Best Natural Detox Remedies for Holistic Wellness

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/24/2011

I buy a huge bottle of green tea with ginseng & honey, I also gargle with salt, tea tree oil and warm water, it had to be a snap choice as my mouth felt and tasted like a cotton ball riding a garbage truck, my food tasted bad or no taste at all.

I also take cell food and colloidal silver, I'm hoping whatever I am doing is slowly working.

I read where most wheat has mycosis which is mold, chickens eat a lot of this and get mycosis then we eat chickens, maybe a lot of other animals as well.

I also plan on trying Ted's remedies. I need all the help I can get. I hope to start a program like Montel's program of juicing my own veggies/fruits etc. I have been doing whatever is easy or quick, I gave up red meat where I cheated last week an got a negative feeling body wise.

so I hope to keep trying. I know there is hope & keep trying.Thanks/Peace"
