Best Natural Detox Remedies for Holistic Wellness

Detoxing From Arsenic
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/01/2011

Hi Rebel... There is an easy way to detox arsenic. Much has already been said on the usefulness of Sodium Thiosulfate(ST) on this site for detoxing heavy metals. But ST is also used by the medical profession to help recover people suffering from both cyanide and arsenic poisoning by removing these substances from the body safely. You can buy this online or you can simply go to an aquatics shop and buy the ST there(where I got my ST). Usually it is sold as a 10% solution and is mainly used to remove chlorine from fish tanks because chlorine is highly poisonous to fish. The dosage is 8 to 10 drops in a glass of water(half this dose for children). ST is tasteless and easy take. But when you take ST for the first time it is likely that you will have diarrhea initially -- but this is only due to the ST flushing out heavy metals initially from your intestines and this normally only ever happens once -- it depends on the extent of heavy metals absorption in your body at the time. When I first took ST, I never had diarrhea so it doesn't always happen.

My own detox strategy, since I regard buying organic food as impossible where I am living now, is therefore completely defensive and preventative. So it becomes necessary for me to detox myself continuously against heavy metals, halogens, pesticides and all the rest. For this I simply use alkalizing, lugol's iodine, ST, Vitamin C and fulvic/humic acid as my basic strategy and I also support my liver(which is the main detoxing organ of the body) and kidneys using Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk thistle and Chanca Piedra. This liver support greatly stimulates Glutathione production in the liver, which aids in detoxing and purifying the blood. I also alkalize regularly and drink green tea quite often and I eat cilantro in salads several times a week which all helps to remove heavy metals and helps to balance calcium in the body.
