Natural Bed Bug Remedies: Homemade Sprays & Bite Treatments

Talcum Powder

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Charles (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/11/2013

For small ants or mites, or other things that itch in bed talcum powder seems effective as have used it for years. Always have a small bottle when travelling throughout Asia and always comes up trumps when the critters are out to bite. Not every night but quite frequent in my experience.

Wintergreen Alcohol

Posted by Brannon Hollis (Chicago, Il) on 11/28/2010

After reading your posting regarding wintergreen alcohol, I use what I had left over to spray on the every part of the bed and letting it dry. It works!! Also, to it up used the Lysol deinfectant spray as a backup we shall see...

Replied by Richie
(San Jose, Ca)

I have a great way to avoid bites on your bed at night while you deal with thier eviction.

Think of your bed as an island. First make sure it is clear of bugs (those white covers for box springs and mattresses work nice. Need to be brand new! ).

Okay, place a tupperware container under each leg/post and have it filled (at least half way) with water. Done! They cannot get to you at night. I have many in my room, but none "walk" across my island "moat". Works nice.

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