Thanks for this simple exercise. I just did it (I have minor back aches this morning), and I felt both hips pop, just like when I'm at the chiropractor. I stretched back and forth on my back, from side to side, stretching one leg and then the other with my arms over my head. It seems to help!
I'd like to share a stretch exercise that has helped me relieve pain and stiffness after herniated dics in lower back. Note that this has worked some time after the injury, when the disc is not as painful, but you still feel joints being stuck and pulling on muscles. I lie on the floor on a mat or even surface and position my legs like a scissors (you can stretch to the extent the you feel comfortable but still feel some pressure) and then stretch my arms behind my head creating a pull away from the hip joints, which then crack and release the stiffness. I do it several times a day, morning and evening, especially after sitting for extended periods of time and it has helped me better than physical therapy. It's kind of like cracking your fingers but on larger joints.
Thanks for your post. I should have mentioned in my earlier post today on hyaluronic acid (HA) that yes stretching I believe has helped me far more than chiropactors and certainly far more than the medical establishment, still paying the multi thousands I was charged by hospital and several "specialists" for xrays 18 months ago. It's ungodly the abuse we suffer at the hands... well, I'll get back to the subject.
Anyway, I designed several back exercises, for lower disc, the L discs bulge, that don't require my laying on floor or even bed. I stand at the V of my kitchen counter, settling my weight on hands and arms, and while completely relaxing my back and leg, dangle the leg back and forth for a minute or so, both legs. Then I bend knee and dangle another minute or so both legs. When I do this, feeling and warmth RUSH all the way down legs and to sole of foot. I do this every time I enter the kitchen, several times a day so that at the end of the day I've put in five to ten minutes total. Doing just before bedtime also helps you sleep better.
I'd be interested in trying your exercises also. Thanks for posting.
I have found that the best way to relieve lower back pain is to do early morning stretching. After one week of this simple exercise, lower back pain is gone:
1. Start by lying flat on your back on the floor or a hard flat surface.
2. Lift your right knee up and forward touching your chin or moving the knee as close as possible to the chin.
3. Hold you right knee up to your chin with both hands and stay in that position for at least 15 seconds.
4. Do the same thing with the left knee back and forth for about 20 minutes.
5. Relax the body and the lower back pain will be gone in a few days.
Blessings to you!
The Lord is having me write a book on natural cures. I suffered with lower back pain for over 30 years. This was unnecessary suffering and occurred because I didn't know what I am about to tell you. Have you ever seen children with lower back pain? I haven't. Therefore, lower back pain is life-style induced, meaning the muscles that we used constantly in our youth simply atrophy and then one day our back goes out. We take pills or go to a chiropractor for relief. Chiropractors do a great job but if you spend about 5 minutes a day doing stretching exercises your back pain will vanish forever, unless you have a catastrophic injury. On the floor with a mat or on your bed you can do these exercises. Pull your knee to your chest, hold for ten seconds, then release. Repeat with the other knee. Next grab your leg above the knee and point your toes toward the ceiling, stretching your hamstring. Follow with the other hamstring. Doing your hamstrings is probably the most iomportant exercise in protecting your back. Next, pull both your knees together to your chest. Next, get on your hands and knees and do the catback, pulling your chin into your chest and arching your back like a cat. Next, lie on your stomach and act like your a sky-diver raising your arms and legs simultaneously. Next, get a chair and put both of your feet on the outside of the legs. Take both hands together and touch the floor with your fingertips next to your heel. Repeat with the other heel. Finally do some crunches-start off with 10 and increase to how many that you feel like doing Remember for all the exercises, except for the crunches, that you should hold each stretch for 10 seconds. All this takes about 5 minutes to do and if you do them faithfully you will find that your back pain will vanish. Praise The Lord! Once your back feels normal continue to do the exercises at least every other day for the rest of your life, or the same weaknesses will reappear and you will be back where you started.