with taking a strong probiotic from my ND. Now my stomach finally feels empty and I feel ok. I think the peppermint helped move it through and the probiotic is helping too.
Echinacea Tea, Lemon Vinegar
I have undiagnosed symptoms of irritable bowels and go to the bathroom very frequently throughout the day either due to food or stress. I have a few food allergies and am sensitive to many food items. I also get cramps almost daily after eating. I am always trying to look for ways other than staying away from these problematic foods, to stop the pain part of my issue. Therefore, it is very important that I do not consume raw or rare meat, since even rare meat gets me sick.
Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Multiple Remedies
Hey Peeps, this phytoplankton poisoning ain't no joke. In tropical regions, reef fish eat it and then are eaten by predator fish; fish like Tuna(Ahi)! After eating a big piece of fish at a Fourth of July barbecue, I'm not sure I will ever eat fish again. Constant diarehea for two weeks. Uggh.
Research shows that the bigger the fish is, the more poison it can carry. Ciguatera shows up as a neurotoxin in the host, and after ingestion can be stored in our fat cells for an eternity. There is no cure. Immune compromised people will be hit harder and for a longer duration (months or possibly years.) Maybe a dose of activated charcoal early on, could have nipped this in the bud but as it stands, I was a little late to that game. After a week it got worse so I did a couple of days of the charcoal which felt harsh on my system then moved to a regimen of acidophoulis before small meals, a cup of coconut water mixed with aloe vera juice (2tbsp daily) and spirulina mixed into a banana smoothie. Couldn't stomach anything at all the first week. Now all I can handle are breads and fats like cheese and butter. Weird right? Anything acidic is out, no tomato sauce and my fresh pineapple I watched grow for 6 months is now ripe and untouchable.
So prevention is the key. A friend of a friend got the illness from canned tuna. Apparently it doesn't matter how fresh or well cooked it is, even freezing doesn't affect the toxicity of the fish. I normally eat a good amount of Tuna and I think the reason I have never gotten sick before is that I always buy it fresh, myself. My rule is, if it isn't the color of rubies or garnets, don't buy it. At the party I attended, it was dark and I was half way done eating the darn thing before the chef said he had never cooked it before. Politeness got the better of me. Learning the hard way, as per usual.