Natural Treatments for Cellulitis

Bread and Milk Poultice
Posted by Jazz A (Chicago, IL) on 09/25/2023

@TINA, I've used a number of poultices in my life (so useful! ) and can tell you that one of the easiest ways to keep them on a large body part like a foot or hand is plastic wrap. I like to add the poultice to the area, wrap it gently in plastic wrap like a plaster cast for broken bones. Then I'll put my whole foot/hand in a bag (bread bags work fantastically! ) and secure the whole thing by wearing an extra large tube sock pulled all the way up. If you fear that the liquid will come out of the top, you can secure the top even more with an ace bandage. (If you can't buy/find/afford ace bandages, cut up an old clean t-shirt or a pair of leggings into 3 inch wide strips of fabric for a thrifty alternative to a medical wrap. I secure mine with safety pins.). Just be sure not to cut off your circulation! Everything should be slightly loose to allow blood flow.

Bread and Milk Poultice
Posted by baddiver (Wisconsin) on 05/16/2023

Editor's Choice Bread and Milk Poultice for Cellulitis

I got an infection in my left foot. Didn't realize it was cellulitis at first. Treated with hot compresses, betadine, garlic and honey. It continued to get worse. I then got it in my right foot and found out it was cellulitis. I can't take antibiotics so started searching for ideas. I remembered a poultice that helped with a spider bite that was potato based and searched for poultices. I ran across the bread and milk poultice and it just seemed worth a try. I packed both feet overnight with the bread and milk poultice and saw 80% improvement overnight. The right foot which had just became infected resolved in 2 days. The left foot took about 4 days of the poultice every night but has resolved completely. My wife who is an RN who has treated many patients with cellulitis was amazed at the results. You warm milk up to below scalding then add white bread to make the poultice.
