Best Natural Detox Remedies for Holistic Wellness

Detoxing From Barium Poisoning
Posted by Davye (San Diego, Ca) on 07/03/2012

Thank you Muslim from Oslo, Norway. I started taking the Epsom salt 1/2 tsp in water I'm also taking the Magnesium, Calcium and chlorella My dr gave me a Kenlog shot to stop the symptoms however I requested half the dose I'm still having a racing heart off and on everyday since I had the barium swallow test, which was seven days ago. It seems unreal that Barium could stay in the body this long, but anything is likely. One has to wonder it the radiation exposure damaged the thyroid but I'm praying that it is just toxic effect from barium long. l faithfully continue the Espsom salt and see what happens.

Detoxing From Barium Poisoning
Posted by Muslim (Oslo, Norway) on 06/29/2012

Hi dayve sorry to hear your story about your health problems. I am not a doctor or any such and especially since I have not seen you I cant diagnose you. But if you want to detox barium I can give you a serious advice. You can use epsom salt especially the sulfur part of epsom salt reacts extremely with barium and detoxes it. Magnesium and Calcium also both hinder it to be absorbed into the nerves and bones since it is a aniagonist to calcium and magnesium also I think. What I recomend you to get some epsom salt powder and/or magnesium calcium tablets 2:1 and maybe chlorella could also be helping. Certain herbs are also blood purifying but I dont know any which chelate barium. Trust me epsom salt is a guarantee detoxing barium. I advice you also to read more about barium at wikipedia to know what you are handling with.
