Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis Relief: Safe & Effective

Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Posted by Momto2 (Mn) on 03/30/2014

I was diagnosed in 2010 with diverticulitis. In 2011 I had a flare up and was told (by a separate doctor that had diagnosed me) that flare ups should not be happening, and if I had another it meant surgery. Well, that scared the life out of me so in 2013 when I had another flare up I saw yet another doctor. She also mentioned surgery. All 3 times I had the Cipro/Flagyl combo and hated the way they made me feel and the metallic taste. I had my 4th flare start last week and was adamant not to see a doctor nor hear the word "surgery". I started to research to see what my alternatives were and came upon this site. After reading about Aloe and Papaya I decided I would try that and if it didn't work I would (reluctantly) make an appointment to go in.

I bought Aloe Vera caps and Papaya with Mint; within one day I was already seeing improvement and now I am on my third day and although I know I am not 100% feeling better, I am 100% certain I will not be going to see a doctor to get antibiotics. I am thrilled beyond belief and so thankful to have found the feedback I found on this site.

I am going to stay on a daily regimen of Aloe Vera to see if I can remain free of attacks, but glad to know I have alternatives to antibiotics.

Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Posted by Michele (Alachua, Florida) on 08/06/2012

Have had diverticulitus for years... Just didn't know what it was! Often getting "that pain in the left side", etc. The last couple of year on and off, waking up around 2:30 am with the pain and not being able to sleep again till 6:00. Did several cleanses which would clear out the colon; that helped temporarily; of course stayed away from nuts, seeds, etc. Also took aloe gel (whole leaf, inner filet, organic). It really didn't seem to help. But after reading this post decided to try aloe capsules a friend had used with success. I've only used them for 2 days now but, Wow! I'm very happy with the results... My pain is entirely gone! V Vegetarain

Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Posted by Pmc (Clarkston, Washington, Us) on 11/07/2011

We had very excellent results after just the first dose of Aloe era juice and papaya pills for my husband's diverticulosis/diverticulitis. Much quicker than antibiotics. He looks and feels good as new and has added this to his prevention regimen. Love finding this website!

Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Posted by Rilo B. (Crescent City, Ca ) on 06/01/2011

Editor's Choice I got diverticulitis after I introduced elk meat into my diet ( elk meat is very lean) while living in Montana one spring 10 yrs ago. That summer went I on a camping trip(to oregon) and took elk jerky, a 5 pound bag of almonds and in the mornings would pick wild blackberries and eat almonds and jerky thru the day, within a week started getting pains and ended up in the ER , ( no help @ ER- gave me maalox).

Desperate for relief I visited a healthfood store in Brookings, OR and the kind store owner, (after asking me what I had been eating) quickly told me that the combination of elk, berries &almonds was causing diverticulitis. She then brought a tall bottle of Aloe Vera juice, some papaya juice & papaya tablets and told me to just start drinking the Aloe and to eat papaya tablets before each meal from now on - was cured within a few days. Free advice that saved me from more useless Dr. appts. and a lifetime of recurring problems.

I was really saddened when I met people who had had sometimes 5 surgeries for diverticulitis in Montana where elk is plentiful after that.... Once again -another example of medical community failing to help with something as simple as Aloe Vera juice & papaya for this awful, painful & sometimes life threatening condition. Even though I would tell people about this simple solution... They opted for believing their Dr.s advice that they needed surgery - after all Dr.s being a gift from God and all, win some, lose some "wisdom never lies" -Homer... Now I always check earthclinic before making a Dr. appt. to see if I can heal myself.
