Best Natural Detox Remedies for Holistic Wellness

Essiac Tea
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 12/02/2014

Namaste, Mama to Many ----

This is a follow up on my Essiac herx reaction. I persevered with the dosage and came across a version much more diluted and authorized by Reene Caisse. I started with half tsp. and today I am using the regular decoction, using one ounce of the herb to two ounces of hot water without problems.

But before that while trying to find the right dosage for myself, I had twice such a reaction that I was horizontal for about ten days, doing only the most necessary chores. No desire for food and tremendous pain in my bones, especially the rib cage.

When I came out of it, I looked at my body, arms and legs like sticks and clothes hanging on that frame. But I am recovering. I have such faith in this herbal remedy. But my previous years' attempts to get somewhere with Essiac imitations did nothing for me. Hence the surprising Essiac reaction which was, however, unusual. I will use it over the year but with breaks. What a God given remedy. I remember the power of these herbs surging through my body.

I am supplementing with Milk Thistle for liver detox report. All is well now. It takes some persevering on the journey to good health.

Namaste, Om

Essiac Tea
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 08/05/2014

Dear Mama to Many ---- both you and I are into herbs and perhaps you could give me your opinion for my present state of affairs which comprise detoxing with ESSIAC, obtained from Essiac West online.

This is the first time I have the original Four Herb with all the roots in powder form. Prior to it I thought I was detoxing with other non original essiac products. Of course it did not do anything.

Guess what! After three days now I feel I have gone through the mill with nausea, griping, gagging etc. to such extent I became concerned. I had only used one ounce of the herb once at night. Well, it felt like an assault on the open front. I often have a message of an herb when I use it the first time. True enough, this message was lengthy:

The herb coursed through my entire torso, staying there a while, then moving to the next organ and so on. So it was the liver, the stomach, intestines, breasts, the skull, lungs, throat. And it worked there with powerful means I had never before experienced. Intuitively I knew this was way too powerful for my body to cope with and I did not take the herb the next night. But at five the next morning the works started so that I was trembling bending over and clutching my vitals. Instead the previous day where the effects ceased at about eleven in the morning, this day it lasted all day into the evening. At least it did not affect my sleep. Today, on the third day, I feel clear in the head and well but weak.

I phoned Essiac West and they said they had not heard this before and advised to take ginger tea for the nausea and to drink a lot of water. My plan is to wait a day as today is pretty normal, and to start drop wise till a tsp. and so on with a day's interruption till reaching half an ounce. I can well believe over detoxing can kill. It has nothing to do with Essiac herbs per se but with one's personal constitution. My body perspires well.

My one problem is with mercury amalgams. I think I have three. There is no way I can pay thousands for removal and implants with their attendant problems. Which is another unpleasant reality these days. I thought to use green algae for chelation and not to give up OP. I had a metallic taste in the mouth which made me alert.

Can I have your side of thought on this? I greatly believe in the beneficial effects of Essiac. The US gov't pulled on authentic business into court for having issued testimonies of Essiac users. They are impressive as I have seen them. They were told "you cannot do this" and closed their business. Where is the law prohibiting this? The times we live in and where I agree with Ol Henry.

Hope to hear from you. Namaste, Om
