I agree with so many of the people that have posted their stories about Cellulitis on this site. Earth Clinic is a wonderful site to help people get rid of Cellulitis without antibiotics, which are becoming a real problem with the overuse of them. The first time I had Cellulitis I had to go to the doctor because I did not have a clue what was wrong with my lower leg. It was very warm to the touch, painful, swollen, and red. Doc put me on antibiotics and it was gone. It is very important if you have it on the leg or arms to elevate your leg or arm higher than your heart.
Well little did I know that after I had it the first time I got it a second time very soon. The cause of it was that I have athletes foot/eczema on both feet. They are red on the soles and I am so sure it is the moccasin type because skin is thick, dry, and cracks so bacteria can get in. Prescription drugs, creams, etc. did not take care of my athlete's foot. I was at a dermatologist and my regular doctor. Dermatologist told me to buy over the counter athlete's foot cream and creams for the eczema after I was done with her prescription drugs. I did just that and nothing helped my feet. I have spent hundreds of dollars just trying to find something that works. Athletes foot is a known cause of Cellulitis.
In Dec 2013 by chance I stopped in at a holistic health center and with luck was able to talk to the main person there for 10 minutes and I told her my problem. She looked at my hands that have some eczema on, and in one second she said I can tell you right now that no creams will cure your foot problem because you have "CANDIDA" and that is causing your athletes foot and eczema.
She said no dairy, no sugars, and I must go gluten free. Well I started the diet half way till after Christmas was over. I went on the diet as strict as I could and my feet got better. She wants me to drink 3 quarts of water a day (room temp and put lemon slices in it) The day I went to see her in Dec I had cellulitis than, as I have it right now, but it is getting better. I am taking turmeric, Vitamin C, Echinacea, and garlic pills. I also put very warm water on my leg when taking a shower or I use washcloth that I run hot water on. I also have a stocking on now that is half way a compression stocking. I put tea tree oil on my leg with a cotton swab. Now I have had cellulitis several times and got rid of it using these methods. I only had to use antibiotics the first time. I check my leg everyday and the minute I find a reddened sore spot I hit the Cellulitis treatment and I am able to get rid of it. If you have a bad case I would see your doctor because I have seen some pictures of really some bad looking open wounds on legs that have Cellulitis. You would need medical treatment then.
My feet are getting better and better, but I am not home free yet so I got a small crack in my foot and that is why the Cellulitis comes back. If I was totally and 100% strict on the diet maybe my athletes foot would be totally gone. I have had the problem for 3 years now so I can't expect it to be gone quickly. I understand it takes some people 6 months or more to get rid of the athletes foot. The last few days I have really been strict on the diet, and as a bonus I am losing weight. I am going to get rid of this pesty athletes foot/eczema one way or the other.
Two days ago my husband asked me if I ever tried glycerin to make my dry cracked feet softer and I said no. I read up on glycerin on the internet and went right out to buy some. I am soaking my feet now every day in ACV and then putting athletes foot cream and glycerin on. I only have been doing it for two days now so it is to soon to tell if it will help. Glycerin is good for many rashes.
For my Candida the gal has me taking Candex, 2 pills twice a day and a proboidic pill in the evening. My question is , will I ever get rid of the Candida? It all ties together with my athletes foot and Cellulitis. I bet your site has some goods posts on it, (Candida) which I will read tomorrow. I only found this wonderful site today.
Hope my post will help somebody suffering right now like I have been the last three years. And by the way, since I have Cellulitis right now I take the chair cushion from the living room and two other sturdy pillows under it to prop my leg every night when I sleep and it is amazing how use to it I am and can sleep very well. Good Luck