Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis Relief: Safe & Effective

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Donnna64 (TX) on 07/27/2023


Having a flare up. I had two days worth of Levoflaxin and several days of Metronozole leftover from last bout. The Metro makes me dizzy and I already have vertigo, so I only take it twice daily instead of three times. I added aloe capsules, slippery elm, Irish Moss and Oregano oil. My doc office hasn't called back with more antibiotics, and I really don't want to go that route so I'm good at this point.

One question I have is that I recently started eating walnuts for anti-parasite properties. Is there a liquid form of walnuts? Nuts do not generally cause me gut issues. I eat Brazil nuts most days, but when I'm in an active flareup, I try to avoid.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok, U.s.a.) on 10/24/2011

I tried a lot of these remedies. As for the Grapeseed Extract, I read that it could cause problems, but my other thought is, if it kills bacteria, then it could kill all the good bacteria too. I could be wrong.

What someone told me to do, as she had, is to take Paul D'Arco tea 3 cups a day and to take probiotics. I failed miserably on drinking the tea 3 times a day, but I took a lot of probiotics, and it helped. Then I had one small pain in my colon, and I didn't know what to do about that. It dawned on me that it could be gas, so I took some charcoal capsules, and it went away.

I am still drinking noni juice in case it can heal the pouch I have. But I also plan on buying some papaya tablets, but I am drinking the juice.

Personally, I think it was the probiotics that helped most.
