Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis Relief: Safe & Effective

Dietary Changes
Posted by gdeal (Indiana) on 08/02/2019

I have been thru the ringer on GI issues top to bottom. I literally hit the floor one day and couldn't walk. I had five abscesses, Peritonitis, sepsis etc. lived on antibiotics before five surgeries in a row. I had 18 inches of my colon removed and an iliostomy for awhile. I am alive but the antibiotics caused permanent tendon damage. No more surgeries or antibiotics for me!!! Some things I do for my digestion instead of scripts... drink lemon water before eating it alkalizes the stomach, great for acid reflux. I only drink distilled or reverse osmosis water. For inflammation, I make fresh ginger juice and add a bit to a 'lemon shake-up'. The lemon masks the ginger taste and has lots of vit. C.... Add more ginger for constipation, it will work better and faster than any medicine. I also take magnesium daily. My surgeon said eat nuts and such just do not get constipated ever. The ginger/lemon shake up is the best I have found. You could probably add the other remedies I read on here to the shake up. Especially the ones that do not taste good like aloe, grapefruitSE, Noni. For the shake-up honey is recommended, I use agave because i do not like honey and lemon & it mixes easily. Fresh lemon juice, water & for the ginger juice-I grind up the root with water, strain the ginger back out, freeze into ice cubes. I use one cube in a drink or more if constipated. They do sell lemon/ginger juice at the store but it is potent tasting.
