Top 5 Remedies for Food Poisoning

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angel709 (Saint Louis, Mo) on 06/23/2017

Editor's Choice I'm just resounding all the wonderful information already given. My 13-year old daughter was minutes away from a road trip when she was attacked with what appeared to be food poisoning. I had it last year, so the moans and groans were all too familiar and I just knew, we would both be disappointed all weekend. It was five minutes on the road and she asked to go back home. I brought her back home and looked up other pages until I found this one. Thankfully, I have both ACV and activated charcoal in my home. Sadly, I didn't know about this remedy last year when I lost 5 lbs overnight and felt like I was the star of the Exorcist movie.

Anyway, I gave her a cap full of vinegar diluted in about 5oz of water. Her moans began to subside within 7 minutes. I came back to read more reviews and went back to her with the activated charcoal capsule. I decided to only give her 1 considering her size and I didn't want to over task her body. Plus, I understood how she could hardly bear to think of putting something in her mouth when her cramps were so severe. So, I told her about this website, as she moaned and groaned in the bathroom. The quicker you take it, the faster you can feel better. Once she got the charcoal in her system she began almost craving the ACV, so I really do think they work well together. Summing up the story, not only did the entire ordeal take her less than 2 hours to feel almost 100%, but she felt well enough to go on her trip. She was eating regular food when I dropped her off (which I wouldn't necessarily suggest), but she felt just that well and confident. This literally happened a few hours ago today, but I'm sure we halted a horrific attack that could have lasted days, and only lasted a couple of hours from start to finish.

I am thankful for every great comment on this site! It literally gave me a sense of calm to respond to her and eradicate this event...nothing short of miraculous. I gave her a few capsules and a bottle of ACV just for good measure.

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pamela (Chicago) on 06/19/2015

It was a bad call, but I'd left some unfinished beet juice out overnight by accident. It didn't smell bad, so I thought maybe it would be okay. Drank the rest in one go, even though it was a bit congealed. Shortly thereafter (this was pretty much the only thing I'd had all day), I started to feel sick to my stomach. Symptoms didn't really escalate but I was afraid of it "coming out of both ends." I didn't want to ingest anything else and really wanted to prevent vomiting/diarrhea for obvious reasons, yet also because ... beet juice. If it did come out of both ends, it would be particularly revolting.

Thankfully, I came across this forum and immediately tried the apple cider vinegar diluted with water. Felt a bit better, good enough to go out and buy some activated charcoal capsules (100% of the workers at pharmacies I called were confused about this -- fair enough -- so I located it at a local Fresh Thyme, which is vaguely like a Whole Foods). Took two capsules.

I feel so much better! Thanks for posting this!

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lr (Naperville, Il) on 10/12/2013

Sorry to hear how sick you were :( I've been there. Was so sick with my roomie, for nearly 3 weeks we vomited AND had diarrhea. Good times.

The ascetic acid in the AC Vinegar kills the pathogens that are making you sick. I don't recommend chugging 1/4 cp of it though, as that in itself could make many people sick. Two tbsp is more than enough, and repeating an hour or two later wouldn't hurt.

I'm a huge fan of ACV and know it works but I've picked up some charcoal too for general first aid but thankfully haven't had to try it. I've learned it is able to neutralize the majority of toxins, up to 60% - It is all natural (made from burnt coconut shells) - It has been a staple of poison control centers - It will usually stop a case of food poisoning from progressing. The toxins actually stick to the surface of charcoal like a magnet and stay firmly attached until they are expelled from the body in the feces... [nature is amazing]. Cheers & to good health :)

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julian (Kissimmee, Florida) on 04/17/2013

I am writing this because this is the second time apple cider vinegar has cured my food poisoning. Last night I had chicken and pasta, thought it was delicious. This morning though I woke up around 4:30 feeling nauseous. I went to the bathroom and I threw it up. I mean ALL of it. So I went back to sleep, and woke up again at 6am. I again felt nauseous and proceeded to the bathroom where I gagged and choked until my stomach and intestines were in severe pain and I could barely breathe, but nothing came out. So I drank a glass of water. Went back to sleep, at this point I had bad cramps and was exhausted from waking up multiple times. At 8am I went to the kitchen and threw up again, this time it was the whole glass of water I drank before. Went back to sleep.. And at 1 in the afternoon I woke back up and had some black lipton tea, suggested here on EC to help food poisoning. Less than 30 minutes later I threw that up too, that and some blood. I was so sick of vomiting!! So I came back on EC and looked up more vomiting/food poison remedies and remembered about ACV. I also saw that activated carbon/charcoal works too by absorbing the poisons created by the bacteria. So I went to a health food store and bought 32oz of organic ACV, you already know the brand :D as well as charcoal capsules. Came home and took two capsules of activated carbon and 3 TBSP of ACV. It didn't work right away like most people, maybe because I waited too long.. But anyway within an hour or two (that seemed like eternity), I stopped feeling so nauseous and the cramps subsided. I took ACV and charcoal again a couple hrs later, 2TBSP and 2 capsules of charcoal. By now I figured I couldnt stand up or lay down, or I would get nauseous again. So I just sat slumped over for a couple hrs. And finally gave up because I was so exhausted, so I fell asleep. I woke up again about and hour ago, repeated the concoction of ACV and charcoal, and am feeling better now, except for my killer headache. I am thankful for earthclinic and all the helpful reviews here. And am especially grateful for this liquid gold, apple cider vinegar!!!

