I bought Aloe Vera caps and Papaya with Mint; within one day I was already seeing improvement and now I am on my third day and although I know I am not 100% feeling better, I am 100% certain I will not be going to see a doctor to get antibiotics. I am thrilled beyond belief and so thankful to have found the feedback I found on this site.
I am going to stay on a daily regimen of Aloe Vera to see if I can remain free of attacks, but glad to know I have alternatives to antibiotics.
Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Desperate for relief I visited a healthfood store in Brookings, OR and the kind store owner, (after asking me what I had been eating) quickly told me that the combination of elk, berries &almonds was causing diverticulitis. She then brought a tall bottle of Aloe Vera juice, some papaya juice & papaya tablets and told me to just start drinking the Aloe and to eat papaya tablets before each meal from now on - was cured within a few days. Free advice that saved me from more useless Dr. appts. and a lifetime of recurring problems.
I was really saddened when I met people who had had sometimes 5 surgeries for diverticulitis in Montana where elk is plentiful after that.... Once again -another example of medical community failing to help with something as simple as Aloe Vera juice & papaya for this awful, painful & sometimes life threatening condition. Even though I would tell people about this simple solution... They opted for believing their Dr.s advice that they needed surgery - after all Dr.s being a gift from God and all, win some, lose some "wisdom never lies" -Homer... Now I always check earthclinic before making a Dr. appt. to see if I can heal myself.