A product with 14 sprouted seeds, grains and legumes organic flax and chia seeds has been my lifesaver. I put a scoop on my oatmeal every morning along with blueberries and I have no more problems with diverticulitis. I also drink plenty of water.
I have had two flare ups of diverticulitis. After the second one, I was so afraid I was going to get cancer. I started taking Metamucil. The directions say to take it three times a day. I have been doing this and have had no problems like before.
I had an acute diverticulitis in 2004 and was admitted to ICU for 3 days while teaching at Baldwin Wallace College in a Summer music camp 2 hours away from home. I could have died if a colleague didn't find me fainted with shock from losing so much blood (5 bags of blood transfusion) in ladies restroom.
I was lucky the doctor only cut many polyps along my colon and didn't perform surgery on me, but seriously warned me if this happens again, he would cut my colon out!! Fearfully I came home and watch my fiber intake on a daily basis. Make sure we all take sufficient fiber everyday, but watch the liquid intake as well to prevent the fiber from getting stuck in your intestines! Fiber, fiber, tasteless fiber, you are my lifesaver!!