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gem620 (Gilbert, Arizona, Usa) on 07/30/2011

I woke up this morning dizzy, nauseous, & sweating. This is the first time I've ever experienced this type of misery. I tried ginger ale & candied ginger with very little relief. I had salmon last night as did my daughter but she feel great. I am so thankful to have found this site and all the great assistance. After suffering for 9 hrs. I decided to drag myself out & but the activated charcoal & apple cider vinegar. I took 2 capsules of the charcoal & took a swig of vinegar, I don't advise this, be sure to dilute with water. I felt worse for a couple hours & then the dizziness, nausea & sweating began to dissipate considerably. I'm so amazed at how much better I feel from just 2 hrs. ago! Thank you so much to all!!

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Colleen (Honolulu, Hawaii, Usa) on 06/05/2011

I began to get food poisoning symptoms on Friday afternoon. I quickly took a Grapefruit Seed Extract pill. It seemed to help as I didn't get the usual painful cramping and the diarrhea seemed to have stopped. I took another pill that evening. The next morning, however, although still no pain, I had the runs. I wondered if there were other natural remedies and found this page. I happened to have some activated charcoal that I bought a few years ago and never tried. I immediately took two capsules. A half hour later I took the vinegar. The runs stopped in about 15-20 minutes! I was able to go out in the evening and eat normally. My stomach would feel queasy, so I continued to take the vinegar in smaller doses every few hours. This morning I'm totally back to normal!

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brandon (Calhoun, Ga) on 01/08/2011

I feel for everyone here, Just had my first experience with food poisoning... Not fun.. Ate some tuna I mixed with some spices and mayo that was left out for about 1-2 hours thinking it was okay to eat about 6-12 hours before I woke up at 3AM. Starting to diarrhea a lot and took some pepto bismol (which I never do because prescription and non-prescription drugs are trash ) But the stomach cramp was just too much for me. Went back to sleep waking up at about 10AM thinking it was just indigestion but from then on till about 6PM I had to diarrhea about about every 30 minutes to an hour, threw up, starting shaking, felt cold, and had SEVERE cramps when I went to the bathroom.

A WORD OF ADVICE TO ALL WITH FOOD POISONING: The activated charcoal I took ( a 256 mg capsule ) at about 3:20PM helped, it made the pain more tolerable and made the cramps and diarrhea less frequent. The apple cider vinegar though, which in total was only about a few gulps worth did the trick! Within a couple hours of sipping on that vinegar I had no more sever cramping when I went to the bathroom, I felt 90% better, had a sore stomach afterwards but a few more sips did away with that! Best of all, I could eat solids again without having to rush to the bathroom. I didnt eat too much though, maybe a couple handfuls because I'm still weak from the experience and didnt want to overdue it.

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Cairns, Australia) on 09/24/2010

Hi, thankyou for your website! My aunt here visiting from Spain, tried a seafood lunch in one of our famous seafood restaurants for lunch (hasn't had anything since)and suddenly this evening starts all the symptoms of foodpoisoning, found your info, and forunately had a good healthy friend just around the corner, with both applecider vinegar and activated charcoal powder (beautiful! ) (well, maybe not the taste... ) my aunt seems to be resting peacefully now, and I thank all the wise ones for knowing and sharing, blessed be...

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Co (Glendale, Az) on 01/06/2010

Hooray to active charcoal pills and ACV!

My teenage son woke me up around 2:00 AM, on a school night with vomitting and the runs. I almost knew instantly that it was food poisoning. It was a local eatery here, not my food, of course! I jumped on-line, saw this site and viewed all of the stories for active charcoal and ACV. He took two charcoal pills and two tablespoons of ACV, followed with a Sprite to kill some of the taste. He hasn't thrown up for four hours now, and only one rush to the toilet. He's been asleep now for two hours! This works! Hope it works for you too!

Activated Charcoal, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Neilmorbs (Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, UK) on 07/18/2009

~I recently had a nasty bout of food poisoning caused by some barbequed chicken (never leave chicken out of the fridge, even for an hour). I had fever, diarrhea, vomiting and horrible stomach cramps. It was only 4 days in that i discovered this website and i tried Activated Charcoal tablets and Cider Vinegar tablets from the local health food shop.

The charcoal was the first one i tried and within 10 minutes i found the cramps had eased considerably. I could even start to eat.

Later, when they returned I tried the Cider Vinegar and again 10 minutes wa all it took.

Overall I found them equally effective and I am using both in the final stages of the illness.

Thanks for all the great advice... I'll be using this site much more often!
